The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH CdLUMHlA Pubttshed Every Afternoon, a&irept Sunday, -by Prince Ruperf Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - ManapisTt: Editor. City DeHve1 II SUBSCRII ROCK FOR CEMENT TO BE QUARRIED AT DAHL Ward has been recetTed by Captain 1 L. H. H. Jennings that s 3000 ton barge ! loaded with machinery is about to leave Seattle for Dahl Island, where the Pacific Oauat Cement company will construct a plant the coming spring lot taking out cement says the Ketchikan Chronicle. Wharves and warehouses and landlnr faeaHties win be constructed aa well at a plant which wUl be equipped lor taking out the Ume and loading It on the steamers for shipment to the plant li. Besttle where it will be manufactured Into commercial products. Prom an aeootmts Dahl island, or. th west coast and near Ketchikan, will b. a buay plant' as soon bk the first barg amies wtth Its material. METLAKATLA BUSY ON CHURCH WORt Oallr Nhm f'otiertrd lj (rrcattixutkHf in the NriglilNH-inE Vlllncr METIAKATLA. Dec 15. harves Ttstlval here was very nuc-ewiful th jear. donations of produce, fruits am vegetables belnc made and the sum of nuumnSSKEa& ..9s. By mail tS 4l pad if tbiBgtISWlie M ,ihef United Member of Audit Hureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 75' f oi ICS, iu i iBmci ps jw .... .sr ......... f'-wi To all other countries in advance, per year $.50 Transient Display Adverti8g per inch pr insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Kjot Pae, per inch $2Jj0 Local Readers, per insert! per Hm Classified Advertising-, jier insertion per ward Ijegal Notices, each insertion per aerate line Contract Rate on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporter Telephone - - - 99 66 .2 .IS Thumdajr, Dec. 15, 1927 SETBACK FOR COMMUNISTS The setback for the Communists in China seem to indicate that the country is not going- to follow, immed ately at any rate, in the wake of Russia and that there is possibility of a reaction ajrainst Red propaganda even in that country. The difficulty there is an immense illiterate population. suiierstitiou. and easily influenced by anything that seems likely to give it a temporary advantage. However, there is also a very strong movement of young educated Chinese who have the interests of their country at heart and who see in the Nationalist movement the hope of their country. PATH UP MOUNTAIN Several years ago W. E. Williams enthused the people of' this city with the idea of making a trail up Mount Oldfield for the use of tourists but, owing to lack of funds and organisation, the scheme was allowed to drop. The chief difficulty was to decide on the route to be followed, it being then suggested that the proper approach would be from the other side of the mountain. The building of the new highway makes that route possible. If the trail is made on a route that can be developed into an automobile road it will be part of a permanent work which will be one of the finest things possible for the rity. It is to be hoped that this time the scheme will be carried out and the trail actually built. LINDHERC.irS FLIGHT Another record has been made by the young American aviator. Colonel Lindbergh. He has made a flight from Washington to Mexico City and although he got lost in a fog en route he picked up his bearings and proceeded, reaching his objective a few hours late. Lindbergh is a winner, perhaps a matter of good fortune or perhaps because he knows his business better than others. At any-rate, so far he has made good and more than ever will be the idol of hts countrymen. Canadians always admire anyone who is a goad sport and they will be glad to know that Lindy succeeded. Possibly now he may turn his attention to the Pacific where there are plenty of honors to be won. ALASKA FISHERY PROTECTION Fishery protection in Alaska is to be a real thing. The fish are to be protected at any price. That seems to be indicated by the regulations published yesterday for that territory. Traps seem to have came oaeer the ban to some extent and it is generally conceded that traps hare done a great deal of injury to fish. Both in Alaska and British Columbia there must be protection, for without it the fish would soon all be gone. Protection without injustice is the ideal but it is difficult. an m eaah taken ffl. The Ofaureb Army eenizted e82.0 and the Balfatlon Army M.M. This is considered . very good !sr so small a place. IQT AMn IM A I AStf A U" the women of St Paul s Church undertook to grre the interior of the Church a thorough overhaul superintended by P. Haldane. VARIETY DANCE BY ELKS' LODGE VERY ENJOYABLE AFFAIR Owing no doubt to unfavorable eather condtticni there was not as urge an attendance as might have been T.pected at the novelty dance held last :-.lgnt by the Elks' Lodge in aid of the riristmas Cheer Pond. Nevertheless. It "roved a very enjoyable event which a in progress from 9 to 2- o'clock with i break at midnight far the aerrtng of if lec table refreantBenta. An. -JSmslles ho was master of ceremonies, also led he orchestra which consisted, besides ::nelf at the piano, of Bjh Arthur Jr.. .olln: Kenny Rood, saxaphone, and 'immie Currte. traps and rums. W. D. ..nee act ad as cashier of the event l.cb v,a under the direction ot the due entertainment committee. During the evening boxes of choco-itss were raffled and tickets were sold n the fur caat which has been pre-iitcd In support of the Christmas Cheer campsiKii -A real flour for home, cooking SEES BEAUTY IN CANADIAN HOME GARDEN m gardens of tht people of all craases. Jang the roads est which he had bash driven Speaking of the roads In Eng-jjr Baldwin declared there vat aatntna that visitors from viwjisi oared more to wo than Uw country rU- ; To tt BALDWIN CALLS ON JOURNALISTS Speaking in the Parliament PresK (Jallery Expresses Regard for Influence of the Press LONDON. Dec 15. The Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, prime minister, penetrated the other day Into a portion of the Houses of Parliament which It Is doubtful If any man balding his august office has explored before during his term of office Mr. Baldwin's excursion was to the Press Oillery or rather that variety Of rooma set aside for the ex clusive -u of newspaper men, having; the entree to the Houses of Parliament. Mr. B4M win unveiled a tablet contain ing the names of the "Oallery" Chairmen since 1881. "I am glad to hare the chance." he said, "of meeting the people who really make and unmake men and governments. I present myself with trepidation before you. I perhaps have been a little less effusive than some of my eelleaguee In tributes to the prev as a whole, but I have a most warm regard tor the working journalist wherever I meet him." The English parliament Is perhaps the mort hospitable parliament in the world towanls journalists. Practically what the British parliament gives to Journalist! Is a club. Net only are there writing rooms and typing rooms, but there Is a. dining room, a smoke room, a library, a newsroom, a ehess room and a tea room. The writers in the chief writing room are warned by ! an automatic indicator of what to going on in the House. Telephones are I Mmply squandered all over the gallery ; rooms, and connections arc made so quickly that the London telephone ser- j vie jaight very well learn from the system, J a llbf how these thlnss can be i NloirriHiMiH ix mointaixs A meteorological phenomenon found i among the high mountains and notice- ! able in many places In Waterton Lakes , national park In southern Alberta to the night wind from the mountain : tops. During the beat of the day the ; warm air rises from the valleys but at sunset a current of air from the peaks rushes downwards, bringing with it the a 'jgMBBMafWHBali Man in the Moon f 1 . I ir the rcH .irver keeea ?. ; :ihuMu win nud it difficult to have heir Miwl dip t (Mi "t Premier of Rritain Points to This' notl reewgiaere we a . Country a Object Us.n jPrtere Rupert it bees nobody . psor caaogs "te wile good poeJ- LO40X3K Dk 1 - Premier Stanley . j ' - t n.lmita 111 lllin MlfUM tne new ; TlUdixcs xoea mey "-" Kwssteo b-pau r imwUt. said be durkag hfe recent vtolt bv the iMttr of the a ,jg-. THE wnw)Ml for one full day auM Out!a m the Soviet wf. But e asWow tney awl the fate AMI iwwnbfd to the rale they hste. The vase b sky high Htli s went IB Soviet parliament. lages aud cooatry lasts He advwaeted j thou development aud depreaau any! IT stake to me as If the MaeLeaa -Wgly uuoadlna" or "hoajiah beho-, aotenamea to UkotJ ta be psfndar U viar" on these roads rt redMtea taxes Sax eaottgh W be Xett. Speakung ot the Flngotiiri road, vhlahi ' he was opening, tht premier aatd: I THERE'S talk of a bridle path wp e "The orln oJ this great ro may be . Mountain. Who- rolng to provide she traced hack to '.hoar days whoa a ere JaMfcssT Jake