PAGE FOUR TITS alt WOULD MEET BRINGING UP FATHER : A By George McManut POOR JUDGE BLOT l L, AID OP lt MCCAFFNEY AKOOMO? WEUL-SsHERE don't aoww- he-told SOFPERlKl' CATS' TrT COMPETITION "N IHfc. WHICH HAKES (ft HE'S COT TEN DOLLARS 1 MCGAFFNEY 3f me that jodce riot I HEARD WOZ. im THE HObPlTAU- I I - CWTAINTf TKE 'f?bDEMT rm OF MIME- I VAMTEDHUM ' "WlLlJ lOWMAKE mttll MiUJ ABOUT IT BOT HtVO VUT "r WlTrt A N. .TO CARRY r TO DO t-VTTLE JOB BRICK THE MINUTE MR PROM JOE- ' JOB' . FROM CANADA DOT I DOM'T U 1 -V, FOR ME JOfo IM THE COT OUT- SO MCAFFrJEr MEED T BACK ROOfn. m I l5 WAmM AROOMDA m NOW. Ht " :. r n - mm i i v i THAT IS f.S. OBJECT IX oriTRI.Vfl irr. ft I 4.1. J-ty .-; r-i i alaskax itlpivooo mnus roit HID hater POWER AXlf TRANSPORTATION- WASHINGTON, DC. Feb. 7. (By Canadian Presg). The two largest tlnv ber sales ever offered by the Forest Ser vice. United States Department of Agri culture, are now being advertised for competitive bld, Theae are tales of pulp wood in Alaska, each for five billion board feet. Announcement of these of' vfertngs Is made by Secretary of Agricul ture Jardine. One sale Is In the nor thern part of the Tongass National Forest not far from Juneau, and the other Is In the southern part of the forest near Ketchikan. The establish ment of at least a 200-ton paper mill In Alaska Is required as a condition of each sale, with opportunity to expand to MO tons. The advertisements are in response to applications for timber and water power permits filed by a number of companies or groups of responsible Individuals., In the eastern United States, scarcity of available timber close to cheaply- developed water power has prevented the growth of paper-making In recent years and has led to the establishment of new mills in Canada and Newfoundland Instead of within the United States. The oiferlngs of Alaska timber, he pointed out. will result in mills on United States soil, using United States timber and supplying United States paper users with a native product instead of an Imported product. The purposes of the department in offering these sales," said Secretary Jar-dine, "are first of all to aid In the economic development of the territory by establishing large units of a new Industry, using National Forest wood as Its raw material; and secondly, to make that industry permanent by Insuring a perpetual supply of timber. We Invite and will protect the Investment 01 capital necessary to establish large units of paper manufacture. At the same time, we must fully protect the public Interest by getting fair compensation for the government timber. The sales are offered with all these purposes in mind." Mr. Jardine said that southeastern Alaska lias the timber, the water power And transportation facilities necessary for the development of a large paper manufacturing Industry. APPEALS BEFORE COURT REVISION C.X.H. PROTEST .MOST IMPORTANT OF SIAERtL COMING ItF.I ORE CIVIC IMHIV The court of revision appointed by the mayor to consider 'appeals' from the city assessment for the coming year: will meet tomorrow in the city hall, n. Tt. Nlchol, Canadian National taxation commissioner, has already asked for an adjournment of the court to permit him to attend in person and argue the appeals made by him for the Canadian National Railways and the O.TP. Development Company. The following Is a list of appeals which will be considered by the court, the claim In