ia2 Average figures full fig-urcs slight figures all find comfort and beauty in Gossard Combinations. Our detxiTtment can ft yon Ixnrfectly. H.S. Wallace O., Ltd. THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS a" low PRICES THtfT I YOU CAN AFFOR.O- li i fiar.irter of our work I a iriei have-com- i"K us our business .11 know that our ' I i .- h and thut we ii v tlepc-iidalile. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 Wood UKY IIIKC II. CEDAR AND JACK PINE Large sat k. ."Of M DLES DRY KINDLING, $1.00 Phone 580 HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only ' Come in and inspect our stock M. T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 Or.A'exander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST I ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of, mported Woollens. Union label on every garment. Wo ""Ploy only Union labor, f-wry suit guaranteed per-fect , I. ANGER, Culler and Designer 223 Sixth Street BRITAIN STILL CARRYING ON Muddllnj: Through ...... as Unual Hut ir.t f nrr iniincime spirit Inxplre Faith NELSON. Aug. M.--KNT realise, how-ever, the trramidow, burden Bnuin baa carried since ber war araiie. were mustrrKl out; tad to the bone, paying VMt UB" Aaaerfee mm renrivln practically no MyMMlona; still haadl-capped by lat MaTi strikes, which .hiv ! rttinurutratd Usat her Deouie am utn asasters in Utalr own houter declared Herald Heea, Who haa Juat returmd here !r-" a vtsK jo Bngtond. 8h alawnrs along, ami time alone WW cell M at WU1 win throuirh -one keeps faith la her Invincible spirit Tlie pound la at r.ar. but llvlnjt cuts are nigh, though patrol seems cheap Site has iHMtMmMuy been under the tr of the Bads and tn terror of the Uol- 'ahlee. The rleh bare been fed to the ! poor till the wealthy have become cub- niag. and the poor believe that aoelalla- tA cllvleloo la function of the Kate I I NKMri-OVMIAT i:iniw: ! 'There are at ill over a million on the . uole- many of them for the bat five years. Unemployment is stIU esoeaslve including quarter of a null ion work-leas miners. Staple Industries are nut id a happy condition, and the agriculturists ery aloud of ruination d to ..d weather, lack of capital, combine and all the other ailments of their i ailing. "The brrth rate Is Declining, though ; one does, not Include this among the I unfavorable symptoms. -om wajM like to report mote favorably, but Britain's skies are still tar from clear, and this guns also for the 'veatber this summer. Shipbuilding, however, la plrknig up. and this is considered a good augury for trade In general. Britain I becoming more adaptable to her overrest markets, but her inherent coMerva.iam is a drag on development of trade abroad in face of fetfiric competition, noi only of America, but of continental cuun'.rlet II.IK'TUU ITV lltrKWAHII "The traffic problem is fearsome, and the toll of accident appalling; 400 killed In atreet accident in rive months i Mitor care Increase by leaps and bounds, and toe unhappy pedettrlan hourly saves his life In similar manner Electrical development seems backward, due to opposition of powerful vested interests. England surely ought -to have the cheapest 'white coal' In the world. It Is the dearest. "The government It endeavoring to co-ordinate electric production oo a national basis. "There Is still much hesitation In regard to the redistribution of the white population of the empire. The ml gallon problem Is not easy to solve, but is a difficult and tangled question The settlement of Britishers ovrneea in an expensive and exhautting under-taking, and the capacity of the Do minion of Canada to absorb emigrants from the home islands is strictly dependent upon Ha abUlty to find markets for IU produce. To sum up my general observations." concluded Mr. Reea, "I will quote the hackneyed phrase Britain still carries on- or. at one leading Umdon merchant expressed It to me. 'she la muddling through- -as usual.' " HOW DO RUSSIANS CLOTHE THEMSELVES? I'.sr nl nr of Prnfekklaiial Men Are Very Mn.ill nnd Cmls l-arje (Victoria Colonist) Tn Atvlet 'TltHBda 'the soveruflwwit h&t! decided that tlie salaries of leathers, j doctors and veterinary surgeons are ta lte Jneroaaed from fifteen to twenty per iftt. new tans oi;siaie iwllj gtvfl jelementary teaoher from 4.50j jjc-iwSt.' week: secondary teachers be- tneen 8J0 and 8.76 a week. Doctors, and veterinary surgeons are to get from lw.75 to $11.25, and the dentists be-itwecn 4.60 and 18.60 a week. The ! estimate of the new scale Is made on the basis of the rouble bcInK worth I fifty cents. Even under the new scale ' e difficulties of subsisting and cloth-1 ! u g oneself will be great, as the cost df I living It so high. In this respect a j decent suit of men's clothes In Russia' costs from 7i to $100. lT.TTeTTYy-'M.T.Ve.Tl v m .-naaiBBBBBBii pitprfd by the. NESTlfS " BABV , FOOD LAND ACT NOTICE Ol INTENTION TO TO Ij-.tM' umi ArTLY In iiui a . .. . . i.iTT!. "" raaraing District cti?UrJ5.!J2,T lurnard "rWlrr TrZ ""J"" usana. TAKINOrHl! lli.l the UWerd Pack. ST. """"-" uimwea of Vancouver. n.rt. "ccupation Salmon Caanera. In-"Ul W' fur a Umm of the follow- ng Oe-u rlbro lard.- !U'ZUr "K at P Plnl1 along-n"tl NW. LjSTg; thence .. ' 7 "u"! "' mark J w i im , 'r PO marked mrefc-h?'3, "" t. low water mCr' "'nc norttierly along low water TZ J?"lBl ' eommeneenient: fS 'UseiMensant. and contalnutg iae.Mttarter acre, more or let. UILLrrtO PACKINO COMPANY UUIItn. n,.um jun )n Applicant. NOTICE. Ttb TtTI lam aul u a . . . (Auction ,i the Provmelal Government j ( ourt Route, prlnea Robert, ox., am i llmr uav. Aui-utt llth. 1MTJ. at 1 orloek lu t.'w aitariiviii. the following loU Lots and 10. Uloek I. Section S I H'!"-- 5'd 1SUk)l . evetlon I. 1 - 't 7. Block 3. Seettoa t. all In the city Of IT! ace Rupert. BO. v.., ai lime oi tale, or one-juartT eaah and the balance in three equal annual Instalments, with Interest on the deterred payments at the raU- of et per annum, the Crown Orant rw to be 110 00 additional. Plans showing the kU offered for sale may be hii at the office of the Oovetn-menl Agent, Prinee Hupert BC. NORMAN A. WATT. Oovernment Agent. Dated at Prince Rupert, BC. July 4th. 1927. IN PRORATE, ix Tin: m tki:mk cockt or iikitisii ( Ol.l Mltlt In the Matter of the Administration Art: and In the Matter of the Estate of Harry Charles Campbell Black. Dereated. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor. P. MrB. Youug. the 16th djy of July. AJ) . 1OT7, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Harry Charles Campbell Black, deceased, and all parties having claims aralnst the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the Itfth day of August. AX). 1927. and alt partlea Indebted to the estate are re- Sulred to pay the amount of their In-Fbtedneas to me forthwith. NOKMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.O. Dated the ISth dav of July. 1927 Man in the Moon WHAT I like about heaven U the aura and certain knowledge that a lot' Jt people I know win be absent. A COUPLE of days ago a lot of relies were removed from Prince Rupert and rent to London, yet I met another of them on the street today. I'M "thankful there's" a' museum To put our fossils old. I wish they'd soon clean up the town And dig away the mould PtOcn all those ancient mummy folk That clutter up the streets. And rid the place for now and all Of toe moatbaekmen one meets. JAKE says be wonders I'm not dodg ; log the oops In order to keep my own' out of the mummy house. ITS much easier to try and be good than it I to be good. Tenj Yeai-a' Ago In Prince Rupert r ai u:st I?, ii7. Mayor S. M. Newton announces that he will be a Conservative candidate for this riding In the next federal election It Is understood that a polar explora tlon schooner will call In Prince Ru lert shortly for a supply of oil. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McDougall will Han ecoiwmmL, Pure I. someone around but when along theyjl are as meek as mummies. No, sir, not me. I'm not that kind of a man. THE girl said she married Dick but she wanted Jack. That's what they all want, old dear. ITS not what you'd do with a million If riches should e'er be your lot. Out what you are doing at present With the dollar and quarter you've. 5ci ot, . . : YEZ DAILY K2773 page nvn The Louvre to $17.00. Week-End Sale Trice 21 CHKl'E DE CIIENE DRESSES . In shades of Salmon, Nile, I'ewdw, Blue, Taupe, Hose, Navy. QQ QC Week-End Sale Price OOeUtJ HOSE Pure Silk Thread Hose in all shades and sizes. RXn Week-End ale Price UfJl Circle Rar Hose, pure silk. Week-End' Sale price Off per pair OJUOD GOG Third Avenue. leave tomorrow for Telegraph Creek' YOU have heard of thote men who en route to the Casslar district on s talk tin to their wives when there Is biff came huntlnir trlD. FESTIVE PARTY AT I.0.D.L HALL LAST NIGHT FOR VISITOR Miss Marian Lincoln of Yanroutrr (luest of Honor at Ktrnt With About Klghty Prevent . '.The. IXiat HaU.Jast nigrit was the etetie :of , a festtye ifarty' In' -honor, of Mi'ifirtan tincour otVapcpuver who sbri About eigRtyguests were present end tjiere was not; a, dulL- moment fliroughout the evening and until rather Jate hourt. The hall was beautifully decorated, the work being done under d.rectlon of MUs Myra Harvey. Very fine music twas provided by Greenfield's orchestra and refreshments were In charge of Mrs. Corrall. Among the distinguished guests were Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Parker. P. B. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Bennett, and Miss Ollllngham. All enjoyed the event Immensely and none more than the guest of the evening. PARTY OF BOSTON TOURISTS IS HERE Consisting of some seventy-five persons, mostly from Boston and vicinity, a Raymond-Whltcpmb tour party arrived from Vancouver on the Prince George this morning and will make the round trip to Stewart and Anyox. dltembarklng here tomorrow evening and -proceeding East by special train early Sunday morning. The party Is being conducted by W. h. Wade. DEAN OBJECTS TO INTERNATIONALISM (Victoria Colonist) Dean Inge says we should eschew labels like a snare of the devU. One of those labels Is Internationalism. In commenting on this label he points out that people are not happy unless they belong to a flghthig group, and unless they have n0r-'fljutlng group to Week-end Special The First Three customers purchasing $5.00 worth of merchandise are entitled to a $1.95 Dress value up. to $22.00 MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy llth St. Telephone 657. IN PROBATE. V IS TUB Kl I'HEMK CO! KT OF I1I1ITIMI t Oi l .MIII V In the Matter of the "Administration Act" and In the Matter of the Estate of John Selffert Berndgen. Deceased. I TAKE NOTICE that by order of His: Honor Judge F. McB. Young, the 6th day 1 of July. A D. 1927, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Self- ; fert Berndgen. Deceased, and all parties ' having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 6th day of August, AX). 1937. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay 1 tne amount oi tneir inacDieaness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. contend against. "Jt la all very sUly and very natural.' "Pacifists say," we quote. "Why do n,ot the nations combine? They would be mudi better off. So would two football teams get many more goals if they would combine to kick the ball between the goal-posts. The only practical advice is: Don't take labels too seriously; personalize your sympathies and de-personallze your SPEND HUGE SUM ON AVIATION TERMINAL BERLIN, Aug. 12. Transatlantic air passengers will probably find themselves touching Oerman soil first at Travemunde. airport' of the ancient Hanoeatlc city of Lubeck. The federal government and the Free State of Hamburg and Lubeck are' spending 1.100.000 marks annually on a scheme for making Travemunde the International cross road of Europe. The Louvre of Ladies' Dresses, Hats and Lingerie Our whole stock of Summer Hats and Dresses is being offered at Sale Prices so that we will not have to carry any over. It is not good business to carry over one season's stock to another. We would rather move it out at less than cost price than store it to another season. And this gives ladies an opportunity to obtain hats and dresses at very low prices indeed. Our large buying capacity enables us to secure the lowest prices to begin with and our sale prices represent real bargains. all'ouk summer hats In all shapes and colors. Values up S2.95 SILK RAINCOATS In shades of Blue, Green and Red. In all sizes. QO QC Week-KndSale Price ...... VUeaKJ WOMEN'S CREPE ROMAIN DRESSES In all the latest shades. Sizes from 40 to 48. C9 en Week-End Sale Price . . . V"" V SOMETHING NEW IN LINGERIE Ladder ' proof. Guaranteed not to run. Pyjamas , $5.05 Princess Slips $l.!)5 Nightgowns $1.05 Bloomers $2J5 Vests $1.05 A Few Two Piece Suits at $15.50 Evening Gowns, Coats and Suits also at very low prices THE LOUVRE Prince Rupert, B.C. DENTI ST Dr. J. R. Gosse , .Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m: to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments rToiian I i i ii.Hia ay tiMLatamT 1 mm 1 "TY A Nit TO. SIGHT" GRANT'S est Procurable (THE ORIGINAL) . Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT BxthJ m4 fMn.tal by WiOuat imiCW., 5niln. A Jm .gMMgalHElgl This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of Brltlih Columbia