PAGE FOUR Neglected Eyes;: NEGLECT Is doubtless the cause of most of the Ills that afflict humanity. This Is so self evident that It seems hardl necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DO NT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry i Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 8 Smith Block ; Phone 763 ; indian summer vcet in your ) Swill soon be,? ccai pob the ) V-CONE'-lCOLO CRE.Y J The Fall months are falling behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Our slate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALBERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Royal Bank LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel, We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our Bhop In Prince Rupert as low CSC flft as L ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street CONCERT GIVEN ' COOK BENEFIT Terrace Event P riiVM Vrrv l'n PJojraMe? and KenUzeGtrndly of the event i town. Sum TERRACE. No. IS- Tbe bractll cm heW bet Tuesday evening la aid lot the Oaok fatally, drs-w t Iwm crowd who highly appreciate the program miiwt. Tin nwgh Urtng eScrta at reaUxed after the ft pense had beea psM. or tut The preffM Mm: ptm i. Selection Btd Vocal olo F. Hen. Oborua Miss Baatbope's OferJa. Concertino soso J. MoLsraa. Quartette Messrs. Allan. Krmmj BoMimob aad Keaoey. Vocal soto Mr. R. Haney. Recitsuon Oapt. J. B. Colthunt. Social solo tin Wat. Allan. Recitation Mats Joyce Cole Vocal duet-ills Paany and Uw tmrei McLaren. PART II. Trto Mr. Hanay. Uis. Ton H and DeXetgammsaua. Sssaphooc sets L. II. Kanoey. Chorus Alia Baetbope DQfC Vocal solo Rev. Wm. Allan. Duet Mr. Van Heee and Mre. lUaey Quartette Messrs. Alam. Kenney. Robinson and Keen. Vocal aolo Mrs. It. Haney. Sketch -Six American Beauties" by he High School glrta Ood Save the King NEW HAZELTON For tbe new bridge acrona the Bulk ley River to replace the old suapentioa bridge near New Hawltoa. th provtn clal department of public work ha dlicoTered what I deemed to be a fuluble ilte between the present vue-penton brldg and the briofe obanect-oU Hazel ton with South Kaaelton. With K. Woodward of Smither fore man in charge, the provincial department of public work ha atarted reconstruction of the Seventeen MUe bridge which waa condemned everl yean ago. The Oame Board hi released Engliah pheasant In this district with a new to their propagation. Farmers In the Nenr Haaelton vicinity ar planning to sow wheat next season. It is calculated that some three hundred seres can toe- put In wheat In tbe spring within a mUe or two of the Capt. Arthur Casey of Church Army headquarters, London. England, was In tbe pulpit of St. Peter's Church at Harelten last Sunday, proceeding East from here. Most Rev. A. U. OePencler. Arch bishop of New Westminster and Metro politan for British Columbia, held con-' flrmatkm service In Hszelton on Wed nesday night, proceeding from here, accompanied by Rev. T. D. Proctor, to Ik jartS w" a sclv. 1 X Tour Y Own , Soap-' wi(h waste Tats an) GILLETTS FLAKE LYE Full Directions for tn.alo9 hard n eftsop with every can. IT SAVES YOU MONEY E W.GULETT CO. LTD. vossMta. cs. purpoM. The Archbishop will proceed tomorrow to Smither. Strpendlanry XUgMtate S. H. Uoskln aa dawn from Smltbert on TueMlay to hear caae in Haaelton tnvolTlag druo ken halfbreed who had become too bolateroua. Jail terma and fine were itnpoked. seventeen bteov aero last Sunday otgbt wa the eoMeat weather that bat been acperleneed ber to far tht tea- considerable tatereit la evinced In thee part in the suit of P. M. Rat-jtenbory who I suing the Land Settle. I meat Board with a view to recovering iaoma 200X00 aerea of land In tbe Balk-! ley Valley which he was forced to for-I felt to the crown. Tha Annlatlea Da rta n in th . Hwelton community halt last Friday nrgnt was poorly attended. j Miss Richardson of New Hszelton was tbe guest over tbe week-end of Mrs. Percy Da rid Ion at Smlthers. ! Tbe