THE LABEL IS ntD AND WHITE BETTER COWS BETTER MILK AR Produced in Canada There Are Some Places Where The Best is Only Good Enough Whether you drive an "eitfht" or a "four" is only a mntler of distinction. Whether you wear tailor-made ot ready-made clothes is not of tremendous importance. The choice between a 25c cigar and the 10c variety is. after all, only trifling, but in filling prescriptions the difference between the best and second best is sometimes a matter of life and death. Ormes, for that in filling prescriptions over 20 years, have considered the best is only good enough. Oiim Solex T?S OK- - yfic Pioneer Dfuocisls 11 order to bring to you, under the red and white IN Carnation label, as fine milk as the world pro- It looks creamy duces, we are constantly introducing the high milk . producing strain of our blue ribbon "Contented " tastes creamy Cows" into the herds that daily supply milk to the It is creamy Carnation Condenseries. In fact, one of the moat famous Holstein herds in all the world bjowiwd by the Carnation Milk Farms. In this, as in many other ways, we insure the quality of Carnation Milk. Insure that it really will add richness and flavor whenever you use it. For Carnation is just pure, fresh milk evaporated to double richness, "homogenized" so that every drop has its full share of cream. Diluted, it is used in cooking to give greater smoothiW and richness. UndiluterL i it takes the puce of cream at one-third the cost of cream. Oder from your grocer several tins or a case of 48 tins. Send lor a Irre copy of Vary Bfoif'j Cook Bo. Aiduit Carnation It ilk Ptoductt Company, LimUtd, Aylmtr, Ont. Carnation Milk "From Contented Cows' eal bavins in time. labor mid money by using our Johnson's Electric Floor Polishers at only jlSoHi!!ci $1.50 per day rent Full house-cleaning time is drawing cliiM': come and see what this machine can do for you. Mussallem Grocery Co., Ltd. Phone 18 117-123 Fifth Avenue Eaat nnd Prince Rupert, 11.C. Phone 81 THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8? ,200 Electric Lamps Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 Local and Personal Artburl Tui Phont its BC. Obdenaaera. PJjoes tl. Oet tht Dtf 4 bahui wttto thin tint of a Tail, ptxms 4. tt BSC Mtfktuaa k"tnt in. wm. full O Pythian 11111 Whsst Drive ud Dance in Beaton 2411. fitnt. 21. at 8 oclcjck Any evening by appointment DlP Kenny DENTIST ai Faiirywork. Palmistry and Crystal I jOmg Urt: Ja Clark. SU, Third! Avenue. Urn Ore& 1M. 333 WU Bsaorrfc Hide Traiiefv are now ' agent far famous Cassldy velUaf ton coal alao alaerea ootlest and PenMna Mra. Lillian KaCer. who arrived in toe elty yesterday from Stewart, leli on today's train for a trip to New Haven. OonoscUeut. Dntll repairs at. the Provincial Oot-anasaettt wharf have txen oosnpleted (MJL mm m will nuke taudlaf at sta. abad en O.TT wharf. tt CJPM steamer Princes Louise. Capt. Aithur Mater, u due at 3 is this after-aeon from Skafway and will sell at 4M for Vancouver aajtf Victoria. at I. Aafcmot. manager of the Oran-kqr Btotes at Anyoa. is a pass anger on taw Prince Oeorge today returning nortb after a two weeks' (rip to Vancouver. I. H. Maynard. keeper of Lucy Island light, and Urs. Wayward arrived In town yesterday and will few here for four or five days. It Is year since 4ney were In town last. Mra. Wallace C. Orchard will sell on the Princess Louise this afternoon for Vancouver where she will visit for the neat she weeks with her daughter Mrs. Bdward Ma yon. T. W. Scbarberg, secretary of the Gloria Mining Co.. and Thomas Berg, a heavy shareholder, were passengers arriving In the city on the Oatala yesterday returning to Grand Forks, North Dakota, after a visit of inspection to the property at Stewart. The Prince Rupert Billiard Association invite the clubs and associations of the city to form and enter teams to complete In the Prince Rupert City Billiard League. Entries must he made to the secretary. W. Long, by Septem toer 30. Entry fee $5.00. Passengers arriving In the city from northern points on the Catala ywater- day afternoon included O. C. Ctwrar, H M Burllngame.. Klmer Ness and J. 8konslng from .Alice Arm: J. Elliott, John Bmurtbwaite. C. A. Oarrtck. Too. Berg Russell Berg. F W. Schteberg, Mi ac L KaflTer and N. Daglelsh from Stewart: Dr C. JlI. Barblau from Arran-dale: E. A. Johnson. A. A. Johnson. O. E. Oullck J. Lund. R E. Moore and C. E. Imeeon from Anyox. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew's Society Concert and Vaudeville show, Wednesday. September ai. Moose Bazaar. Nov. 16 and 17. Established 1023. & 1 Office Hours: fr 1 . 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. g 1 Saturday: W I 9 . a.m. to 1 p.m. b: h a ,r THE DAILY NEWS GERMS ARE NO RESPECTERS OF PERSONS Even in the friendly hind-clasp dinger nuy lurk. Germs are everywhere. Lifebuoy, used exclusively by millions for toilet and bath, keeps the skin purified ana provides sn invisible shield igiinst germs. Lifebuoy Soap costs no more than tie ordinary toilet soaps. Me) GERM DISEASES A ' I mr be carried by ihtbsad." Lilt Exmmm hulitmtt 4Sk LB77 LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP Purifies and Protects Tl it . 11wUITwMnln Lcvcroiuuica uuuuu muuw Thomas Trotler returned to the city on the ranee ueorge toaay irom a wtek's business trip to Vancouver. W. J. Nelson returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Morley Shier, well known powder Anyo. squally came north. Annual Twx Sale of lota to be held at Auction for delinquent taxes will be held on Friday, September 30 next at 10 ajn. In City Hall. List of property can be obtained at the collector's office. tf Mrs. Oeorae Brownlee, whose, husband is on the mechanical jtaff ai the dry 3k. returned to the' city on the Prince George today 5 from a trip to Vancouver and other . points in the south on vacation. Raid McLennan, son ,pt Mr .and Mrs. J. C. McLennan. 945 Borden Street, will sail on the Princess UnUea this after Dentist Dr J R Owe Phone 6S6 Joe Bent aaUed Ut tught on the Cauta for Vaacouver oa a touteesctflp- XUvur J W Oregory of Nrtk BsStle- tord. Bask., la speeding the day in the .-it on his way home from Vancouver Nonce to all Orangemen A meeting of all nterobers of L.OX. 3S10. in the Metropole Hall. Thunder. Sept 33 at S pjn Urgent, . Ulss Msec tret T, tUUa, , cUughter of City Enclsveer and aire. H. A. uc-Lean. saUed Uet night oa the Oatala for Vancouver. Provincial OBMttk4e Thomas Oamm returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge today from a trip la Vancouver on tecort dutlea. J C. Brtvdy, MP., returaed to the city on the Prince George today from a week's trip to Vaacouver aavd Victoria on private business. C. W. Swaason. secretary-treasurer, of the Skeetta Luarber Co.. at Usk. sailed last night on the Calais for Vancouver on a business trip. Capt. T. T. Saundera. local agent of the Marine Department, returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge today after a trip down the osest on official duties Arthur T. Cade, son of Dr. and Mrs J. P. Cade, sailed last night on the Oatala for Vancouver where he will take up studies at the University of British Columbia. Mrs. A. SI. Ruddy, who has been on a holiday trip to Vancouver and other points In tte south, arrived on( the Prince Oeorge this morning and entrained for her home in Bum tAe. The big banquet for the Canadian riuunhrr of t'onmirrre In Moone Hall commence at 6J0 and end In plenty of time for IIiom- attending to go to the vaudeville roiKTrt which begins at 830. A. L. Patterson, office manager of the Albert Wheat Poor local elevator, re turned to the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver, accompanied by Mrs. Patterson. They have been on a motor trip from Vancouver to Alberta. Having been delayed by heavy togs along the coast which did, not rise until traveler, arrived on the Prince Oeorge jilte this morning. C.N.R. steamer this m burning from Vancouver, on his way to Anyox. being MM) l!ith Seat it available at Uet-liirluie Theatre tonight for Wt. Andrew's Society Concert. Orchestra at 8 p.m. Curtain at 8:15 bharp. Canadian Chamber of Commerce IMn-ner Mkc lliU. ri:30 Wednesday, liidle Invited. Tickets from Hoard of Trade Kxecutfve and Orme Irug Mlore. SUM). 231 M. F. Nlokonon returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge today accompanied by Mra. Nlckerson and fatally who have been spending the aummei at Banff. The Catholic Women League will hold a Hostess Tea and Sale of Home Cooking in the school hall. Fulton St on Thursday afternoon from 3 to 6. Everybody welcome. 221 C. C. Labrie. purchasing agent for the Canadian National Railways at Vancouver, is a passenger on the Prince Oeorge today making trie round trip to Anyoa and Ketchikan,. Few if any of the delegates to the Triennial Hmplre Mining Si Metallurgical Congress, who were to have arrived on the Prince Oeorge today enroute to Prince Oeorge. Oapt. Harry Nedden. arrived In port at 12 o'clock noon today from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Palls and will sail at 4 thlr afternoon for Anyox and Stewart, re. turning here to sail for the south at 11 o'clock tomorrow night. GOVERNOR PLAYING GOLF JASPER PARK JASPER, Sept. 21. The Oovernor Oeneral and Lady Wllllngdon and party arrived in Jatper by special train late last evening. They spent the night on board their train and came over to PRICE OF WHEAT. noon - for Vancouver where he will re- n.eJtW .'hone 109 Tt U Tf COUPOUATION OF THE CITY "EASY" WASHING MACHINE Two sizes. $110 and ThompsonHardware Co. Ltd. British Columbia. Norman A. Watt, government agent, with ticket 433, Is the winner of the Jasper Park Lodge early this morning. Immediately on arrival this morning His Excellency demanded that he be shown the golf course and was not within the Lodge grounds half an hour be fore he and Lady Wllllngdon drove off from the first tee for their first eighteen holes of golf over the famous, Jasper Park Lodge golf course. WEATHEK REPORT. Terrace. Clear, windy, temp. 45. Ross wood. Clear, oalm, temp. 43. Alyansh. Clear, calm. temp. 42. Alice Arm. Clear, calm. temp. 46. Hazelton. Foggy, calm, temp. 50. Telegraph Creek. Clear, calm. temp. 42. Smlthers. Clear, calm, temp. 42. Burns Lake. Clear, calm, temp. 40. 1IODY tdl'MI HANGING TRAIL, Sept. 21. The body of Peter Lldner, a carpenter, was found hanging from a beam. He had been In ill health. VANCOUVER. Sept. 21. The price of Number I Northern wheat today is 1.30ft a bushel. Srlverr.iae in Th Dnilv Jw TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert intends to Elks' school house which was one of , construct a concrete sidewalk ten feet the floats In the Diamond Jubilee of 1 wl n n? e "J? .?.??S . . a point at the north property line of 3rd Confederation parade on July 1. The Avenue thence along the east side of 6th drawing took place test night. Street to a point sixteen feet north of the south property line of 2nd Avenue. as a local improvement, and intends ta Mra. C. K. Howard returned on to-' acecUlly assess the cost upon the land day's train to her home In Montreal. ' abutting directly on the work, except (Mr. Howard, who Is- general tourist j s?rCeV .rAerlow " " lncUrml at agent for the Canadian National Rail- j 2. The estimated cost of the work is ways, will go East tonight with the S1S00.00. of which 8136.33 la to be paid Dv tne Corporation, and the estimated Canadian vanaaian Chamber unamoer 01 of Oomm.rrp commerce rjartv party. annuaI speclal r4t p?r foot frontage is S 8829857. The special assessment is to Russell Bulger, who has been spend- be paid In ten annual Instalments, tng the aummer hoU-jay. here with hu'tj- ttBSS?tg TmuK parents. Mr. and Mrs., John Bulger, will on or before the 28th day of October, tall on the . Princess Louise this after-, 1S27. noon for Vancouver where "toe will re-1 . E F i,?' . -- ." i c 11 iat aay oi DpiemDer, IMZl - j British Columbia. Mra. Oeorge O. Bushby and son John, and daughter Audrey, accompanied by Miss Dunbar, will return this afternoon on the Princess Louise to Victoria after having spent the summer residing In the city It Is possible that they mav return to the city soon to take up permanent residence. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eased by SANTA L MIDY Bt sure t get ths Osnul.vs Look tor ths word "MIDV Sold by all druvcuts PAGE THREE tf 1 Radio is Better with Battery Power Ever since the inception of radio, batteries have been the accepted source of power. Pure DC current without hum or surge and correct voltage for all tubes and varying conditions are most conveniently and economically obtained today as in former years with batteries. A,B &C BATTERIES made by Eveready are the choice of radio users everywhere. There is an Eveready radio battery for every radio need. Your dealer recommends and ells Eveready Radio Batteries. Consult him about the correct batteries for your particular set. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO.. LTD. Mootreal Toronto Winnipeg Vancovvtr Ovat'af ami fwHnf Ridio T orom la: on tht air trf ilomday n4 TkmrmUy a si a p. . EVEREABir Radio Batteries -they last anycr ft nirJtK 1 11 RADIO IS BETTER WITH BATTERY POWER DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers -THE DAINTIEST DKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ud. Prince Hupert. D.C. UNDEU NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place-called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Sample Koom Phone 51. L. Martin, Manager. Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store Phone 525. (IcanadianI PACinc Office Hours 9 to 9 Lady Assistant Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kftrhlkaii, Wranjfll, Jnnrau anil Skajway Nrptenibrr (j, 17, 26. To Vanrouver, Victoria and Seattle ScptfinlKT II, 21, 30. PKINCESS I1KATUICE. For llutrflule. East Itella Bella, 0-ean f alls, Nam 11, Alert Bay. Caroline!! KUer, and Vancouter every Haturiliy. II Ajencj for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from-. W. a OKCIIARn, General A rent. iKR1! , Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnee Bnpertv B.C. jkA UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED. Sailings from Prime Kuprrt-(or VANCOUVER. VICTOK1A. 8 wans on Ilaj, Alert Ujt, etcM Tuesday, t p.m. For VANCOI VF.R. VICTORIA, Dutedale, Alert Kay. etc. Saturday 9 sun. For POUT 8FMP8ON, ALICE A KM, INVO.V, 8TEWAKT. Wales Island. Sunday, 8 p.m. For Naas Itlier Points and Port Simpson, Friday p.m. 133 2nd Avenue. II. M. SMITH. Acent. Prince Rupert. H.C. Through tickets sold lo Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rate and nagjnge cheeked through to destination.