PAGE SIX THE DAILY NETfB l!IBBIIII,Bl WW 3,v NERVOUSNESS is a seriout matter. Nerve exhaustion which follows is often irreparable. Nerve troubles should be' UVen to a nerve expert. YOUR NERVES CONTROL YOUR HEALTH I For your liesltVa d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR Rooms 6 & 7, Exchange Mock Thonc G'Jl PATHd ' '- JsJEUROMETLR Service Once in a Lifetime Such an opportunity to save money on the best of seasonable goods. AH Brand New HATS, DRESSES, COATS, SUITS, ETC. At less than cost The last few days DON'T DELAY , BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue A GOOD INVESTMENT There la no safer Investment and none that will pay larger dividends than accurately fitted glases. They'll stop you worrying and start you wondering how you ever got along without them. Our Optical .Service Is the lest by test not the best because the busiest but the busiest because the best. Lowest Prices. Expert Service. A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 31S Third Avenue. Opposite (S.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Ilirch and Spruce Per double load JC.'O Per single load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters 18 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal at dealers' prices. HydeTransfer 13'J Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE UUY DOTTLES Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST 'FARMER AND CANADA LAW Second article by I tie pec tor T. W. S. Parsons, British Columbia Public Ser vice Bulletin: In all criminal matters two Important facts should 'never be lost sight of: First, that our codified legal provisions dealing with crime, generally known as th Criminal Code, apply throughout Canada: secondly, that Ignorance of the law does not excuse an offence. The latter axiom Is Important and It may now be explained what 1 meant when defending' lawyers plead "color of right" In answer to a charge. Over twenty years ago a learned Judge gave It as his opinion that to do an illegal act In Ignorance ,1s not to do It with color of right He held that there must be at least an honest belief in the existence of a certain state of facts which, If It actually existed, would at law Justify or excuse the act done. Never forget that any attempt to commit an offence is unlawful, and that even though compelled by threats to do to. no one is excused for assist- In; in. the commission pf crimes Ilk; murder, forcible abduction, rape, caus-: Ing bodily harm, or arson. To help In come way, or to procure Its commis-1 sion. Is to "party" an offence; and, with the exception that married per-; sons cannot be accessories to each other, to knowingly aid an offender to escape capture is to become an "accessory af- : tcr the fact." ( IIII.IIItr.N AMI THE LAW ' nuaren unaer the age of 7 are considered to have legal Incapacity for crime. However. If competent to real Ire the nature and consequence of their conduct, and to appreciate that It was NAVIGABLE WATER PROTEC- T1MV AfT I k.s.c. t h a nut us. MASSKTT CANNKRS. LIMITED hereby give notice that It has. under Section Seven of said Act. deDOslted with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa, and at the office of the District Registrar of the Land Registry District of Prince Rupert, at Prince Runert. B.C.. a de scription of the site and plans of the wharf and pier proposed to be built on the Massed Indian Reserve. Number One, on Graham Island, Province of British Columbia. AND take notice that after the ex piration of one month from date of the first publication of this notice. Massett Canners Limited will, under Section Seven of said Act. apply to the Minister of PUbllc Works at his office in the City of Ottawa, for approval of site and pians. sna ior leave to construct said wharf and pier. uaieu at prince Rupert this 25th day of February, 1927. MABSETT CANNERS. LIMITED, By Its Solicitors, Williams. Msnson it Gonzales. WATER NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor of urinsn uoiumoia. by and with the ad vice or mis Executive Council, has been pleaded to order: that toe reservation of the waters of Brown's River and Me. Knight Creek, tributaries of Ecstal! River, established pursuant to Order In CouncU Number 808 aDsroved the 13th day of June, 1921, be cancelled. me cancellation of the said reserva. tlon will be effective on April 19th, 1927 uAitj mis inn aay oi Marcn. 