road between New Hazelton and 'Harelton Is in good condition now. The cold, dry spell has made It posalbU for autos to smooth down tbe rough ( spots. Allster Burnett, aon of Rev. and Mrs. Burnett of Klspjox, I making satisfactory progress fallowing a recent serious Illness. The native ThankBslvJre bazaar st Kltwanga and Kltwancool for a similar Skeena Crossing a been postponed Every Home CxitcatM's Misham. Needs Sroirixis, VJgwJ aflWS'SbK i,.. Mm m m SO delightfully soothing on a cut, wound or sore. So rapldlycleansinftand healing. And how much safer and more efficient than crude oint-ments with their animal fats and harsh mineral drugs. Being so highly refined and purely herbal, Zam-Buk is readily absorbed into the tissues. It thus naturally banishes deep-seated disease and grows new healthy skin. Zam-Buk la well-described as " A Surgery in a Two-Inch Box." Use It for cuts, burns and other Injuries as well as for eczema, salt rheum, pimples, boils, ulcers, piles, poisoned wounds, or other irritating skin or scalp disease. Rub it In' for chest colds, lumbago, rheumatism and muscular pains. last-Ink b Kit Is tot. kiiti; tsrM fsf ti ll. Of ni((iita ant ilarn tianrwlwr,, tr tram felt rrotrirtsrtl Tk Zais-luk C, DuM It, Tsrest. -' iwiu 'V5I THE DAILY NE7S until Chrtttma. JtwHh Wright ( 0arr)e It In the Hacrtton Hospital SMfirswg trom in jurs to hia back sskitamed wtUle he aa hmrtMf ). Mrs. Jack TToenpna of Cedarral a patient in the Hsaelsoo Ilespftal. Mr. William lantfcaela and daughter 'Vera, hat arrived from Vaneauver to , uend the wlriur aith Mr. J. Newtek f nazettott. Oarrtaana road camp etaaed dawn a'ler giUts within a Sew blast eet of OrkSnVi old pole camp past Skeena Orosstag. The maeMneey haa been hauled lata headquarter. TERRACE W R. Watt of Ames bury visited hi iU and new bahy aon la the Prince Rupert hosptul at the begtnnlag of the week. Mr. and sirs R K. Dlx and daughter ho airtted recently iTocn Detroit with the inttnttao ol taking tip land in tht , tinrtct have taken up houackeeylng a the home af Ja. Nehioa. northveat ol - town. Un. W. H. Burnett waa a bridge hate on MMtiy etenlng. Un. H. HiUiwetl returned at the btfiaalnt of tht veek from Prtner nUpert where ahe haa tpent aeeeeal weeka with her daughter. Mfca L lUUlweU E. J. Moore re Mi rued on Tuesda) from the Calgary district where he has pent tbe post few raesvtbs. Wednesday morn tog uahered In the first snow of the season here. No great quantity of snow fell but throughout the day the wind kept It on the move Many children took advantage of even small amount of snow to enjoy slelgn ride. Skating It also being much enjoyed, there being a number of good sheets.' of tee available near town. Mr. McKlnnoa of Vsnandol was gueat at the borne of Mr. Wm. Allar on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. Harvard of the Haywsrd Lumber CkK, Edmonton, also Interested . lu tin Canada Products Co.. Uak.. was In town at tha beginning of tha week from Usk were ha has been making arrange ments to close the mUl for th winter month. Mrs. D. D. Munro left on Wednesdav tor Smltherr where the wUl pend the winter months with Mr. Munro. J. A. Samnkre wa a business visiter from Kltwanga at the beginning of the week. U B. Wal'te of the Taylor 8afe do. wsa a business visitor here during the week. a Rtren was In from Lakelse Lakr luring the week. In The Letter Box MIKIHn DKTAH.H OIUMTIOYlltl.i:. To the Editor. Surely It 1 high Urns that the DeoDle of Prince Rupert were waking up tc the realization of the moral atmosphere of the town. It would look as if we had fallen into such a state of leth argy and Indifference that we have al together forgotten our responsibility to ;he growing young. It wa brought very poignantly to my attention on reading last Tuesday's Issue of your paper. We must ever take Into account that we are a small community where every item or "small town" news in the pper ,1s devoured. Surely It would be an to- the good were the paper to go short 6f newt than be. filled up, with the', sordid, sullied details of tha ar- r-jVrig of characters In downtown bf6tlels such as were reported fn Tuesday night's account of the HGUor cases. Were the citizens alive to tht Insidious Influence of such disclosures, thev would Insist on their being confined to the walls of the police court. A CITIZEN. Classified : Ads. von sack FOR SALE.--33 FT. FISH PACKER AND tow boat. Taplow. 16-20 HP. heavy duty Vivian, with complete equipment t2.500 00. M. M. Stephens. FOH RENT FOR RENT. FOUR ROOMED FUR- alshel apartment with bath and water paid. Phone 517. tf FOR RENT Pianos, phonograph and 8'nger sewing machine. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT. Apartments by the day week or month. Phone Red 607. tf UOU&E FOR RENT. 6 ROOMS AND BATH. Apply Munro Bros. tf HOUSES FOR RENT. 120.00 UP. AP Piy3i3, 4th Ave. c. tf FOUND FOUNDOOLP RINQ. OWNER CAN have tame by proving property and paying for this advertisement tl BUNCH OP KEYS FOUND. APPLY 720, Seventh Avenu W TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Georirp Pnnl . r-... blx and Seven Passenyer Stude. d,'P3a' any time "tua. ruoia ROOM Meeker Work. (Acro$g from Emproag Hotel) Fully matured and ripened in indiv a oak casks. The Dominion Government', seal over the capsule of each bctile cf Seagram's Whiskey guaran tee j the ? This advertisement is not published or di-played by the Liquor Control Boai J of Columbia. 'kince iu pi-.iit iiakkok ikiioiit SERVICE 4. K. Arnold. Proprlet0 Oo anywhere anytime. Day or night. Always on board. Term very moderate. Two boata alwava available Phnne SI0. P.O. lt.iv .tin EXCHANGE N'EIV AMI SKtOMl HAMi Fl'KMTI'ItE bought and sold and exchanged Player Piano and Two Cash Registers In stock. PiPAIIOI'll-OH MAKIS S3!l Third Ave. Phone 610 CHIMNEY SWEEP II. i. ZCMKEIIR flrnernl Handy Man Furnace and Stoves Cleaned and Re paired. Chlmnle Swept. Cemetery Plot Cared For. Phone Red 243. Prince Rupert. D C FURNITURE AND RANGES IIAKRYMORK CARPETS 6 ft. 9 In. x 0 ft. to clear at 130.00 9 ft. x 9 ft. to clear at 143 00 9 ft. x JO ft. 6 In. to clear at 47 5r 10 onjy tl of this shipment, . RJ. f Plume lis. KAIEN OXatOB 'i.T;rnTHEfcRF.ircTiaH , ,. CHEVROLET PRICES Commercial Chasals, y,-ton lvery 38.eb Toln 8110 Rodstr I811.60 Roadster Delivery 1811.60 Sport Roadster 1880.00 Coach 949.00 "I 964.00 o11 1.052.0C Cabriolet ' -. tl.08o.Do Landau Sedan 11,119.00 Imperial tandtu Sedan 11.168.00 Utility Express. 1 ton truck.. 1792 60 Disc wheels 2S 00 extra In all models A complete line of 1928 models on hand at present. Phone or call for demonstration and learn about our esty payment plan. Outran teed Used Cart on Hand Ford Coupe, 1925, $100 cash, balance 25 per month. Ford Sedan, 1926. $100 cah. balance per month. KAIEV flARAr.R, Dave - ltin' ' Dealtert )n air Oewtral Motor Produce ts Ododyear and Firestone Tire Wrecking Service Day and Night Phone 52 a DEMAND "Rupert Brand' THE DAINTIEST IIKEAKFAST FOOl'-" Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & .Cold Storage Co, l)1 CANADIAN VACIFICJ 13 ITU wsrtsvtAl I'rince Kuperl. H.C Canadian Pacific Railw B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupe' To Kelihlkan. Vran;rll, jiineon and Kkagwn.v November er l, 31. , ,. 11111 To Vunroiiter. Victoria ami Senltle November ?. ! 3 anil January 4. PRINCESS IIEA1RICE . M. Camubrll Hirer, inil Vannnll.r flpll HaturdlVi V ,, tnrHor all Hteamahlp Lines. F w ' W V. ORCHARH, (leneral Corner of till Slreet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Uuprrt, Tr a un ro-stcHr' MAN T! est Procurw (Tll ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch WliisW B3,a!RlCHnST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT OottlrJ tni tnanlrtJ b Willi Cnal a ram Utcui ClnlMUtk BJnliir-Cl'rl DaKVmca. 1WI- ImatiMCX. AMUaS. k Am Jm This advertisement i. not published or display Liquor Control lioaro or oy tne uo'ci- 1 Tl-lil. rvlitmKIa of