wagants eiertlat the Otm-mrat anxious about unntiptsyment. serratryea. hortly after the concliwlon of tne r., w.r ts. mwrnsMi: of the df ', IT the Oteo Club felt great anxiety on the sub)srt. and two list of ofOcera. It they set up larg? schaaaes of rood work. fault KXiLANII A SAMTt'AKY -v. r-m aurh mm thM will do for I THEY London what Is of the gioatsat hwport-ance. They win bttug aJoag these areat irtertes a wealth of real country If me aiaks these roads what tatsy Baaf be. the roads cf our droaaao, we shakl Bsaar the atwUtuoe nit only ss swr own tti- low cTuntryaMn. bat ot Tlsttors from overms There Is nothing Ahat the Tan-tors fratn otetMos eat more to as, ao-! thing that touches them more than our! honecs and gardens, not of rich people. but belonging to people of all abuses right op to the raad. carefully tended and looked after. It made It a pleasare to drtve out Into the country from any of these weatrra cities. KUAltMllt: MANNKKH "It is supposed to bo an advantage to a doctor to have a gosd bedside man ner. I wish to goodness all our people had good roadside manners. Let us try to start today to Inculcate It both In people srbo Um the roads and in people who lire along them. There ought to be an unwritten code that the defiling of any of them, or by upsetting or spU- !:ng litter upon them, should be to bar any man from enter. ng any decent club or any decent home circle." ted twenty VANDERHOOF not have si vtti not be J And tbaa they chose a soore sgatss Ami from that naaeber thefn uij seek The one to wletd the gsvel sUek. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert country Tillages and our country tones-! nEfKMllrrt 11 -191; Tbej Ilk to look on England a. a -ne- (Mlrral tlo. vu, aw . - uk place the day after new start with taese roaos "cai Jonn jvUl Etauwon U win 1 r- Lhoritles today haw lar-reaenun tWBto, aBd ht, orputlr. mm be :rs We can rogutote advertising, Q w Abbott l.u. can go in for town planning, and there wmtom WUKm. w. T. B.rart has been recent IrfdalaUon 00 tte eon- , stumbuHl. The caadtdates trol of btilldlBg lines. arc Prod Stork and Oel C. W. Peek. "Roads around tionden for too many! sears past bare consisted of mean-took- , Dn4,r ,uapics of the St. An-(ng houses and dingy forecourts Let i dr,.,-, society. Rev. W. E. OaUtoon de-ut try. If we can. to hae along those jjlvad an Istetootlag address Isstalfht roads houses with gardens Nothing ; ooaat Indians. PreaMeat 8. D. trunk me so much during my recent Msedonald was In the chair and there visit to Canada, right through the cities vaa m musical program. of the woot. as to see beautiful little' - . Aa tateeeataag wedding took place as aeok la the Central Hotel when Eucaheth Oambte w united In marriage to Harry Vtenjdea. Be. Canon G. A. Klx performed the orremony and the attendants were Mlas nnette Oim- We and Victor MenWes. Mr. and Mrs. Measles have left for the south 00 a honeymoon trip. Miss Helen Bond of Ftnmoore was the first price winner In a recent wild- t lowers collect ion competition for this district. Edmund Dickson of the Lakes public school also had a sptendM exhibit. Rev. Joseph T. Bmeeton of the local United Church officiated at a quiet wedding at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. r. Schultz in the Mapee district when their eldest son. Merrtn Fred Schulte. was united In marriage to Miss Janet Marelnnle Nairn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Nairn also of Mtpet. Attendants were Mlas Joyce Ooodrtdge .nd Albert Schultz. The lowest thermometer reading In Vanderhoof during the past week was 41 degrees below eero. In recognition of valuable services she has given aa accompanist. Mrs. Warren Johnson was th recipient Of a presentation from the Vanderhoof Olee Club last Friday evening. The presen-e ntetfcon- was made . by Mrs. R. C. Me-CorkeBi : ' I j -rr ' '; Members' of the 'congregation have presented a prsyer desk, and lectern to the local Anglican church. It win be used for the first time next Sunday. Rev. L. J. Hales announces. The local Sunshine Christmas fund has now reached the gratifying total of S216.24. The Nechsko Valley Oo-operative Exchange shipped a car of oats to Bed- neeti and another to Sinclair Mills The Centra! Interior Oraln and Hay Pool shipped a car of feed grain to The Least Excitement Made Her Heart Palpitate and Flatter Mrs. AmbrOM Orser, Elg-inhnrg-, Ont, writes: "I saffered for some time with a Vad heart