Carefully Sorted THF f.imily bundle U 1m-ntfdialely Girled in our pi. nl into it different t lilies and coloring. In this way we are able to use the proper wah room formula for each kind of material in your wah!nic Possibly this (a one of the main reason why laundry-washed clothe last The LAUNDRY Does it best Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 01 U CHEAT out SALE of MEN'S AND BOYS' ( I.OTIIIXG AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. R- Miller, Proprietor FRAS - THE DAILY XEW3 PAIN from. Bladder Irritation SANTAL miDY tiM f latitat! Look lof th wee "MIDI m-i 1 t " ru.. HS k mm CLOSING Third Avenue and Sixth Street GEORGIA MINE LOOKS WINNER Ha Ore of High Grade and Ap-parently Plenty of it Sav Aulhority VICTORIA. Dee I AJlpoct on ,(, Oeorai. R:, Ooa UiTJ r0Wlnf situation a he found K t the pr .per thla fall ha twen ponied bv 8e. rnour Campbell Mr Campbell , practical miner and prosperior of ,. xparnot. ho hu . very inufc,:. knows ol the rout m the fortuno CansJ dUatrlci m ptioular He .with respect to what e found at the iestne- "I may tutt that taw result of th. earned out on It confirm. hitherto exprssasd opinio concern thi property which, la my aatinution ruy require a reasonable amount of capita) intelligently expend to develop a remarkably valuable Mine My txperleuoe in the nurtb ai.d elsewhere ban brought me Into contact with many outstanding propertle. but I consider jtb. Osorgia Wver exoellx aU of them. a m a class by Itself, in fact I I sv. nrar yet astn a mine at the same ft of development which gives ao audi roM- tni." j "The- south rt vein hss been fur-thar developed by open cute and ; trtnebias.' he further states, "aad It lb) now proven to be continuous for IB greater part of three claim, a total susuuu or oeer S 000 fet. ThU vain attain a width. In plaaea. of from two! to als fast, aad the mineralisation I j try nnaa latent throughout It ha al-J extensively sampled On i this occasion three aamplei were tka roe two exposure IJOO feet apart on the extstuion of the ore recently un covered. Tbeet fane respective returns Of: (ll TJ9 euaoa of gold and 13.60 ounces silver total value. IM M cit to ounces gold. 440 ounoe allver. to-tal value. IHK; Hi 70 ounoe gold and 11 70 3unoe allver. total value. M01 Z The vein baa continued to improve with the work performed on It. "A sample was taken of me ore from the shaft on the Bullion Vein, which gave a 0 ounoe gold and 16.40 ounoe liver, total raluet tall .02 The Bullion Vein parallel the southwest vein already referred to. and la developed by tan-LAN I) ACT MITM T. or INTENTION TO AI'I'U' Tl u:sk unii In the Queen Charlotte Islands. Ora-lam Island Land Iteooedlng District of Fnnce Rupert, and situate ou the west side of Rennell Harbor at the Head ol Rennell Sound. Queen Charlotte Islands, Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that British ColumWa fining & Paeklng Company Limited of Va:roiner B., occupation Salmon intend to apply for a lease of the lul lowing described lands: Cjinmencing at a post planted on the east shore of a creek called Twin River; thence 4 chalm west; thence twenty-one rhalna north: thence 4 chanu east: thence following contour of there line to place of commencement, and containing 84 acres, more or leas. B.C FISHING & PACKINO CO. LTD. Applicant. M M. EngltihT A lent. Dated October 33. 1937 IN 1'KOBATE IV Till: SI IMIKMK f'OI KT OK llHITloll (Ol.lMItIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of George Clifford Adolpbus Wilson, Deceased. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. F. McB. Young, the 1st day of December. A.D. 1MT. 1 wax appointed Administrator of the estate of George Clifford Adoiphus Wilson, deceswd. and all parties baring claims agnlnst the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 3rd day of January. A D. 1928. and all partlen Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the trd dav of December. AJJ. If.27 She Could Not Work HEADACHES Were So Severe Mr. A. Riehl. Rur.t.rt R..V t(... "I was troubled with very tevere headaches, and sometime I could ,ot But uv nj wore. "Oae day a friead told ma about auviaea me u it a tnaL I d ideJ tu di k . ai.J after taking- a fnw bottle I f, ml it had done n.e a urld (,f, and I haven't lad any aradarhei or a lung- time now." Manofartured only by Tie T. UUbnrn Co-. Limited. Toronto, Ont nei and abort. Ore a eapoaed in the tunnel tar a distance of 10 feet and vertically to the bottom of the abaft, a d.HUnce of eighty feet. "A no work