n n II! ICR PARTY IS CHASTIZED tmler Haldwin Tellji Kamsay llacdunald Vital (Juentions Will not be Iteopened : N 18 J. Ramaey Mae- 1 vom;! was being scrapped and the all - :unbuted to the uae of an ,!,':' 'orch tear a fuel tank. FORMFR RFinFNT np ItUUllLllll vl PRINCE RUPERT DIES Miarkfy was In lor." it r IK-iwrt- W',rd Wnshlnglon received In the city by Mrs. . . I .(1 riu flu h Da, OharVAtf ormcrlT n .v.. . . . - - lorestry department in " 118 and Mrs. Sharkey lived Rupert for about three years. ' 'Hi:u to a farm at Ferndale. wnere he died. To j to make a slate-1, uu. ould be the cost of going general tntentlona of the rpgnrd to ooel and un- -plied that t:-.e govrrn-uld have n tuUy i realdent of the Bmrd . t been for the "un- yeaterday Under !:e could not afford ' r further pefllamen- EW YORK IS AGAIN VICTOR cnt OltDtvn Chamnlon IIocKev Team Last Niuht Three to Two T ' TO. Nov. 18. The world chaai- icy u-um, Ottawa Senators, auf- second defeat of the eeason wh?n they met the New York m New York, the lose of the .; largely the revult of penal-,;irt of combination. defeated Montreal Maroons at iy a last minute rally In the d. both teams playing a nip game The scores were: 3: Montreal Maroons. 2. k R:.ngcra. 3: Ottawa. 2. XPLOSION ON J. LUKENBACH - - "in ti j in iv a - Scrapped at Baltimore BAl.'lfMr.Tw - -iuvivii, aiuv. jo, n it"" " re the ateamslup Jacob Luken- "l'irt thu mornlne. killing one ""I injuring four others, while an un-. blown overboard and 1 be " ' 1 have been drowned. by the Naaa River, which waa far out of the way. A for any other paaa through the mountains, if It wa found It would be eo difficult and- ao clogged with enow that It wr.uld have no practical value. Mr Moncktor. aaw considerable advantage In connecting up with the cannerlee on the Saeen River, that being an additional reason for following the Skeena route. After oompletelng ftls departmental work. Mr. Monckton plana to drive Mr. Monckton and family to California before returning to Terrace In the spring. LJ.J.X4. a r yv.w rotii'ANY to Ori.lt All: PASSKMiKK m:ai'lvnk MiUVICE VICTORIA. Nov. 18. Incorporation of Brttlah Columbia Airwave Ltd. was announced today. The new company plans to operate a sixteen paeaenger seaplane between Victoria. Vancouver and Seattle. The service wHJ be commenced shortly with a smaller plane, the sire to be Increased as buslneae warrants. FISH ARRIVALS Tlirre American Vewrli Mild llroken ful(l)r Totalling 29,00(1 found Tmlay Throe American halibut vwsela aold broken catches totalling za.ouo pounai t, the Flah Exchange this morning as follows: Maleatlc. 10.000 pounds. Royal Co.. 13c and Oc. Ithona. 10.OM pounds. Atlln Fisher lea. 12 Ac and Cc. Imnerlal. 8.000 pounds. Canadian Fish It Cold Storage Co.. 12.1e and 6c. The Alaska, with a oatoh of nmiuu not eatltfled with a and 8c. went on to Seattle. Thoueh the wann is now closed, number of boatt are still cctcbea. Wheat '. Cork Province Dunwell Oeorge Copper Oladstone Independence Indun L. and L leadsmlth Lucky Jim Premier Porter Idaho leaves a widow and three sunlix u .15 1.90 .15 .04 .05 .08 .03 37 2.33 38 .70 1 30 out Fish 11.000 bid of 11c .16 230 .04 .09 236 30 .80 a with VANCOUVER B.CHAiSGR'li two v.ecks ago While It was realized thai hie condition wu grave, ward of hi demise was quite unexpected. The funeral of the late Or. Bleecker. who waa 49 yean of ace. wUl take place In Trenton under M atonic ausp.ess pruve more dlflcult than that up the I deceased having been a member of the Sktena River and there would be more of It. As a man who know the Interior country well he aaeured hla Interviewer that no paaa could poaalbly be satisfactory except the Skeena gorge. Aaked fa to the difficulties of building that way. Mr. Moncton aatd he wee Inclined to favor the other aide of the river, altltougb be lecognlred ut It might not be open quite a ea'iy In the spring The j-hyelral dlfflcultlee would Trenton not be a great It bae been estimated ik ,ka muiI wmiu mac thrM mill ton tue Uboraw la uunar, MDd he did not thnrk it eould .'