each Instance being made that the assessment Is too high: ' Section I. block 22, lots S and 6, owner A. 8. Mclntyre. by M. M. Stephens, agent. section.. a, Diock 5, lots II, owner Dora Stephens, by M. ' M. Stephens, agent. Station S, block 6, lot 2, owner, J. II. Calorem, by M. M. Stephens. WaUcrfront and block Bl, and R2, owner C.N.R;, by R. R. Nlchol. f Waterfront leases, owner C.N.R, by It. R. Nlchol. Section ' I, block 6, lot 4, O. CJ Oreenwood. Section 6, block 8, lot 10- and 11, E. E. Crulckshanks. Section 1, block 10, lots 0 and 10, George H. Cutrle. Section 6, block IS, lots 7 and B. J. U. Pearsons. Section S, block 17, lot; 7 and 8 J. II. Pearsons. Section 8. block 22, lot 41, A. E. Price. Section 8, block 29, lot 19, II. L. Con stable. Section 1, bock 9, lots 1, 15 and 10, R. A. White. Section 3, block 11, lot 25, n. White. St-ctlon 7, block 16, lots 1 and 2, A. White. R. All holdings of O.TP. Development CoH by n. R. Nlchol. Section 0,- block 27, lot 13. owner Oeorge Smith, by W. E. Fisher, agent. section 9, biock 27, lot I. owner Zndie Smith, by W. E. Fisher, agent, Section 1, block 30, lot 9, C. D. Car penter. Section 8, block 27, lots 11 and 12 W. E. Fisher. Hon. John Oliver and Mrs. Oliver, 1937 Fern Street, entertained last even ing at tne iirat ot a series of ses sional dinners. The table was cen tcrrd with daffodils and the guests were, .Hon. and Mrs. A, M. Manson General and Mrs. Odium, Mrs. T. W. Paterson, A. MeD. Paterson and the Hon. Mr. BucKhsm. Victoria Colonist i. AdrertuV In Tbt Dally Ntwa MANY NEW BOOKS NOW TO BE FOUND INJUBRARY HERE The following new books have been placed on the shelves of the Prince Rupert Public Library: PHILOSOPHY Durant. Will. "Story of Philosophy." Mumford, E. W. "Hand-reading To day." , Swift, E. Jr "Psychology and thei Days Work." i!i:i ir.iov Bennett. Arnold and others "My Re ligion." Begble, Harold "Broken Lights" Boreham, F. W. "Faggot of Torches." Browne, Lewis "Stranger than Fic tion." Fosdick. H. E. "Modern Use of the ible." SOCIOLOGY Austin & Lloyd "Secret of High Wages. Jones, J. H. "Social Economics." Falconer. Sir Robert "The Untied tates as a Neighbor." Williamson, T. R. "Readings In Eco nomics." SCIKNCK. j Bragg, Sir William "Concerning the Nature of Things." Osborn. II. F. "Impressions of Great Naturalists." Sterling. F. W. "Small Boat Navl- jatlon." AMl'SEMENTR, Carpentier, Georges "Art of Boxing." FIXE ARTS. Speed "Oil Painting." LITERATI RE. Oosse, Sir Edmund "French Pro- files." Mackall, J. W. "Latin Llterature." Malory, Sir Thomas j "Morte d- Arthur." Marble, A. Rj "Nobel Prize Winners in Literature." NleUsche. F. W. "Selected Works." Untermayer. Louis "American poetry Since 1900." TRAVEL. Adams, Andy "Reed Anthony, Cow man. Griggs, R. F "Valley of Ten Thous and Smokes." Hakluyt, Richard "Selected Voyages." Ossendowskl, F. "Fire of Folk." I HISTORY. I Mahan, A. T "Influence of Power Upon History." Parkman, Francis "Jesuits In America." IHOflRAPHY. Clarke, Sir Edmund Beaconsfleld. REFERENCE. i i i w m j I f I I Bnul tHVl. nr4 : Her Little Boy Caught Cold While Out Playing Mrs. F. Caile, Elrawoftl, Man., writes: "Mr little boy caught eoM while oat plaving in the snow. He coughed incessantly all that niglit and the next dajr, and nothing I gave him seemed to relieve htm. When bit has- Price 35c, a bottle, large sire ?i"c; put up only by The T. Miiburu Ub Limit aited, Toronto, Oat. SUMMARY