bad beea performed on I the mala Tola, little attention was given to at. However, for the purposes of information a sample was takes from the open cut on the surface over crosscut lunsMl. which gave returns of 3.28 ' ounces la gold and DM ounces in saver, j total value, 14 00. "Son Mme was employed In opening up the Suaaaatt Voin which actually con-ialsts of thase separate vein paralleling jeah other and which will In aU pro-; osbftlty unite at depth. The combined jwidthe of the mineralised portions of these vetms run from six to eight feet. samptea taken from two cut gave respectively 3 SO ounces gold nd 3J4 ounce stiver, total value 1 80.00. and IM ounces stiver, total value 1 16.44. "The Danny Vein Is the lowett of the erase vetjts so far expoaed. The mineral laation differ somewhat tram the other erase veins in that considerable galena la in evidence. A sample taken ft:m open cuts gave 0.30 ounoes gold nd MM ounces sliver, twenty-ftve per sent lead 131,25, tctai value SaO U." ALICE ARM Recent cold weather has formed a crust on the anow which now permits those In the upper Kltaoult River country who are running short to take In fresh supplies. J. Strotahek and Uus Pesnon. whe nave takes a bond on the North Star aropertr. were la tows durms- the week. Fthey' report that, owing to bad weather, a start baa not yet been made on the driving of a tunnel wMoh will be undertaken as soon as there Is an Im provement. Albert Darks son is driving a tunnel on the Wildcat property in the upper Klisault Valley. Jack Anderson made a trip to Camp 8. at the head of the Dolly Varden Railway, over the crust during the week. Jack McDonald hts left for his hosie In Victoria where he wUl spend the holiday season. On his return to Alice Arm he wUl relieve on the Aayox ferry boat Awaxe in puce 01 ji. t. K.ergin. M L.A who will be going Victoria to attend the legislature. W. J. Craviford. formerly uf Alice Arm and now in Anyox. paid a brief visit here at the end of the week. W. A. Talbot, assists nt district engineer for the provincial department of miblic works whs here at the week-end ' 'i offlrial duties. ER & PAYNE UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Christmas Gift Merchandise on Display at Popular Prices UNDERWEAR, ETC. Rayon Silk Knit NifrhtKowns, JQ CQ lace trimmed, assorted shades VfeWU Rayon Silk Lingerie Sets CQ QiJ lace trimmed, assorted shades ru Rayon Silk Rraisier and Rloomer C50 Sets aasorted shades v Rayon Silk Pyjamas, assorted shades, contrast trimmed v Extra Special Value Rayon Silk Bloomers, assorted shades, very fine qual- g J50 yt All sizes TurnljulJ's Fine, Clove Silk Finished Bloom-ers, assorted shades, all sizes 95 including: extra larges Vosts to match $- Novelty Hand Embroidered Swiss and Irish Handkerchiefs, boxed 3 in a box, ;i5 ."OfS 7.-t $1.00, i."o LADIES' HOSIERY, ETC. Kayser and Harvey Hose Kayser Full-Fashioned Fure Thread Silk Hose, shadow pointed heel, in G4 HIZ all the newest shades, per pair VJL O Kayser Double Thread Pure Silk Hose, heavy service weight, full fash- JM QC ioned, all new shades, per pair vAavtJ Harvey Pure Thread Silk Hose, pointed and square heel, stocked in 10 Q-i CA shades, per pair ?ieeJU C. & 0. Corsets, Corslettes, Girdles and Brassies, Qur special corslette Q-f c is marveJIoitaasilue at ik. viollrJ Novelty. Swiss'fleoritette and Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs newest designs and colorings, each -.", iVf, ."()( Dressed Dolls In a variety of styles and sizes. The genuine Lloyd Ma Ma Doll, . . . $1.00, $i-".o, $2.50, sftt.o; to $x.r, FRASER & PAYNE GENERAL DRY GOODS Flione 2G PRINCE GEORGE MEMBER FIGHTS Argues Strongly In Favor of Com pletion of Ifi.E. to VJSAL Line FIGURES PRESENTED By H. a. Ferry. UXA Before an audience of hswinails v.mcuver last Tuuesaay It ami 11 Mae-. boldly acfioiMkseu that bis assSaf for the Paetfic Or est Em. tern railway was to complete It to Prince Oeorfe ,uid ilnsny to the Peace River. If no acceptable offer for lis purchase were :e, p.ved by his government, 'litis clear-cut statement of poMey received wltb psnicilur rntblkatasni n ..ll the territory affected by the real. way. and by all cltlBen noxious to see ckliiirte action taken regarding the in-vratment by the people m a raJtway ! which show very little change year by j Vr in It detielts. and has neither be- ginning, end. objective nor desthay, but is merely a railway trail, offering each year its account for IS00.OO0 loss on i operatloa, ad over M.080.000 far laree-j a-t from the general revenues of the provmos In order to be kept SBtag in ita preeeat state. I TMs enthusiasm was somewhat chill-'ed by the staKUng editorial in the Van couver Province (the same bsue la which Is reported toe premiers speech) to the effect that the completion of the F O E u Prince George wUl etrtafl extra expenditure or 11 4. 