! h,Ait foil, tbubtiMovj, " Ire -jImj v JWl "v , ,k .,. It would be much blue lodge, chapter and preceptnry aa well a of Wa Wa Temftle of the Mystic Shrine In Calgary. He practised in Terrace for a number of years and also conducted a diug store there. For the past few years he bad been at Queen Charlotte City where he had charge of the hospital. Hli Uvea of the late Dr. Bleecker Include hla brother. W A. Bleeker of .PURSE SEINES- A. father the boys did not get exelted ARE TROUBLE W. Neill, Member for Albcr-nl, Suggests Reduction or Abolition VA(rVI II. Not. IS . W. NelH. nirinlter for Conio-AIIernl In the Irilrml lloue. r-turnel Ut nlxht from Ottawa where lie pent ten ila) tlilefly ttniiieeted with the fishing Industry. Apart from uncertain! Ie as to I lie potters of Ihe l unlnloii (ioierninent. elll t limit lit Ihe stealer nrr of Ihe fMiIng trouble foday aas due to the UH. of Iimi many purse seines. If this were remedied, he belleiel the Industry would prosper. "The obtious remrdy Is lor the rannrrymrn rollectliely and tolun-tarlly to afree to a rlmllon of Ihe iiumlx-f of wines aimmf thrtiiseltea." If they were uinole lo d-i Ihl". Mr. Nelll siigteslfd an Imrruse In Ihe inimlxr of gill net amis and prohibition of Ihe use of purse anil drag seines for a erlod of jears. "Tills may serin revolutionary anil Impractical." he declared, -but more ilrastlr action lias been takrn In Alaskan waters." BEAR HOLED UP IN BOYS' PLAY CAVE AT SELKIRK, MANITOBA WINNIPEG. Nov. 17. -A three hun dred pound bear holed up In a Selkirk boyV cave on the Bed niver. On Fri day morning Jack and Bill MacKnermy concluded to examine their retreat. It wai their first visit since snow arrived and they bad started a firs before the visitor had been discovered. The big fellow regarded the Intruders sleepUy. Having been on the trap line with their They made a dicker for half the value tf the pelt and all the carcass before they told a half breed neighbor of their find. The animal was shot where be lay. The larger variety of black and brown bears are more numerous near Winnipeg this winter than ever known and to plentiful are elk that the gov ernment haa Included them for the first tlmfivita open season this year. i Mi.lUf SKATING ON ROAD LAKE GOOD AGAIN Doug Frlzzell reports skating on the lake near the end of the Kalen Island Highway good again. Taxi concerns went out yesterday to sweep the snow off. It is suggested that persons going out tonight would help to increase their subsequent enjoymens by taking iCKi- "Un::; it CJTALA SALVAGE IS PiiOCEEDiNG NICELY No C'wnie In Mtuiitutn KeKUletl Uieal Lhvd' Agent Kollovt Ins; Vll( lo stranding Sj7aa ,wa m. aattajsx .Cabda- branded on M'at Hand mar For; Biatp son. ta proceedlag at jfa?t.iry. announced PhUlp 11. Ray. local sub-agent for LloytU'. this morning. In company with T. C. Warkman. suneor tor Lloyds'. Mr. Ray paid a visit tj the wreck yaatcrdsy. There has beeo no hangv so far in the Catala position. It is ex.jected that the rock wUl be out of ttie way In a few days now. The equipment Is In place to put the ship in aa even keel as soon aa possible. SPEEDING UP GRAIN SHIPS Sixteen Took Whole or Tart Car- goes at Vancouver During Week VANCOUVER, Nov. 18. During the week just ended there haa been a 'speeding up In grain shipments, no leas than sixteen boats loading either full or part cargo at this port. The follow ing are the shipments r Baron Loudon, to Colon for orders. 