DISMISSAL OF NURSE AROUSES ASSOCIATION'S IRE i i VICTORIA. Feb. 7. The Graduate Nurses' Association of British Columbia passed tne ascompanying resolution a'. Its meeting here on Saturday with regard to the recent dismissal of Miss Jessie Mackenzie by the Jubilee Hospital Board: "Whereas It has been brought to tht notice of the Registered Nurses' Association of B.C. that one of its members, namely. Miss Jessie F. Mackenzie. RJJ.. who far the past fouhteen years hw been actively engaged as superintendent of nurses at the Royal Jubilee Hospital, Victoria, B.C. has been summarily dismissed from this position, and "Whereas this action has been taken by the boardj of electors of the hospital without due notice and without giving any reason therefore "Now, , therefore, be it resolved that we, the members of the B.C.O.N.A. de sire to go on record as being astounded Desert ma indignant that a board of directors in whom the public have vested such Rutter. Owen "New Baltic 8tates." I.uthorttv .nd rMnonihitit thnuM adopt such a method In dealing with Sea the superintendent of nurses after en trusting her for fourteen years with the North care of their patients and the responsibility of their training school, and we do hereby make a formal protest against the lack of Justice shown in this action by the sal'd board." Orassl English-Italian plctionary. j I A few weeks of It is something of an Irony of given Mme. Tetrazelnl a deeper voice, words that a reckless driver should end At that rate Peggy Hopkins Joyce up fn i' wreck. ought to be able to sing bass. P9e a v fro Lady jjSl 0-1 has been Servintbu Faithfully forManyfears "BREAKFAST" lr Baker's Breakfost Cocoa Means Smnething The United States Pocxl Standards define " Breakfast" cocoa is cocoa containing not less than 22 per cent of cocoa butter. Many chean cocoas (which eanmt he labelled "Breakfast Tocoa) contain not more than 14 per cent at 15 per cet.t U butter. baler's BrtAfinf Cocoa contains not less than V per cent of cocoa butter, almost one-Lfth than Oovrmment require ment. The phrate Ualtr'i Brrikfast Cocoa meant a pure, dc lidoui cocoa of high quality and potseuing a coiiudcnble amount of nuurUhment. WALTER BAKER dc CO. Limited Established 1780 DORCHESTER. MASS. Canadian Mills at Montreal tSod(lrt of CXct Rnifft tent rtt FUNERAL OF LATE Mail) PETER ERICKSON Mourner rr Prroent at !- Ule Yrterliir Afternoon Many were present at the funeral ser vice lor tne late p. Ertekson wnlcn ws held yesterday afternoon from -the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers. Rev. T. band eame home he brought a buttle ot !D. Itlnde offleiating. The service was Dr. Wood's Norway Pinn Syrup jfe mm with him. After the second doie my 1 boy was greatly relieved and after the . tinrd dose he went to sleep and slept the whole night through without any. i eoughing. I am never without it in ,p the house, and whenever any of the I children get the slightest cold it's the ftrtt thirg I give them." of a very impressive character and Included the singing of such, well known : hymns as "My Faith Looks up to Thee.' and "Rock of Ages." W. Vaufhhu D.ivles presided at the organ. There were many beautiful floral tributes tron. friends of the deceased who was an old timer in the city. After the errtce at the chapel the funeral cortege moved tc " Falrvlew cemetery where interment took ace. Among tnose sending flowers were Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Unger. Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Christiansen. Mr and Mrs. A. Halver- son. Mr. and Mrs. Rex PuMicover. Mr and Mrs. C. il Jackson and Allan Swanson. SPECIAL MUSICAL SERVICE HELD AT LUTHERAN CHURCH A large attendance at the Lutheran church service in the Uetropote Hall last evening enjoyed the special musical service which included many selec-tlens bypofrryot's srrjnged orehratra. The folioT.Uig waa the program for the evening: Prelude byl Miss AtleU McKtnley. Hmn "Alii Hall the Power" by the congregatioru Selection." y the orchestra. Selection by the choir. Scripture lesson and prayer hy Rev. T. D. RInde. i Selection by male quartette. Selection by the orchestra. Selection by ladles' trio. Remarks by. pastor. Rev. T. D. Rlnde. Selection by orchestra. Selection by the choir. Selection by the orchestra. Benediction and doxology. In connection with the service C. O. R. Anderson and R. Feness were Installed as deacons of the congregation to rerve the church for a period of three years. SPORT CHAT Sport evenu scheduled for the week 'are as follows: married life have Monday Basketball: Prince Rupert vs. Ketchikan and exhibition games. Crlbbage.- Cold Storage vs. P. R. Hotel. St. Andrew's vs. C. N. R. Operators): Moose vs. Dry Dock; C. N. Mechanic vs. Orange Lodge: Knights ofColumbus vs. Canadian Legion; Sons of Canada, vs. Grotto. Tuesday Billiards; .CJrahd .Terminals Vs. urotto. Basketball: Ketchikan vs. Prince Rupert and exhlbltnon game Thursday. Men's Whist: St. Oeorge's (Seal Cove) vs. Oddfellows: St. Andrews vs. Elks: St. Oeorge's (City) vs. Moose: Sons of Canada vs. Knights of Pythias. Friday. Basketball: Junior League, Tuxls Boys vs. Stars: Colts vs, Maple Leafs: Intermediate League, Orand Terminals vs. O rot to: Senior League, Elks vs. Native Sons ot Canada. Billiards: St. Andrew's vs. Oyro. T V anted For Sale For Kent f DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertiiement taken for lest than 50c WANTKI) WANTED. TO BORROW tUMOjOO Oil first mortgage at 8 per cant on five rbcoied house and (ot: close la. Ap-piy P.O. Bat 378. Otty. WANTED. WOMAN FOR. KITCHEN help by March 1. The Inlander U FOR SAI.K O LOOK! OLOO PENSl HURRAH t No more gkm jot Carrlea like fountain pen. Always ready. Never dries up. HeXUlabte. Get one' Send 50. Leader. 1303 Seymour Street. VaBeoutef. BC. FOR SALE. SIX CARd TIMOTHY, one BronTe. F.O.B. Burns Lake. BC II. C. Shlnn. Willow Spring Ranch. IXJsTT. southbank. Franeota Use. BC 34) PIANO AND SINQER SEW1NQ MACII-ine for sale. Phone Oreen 835. 1'Olt HgNT FOR RENT. THIRTT ROOM BQUIP-ped hotel. Going osoeefn. Write Box 343 Dally New Offlee - tl FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART- mnt: four rooms and Wth: water paid. Phone M7. if FOR RENT. STEAM HEATED APART-menta. Apply Smith h MsHett. Ltd Telephone 174. FOR RENT. PIANOS. PHONOGRAPHS and Slater 8ewlnc Machines. Walker' Music Store. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RKNT by day. week or month. Phone Red 807. U FOR RENT MtJUERN H0U8E, FIV rooms and bath. Bros. U ROOMS TO RKNT. PHOWE 678. TEAMS SELECTED Oeorge Young, the seventeen-year-old Mlnzghor. tf proposed to clear up all the other postponed games t Andrew's a. St Oeorge's (Otty); Oddfellows vs BHn: St. George's (Besl Oovtl vs. Sons ot Canada, and Knights of Pythlai vs. St. An-drew1--at a special aaeaten tomorrow ' Bight. , In the meantlme.,the standing of the teams Is at follows: Moose . . . . Elks I. O. O. F St. Oeorge's isc.) K. P Sons of Canada . . St. Oeorge's i City l W. 8 it Andrew's a L. 3 4 4 4 3 6 8 0 Pt. FOR BASKETBALL TUESDAY EVENING In addition to the Ketehlkan-Prlnce Rupert game, the following local teams have been selected to meet tsnsmw tonight at basketball: 1-n'tlfV hHrct Teams "A" Turn Miss Helen Grant. Mia Wllla Dyer. Miss Vera Smith.' Miss Myra Harvey. Miss Catherine Harvey. Spares: Mist Helen 81m. Miss May Thompson. "B" Team Miss Darothy Ooase. lift Msrgaret Oraham. Vllss Lillian Lowe, Mm Caroline Mitchell. Miss Evelyn Dlby. Spares: Mies Margaret Palmer. Mlaa Ada Toronto boy who swam the Catallnai Junior SrlM-t Tennis Channel, will make between $100.000 ! "A" Team T. Kelsey, r Irvine. W. and 1150,000 aa a result of his exploit, iPatmore. E. Smith. It. Stalker. Spare William Wrlgley, Jr., who promoted the D. Morrison. II. Hellbroner. wlm said, Wrlgley revealed that hit "B" Twun-W. Donald, n Hunt swimming party cost htm about tlOO,-000. Besides Young and 101 others who swam there were about 1.S00 other guests of Mr. Wrlgley. none of whom got wet. "I had a good time." said Wrlgley. "It was worth all It cost. I don't know whether there will be another one yet. You know you can't pull a party like that every few minutes. Young is one of the greatest young men I have ever met. am convinced that he is the only man In the world who could have completed that terrific twlm." MEN'SWIHST In one of the deferred games In the Men's Section of the Fraternal Whlst League, the Moose defeated lie Elkt by Low a score of 8 to i last evening. It is cross. H. Mscdanald, E. Itatohford. Spares: Sakamoto. F. Morrison ' Advertise In the nllv Niw I'UINCi: KUPEKT TMIES v MONDAY. i r.imi AKV 7, "' o:i2 a.m. ao.4 ft, Io HSI4 a.m. 3.7 M:3S p.m. 8.8 Ti nsDAV. n;mn AHY l"Jh a:04 18:44 p.m. Iw 13:20 pjn, Vi:DM:,iDAV, II.IIIU'AKV '8h 7:04 a.m. 30.08 pm. 0 30 a.m. 1T:40 p m. I8 ft, 10.8 " 8.3 " 0 IB 3 ft. 15.0 " 7.8 " fl.S " SITUATIONS VACANT HATCHERY ASSISTANTS. DEPART- forms obUlnaMe from Postmaster at. Tuesdays point of publication to Civil Service' Commission. Ottawa, not later than! March SI. 1937. - 31 LADY'S SILVER MESH BACI containing sum of money. Flnoer please return to Dally News odke. HOAItl) HOARD. THE INLANDER, 830 Becoad Avenue. Phone" 137. 1 TIIOI.NTI.IflMi FURNITURE REPAIRING: DPIIOL- sterlng of all kinds. Chesterfletds recovered and made to order. AD work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 803. O. M. HUNT, AUCTIONEER I BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE ANY-thlng of value. My business is built on face value, results and good Judgment My ability M your suoreM. Arraaatog.your. artleUe for sale means everything and dollar added. I solicit your next sale and to oyeea-tion. Satiaf action and above method are my system. Phone 774. 301 Third Avenue. O. F. Brine. Experienced! Auctioneer. WOOD A. IH.tiOOV Seal fair. . Mixed Wood Btoeka per load . Kindling, per load ISM I Furnace Wood, per toad ttJBO Delivered. 8ati Hrrrlhg Phone lllark ICI IULSTAUHANTS HOOD rUTN Mrs. Onger. Proprlrtrrna TUIrd Avenue. Nett O. W. V. A. (IihnI llnine funked Mmk Phone Black 700 TAXI -4 Phone C7 Taxi (Call neorire, Pnttl or fiunt) Six and Seven I'a.enjrcr Stiule-laker at your ilUponal any jllme. KOSS HKOS. POOL KOOM Meeker Illnck. , ( Across from Kmprenn Hotel) IN I'KOHATE. iv Tin: si piiKtiFrTiTRT or iiuitisii coi.ii.miiia In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Aim. otherwise known as Anders Aim. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, Judgo Itnbertson. the ICth day of December. AD. 1828. I waa appointed Administrator of the estate of Andrew Aim, otherwise known as Anders Aim. deceased, and all parties having claims against the as Id estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified January. A D. 1027. and all parties In- the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Prince Ruport,' B.C. . Official Administrator, .nPj11"1 A the 2Ut 47 of December. A.D. 1020. IN PKOIIATE IV THE NI PIII-.Mr: roi'itr Ol' lllttriHIl . rOI.I'MDIA In the Matter of the Admlnlstrstlon Art; and V .,th Matter of the Entate of 'Clark 4$M$riyS?!k P',0. Intestate. Hbfxir. Judge Robertson, (he tsth day of December. AD. 1328, I wna annolntrd Administrator of the cut, VTcurk having claim agatnit the aalq estate art neH?jrSf.u,.rr? to ,urnl!,h me' P0' K h"1'', 10 me on or before the 10th day of January. A D. 1927. and ell PHlo indebted to' the estate Ire re" HiV"'" t0 P?y th tmount of their In. debtwlnes to me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT." Official Artmlnlitrator. Pr'nee Rupert, no. tv.!..i h. IBM. " 1 0t '""'f. A D. Wrdnesdsys .. Article, LottaNl Found, MAIL SCHEDULE ment Marine and Fisheries; salary , oitooivi licao per annum. Vacancies now la ! l or I he lst Manitoba and British Columbia,! Mondays, Wediimd. r others anticipated In Alberta. Hatch- closes ... ery expatlenee essential. Apply on r" Vancomer SITUATIONS WANTKI) Fridays Balurdays OPJL Feb u CJ ft. Mar h 1 1 First etasa n : : Vancouver on Mi WOMAN WANTS WORK OF ANT KIND Saturday by c Nil by the hour. Apply PO. Box 77. Tu AmjHU Mirm Um rnswv iwpm. uv. mler LOST Sundays 'J. .tcift To It. MmMnandsM tl: Sunday . . To AUtk iNilnts Frh. 7 and 21 March 7. 18 tm l(uren Marlottr. . Frb. 13 and 34 IvroMI'.fl ITixn I lie l-l Tuesdays. Time y at Irora aiM-uer- Sunday . Wednesdays . Friday CPU., Feb 7 .. CPU. Mar. : I i. liom Aniui. Alke Ana, Mjv j Prrtalrr Tuesday . Friday . I loin Ft. KlmpMin and Ns Iir r Tuesday . Itm Alsla rolnt Feb. II ami r March II aim ' lrMn ((iieen f'hMtf" leb. 10 ihi t PI Ofahaar tat Ave (Kb A r 8tn .a. Mill A l'.o I'oijjutiomi Si Atlln A it mil s & Full..: A; iln'inp Bherbrik' Uth Ave. U Citii 8th Ave Ac Hsy ' 8ih At Hay Civ 8lh Avr At Cotton 5th Avr & M m v OiWt llldi:-Prov O i Wh-ir!' OT.P Wharf O.T.P. SratL.n Snd Ave. As 2nd 3rd Ave. Ai ' 3rd Ave. tt 8th Rt Sunday naif' day only. nil rv STEAMSHIP M0VEI1B I t niic-oiiirr Tuaaday- C'):; Frldy- Ptn ...i T Saturday a Ca-3!a Feb. II Pi Feb. 3 m P u I'min Vancnmrr j. Sunday M Cardr-i ? Wednesday ss It K " Friday-. Cataia Feb. 7- as. Prtn f V- ; Feb. 21.- m P' M ' l ur Purl Mmpwn il ,,, '. Sunday - Can. I'roin Pott Miiiuii ami ' j Tuelay--s Cam' . ror Mewart. nyo anl , Sunday a Camor. Wlnesda . Prlr "" rr I'roni Meaart, Anjot TuearVy Camoxun Friday ss. ITInce R' P I'or ijiieen I'lmrtntles- (;. Feb. 13 m Prtii" r; Feb. 20 a. -Prince Ji:"1 I'lnni tjiiren ClisrMte Feb. 10- Pii ' J .i Feb. 34 as. rrlnc J 3 I'nr Alaka 1 Pel,, 7-hm. Trlncess MiU Feb. ai. -a, prince Mi I'roni Alka ) Feb, ll . Prince u-K 9K- Mm Prinrr-- MarT C.N.R. TRAINS For East- Monday.-Saturday From East Tuesday Sundays .iT-zmfSiW Thu,wi:rJ AdrertUio In Ui D'" 1