000 .000. The following la a quotation Of the editorial in the Province of ntday. December 2nd: "About five yeaf ago. at the request af the late Premier Oliver. J. O. Sullivan, consulting engineer, mode an examination of the PQ, and estimated the cost of cam pitting it from North Vancouver to Prince George. His estimate wa that to buUd and equip the twenty-nine miles between North Vancouver and Bquaaaish. and the forty-five miles stUl without steel between Queanel and Prince Oeorge would coat (6400,000. In addition, be figured that $800.000 would have to be spent with-la tea years on betterments on the entire system. If Prsnkler MacLean can ihow us bow the ennBletton of. the P.O.E. is likely, within any reasonable time, to yield sufficient revenue to meet the extra operating operating costs and the fixed charges on the $14JOOOJDOO extra expenditure, we shall hold up both bands, and applaud his project. But 11. as teems certain, the only result la to be an increased operating deficit ixl an extra half-million or more a year in fixed chart cs. where Is the province to benent "fn any way And how can the aggravation of the dim cultles which face us be regarded aa Uu any way a solution?'' Mark the question ' they put and tbf impression It leaves In the sverage mind that 114,000.000 Is the expenditure entailed by the completion of the railway. What are the facts? On pai 7 ol the Sullivan report we quote the following, in reference to the cost of the uncompleted gap between Quesne! snd Prince Oeorge: 'To complete this gap and put the line In condition to be operated 1 estimated to cost from 500,000 to 600. 300. If this additional line Is put in operation It Is estimated that extra equipment to the value of tl.5O0.0O0 will 'be required; that la to put the line trom Quesne to Prince George Into operation will require over V2.000.000 new capital." In reference to renewal of trestles bridges, etc., on page 8 of the Sulllvar report It states the "4000,000 nev, capital will be required for these renewals within the next tea yean." Where are these renewals required? .On the existing road now operating. But the Vancouver Province deliberately adds the cost of $8,000,000 for re-iewals required on the "existing road." adds again the 44.00000 estimated cost from Squamlsh to Vancouver onto the 12.000,000 estimated required from Sursncl to Prince George and asks the premier to show how the completion o the P.O.E. will yield sufficient revenue to meet the operating cost and the fixed charges on the 114.000,000 extra expend ture. The premier advocated the completion to Prince George for the present. To quote Sullivan, this entails 42,000.-000. Why should the Vancouver Province want to be shown, before It gives its blessing, that the territory between Quesnel and Prince" George can produce operating and fixed charges on fourteen million dollars when the cost for that area Is two millions? , Sauoe for the goose la aauce for the gander. Why did not the Vancouver Province we the same argument, or ask the same question, when (S.000.000 was requested In the last report of the P.G.E. directors for renewals on the existing road which , Is losing 11 000 a NOTICE LAND ACT. or INTENTION TO 'TO LEASE LAND APPLY In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls-jlct and situate on the southwest cor--ier of an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Chanal. Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, in the Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that Arthur Robertson, of Massett. B.C.. occupation a lumberman, interids to apply tor a lease of the lollowtng described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one chain westerly from the mouth of an unnamed creek flowing into an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port Chanal. Graham Island. Queen Charlotte Island. Province ct British Columbia: thence 4 chains southerly; thenoe 10 chains easterly; thence 4 chains northerly to the shoreline: thenoe following the shoreline to point of commencement, and containing 3 acres, mora or les. 