178.6G4 bushels. Pisco, for London. 378391 bushels. Trelawny, to Colon for orders, 287.467 bushola. Ferento. to Fsyal for orders. 283,843 bushels. Fella, for Oenoa. 54,193 bushel. Pacific Trader, for Manchester. 37333 bushels. Greyloek. for Olasgow, 37333 bushels; for London. 74.667 bushels;; for Liverpool; 18.6C7 bushel Wm. A. MeKenny. far Avonmouth. 74.- GC6 bushels; for Avonmouth with option Of Berrast or Dublin. 74,667 bushels. Drakepool, to Kingston for orders, 275 373 bushels. Cardiganshire, for London. 3.734 bush els: for Rotterdam. 37374 bushels. Gec-rge Washington,, for UJC. or continent. 100.135 bushela. Justin, for Antwerp. 7333 biMhcia; for continental ports. 37393 bushels. Yokohama Maru. for Kobe, 33334 buahels. llofuku Maru. for Tauruml, 135.694 bushels. Norfolk Maru, for Yokohama, 33333 bushela. Sveajarl, for Buenaventura, 500 WIKrl.rx i:t:it)UT. 8 a.ny DIOBY ISLAND Par floudy, light north wind: barometer, 39.12: temperature. 27: sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT, Overcast, calm: barometer, 29.82; temperature, 28; sea smooth. MION' DIOBY ISLAND Part dody. fresh east wind: barometer, 30.10; temperature. 31: sea smooth DEAD TREE POINT Overcast, calm: h..rome-1'i 29.P2. vmperature. 35. sea. 77 .-:nec h bave Money Boston Grill f way wj uuj viiv Large Upstair Dining Hall, subscribe by lb . i with newly laid dancing if delivered dally. m,c t of court. you floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. .: a shorter period. , SS uid havo PRINCE RUPERT The latest and bent for the least Phone 457. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XV. PKINC't nt PEUT. B.C . FIUi Y N'0 EMUEK 18. 19J7 Prize Five Ont EENA ROUT itHJGKST H ' I. "! contraband narcotics ever made in America: TfiO pounds of pure gum opium seized by United 'a.t- ofiiciaN a' !-!( La Moote. Vt. Oscar Mouvet. a 03-yeai -o'iI Frenr'i ho, ) ;oepcr, and an unnamed Canadian millionaire wjeie declared to be implicated in smuggling mix into ine uniieu niaies BLIZZARD IN ONTARIO AND RAIN QUEBEC Eastern Townships Again Flood-ed and Damage Reported Quebec City OTTAWA, Nov. 18. The eastern sertlou or Ontalu wa visited by a blizzard last night. Meet and a liravy snowstorm wrrrked wire ram-inuniratloii, In the eastern lomi-lilps sertlim of IJurlirr. hraTy rains caused flood conditions and considerable property damage Is rrHirtel at (Juchec fltv. GAVE PREMIER BALDWIN BIG CHERRYWOOD PIPE i:irmln;ham I'nliersity (irartiiate I'lrase Prrniler With Presentation BIRMINGHAM, Nov. 18. A three-foot cherrywood pipe, modelled on oce of bis favoritea. was presented to Premier Stanley Baldwin by the undergraduatea at Birmingham University when he opened the new biological block of the University recently. The pipe appeared to give the Pre mier as much pleasure as the honorary di-gree of Doctor of Laws which had just been conferred on him. He smilingly swung the pipe over his shoulder. entered a burlesque Roman chariot (drawn by a pantomime "horse"), and escorted by a bodyguard of students In weird costumes and wearing false paint ed noses, he made a triumphant' exit. Undergraduates crowded the galleries In the hill where the degree was con ferred and showered confetti on the robes of the professors. 