1927 T. D. PATTULLO. Minister of Land. 2 Housecleaning Spec! lals 2 Cans Dutch Cleanser . . 2 Cans Gem Lye 3 Lilac Rose Soap 2 Cans Silverfnc Powder Special Price 25c . . . . 30c . 30c , . 30c $1.15 $1.00 Johnson'n Floor Polishing Outfit 1 Quart of Johnson's Liquid Wax $1.50 1 Johnson' Wax Lambs-wool Mop $1.50 1 Johnson' Weighted Polishing P.rush $3.50 1 Johnson' Rook on Home Beatifying 25c Special Price $0.75 $5.00 1 quart Johnson's Liquid Wax, at each $1.50 1 Pint Johnson's Liquid Wax, at each 85c I half-pint Johnson's Liquid Wax, at each 50c 1 'iillb. can Johnson's Paste Wax, at each GOc 1 l-lb. can Johnson's Paste Wax, at each $1.00 Johnson' Electric Floor Polisher 1 Johnson' Electric Floor Polisher $48.50 Ms Gallon Johnson's Liquid Wax $2.75 1 Johnson's Lambs-wool AIop $1.50 $52.75 Special Price $18.50 We Kent Electric Polisher at $2.00 per day. Mussallem Grocery" COMPANY LTD. 417-123 Fifth Ave. Eat. Phone 18 Phone 81 service industry Fairbanks-Morse Diesel Engines Made In theollou-ing itttt: MARINE 20 h.p. 2 cyt. 180 h.p. 6 cyl. 40 h.p. 4 cyl. 60 h.p. 3 cyl-80 h.p. 4 cyl. 120 h.p. 6 cyl. 120 h.p. 4 cyl. 40 h.p, 240 h.p. 4 cyl. 360 h.p. 6 cyl. 480 h.p. 4 cyl. 600 h.p. S cyl. 720 h.p. 6 cyl. STATIONARY 1 cyl. 240 h.p. 60 h-p. 1 cyt 80 h.p. 2 cyL 120 h.p. 2 cyt. 180 h.p. 3 cyt cyt- 360 h.p. 6 cyl. 480 h.p. 4 cyl. 600 h.p. 5 cyl 720 h.p. 6 cyl. We also manufacture Type "Y" Horizontal Oil Engine in 10, 15, 20 and 25 h.p. sizes and Type "Z" Kerosene Engines in 2, 3, and 6 h.p. tiiri. rJht CANADIAN Fairbanks -Morse COMPANYlinU rt BEATTY ST.. VANCOUVER. B.C. 42 wrong, they may be convicted of an offence committed by them when between the ages of 7 and 14 years. Thereafter, so far as concerns the commission of an illegal act, the law takes its course Irrespective of age. While the actual court procedure where youthful culprits are concerned I speaking, great caution should be ot. U that common to all criminal prosecu- . erved In making an arrest without war tlons, special regulations govern their privacy and persons unconnected therewith are usually excluded from the trials of Juvenile offenders. Should It happen that children are witnesses to a crime, and the facts to which they tes tify are corroborated by a person of more mature age. tender years do not bar their evidence being received. TI1K L'SE OK l OltrK A subject of doubt to many people Is LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.KSE LA XII. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate 30 chains east of northwest corner of Lot 69. Range 3. Coast District. TAKE riOTICE that Oosse Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver, occupation Fish Canners. Intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at 'a post planted 39 chains east of northwest Lot 68. Range S. Coast District: thence north 5 chains to low- water mark;. . thence east 10 chains: thence south S chains: thence west 10, chains, to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or less. GOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Per H. Moorchouie. Dated 2nd April. 1927. "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT" I'lll.NCE Itl'I'EItT IXKCTOUAL DISTRICT MACKENZIE ELECTOR Al. DISTRICT NOTICE is hereby given that I shall, on Monday, the 19th day of May. 1927, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the Courthouse, Prince Rupcrl. hold a sitting of the Court of Revision far the purpose of revising the lists of voters for the said Electoral Districts, and, of hearing and determining any and all objections to the retention of any name on the said lists, or to the registration as a voter of anr arDllcant for registration; and for the other pur- pown set forth in the Provincial Elections Act." Dted at Prince Rupert. B.C.. this Cth day of April. 1927. flUKMAH A. WAIT, 114 Registrar ot Voters. Cash and Carry Grocery Glh and Fulton $5.00 Orders Delivered C.O.I). We have just received a large shipment of our special Home-Cured liaeon, worth COc. This week's price, sliced .... 