lir(ja. January 22, 192V he Diamond leed Never Be lid Fashioned ve lous atones never wear out. he ''"ties richest in anxocia- , . iinlii'nlif , mftilniMt 1 ir KurprislnRly little money, i may have the stones of an old luuned Jewel mounted In an ex- . He new Betting that will en- hrs the beauty of the gem many L us show you the latest. fiFAVliLLLKo ' ? you uoulo laTEPV 3 ' $ no I Itiif TnDF Wlfli THF ClnCH Wlllb " . . aiiv segment of the Spine j n tlx ott g ra iIcmIvt. lieCnlrofraclOf fAt , . "" b w d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CIIIKOPItACTOK fl'alho-Nf urometer Service. Open Evening itooms C K 7, Kxchnnse I Hock Phone C91 I rftiil H0CBIH0U3 wjT I Hfc AuHY-Loc UUk A it AA1 IN , t-r. W 4? Y ur home - a t a tlc which Uuards things you -asure most -your family (.i health and hnppinees, -u know the necessity of a good warm coal fire to . ri that home healthy and V family fit. We know too. jat's why we give you the a coal that's mined. NAN A I. MO WELLINGTON and Mcl.EOI) KIVKU SOOTLKSS Albert & McCaffery Phones lift and 117 Closing : Out SALE NOW IN FULL SWIN Many Itnrgnlns In COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT Ladlrs lteadyto.Wear Tlilrd Ave. Vhon fll George rorie viiAHTKUKl) ACCOUNT-ANT AND AUDITOR I'lion sav Merond Aieniie West, 1'rixee ltiitert work. Waterfront Whiffs Preparations for the. opening of halibut season preparing to reduce herring activities at Seattle Capt." J9hn Orvlk' Is expected about the middle of next week from the south with his new 65 foot halibut schooner, Iielsac. which be had built during the winter by the Harbour Sslpbulldlng Co. at Vancouver. He was to have beea iiMtin: thiimas r.XPi:cm:i Capt. AlfrM. Swanson returned to tin JM "w ,it'a cMy on Wednesday atUr a brief business the mum of the loquaetou. Jlmmie up lnculKl ,t Vancouver, Thomas from Vletoru. Jlrnmie. ho yictorU. Saauie and Portland. Op went south to the fall to In engage ;.utrd lhlt lhCTe wm Vj0 furthtr dt. chum packlsg with the Vlner off the ' mtMt ,n (t) regotUtlotu for the VAx" Iand. has been purehMe of tbe Rupm noat THE HANKHUPTCY ACT. in tin: i:tati: or m:itv mmniT. tnlliurrrrl tltmf. House and Its roulpment by the Van couver Oredgmg & Salvage Co. An of-lT bad been made by the southern concern, he stated, but no penny-ante WULt is IICTM.DT uivui "Mfcihrt hrin, . thow.Hnwn for this WHI ' 1-dOwn lor WIS M.nrv RotHrti at th tawn of Port'6'1 I Clements, In the Province of British Col- ' -well eetabHshed and prospering local uinoia. ou on ine iw aay u jiiij. concern. Itt!7. make an authorUed asatgnmeat of all hi property for the benefit of hla .... -redilor. a&d lhat II. P MacLeod. Eso,.. C C. ki:T( III M I.TI. ii'rTthOT.rbto? ' until the tint mtcttnt of crtdttors. jaottneed Incorporation of the firm of i,i7;CiMi Wth day of January. mae r.n au- i.m ! IIIM.KIII AMI I M. thnHrrf uilimmrnt nf .11 til nmnertv TAKE NOTICE that Robert H 'fo, th. benefit of his creditors, and Cum whose address Is ltlft Sth Ave. th4t ,, r xiscLeod. Esq.. Official Re-j Wt. Vancouver. B.C.. will tpply for a ,ctlTer .ppoiuted me to be cuaiodian TH3 DAILY KET73 PAGE FIVE sailed on Thursday morning to make regular visit to Triple, Lawyer rod Lan-'gar Island lighthouse. The vessel m , due back thl week-end, . on her ar-j rival, the amaller tender Blrnie will be i withdrawn at Dlgtoy Island for her an-'nual fortnlght'e tie-up during which .time Capt. Joe Peterson and hli men mill have the opportunity of forgetting toll by standing under the white light lor basking before the family hearth a .!. ... . , . . ; their respective Inclinations may dictate The cold snap this week was causing ome delay In prepara-' tions for the forthcoming halibut season at least as far as outside i Word mm.m rMlvd at Part fir Fihr. work was concerned and the machine shops and outfitting' place ies headquarters this reek that the jalong the waterfront were anticipating a rush of business as soon ,jP"ir manager, i as the weather ameliorated. With the opening of the season. Febru- s wife, had Charlie Starr, with his cone on from Seattle ary 15, now little more than three weeks distant. Cow Day and the!10 California to complete their annual other mooring places or the staunch little fishing vessels wllr pre-'nol!a3r' " wname win ne sently take on an air of busy activity what with the final touching return,n 10 du,r htn toward th tn4 up with the paint brush and going over the gadgits. Already the netj0' nMt monlh' loits and other winter' I storing places see r - V() in ' idciNt; ' yet ' the boys busy on gear making ndjw,nUr,. . th. Dlu. Clt1. M(1 nowl meodmg and other such preliminary!,. ..