'SLEEPING SICKNESS DIVORCE GROUNDS TRENTON. NJ.. Nov. 18. Sleeping sickness, when concealed prior to mar r'.ag. has been .addsd to the grounds upon which annulment may be obtained In New Jersey. A preliminary decree has been granted to Mrs. Kathleen Dry MsAlrey setting aside her marriage to Vincent MoAlvey, a former army- officer. She charged that Iter husband was a victim of the disease, but had not Informed her of the fact. ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY COMMERCIAL CLASS IS GIVEN EXAMINATION In the mid-term examinations held In St, Joseph's Academy commercial class, the following students obtained highest 'standings: L. Gain 63 per cent, E. Letts 86. D. Ross 81. R. O lilies 80, B. Horstman 79, V Whitlow 77. M. McKa O Kenny 73. R. Couuire 73. M. reui Z U . . 70. HIGHWA Y EXPLOSION ON ESSINGTON BOAT BLOWS OWNER INTO AIR Ikeena RiveY Gorge Only Possible Route Highway to Interior Monition Scoffs at Idea of (Joing by Way of Naas Hiver Which Would be far off Direct Route r.:,l w.iy to connect Prince Kuert and Terrace aatiafac-tc.c Skeena Kiver valley, according to P. M. Monckton. i ;uid land aurveyor of Terrace, who arrived from the -teiday and left this morning by the ateamer 1'rinCe .ut.c to Victoria to complete departmental work for the t ".vernment on which he haa ln enKK"eu. MM ukuin scoffed at. the idea of building by way of the a- it meant going many mile out of the way without -a'intf advantage. He said the route from the mouth of "the Naas River to Prince Rupert would DR.BLEECKER PASSES AWAY Well Known Phy.slclan, Formerly of Terrace and ((ueen Cnar-lotte City, Succumbs A telegram received yesterday a!u-i noon by R V. O. LePlue saner Uie death In Trent -n. Ontario, jr-eeaied'a birthplace, uu Wednesday i ' . 1 Or. O. H. Bleecker. well known nuaici pnetleMper o! this district. Accompanied by bis widow, the :.: Dr. Bleecker. after hivmii been h patient in me Prince Kuper. Oe..ir: HoepiU? tot mom Unif suflcii:ig iron j a serious malady, left foi the En: on.t Gas Boat Explosion Throws Saw Mill Operator Into Air and Injures Him Severely James A. Ilrcwn of Ecstalt Hiver wan on his Host at Port Essing-ton When Accident Occurred: Now in Hospital Victim of an explosion at Port Essington last night which virtually wrecked his gasboat and hurled him twenty-five or thirty feet into the air, Jamea A. Brown, well known Ecstall River sawmill operator, is today a patient in the Trince Itupert General Hospital sabering from .severe fractures of both legs as well as burns about the head and face. It was about 8.45 when the accident occurred. Mr. Brown went tl iv .1) to his boat, which was moored at a float, to see that all was ir. oroer for the night. He oarred i Si 'la.iieiu and. as sjoj as be got to the d-r. the explosion occurred. Mr. Briwn j was hurled clear into the air. landing Ion to hH boat again One of the frac- turee waa at the arkle and the otter a: th knee, rhe wheel house waa blown on to the dxk. Had it not bean for ths prompt ac- il.r. of Mr Browns stepson. S.ewari Ponalossn. who pulled the victim out cl the flamea. than might hsve teen much more kerlius consequence. Mr Brawn took It ocoly himself, Inquiring as to the tune immediately after the accLde-it occurred. Dr. W. T. Kergln wa called to the soene by wire Immediately and,, wtti. his nurse. Miss Darotby GUUngham PvN.. left aboard Che BjC. Tawafe I fb W"Kna HOdUIr where was made to the Salvage Princess, which had come down from Balmoral and tosk doctor and nurse on to Port Esslngton. Mr. Brown's Injuries were dressed during the night and he arrived in the city this morning to enter hospital where, according to last reports, he was resting as easily as could