50c in the piece, per lb. 13c IJ.C. Fresh "Pullett Eggs, 3 doz. for 'Joe Strictly Local Fresh Eggs, per doz 13c A car load of Terrace Potatoes arrived this week. To move them quickly we will sell per 100 lb. sack $1.80 Shaker Salt, 2 for 23c Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin 10c Corn Flakes,, any variety JOc Sunklst Ofarife'83ld6z.tfor?$.00 Toilet lioUJforffiigfT? $1.00 Gold Dust, large packages, each 33c Cow Brand Soda, per pkg. ... 10c Special Line of Spices, per tin 3c Pure Extracts, 50c bottles for 30c Royal Crown Soap, 6 bars 22'jC Seedless Raisins in bulk, regular price 17c; our price this week, per lb 13c the use ot "force." When and under what circumstances may It be legally exercised? Briefly. U reasonable means .having failed, force may toe used to effect the following purposes: j 1. In making an rret. . 2. In preventing the escape or rescue j of a prisoner. I 3. To prevent the commission of an offence. j 4. To prevent a breach of the peace. S. In self-defence. ! 6; In delendlng real or movable pro- perty against a trespasser. 7. in defending a dwelling house against any one intending to commit an indictable offence therein, j 8. In the correction of chUdrcn. j on one point our Code Is clear and . emphatic, and It caiuitt be too strongly i Impressed on the reader's mind that excessive force must never be employ ed. For Instance, against an unprovoked ! attack no more must be used than Is necessary for the purpose, of self-de j fence: and according to Its degree of Intensity so must every attack be repelled. In the correction of children. I too, we again, see how the law opposes any abuse of power. "Provided auch , force Is reasonable tinder the clrcum I stances. It Is lawful for every parent, j or person In place of a parent, school-. master, or 'master, to use force by way !pf correction towards any child, pupil or apprentice In his care." Two prime essentials are required of any one forcibly protecting property. It must be In his peaceable possession and owned or held under a claim of right. Lacking these there could be no legal defence against a lawful owner. I' Of AKItKST As with the use of "force." doubt and uncertainty slo prevails with regard to arrest": in fact, many people think that only police officers possess this power. To the contrary, any one may arrest persons round committing, or believed to have committed, a serious of. fence, though as to the latter be very sure In your belief. Suspicious clrcum stances are not necessarily criminal! Private Individuals may also arrest an offender who Is in flight. Generally rant, and unless there Is extreme urgency, or unless delay Is likely to defeat the ends of Justice. It Is a better and safer plan to leave .such matters to the police. In Canadian criminal law offences fall under one of two headings; that 1 they are either Indictable or non-indlct. able. An Indictable offence Is one where, after what la known as a preliminary Inquiry, the accused la committed to stand his trial before a Judge of a superior court sitting with or without a Jury. 1-ltELIMlXAUV IXIII IICIES As the sole function of these proceedings la to ascertain whether or not there Is sufficient evidence to warrant placing the accused person upon his defence, any Justice of the peace can hold a preliminary Inquiry. It la not a trial nor !. the accused called upon to plead one way or the other, and once he "commits" the Justice Is althout further Jurisdiction. With one exception he cannot even grant baU unless by order of the Judge. The exception, and It only concerns offences not punishable by death. Is this: Where the presumption of guilt hardly warrants committal, although there Is sufficient evidence to put the accused on trial. Justices may release a prisoner wboe future appearance Is guaranteed. However, this Is entirely matter for discretion and, rather than assume any responsibility. It la the usual custom to commit and await a Judge'a order. Provided a personal Interest in the affair docs not preclude him from of ficiating, and the cae Is one with which he can legally deal, the Jurisdiction of a Justice Is absolute. An accused person la without choice In the matter and It Is not for the defendant to aay. as sometimes he most Improperly docs that "Mr. So-and-so," naming the Justice. "Isn't going to try him." Of course, once a case la determined, any one feeling aggrieved by the decision has a perfect right to lodge an appeal against what he may regard as an Improper verdict. " AI'PKALN As there must be compliance with certain fixed rules of procedure. It Is always advUaible to obtain legal assistance when contemplating an appeal against a Justice's order or conviction. Within a strictly limited period ten days a notice of Intention which sets forth the grounds upon which the appeal Is based must be served on the officiating Justice and on the clerk of the court appealed to. This latter official will al'O want a copy Of the order or conviction, and in some Instances a cash deposit sufficient' to cover the expenses of a new trial. These preliminaries completed, every one concerned iwlil be duly advised when and where the matter will be heard afresh, Remedy by way of a stated cae la much simpler and' Infinitely less expensive. Within seven days of a Justice's decision being quesUoned the party aggrieved requests him to prepare a signed statement for review by a superior court. This document, which precludes an appeal, must recite the entire facts and la either supported or quashed by the examining Judge. Non-Indictable offences are those lesser misdemeanours which one or mere Justices of the peace can try and determine; that la to aay, hear the evidence and then render and enforce a decision. During auch trials the proceedings may be adjourned from time to time as necessary and the accused either released on ball or allowed to remain at large. When there la an Information before a magistrate, that la the commencement of the prosecution, and the Code pre-icritci set time limits within which tnr h4mU offences must be commenced. Depending upon their na- ture. these periods range from one month to three years, and for the reader's convenience will be given at th end of every chapter. In many In-stances, such as in the case of murder, manslaughter, rape, or theft, lapse of time docs not bar their prosecution. LAWYERS a four rrmnrki touchlnz the employ ment of counsel may' now "bt In order, jj Whether the matter' be one for trial by; Judge br Justice, litigants either accusers or accused have a perfect right to retain lawyers to protect their Interests. Indeed, should the Issue be of Importance it would be false economy not to do so. The nature of their business requires all reputable taw firms to possess a thorough appreciation of the many problems peculiar to the territory they cerve, and as this also Implies a knowledge of the Inhabitants It seems but logical to consult them when In trouble. After all. the law Is a highly complicated business and the small fee charged for legal advice may well prove to be an excellent Investment. In conclusion, a word of caution. When employing a lawyer tell htm the truth and tell htm all the facts. Keep nothing back. Vour Interests arels, but to protect those interests he, must possess your entire confidence. Advertise In tbe Dallv Ntws IN PRORATE IN THE M THEME Mil RT 111 llltlTIMI Ull.l MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of James Webster Mitchell, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of HI Honor F. MeB. Young, the 12th day of April. A D . 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Jamea Webster Mitchell, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said eiUte re hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 13th day of May. AD. 1927. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their In-:ebtcdue to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dited the 13th day of April, AD. 1927. QUEEN CIIAItLOTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that M. P. Leonard, of ?ortland. Ore., physician. Intendi to apply to the Minister of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal, petroleum ind natural gas orer and under the following described lands, altuate on 8kldc- ;ate inlet, aranam Island: Commencing at a post planted at the uUiest corner of Section 31. Town-blp 1; thence 80 chains eait; thence a chains nnrth; thence SO chains west: thence 80 chains south, to point of coin. jirncrmriji. Located March 14. 