-.. Jrth . " ' . l " . " W iUl aWMV WW UJ1UCI guiug having been safely launched Into the (overhaul preparatory to initiating the sea of legislative affairs once mote, reduction of herring here about the Jlmmle's friends believe thst his fancies 1 middle of February. The aelner Azurlte. wilt be lightly turning to thoughta of I capt Ole Bkog, has been engaged to tprtng and home. cstch the herring and. If the possibili Pete Anderson and his crew are ructions at the covernment wharf here this week but was delayed In wntre tney nftf, pu,Ie, tjw decSJnjl leaving the southern port. Member. ,n Xront ef lhe FU. of the crew which will man the vessel houM, preparatory to re- busy getting gear ready at the Edward Lipsetl store. The halibut sehoonm Cape Deale. Capt. Edgar Arnott, and rrojjrltjr A, Capt. Andy Christiansen, which nave ha been assisting In pulling out the old Umbers, The PJI.DJ1. powerboat Pabrna. Capt Paul Armour, left on Thursday .for Kltkatla. haviiu on board Indian been In Vancouver far tke winter, will Agww w E. wbo WM to otUe. be leaving the aowUiem metropolwi ,aU lt u,e AumM urn of councU-about January rt for Prtoee Rupert ln!lo tM ,h, t. k, time to outfit here for the ofjcnlng of the la Mpected back today with her ties seem to warrent It. other boats may be secured. There are no signs yet of the arrival1 of the herring In local waters but pre-parationa are being made by the Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co. and Bradbury Si Yelf to put up their annual requirement of bait. Oood skating waa again enjoyed at the Salt tike this week though It was necessary for those who would engage In this recreation to wield the broom and clear the sheet OS. George Bryant took a large party across on the Harla Wednesday night. The weather was threatening this week-end to break up the Ice. this ending a better spell of skating than baa prevailed here for some years. There were some who were hoping that the frljld weather would continue while others were agreeing with our good old friend. Billy Raymond, In his wish for "the trickle of rain, the touch of soft air and the tight of good browri muskeg." January 31 will see the close of the duck season and, on February IS. the time for the quest of geese wtll run out. Interest in gunning seems to have flagged except for Jack Lindsay who makes his usual week-end trip with satisfactory results. Last Sunday, he and his party were out agsln. It la understood that the game warden has Intentions of checking up on Jack to Notice la further given that the first jc q Ketchum Ltd. with a capital lza- satisfy himself that the transportation Si? EILi JSTJJU "It k. o?fS5tloo of tM.OOO. rumors are heard of an.magnat is still within the bag limit. !tciver. Cun House. Cttjr of Prince ambitious waterfront development m-Rupert srorald on Jj" , voirlng " considerable expenditure on a January. 1M7. at eleven o'clock In the ... ... ., torencon. "r "v To entitle you .to vote thereat proof oapt Ketchum suted during the weeki of claim must be lodged with me your " r.rnri prepared to to make make! before the meeting is held J" Prosies to be Used at tee meeting an announcement as to ms inirniions. must be lodged with me prior thereto, j . And further take notice that at such , f. PU 0rutn Ormltton hrln, h.d meeting the creditors will eert the per- lu"J manent trustee. : due Ume to' reeever from his plunge .MKT MIOCKIMi liKATII Friends along the local waterfront will be grieved to learn of the tragic death at Ketchikan recently of Capt. Carlson, master of the halibut schooner.) Virginia, which la well known In Prince Rupert harbor. Capt. C?ilson waa In the bold of the Aur 'nrther take .tuj '"f 'JL. of last Saturday into the sea of matn-i Virginia tightening up the seams with ohirh have h"via ou are arewtlued enUUed to to rank. ranToroof Dfoof mooy. the Ughthoue tender Kewlngtop. , ur and creosote and ' handing up a ' of such rlatm must be filed with me ( pot containing the hot iilxture through ;or with the true when appointed: fHE BANKKUITCY ACT. ! ,,t.i, when in wsv. it over- otberwlse the proceeos of wt oeoiorii etate will be distributed among the ,?k IV .. .... ... f.u,,r.i turned nd fell back on him mnictlng parties eotltled thereto wlthoxrt regard to niviiiAN Urrlble bums which caused his death "Or. . ' tuihorired Alinor. um ,v.r. hum l.i.r DATED at Prlooe Rupert. 10th dar of January. 1927 DC. this i reuiii.K io nuuui uivx.pi inn. . ., . , , , aix chvNOV iJ Charles Oavigan. of the City of - ,v ; '" ALA. "JJIyt prince Rupert, in the Province of British left Iks n where his boat was tied up for WUaWUlin. ....mKI. ,Wl. Mln. in - . ...... -.. vuuvm, te winter. He onen lanara ms caicnes vitTirp as Rupert Table Supply Company and I . ... U'tfLM .Ullur, i Universal Tradln Coruuanr. did. on the!' this port. annamci. wrtirn nows souinenv ana NoUce u further given thst the first 123 when once more she was remodel-drstus into Huston Inlet. Q.C. Islands. ,,.,. nf rmtium in the above estate .... ..... t about 1.000 feet westerly from miners' '. ,t the ottM ot the official ; 'a '",ul" " OTOMf rabiiu at head of Huston Inlet. The eceTer Court House City of Prince - salmon packer has been the career to !! T Jl'i-.'ti'.rrXSl 'it? Rupert aloreaald. on the 34th day of t,r ot i power boat Dclphlnum which at a point about 200 feet irom snore j.nusrv ion 18J7- at eleven n oc,oc o'clock in ,n the . l:ue. passing through twenty-four acres lnejarr-d In Prince Rupert harbor on applied for under lease, and will be eutle you to vote thereat proof St 4 day afternoon last, having been I SSI IMhJl "ltS me n from i.p. j at head of Huston Inlet. Moresby proxies to be used at the meetlr.g'w Interests In Vancouver for use aa a i,,lf2?. mu' '" uUllty boat in connection with .. ... .1 n the .rund ?. .?. Pr'J. ?. itnel ion Vh.;th"d.y of December. IW 1. A hUl7te f the Roya! PUh Co. nouce and an applcUon 1!.' MrN. FRASKR. Agent. j IN PRORATE ' IV TIIK Sfl'llEMKToT'KT OK HUITIH In the Matter of the Administration In thr'Matter ot the Eitate of Alberta Dsnlels. Deceased, Intestate. ' TAKE NOTICE that by orde 0 Hi , Honor, Judge Robertson, the dfJ December. A.u. ivm. 1 ,H,rt,, Administrator of the estate of Alberta Daniels, deceased, and all ,Prt'f having claim against the said estate are ; hereby requirrn to iuiubn perly verified to me pn or before the 18th day of January. A D. 1937. and all ' partlea Indebted to the estate are re- milted to pay the amount of their in-tiebtednesa to me forthwith. Otflclsl Administrator. Prince Rupert, li C, Dstert the Kith dny nf lleremher. A l). 1030. in the City of Ottawa for approval of the aald site and plans and for leave to construct the aald wharf. Dated at Vancouver this 11th day ot December. 1928 LAND ACT In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls-1 trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate on 1 the north ithore ot Crescent Inlet. , Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of , Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Marine , Broker, Intends to apply for a lease of the followlna described lands: 1 Commencing at a post planted on the . north shore of Crescent Inlet, about one and a halt mile from the head of the Inlet: thence northwesterly 20 chains; : thence southwesterly 80 chains; thence - southeasterly 20 cnains; tnence norm-easterly 20 chains, and containing forty (40) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD. Applicant. Dated November 27, 102. irwr rjng uuz powrr- n. FT-ia-TA-Ri-niiriTVl cnta i .- wlth .tftW lh. km tru,,ee . snKan when auDolnted: aa nnnln aw I 1 0 Water Recrdtr at rtinr "PiTiL 'Sl otherwise the proceids of th btor'i-j ni'ne, the Delphinium . It a, husky lookr to the may Biiiuun ute ; ing eras i ana. vaouia w vni.iuiwi lor ut regard to UM botli in the harbor; arid the more j Parliament Parliament lluUdlng. uuuaings. victoria, victoria, DC, uu., - dated dated at at Prince Prince II lturjert. n.C this exposed waters outside. 19"- A good run up the coast was reported L CHRISTIE, . rkv,. .,, i.h w nil. sj vasaa a w tiv -t saw sivvsMUtKilvu on the trip north by I rs Voge. who has been holidaying in Vancouver, and Seattle reports Indicate that preparations are now being Intensively made for the opening ot the 192? halibut season. Vessels are being painted and The Well-Managed Home T7HE manager of a household is the purchas- ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchrsing. 1 And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you in- i formation about a thousand and one things that are i useful. Every manager of a household every member of the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfareshould mae a habit oj reading the ads. 'now ones Installed and In addition a! jfew new boats will be ready for aer- at at Vancouver Vancouver aa aa a a vice vice when when the the fishing fishing Is Is resumed. resumed. Atl Atl NOTICE. OK INTENTION TO APPLY to repaired, old engine overhauled and 1 worked out of Prince Rupert. TO I.KAM. LAND I - 1 Use S.MONDS SAWS i Machine Knives simonos cnaoa saw co. ltd. ,3TWeAl VANOOUVIR, ST JOHN, TORONTO Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely Capt. Martin Conrad Wold, master of ' the halibut schooner Kennebeck, and j Miss Clara Oabrlelson of Ketchikan were recently married at Ketchikan. A lir.NEKACTOIl IN IIIKOUsE? Larkson: "I'm going up to the Jail. took my car." Parkson: -What's the user -Larkson: "Maybe hell tell me how he got fifty miles an hour out ot her Life. Advertise lu the Dally Newt. s I I KIT IX AKItlV.U-S. Built In 191 J Prince It u pert pieaaure cruiser, ner upper woraa torn the Fishing Vessel Owners Marine ways, ; K E. Klncaid, Revelstoke: H. O. Olsen. licence to Uk. and u t.Itjr g.llona tatToF the deWoT umu the C"' " .TT. " . V I BmUbf": Dr. and Mrs. R O. Large and m minuie ui witr out ui uui (lrtt meeting of creditors. i , cspaciij. e r.uwuu u zmvuig nerjK. Gibson. Port Simpson; II. M. Bumtt. copy of.thui wnten tr entitled to rank, proof here, Klftyseven K.TUH!T.i.iHVlffi- ,:n im mntl flled w1la m' ed with 40-hp. IQU." will be fllrd in the office of thilor 1 p Objection .application be!eJtaM, .u, 'dUuibuted nleS "ii.r, nrJh,. . PT" enttUed thereto without ;wlth the Comptroller .1,.. of Water Rights. : tf fialm withm thirty days after the first P- ,0u, ,uln day of JanuVry pearance of thia notice in a local news- joiift' is December 20. 1B28 ROBERT M. CTJRR1K. Applicant. MINERAL ACT cniTincATi: or imhiovi:mi:nts notici: Custodian. NAVIGABLE WATEKS PROTECTION ACT R.S.C.. CHAPTER 115 Lars Pedereon and Harry Hovden, the last mentioned two having been pit- Edward Llnsett, Limited, of the City : chard fishing on the w est coast of 'an- of Vancouver, hereby glvra notice that ha i fouver mmi. Oettlng out of Van- Juanlta Anyok. Oranby. Alamo, Rodeo.' poalted wlU the Minuter of Publln eouver at 4 oclock Wednesday after-Plnto Wann Fractional No. a, and Monte 'works at Ottawa and In the office of I noon, the engine of the boat' developed Fractional Mineral Claims l situate In the the District UegUtw of JaVwe errtU-lKad pin. which nccessl- Atlin Mlnlns Division of Casa'.ar Dts-ttry District of Prince Rupert, a descnp-, trlct Where iocated:-On Wann River,, tlon of the alte and the plana of wharf tated putting Into Powell River where Takii Arm of Talsh Lake. proposed to bo built In the Harbor of I34 hours was spent making repairs. The UAKA.ISS2SS r;S'SWll.p,ffi 01 o' th. trip to Prince Rupert was i tnUnd sixty day from the date hereor. . And Take Notice that after the expire- made with continuous running and cerimcaie o ward Uralted rTr, will, ..X.r under . SxindAV afternoon, the lor showed thst ooie of obtaining a Crown Orant of the , Llpsett Sec-Lbcfve claim I t,on 7 r the M Act- PP'T t0 th And ftirther take notice that action. Minister-of Public Works al hU office 1 s4si sflnn art muit be commenced berore the issue ot such Certificate of ; Improvement. . ,.. An Dntea mia in uy u . 1M7. C3 hours running time had brought her from Vanoouver to Prince Rupert. bulwarks built up and side planking re- Vancouver. Mr. and 'Mrs. R. W. 6ln- newed. while the Thor is being painted Clatr. Inverness. and subjected to a general overhaul. Sjt The Pioneer, owned by Hansen and F, c. e. Hayter and Olaf Ouse, Sandstrom. Is being equipped with cork porcher Island: Charles Lord, Port insulation beneath the deck. The same j Simpson. kind of Insulation waa recently put on' CENTRAL j the schooners oeattie. Paragon, and . j. vaughan and W. Splbey. Alice Arm. 1 Eagle. Other vessels In the yard for, general repairing are the Atlantic.)' Advertise In the Dally News. Polaris, Havana and La Palmona. ' The Ballard Marine Railroad is also the scene of considerable activity. The schooner Ivanboe Is being equipped ! WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AMI ISE T-sirir MHTlrP that Jim Field whose with a new stent and planking, while address Is 213 2nd Ave, Prince Rupert, 1 Bc- wl" l0T licence 10 ue a a new new pilot nllot house nouse Is is belne being built ouiu on on PPy j euWc foo, tecond of water the Brisk. The Mariner Is being equip- j out 0f unnamed creek, which nows ped with new bulwark and new fuel easterly and drains Into Crescent Inlet, . I Moresby Island. Q C.I, about one mile ..... ..., .. and water ,v. tanks. The Resolute la be- ,dM .. ,h. ,ut nnrtK lng subjected to a general overhaul. which Includes the Installation ot a new stem Iron and rudder. General repair work Is being done on the Seymour and Mildred II. ' CONSIL REVIEWS SEASON' According to an article in the Pacific Fisherman from the pen of united shore. The water will be dlyerted from the stream at a point about 100 feet from tho- mouth and will be used for domestic and cannery purposes upon the 40 acres of land described as unsurvey-ed land. foF whlcl purchase la applied about IS chain southwesterly from the month of the atream. This notice was posted on the ground on the 29th day of November, 1028. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant therto and to the "Water A Slate, Consul E. A. Wakefield of Prince , be ' Rupert, the 1928 halibut season was oolectlons to the application may be Water Recorder or the moat nrofltable ever experienced filed rued with witn the me said saia w at this ' port by the American fishing fleet. Quality of the fish had been fully up to standard and above the average for any season preceding the establishment of the closed season. Uniformity of prices waa one of the outstanding features of the season. The 1928 fleet, the consul said, 'wa the largest and most efficient that had ever with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C.. within thirty day alter the first rp-pcarance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date; ot the first publication 1 uecemter vu, vim. JAMES FIELD, Applicant. LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE tOREMIOKE In Oraham Island, 3ueen Charlotte Island Laud Recording District ot Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Msvsett Inlet,. Oraham Island. TAKE NOTICE that Powell River Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C occupation Manufacturers, Intend to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner ot DU 1571; theuce westerly, following northern boundary of I want to talk with the bandit who am mi 10 tn nonnwesi corner i ...u easterly, following the btgh tide mark of Pt-rguson Bay to the extreme easterly point ot Echlnua Point; thence southeasterly to the point of commencement, and containing 150 acres, more or less. IWVELL RIVER COMPANY. LTD. Agent. J. Douglas WlUon. Dated 4th Novtmbtr. Ifl'JO. NewSupplies of Men's Clothing arrivinK regularly For Prices and Quality Don't Forjtet Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. H. Miller - Proprietor "Demers" January Clearance SALE Phone 27. NOW ON P.O. Box .127.