be expected. AIKMIIN V:KK LOST IV KASTKUN GAI.illA NOW KETl-KMMl IIOMK WARSAW. Nov. 18. Captain Mcintosh and Bert Hlnxler. British aviators, who left Up-avon Tuesday afternoon on a distance record flight to India Is reported as landing In southern Poland late' Tuesday, having lost his bearings. After securing Ms direction he resumed his fUght. WARSAW. Nov. 18. (Later). Mcintosh and Huskier left Eastern Oalicla at 9 -43 this morning en route for London, according to a telephone rtnort. above. WEATHER REPORT Prince Rupert. Part cloudy, north wind; temperature. 27. light Stewart. Calm, clear, temperature I above. Anyox. dear. calm. temp. 20 above. Alice Arm. Clear, calm. temp. 23 above. Alyansh. Clear, ealm, temp. 3 below Rceewood. Clear, calm. temp. 4 above. Terrace. Clear, windy, temp. 12 Telegraph Creek. Clear, calm, 10 be low. . Smltfcers. Cloudy, calm, temp. 3 above. Burns Lake. Clear, calm, 7 below. Haaelton. Fart cloudy, calm, tlO be low. , Whltenorse. Clear, North wind below. Selkirk. Clear, north wind. 32 below. Dawson. Cloudy, north wind, 28 be low. REPORTS OF SCHOONER ALASKA'S DAMAGE ON FISHING BANKS FALSE The big American halibut schooner Alaska, which was reported to have been badly damaged In a storm up north, was In port this morning. Capt Conrad Petersen denied reports as to the ship's plight. Reports received here a well as at Ketchikan said hat the ve sei nd been practically apllt open Happily they were unfounded. Advertise in ;hs Daily News. SUTTON SCHEME OF SETTLEMENT General leaves Early Next Month to l'lace Plans Before ltntUh Financiers OTTAWA. Nov. 18. General Button '111 sail from New York early next .lonth to put his Peace River outlet lana before British financiers. Last night In an Interview he out-4ed hl proposal for linking up the Q E. with the Peaoe River cbuditfy. Lighterage Co.s poweaboat Naas Rivet! Kererrmg to nu setwme acnerne, in - . - mukicr i Sulton said a half section of land would be turned over to each settler on an easy twenty year repayment terms and farm Implements and essentials for breaking sew ground would be BRIGANDAGE IN MEXICO Soldiers (itiarding Trains are Killed in Two Different Farts of Country MEXICO CITY. Nov. 18. Eighteen soldiers. Including an ottlcer, were killed when bandits attacked, a passenger train between Palmira and Aguaa Cal- !cnte. Three soldiers and six pastengers Including a woman and children were wounded. The bandits executed the en gineer and firemen. Nine soldiers engaged aa train guards: were killed and thirteen passengers In ured while several coaches on the ?uebla-Vera Cruz passenger train were derailed near Jalapa. PETER WALLACE, A . FORMER RESIDENT OF CITY, DIES IN SOUTH Word was received yesterday by C. L. Youngman that Peter Wallace, formerly CI this city, had died Wednesday in Vancouver and the funeral will take place Saturday. He leaves a widow and two children Mr. Wallace waa well known here. He formerly travelled for Malkln'a and lived In the Clapp Block. Latterlv he has been agent for Crosse & Blackwell and only three weeks ago was In the city on business. Last summer T. Mc-Meekin rode with him In hla car from Hazelton to Vancouver B.C. WINNER IN THE ROYAL WINTER FAIR DELICIOUS APPLES TORONTO. Nov. 18. fn the Royal wtnfelslalr Brlilsh Ooluhibiaj.sioh the first place In five box lota- of Delicious apples. Ontario won In Mcintosh Reds. In the single box lata B.Ci came first In Delicious. Jonathan, King and BLACKNESS WINNER DERBY CUP TODAY DERBY. Nov 18. -Blackness won the Derby Cup today by a neck from Iver-shm The Fnmch horse oamplra came - u E.i- :j .. dTtCtt.