1827. II. T. LEONARD. AJ. OOROON. Aient. (JUL EN CIIAItLOTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that II. F. Leinard. of Portland. Ore., physician. Intends to isnlr to the Minister of Landa for a licence to presnect for coal, oetroleum and natural gas over and under the following described lands, altuate on Sklde- fate inlet. Orahaoi bland: commencing at a nost nlanted at the northeast corner of Section 23, Township 3: thence 80 chains west: ther 50 chains south: thence 8Q chain east: thence 80 chain north, to point or Located March 14, 1027. II. F. LEONARD. A. J. OORDON. AW. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND ! DIVISION j TAKE NOTICE thst II. Leoiisrrt nf Portland. Ore., physician. Intend to apply to the Minuter of Lands for ai licence to prospect for coal, petroleum! md natural cas over and under the fni. I lowing described lands, altuate on Sklde- iaie imei. uranam island: I Commencing at a rxt dsn ted at th northwest corner of Section 30. Town-1 hlp I: thence 80 chains east: them-e 80 chains south: thence 80 chains wet I thence 80 ehslni. north, to Dolnt of I commencement Located March 14, 1927. H. r M'ONARD. I A J OORDON. Asen' 1 Week-end Specials Cranulnled Sugnr, njieclal 13 lbs. lor $1.00 (Limit 2C lbs. to each customer) Suirar market Is verv firm nml we expect advance a any time. Note Above siiecial withdrawn Friday at closinx time. .Mnrnir Crape Juice, pints .. 33c Quarts C2c Kosc'm Lime Juice, pints .... 33c Quarts c.c Uurma Illce, 3 lbs 23c 13 lbs. for $1.00 Malkln's Uest Waterglnss, 1 lb tin 23c Now is the time to put down eggs Malkln's Pure Strained Honey, 4 lb. tins, special 8,3c Fresh Ground Coffee, special 43c This Is our regular 55c line and the best bulk Value In town. Clue IMbbon Matches, 400's, 3 in a package, special 2ic Watch this space tomorrow for addition! specials Rupert Table Supply Co Phones: 210 and 211 Tuesday April ,r INDEPENDENT W)kaJ Happy w oul w.Couppn ana mau ir TO-DAY You may grow old in years, but the spirit stays young when it is free from care and worry. That is the kind o old age you can enjoy by providing now for a guaranteed income for lif , With a Government Annuity you view tne passing years wim serenity. You know that you will never bt' come a burden on anyone, that you will always be free and well able to afford and enjoy your little hobbiet Make this wie provision NOW, while pa have health, strength and earning powtr Secure an income in amount from $10 tt $5000 a year, either by immediate purchi or in small, convenient installments. An; man or woman, resident in Canada can 6 it. The Government of Canada with its limit-less resources, guarantees each Ann Hard times cannot alfect them. Theycia. not be forfeited, selxed or stolen. They art the sole, unattachablc property of their purchasers. Safeguard YOUR oId age with an Annuiij, Canadian Government ANNUITIES Annuities Branch, Department of Labour, Ottawa THE HON. PETER HEENAN, Minuter Send AaaaMiti Bf.acfc. IIm. lHtafca( W Lskatfr, UtUva. fn.f IV I !"! tf4 s f mills lalwaUIMa j ... OYXlll vs. .... information ".V..:.: (I'n ckwlr) BACKED BY THE WHOLE DOMINION WESTHOLME THEATRE TL'IDAV OXI.Y, 7 and 9 p.m. "Brown of Harvard" JACK PICKIOK1), MAHY IIIMAN. DAA'II) TOllKKWt THANCIS X. HUSIIMAN JIU HOWARD CONNM I V MARY AI.DKN and Mrong rant. COM VAiY "y A DA M K MYSTKRY," llh Theila liars Admission 3jc un(j Uc The Easy Vacuum Electric Washer nave time, labor and n. ir heaviest irarments or the c. laces are washed uu-x . ' J thoroughly. no.Mi In two alien llSt.tKl 'Tor Sale by Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2.VJ Third Avenue, Prime Kuptlt Tin; sovi:ri:k;n life assurance companv .? OF CANADA. That Comfortable Feeling In knowing that the future" of one's dependents Is provided f' and that the carrying out of one's plans is in the hands i f " Company whose yearly record shows steady advancement aW sound lines. ,u IS YOURS IF YOU ARK INSURED WITH US. G. P. TINKER