which seemed to be controlled by my nerves. The least little excitement wenld eaose it te flatter and palpitate, and at times I would have real bad rperls. I suffered in this way for some time when, one day, I saw advertised, so de-elded to try them. I had oaly taken a few boxes when I noticed that I felt better, m I continued tahirg them ad ia a short time ny heart felt entirely different,' Price 50c a box at all druggists and scents of pines and larches and it may : dealers, or mailed direct ea receipt of be of -he flowers of some alpine mes- price by The T Milburn Co, Limited, duw a couple of ' houoand fee' above Toronto, Oat. Prince Oeorge. day trip. "DEMERS" JMMI....,.M.,,..,..,.,aannaasaasa About three thousand doilsrt worth Of fars was shipped from Vasxiernoof last week. Mr. Walton to relieving as agent at the local C-Nit. station amasg the abnenoe of Mr. Hotchtasoa en a holi The Vanderhoof Ohoral Society has been organhced here wtth officers as follows: president. John W. Peterson: vtoe-presioeat. E. A. MMaheH: secretary- treasurer. Mrs. George Ogaeoa; leader and conductor. R- H. Moore: Itbrartoa. Krs. Ray Taylor. Tl.MHKR SALE X9590 Sealed Tenders will be received by yie District Forester not later than noon jti the itn asy or December, itn. lor Uie purchase of Licence ZBSOO. south : bore Draney Inlet. C.R. 2, to cut 871.000 I feet board measure of spruce, cedar, hemlock and Balsam sswlogs. I Two (2 years will be allowed for re-! moral or timber . Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, or the District Forester Prince Rupert. B.C. NAVIGABLE WATERS' PROTEC TION ACT. I!elked Matutes of Canada. Chapter 113 BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO It PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, HEREBY DIVES NOTICE that It has under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa and In the office of the Registrar of Land Titles at Vancouver. British Columbia, a description of tbe stte and plans of a cannery, cannery wharf and perqutottes thereto, proposed to be bulk on the lands covered with water fronting on Lot 1295 and Lot 1489, Ranee 3. Coast District. In the Province of Brrttsb Columbia, which said Lots are situate a' Johnson Channel in the said Province. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, British Columbia Pto'.tmg packing Company Limited will. , tut Section 7 of the said Act, apply U the Minister of Public Works at his offuc in the city of Ottawa for approval ot ;:.e said site and plans and for leave to t utruet the said cannery, cannery wharf and pet-quialtea thereto. - . DATED at Vancouver. B.C.. this 1Mb day of November. 1527. JAMES H. LAWSON. 1318 Standard Bsnk Bldg.. S10 Hastings St. W., Vancouver, b.o. Solicitor for the said Company. IN PRORATE IX THE NI PKK.Hi: OI KT Of KltlTISIlf IIHA.MKI. In tbe Matter of - the Admlnteiratlon Act: and In tbe Matter or tbe Estate ot Robert RurM TVamwH IntMtatc TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 1st day of December. AJJ. 1827. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Robert Rudd. deceased, and all parties hav- ine ra Im. ir- k. . -,. - - - -- mmnj vabKIC sre hereby required to furnish same properly verified, to me on or before the 3rd ds7 of January. AD 1928. and aU parties indebted to the estate are required 10 pay the amount of their indebted! is- to me forthwith NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator. . . Prm :e Rupert B.C ,5?td 3rd day of December AD 1827 CleaYanc e SALE Now in Full Swing! Store crowded all this morning Open again at 8 a.m. tomorrow Coats, Hats, Dresses Hosiery and Lingerie at rock bottom prices Everything a Bargain Come and you will buy H. S. WALLACE CO., LIMITED Gift Suggestions You can be assured "I u w ide ruiie of I' ; . LADIES'. MEN'S, AND CHILDREN'S (.OODS Our boxed Handkerchiefs are particularly K" an exceptional line of the finest boaiary. Silk Underwear is always appreciated. Our Fur Trimmed (j'lovee are wonderful values. SEE OUR WINDOWS H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9. 3rd Avenue and Fulton Street I - I Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating G.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry l Engineers, Machinists. Boilermakers, Rlacksmlth. Pattern makers. Founders. Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Dr. MAGUIRE Phone 523. Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store Office Hours 9 to 9