'lned A, ROBERTSON, '.; ""nnt Dated October 6, 1927. PACE nvB 4 Beautiful Silver for Xmas Our slock is belter osbrtct3 iliis year than ever; Wc cart only-name a few pieces, bucomc in and see for yourself. ' IIREAI) TRAY from 4.00 FANCY B0N-R0N DISHES with handle, from 3.50 nJ J CRACKER AND CHEESE DISH in beautiful pierced design 6.50 Also with handle $7.50 0h SOLID STERLING SILVER 3-PIECE TOILET SETS from 45.00 t0 65.00 John Bulger day on operation alone? In an editorial of the Province on December 22, 1926, It said: There is another reason, too. for keeping the P.QI. In shape to serve the country through which the line runs. That the country is gradually spening up. There are more settlers .here and mere traffic. The line Is jrsdually reducing lta operating deficits, ind there Is something to be said for .he contention of the manager that if the government took account of the ;xtra revenues from taxes and timber lues which the operation of the P.Q.K. brings to Its coffers there would be no I deficit at all. "The thing to do, then, is to keep the line going and keep it In shape to o. We ha"ve no choice but to snend b money roi upkeep, and we have little hope of an Immediate return. The pnly way we can get a return Is by tendering the railway more useful, and there seems no means of doing this except by making it a real colonization toad which will colonize the country through which It runs. Traffic alone will save the P.G.E.. and traffic will not icme without people." This t3.000.000 was part of the $8.-700.000 now counted In the Province's fl4.000.000. and It was voted by the legislature and la already largely spent :o "maintain the present road." If that $3,000,000 was necessary to render the present railway more useful surely the expenditure necessary to complete the road to Prince' George and tap the trade of the whole north country la justifiable. If It is not justifiable, the sooner we know the better: then Prince George can realise lta destiny Is not as the link between the north and Vancouver and Prince George (and Central BC ) can work Its own development ' and future In co operation with Edmonton. Peace River, Northern Alberta and Prince Ropert. The growing sentiment rehreughout the north, which Is becomftcbltterly Kr.ti-Vancouver. and whtchjphjSe been demonstrated reeentlv :n the ijrmand, Qhest Colds I Redden Redden skin skin with with hot wet towels. Rub Vicks well in, cover with warm flannel. VICKS W Va p o r u b BREAD TRAYS with handle and fancy design, from 6.50 I'YREX LINED PIE PLATE pierce silver stand, from 3.50 FANCY COMPORT in pierced design, with foot, 5.00 COMMUNITY and ROGERS SETS Knives and Forks in case, from S9.95 1 S50.00 Jewel er Roasting Pans : Carving Sets Three Piece Carving Sets, from $.".00 to $10.00 set Roasting Pans covered or open, made from Sheet Iron, Aluminum Ware or Enamel Ware, from 2TC to S0.7." each Mail Orders Carefully Filled Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 235 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert t Peace River and byjePj) nfejftupert board of trade for a cc4,vprovince. ieeds only leaden-!vf to cryetallze Into powerful movement, and misleading sdltorlals by influential newspapers at .he coast are damaging the cause of -.conomle and political untly and co operation, so much more to be desired han division and separation. i LADIES' MUSIC CLUB CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Mertlns Has of Seasonal Nature With I "a per, SoloM and Selections An Interesting program of Christmas long and selection ws enjoyed yester day afternoon by the Ladles' Music Club In the Japanese Mission Hall. An ipproprlate reading was made by Mrs. A. T. Parkin and. with Mrs. II. C. rraser. Miss Lorna Tlte and Miss E. O. Lennox as accompanist , other Items on the program were as follows: Carol "Joy to the World." ' by the ltdles of the club. Solo "The Gift" (Brehand). Mrs. B. D. Johnsten. Quartette -Bllent Night." Mrs. Andf r- on. Mrs.'"Cullen, John Davie' and A. CTapperton?'1 ' ' Piano sblo. bj Mxs Ponder. Solo Frem "Christ and His Soldiers," Mrs. Broeklesby. Violin solo "Scotch Lullaby," Fred Smith. Quartette "See Amid the Winter Bnows," Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Cullen. John Duvie. Mr. Clapperten. Solo "The New Born King (L. Es--polr. Mrs. Muldoon. Carol Christians Awake." the ladles of the club. Advertise In The Dally K.wa Shoe Sale Extraordinary going strong at THOR JOHNSON'S Every pair must go. i While they last and a real snap! SCOTCH TWEED OVERCOATS at $21.75 Thor Johnson Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST