or- TAXI Boston Grill M m and Ambulance Service Anj-where at Anytime SUnd: Etchanjce Iiulldln; MATT VIUEC'K. Prop. UTFAM AT MkV 'la a i ai aw w H I IWIVHI, UIK I YET BE WON BY ANY TEAM f - and New York are Ei i at present any of tHw be the victor i for the Cardinal ye-, :, Pirate. f I . .. .. tukiulu tvu Oil La. ii throw gave Washington t the Yankees tn eleven nuionai, i.kwh i: ' i A. Boa ton 5. 1 Chicago 2. : 2 New York 3. 8t toula 2. AMUCItMN l.i:.t(ili: ' i! Wtuihtngton 3. - 2 Philadelphia 4-0. C IcwiHiid 2. I Detroit . rTlA w. m w w Ilf'l lllll' 1 If aa mm I 1 II .11 I 1 II IV LI 1 m- am gaJUaA m IN NEW YORK in Prices on Exchange Today NSW YOnK. Au? 12 -Trading on the a A. ninra(. uai HAmnnllVAil JJm. - f-i viviiaii ani"- 1 ntt a wide open break In a f specmlty ahara. Breaks pi ' or mure in number of uh l! as Ooncral Motors, Atchlaon. Cc tral and General Electric. Air i rtrtippe.i 22 point. Commer-c "r and DuDont drotncd IS RAIN DAMPENS FOREST FIRES 'earner on Vancouver Island VANCOUVER - o as. VlISSIl ss a hour,, of rain h.. ,i ftres an Vancouver Island and the mainland. No new ouVbreski' re have occumxi avesetn either extlnguUhed or con- li JlfI. RAIN KEPT PRINCES IN HOUSE YESTERDAY ".in. l .tm m . . . , P., nam Kept vno P.k ! d0or at the BoVal Ranch at Th'y reat,y bene" oj e rest and bracing air of . .wen is splendid and ar- of til party la search ol cabinet mi-; terlal. H had the redoubtable Jolia : ; Oliver for hi right-band man and mm-' ' Icier of agriculture and railways He , had M. A. Masdonald. the brilliant Van ouver liwyer. lor attorney-genera; 1 These two men had served with Drew.. ' ter la the legislature ai the sole Libera) member and for that reason. If for no other, they were entitled to port aiAaSVt-l niv- . 1 (continued on page two) ' VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Bid. BO. Silver Coast Copper Dunwell Independence F?u l Leadsmlth -a Porter Idaho 611vercrest '01'4 Burf Inlet Sunloch 28 Richmond mu to) 14. But when It came to choolng 1.3Ct Fur and Half (James in j hta nUnlt" Brewster was a br miaaIaH lis rmmUH . fvvstn i i i n sir iitln n I ui Hut Other are Threat- ... lK ,-' r h reined ening : the young country doctor that he uad . met m Greenland during the feverish I' days of the campaign the young d( t rj no anrau iu vwni i woo had one bean a school teacher National League but Pitt-1 and who had served as alderman and, maycr of the old mining town. "What about thla fellow Maclean Brewater aaked some of hU colleagues I "MacLean I aafe." was the reply and a few hour later the country doctor w!i I bad been a school teacher knew that hi bad been selected a minuter of edu- cation In the Brewater government IN POLITIC'! TO STAY When he arrived at the parliament, building on that autumn day of 1818, Dr. MacLean little realteed that he was in politics to atay and that within eleven years he would be chosen by hU party to act aa premier of British Columbia to one of the moat famous of British Columbia au teamen J Dhn Oliver. Yet that la precisely what has happened. Ha Is not premier In a nominal fcnse. but actually he Is. for when "Haneat John" Oliver, who took over 'the reins of office after Brewater'e death In 1917. announced to hl party in caucus a few days ago that Illness had forced him. to retire, there was no question aa to'" his successor. Oliver hardly needed mention the man of hi. ohniro for Dr.a)Ma:Lean for the j last three years has acted In the pre. I mler'a role s score of times and tn ad I dltlon has run the treasury, the eduea ! tkn. railways snd Industrial depart- I ment. It Is nt expected that Oliver will eter go back to his oniee in inc parliament buUdlngs, but his party is giving him that cherished"" prlvUege of all men whose life has been Illlea wun dynamic action to die In harness. And Dr. Mfu lan Is carrying on, attending to cabinet reorganisation, working out nlans for a new election, drafting policies and attending to the hundred and one duties of a premier in a pioneer country, t lNK ItLt'OIUI OP III KOKTS MaeLcan was chosen to carry on be cause he was known to be safe: because he was known to be a diplomat as well .. . nrt of iiovernmental nanay man. w.,.. he was the possessor of a shrewd financial brain that made u possiu.e i v. . hrin D"n down uu"" s " scries of " budgets TwenU.r.. I Mm . , "' imurs oi i nilinRi that have been aescnora m n-v .h. nmvince's economic history. There was a time not so long ago talk of bankruptcy and financial ..... nwiucnUy heard about Asked 1.73 12.50 .00 .06 H, . ,08 .08 V, .06 30 .0654 .63 .30 NKW YCKUC. Aug. 12. Jack Delaney. French-Gai adian contender for the heavyweight title, won from Paollno Uaeudtin n. a r.ul m the aeventh rouud of a acheduled fifteen round bout here last night after the Spaniard had been warned several times by the referee. Dclaney who v. a mifli improved In his form 'Hit UssM ,..- .ippot.int. cutting his Lire : a mass of blood but Paulino tt,d w.v- : SmS t sX bbsbsbK ffi"SfcB9 flfsV Lsiaiaial aaBBasBBasVttsl NOTED ENOL)SII JURIST Mr. Jusn.e r:ae'.- i.a.lcd by death while holduiK at Manchester I'lM.slI IIAILMAY TO III DSON HAY TOtVAKI) EMI 19i9 AMERICANS WIN AT END OF STEEL. H.B. Rail- way, Aug. 12. The railway to 4 Fort Churchill will be completed toward the dOM of 1930. C. 8. Csowskl, chief engineer of the construction branch of the CN R. said today. McLAREN SEAPLANE COMING TO RUPERT Will Chance Hase from Shuiihoii llay to tills Port, He Anmuinrrs VANCOUVER, Aug. 12. Major Mac- Larcn In the seaplane HJ3.2L has. al ready flown 2025 miles In the fishery patrol from a base at Swanson Bay. The major proposes changing his base to Prince Rupert soon. D0UKH0B0RS MARKET FRUIT CO-OPERATIVELY VIVTORIA, Aug. 12 The Committee of Direction, charged with the marketing of the fruits of British Columbia on the Prairies. Is evidently meeting with a fair degree of- commendation tn 1U work So far. The announcement Is made that in the carrying out of the work which the committee has In hand, the Doukhobors located about Brilliant and other points In the Interior have fallen In line to qalte a large extent and have taken out licences as Required under the operations. TENNIS IN ENGLAND SOUTHAMPTON, Aug. 12. George Lott of Chicago defeated Rene Lacoate of France 6-4, 6-3, 6-1 after Ttlden had PKINCE RUPERT. B.C FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, 1027 llBERAL? NOMINA TE IN Inly M.CHrfl Pound NM at i:rhan ft Today by I'nur N rsr) Halibut arrivals xu.iur light, only : 8&0GO pound taint otftr.cti at the Flah' Exchange this waslng Two American boat aoM a lata of 41 oou pounds for ! Canadian next aves Cu; e Beale. 3S.0b9 pounds, to Atl.n . . F.shcr:es. 10c and Sa, Ca e Swain. 10.000 p unds. to Booth 1'jV:-, lie snd 6. YOUNG INDlTN LOSES LIFE M DROWNING llr.it li of f'harlr I'alrUi at unlllde mjk ArrldrnUI Corunrr lind Charios Patr'.ss. youn Hairelton In v.v his life abiUt 3 o clock Wed-nc ;ty arcrnoon by drowning hcn h fe.i off a float at 8unnyslcle Csnnery in Invenicss Pasnige where he hud been emplced. The body was recovered with a gill net and it was found, ss a result of an enquiry held by Coroner ; Normiiij A. att. tfutf'deatri was a result' of an accident SURVEY ROAD ; TO TERRACE No Airplanes Available so Staff of Surveyors Will Undertake .Work VK'TOKIA, Aug. 12v No airplanes hrlnc aallable In British Columbia for the pnMril aerial Minry of I lie route from Prlye lluprrt'lo Terrace, I lie I'uhllc Witrks Department will xnd englnrrrs and turvr)or on foot. The K"vrrnment will ulw lmeti-gale the advisability of operating a ferry from Kslen Island up the skrrna Klvrr lo the wot of Terrace In order In avoid for the present the construction of I he costly piece of road along the river. NEWSPAPERMEN TOUR CANADA Arrive at Quebec Today and Set Out on Investigation of Possibilities QUEBKC, Aug. 12. Ninety-seven newspapermen, members of the Newspaper Society of E:igland, landed here today. It is the largest party of Its kind ever to visit Canada so far. It will travel over the country, collecting Information on the possibilities for settlement and for the investment of British capital in the Dominion. PARENTS OF LADY THORNTON VISITED THIS CITY TODAY Among passengers arriving from Van couver on the steamer Prince George this morning were Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Wetmore. parents of Lady Thornton, wife of the president of the Canadian National Railways. In the course of s holiday trip to this coast, they entrained here for their home In Buffalo, New York. LIEUT.-GOVERNOR HOME FROM ENGLAND VICTORIA, Aug. 12. Lieutenant-Governor Bruce returned today from a downed Jacques Brugnon 8-2, 6-1. 6-0 . visit to England. During his absence in the semi-finals of the Invitation ten- hi duties were performed by Chief tournament. I Justice of Appeal Maonald. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Centra) British Columbia's Newspaper COMMITTED Must Face Charge of Murder at Next Awizes Police Magistrate Decided j I0.T and 6c and izr and 6e. whue, tflW WTOTMirBTER. Aug. 12. ; two Canadian daneeea r 4j.uWj uounda nmm Ri:m mil Jrn t-T.n.i , "" GERMAN WAR ACE: Ernst Cdet announces arrangements for a flight from Berlin to New York ITICST CJKAlN OF 192? CKOI' iikui: END Ol' MONTH Firth shipments of the 1927 grain crop are expected to reach the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator toy the end of this month. It will be late In September, however, before the movement assumes much volume. With a bumper crop on the prairies this year. It is ex pected that the local house wilt be put to full use during the coming winter. P. RUPERT AFFECTED VANCOUVER BUSINESS drain Coming Here Would Probably Have Clone to Southern. Port Iu an article In the Vancouver Province on the grain business Ray E. Lee, chairman of the grain division of the Vancouver Merchants' Exchange, speaks optimistically of the future of the business at the port. In telling why' last year was not as good as expected, he concludes: "Conditions In the Orient also were abnormal, and our experts to that marked were greatly reduced In consequence. Taken altogether, the total shipments of wheat this past season, amounting to about thirty-four million bushels, represent In the peculiar circumstances a quite satisfactory showing, for It must also be remembered that our sister pert of Prince Rupert entered Into the picture for the first time, and drew to ttself some five and a half million bushels of wheat which heretofore would most likely have moved through Vancouver." FIRED AT FORMER KING GEORGE BUT MISSED HIS AIM VIENNA. Aug. 12. Former King George ot Greece was attacked In the Envy yard at Klklnda, Jugo Slavla, by journalist who fired pistol shots with- ,,u: .if him. n.ent emerged with majorities of seven.- i:T.e and eleven respectively, wnere. , then, was weakness found In thsse the alleged 'Llbersls' last less." "This government can carry on until ; :. rfcjascs to go to the country," de-, -land the mln'ster. "In talking over! r,he s.tuation with Maj-or Oray before- I hand." he concluded, "the question ofj cabinet rank ar ec. Gray told me he was :..ayor and would not give up the poslti m for a portfolio. He felt he c;iuld serve his eeaununity best by re-ni.o:'ig d private meiter." ELEfllOX DATE VICTORIA. Aug. 12. It was announced ' d y (jv the government that the New W:m:nster bv-electl-tn would take place on August 25 and nominations :liae on August 22. WOOLLEN MILLS FOR City Asked lo Help With f inancing of Concern Which Sees Success Ahead VICTORIA, Aug. 12. Mayor J. Carl Pendray will call a meeting at an early date of prominent citizens to consider f'nanclng the proposed worsted mill. details of which will be left In the hands of His Horshlp and the Industrial ccnunltteo. Thla .decision was come to at a meeting of the city council, when this clause of the Industrial committee's report was adopted. Alderman Holmes, In recommending that this meeting be called, said he had heard that the estimates for the building were satisfactory. "It Is already known that after full Investigation Mr. J. Moore concludes s worated mill here Is assured of success and has good prospects of developing Into a large and flourishing Industry. Detailed figures sent up by Mr. Moore prove this. The o"!y question remaining Is one of financing, which this meeting could advise us on." 3ome $310,000 Is needed to establish the industry here. Mr. Moore Is putting up MO 000. so that the total capitalization of the company would be $250,000. The cost of erecting building will be about S40.000. SMALL SHIPMENTS OF 750 bushels. WIKKI.KSS KKPOttT. the GRAIN FROM VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, Aug. 12. Only two parcel shipments of grain were made during the week from this port as fol lows: Llna. for London, 74.687 bushels. Point Reyes, for Puerto, Colombia, 18,- 8 a.m. DIGBY ISLAND. Clear, calm: barometer, 35.04; temperature, 60; Bea smooth: 11:50 p.m. spoke steamer Any-ox. left Anyox for Stewart at 9 pm.; 11:50 pjn. spoke steamer Alameda, Wrangell for Lake Bay, 38 miles from Lake Bay at 6 p.m.; 3:55 ajn spoke steamer Princess Louise, abeam Port? land Island, southbound; 4:40 am. spoke steamer City of Vancouver, bound for Grays Harbor, 927 miles from Grays Harbor. BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, fresh southwest wind; barometer, 29.94; temperature 51; sea moderate. DEAD TREE POINT, Part cloudy, calm; barometer, 30.08; temperature. 52; sea smooth. NOOX DIGBY ISLAND. Clear, calm: barometer. 30:10: temperature. 64; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, fresh southwest wind; barometer, 29.99; temperature. 55: sea moderate. DEAD TREE POINT. Part cloudy, light southeast wind: oarometer. 30.11: vtn.vr .!: V -en moderate Urxe Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NKW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 4S7. Mayor Gray Nominated and Pri e Five tnts ENGINEERS 1 i'AKE SURVEY OF HIGHWAY TO TERRACE C q rrpmiPY-f-n-hp Was Country Doctor Eleven Years Ago WIS FROM PIUNCi: EDWARD ISLAND AND CROSSED CON TINENT TO HECO.ME IIARIMVORKINC. ItlCllT-llAND MAN TO PREMIER JOHN OLIVER ilJy Charles L. Shaw, in Financial Post) - windy autumn afternoon eleven years ajro a country doctor sPtr was familiar only in the distant community where he lime, walked up the steps of the ISritish Columbia parlia-iiiinjrs in Victoria to tackle a job which a few days before ever imagined would be his. ountry doctor appeared in the capital city just a fewf - ihr Liberals, led by the late Harlan Carey Rrewster, had into power by a landslide vote. The overwhelming vic-.; red even Rrewster and when the smoke of campaign :lcrd away be made a hurried aurvey DELANEY WON P1BUT ,J YOUNG LADS FROM UZCUDUN . Spaniard Iteaten on a Foul After Persistent Warnings from Referee New Westminster Election Will Take Place Very Soon NEW WESTMINSTER, August 12. Mayor Gray was nominated to contest New Westminster at the by-election ! made necessary through the death of the late Dr. Rothwell. A Liberal convention was held here last night and Gray was the unani- at bids af lOe and &sand 11c and Sc. were rommmed for trial on a charge of mOUS cnoice. The arnvau aod aal-M were a taitow murder in c-mt!on with the death: Acting Premier Mac Lean announced that the election would .imrrhtiu l of otto Boach. following an affray on.be held before September 1. Elect, aaeo peuaa. to Canadian the rcd beneath a freight car ocar Speaking in support of Gray, Dr. MacLean said there were Han it oow stcngw Oo io.7c and 6c. ! Ruby creek. The preliminary trui took three critical divisions in the House last session and the govern- Bfioui ii.. iw pounos. to canaaian place before Magistrate Johnson here .tsh & C Id 4tor j. 12.8c and 6c. ,yeitrrday They will be tried at the : FIGHT OVER WOMAN ENDS IN KILLING SEATTLE, Aug. 12. David Ooss, 28 years of age, a seaman, and Jennie Puroell, 22, are held In the, city Jail in connection with the death of Jake De-ouag. 4. . It Is declared by the police that Jake had been stabbed In a tight over a woman, f Oos told the investigators that he stabbed Deyoucg In self defense- last Saturday. Ttf n idled yesterday as rece received. VICTORIA PROPOSED re,uU - HIGH PRICES CITY PROPERTY Three Out of Six Government Lots Disposed of Hut Others Held Too High Three of six provincial government- owned city lots which were offered for sale at auction by Government Agent Norman A. Watt yesterday afternoon were sold. In each case, he upset price was offered. tThe lots offered for sale and their disposition follows: Let 9, Block 1, Section 5. upset pries $1350; no bid. Lot 10, Block 1, Section 5, upset pries $1,850: no bid. Lot B, Block 23, Section 1, upset price $3 .500: sold to Ross Bros (67 taxi). Lot 10. Block 23, Section 1, upset pries (5.750: sold to Douglas Sutherland. Lot 7, Block 3. Section 2. upset price $200. sold to Frank Dlbb. Lot I. Block 8, Section 7, Upet price $425; no bid. INDIAN IS COMMITTED Peter Whitewash, CharKcd With Attempted Murder of Officer, Will be Tried by Jury Peter Whitewash. Indian, who is alleged to have shot Provincial Constable Williams of Bella Cool a tn the hand last week, was committed for trial by Magistrate Hills at Bella Coola early this week on a charge of attempted murder and has been taken by Sergeant Alex McNeill, who went south to Investigate the Incident, to Okalla prison wheTe he will await trial by Jury at the next session of the Supreme Court Assizes to be held here In November. killedTkrossing ' BY C.P.R. EXPRESS RICHFORD, Vt Aug. 12. Mr. and Mrs., Stoiige of Quebec saw their four children killed here yesterday when the C.P,R. Express train struck the suto in which they were all returning home at a grade crossing. HELEN WILLS BEATS JOAN FRYE AT TENNIS FOREST HILLS. N.Y.. Aug. 12. Miss Helen Wills defeated Miss Joan Frye of England 6-2. 6-0 in the Wlghtman Cup