PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWS GOVERNMENTS MURDER TRIAL I " THE WATCH FIGHT SUICIDES IN NEW YORK as a Graduation Gift Your boy or girl will long the graduation fremcruber year if given a good watch. t Our watches are from the best factories in the world and are timed and tested before we let them go out. We guarantee our watches to give perfect satisfaction and our prices are fair and reasonable. Serviceable, 15 jewelled watches in gold filled cases $15.00 to 53.00. Jewellers "4TIIE STORE WITH THE CLOCrv THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS WASH- n Roubles IVlt Vi ILL MAKE VouVi WP H DAY TtfctfRlP.. U&VVTAS IRRiDESCErfTl KVEBY woman who has attempted to have the family wash done in her home knows what a bunch of weary worriment it means. We will charge you little for our services. Let us take the trouble off of your hands. Pioneer Laundry I'hone 11S Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that, afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and. at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, Hurely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency through neglect. Come and Bee! Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist und Optician Boom 3 Smith lilock Phone 7f:i DON'T B-TOICK-D)f)EEPYOUR BIN BY APRIL j -l FILLED WITH ' F00L-rV2Jmr0D FUELJi April ha-s fooled more than one coal pile in its day. In this "blow-hot, blow-cold season" it is no joking matter to be caught with an empty bin. It is the very time when a warm, comfortable home is needed most. NANALMO - WELLINGTON and MeLEOD ItlVEK SOOTLESS In Lump, Stove, Egg and Nut Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Tl'KKKY TAKINO STt.VS TOI'KKVENT. KISINH TIKE Ol' MXI' KILLING CONSTANTINOPLE. April 29. The government ha set out to light Turkey's rising suicide rate. It has desig nated a professor of Btamboul University to prepare a course of public lectures aimed at preventing suicides. Statistics compiled by the professor ; show that the average number of sul- ciaes nas risen vim tne past ten years from thirty yearly to 180. Most of Ux-m are girls, although in other countries the number of male suicides almost I doubles that of women. The press also has started a campaign to build up the morale of the nation. Newspapers publish cartoons ridiculing suicide. One of them shows a woman discussing fashions In self-destruction, disapproving of the winter styles, such as poisoning, hanging and shooting, and declaring her lnten-!of 01 iung r summer in oroer , to employ the "more ladylike" method of drowning. Week-end i Specials 200 Tails Pure Jam, per tin, l'Jc Your choice of the following rieties: -- Gooneberry, Peach, Blackberry or Apricot. 400 Pails Pure Jam, per tin, 5!)c ' Your choice of the following varieties: Loganberry, Basi- berry, Strawberry, Cherry or Black Currant. The above lines are Meado brook and Reliance brands, quality guaranteed or money refunded. Special price in case lots, 12 tins assorted $5.75 The jam market is very firm and it will pay you to buy a case at this price. Pacific Milk, per tin 10c Limit 10 tins to each customer. This special positively withdrawn Friday niirht. I Back Bacon, per lb 35c I rw 'Li. il .1 1 huh price is less man wnoie- saie therefore we cannot afford to slice it and we will sell it by the side or half side with wrapper on. Averag side weighs 5 lbs. Del Monte Prunes, size 40-50, in 4 lb. wood boxes. Special 69c Strawberry Rhubarb, per lb.. . 10c New Bunch Carrots, 2 f or . . 25c New Spuds, 2 lbs 25c Wax Beans, per lb 35c Bermuda Onions, 2 lbs 35c Guaranteed mild for eating raw. Florida Grapefruit, 2 for . . 25c Sunkist Orawres, medium size, 0 dozen for $1.00 Picnic Hams, per lb. . ll)V.c Green Onions, 2 for 15c Badishes, 2 for 15c Sweet Potatoes, 2 lbs. for . . 25c Combination Special Canned Fruits 4 tins 95c Your choice of any of the follow ing: Boyal City Loganberries, 2's Nabob Bed Pitted Cherries, 2'h King Beach Royal Anne Cherries, 2's Aylmcr Greengage Plums, 2J'k King Beach Red Plums, 2V& Malkin's Apricots, I'm, tails Malkin's Bartlett Pears, 2s Malkin's Sliced Peaches, l's, talis. Holland Herrings, per keg . . $1.0." Cowan h Perfection Cocoa, per lb. 12c Sunny Monday White Laundry Soap, special C bars for 25c Swift's Classic Cleanser, special, a for 25c Combination Special 5 for !)5c 1 jar Sweet Mustard Pickles, 20oz. 1 bottle Smith's. Tomato Catsup 1 bottle S.B. Sauce Jl bottle Rowat's Worcester Sauce 1 bottle Libby's Queen Olives. W have a limited number only of the above deals. Please phone early so as not to be disappointed. Ogilvie's Wheat Granules, C lb sack, special 39c Grape Nuts, 2 pkgs. for 35c MEATS AND FISH Note Beef Sausage have advanced to 20c per lb. owing to the high cost of beef. Eat More Fish and Save Money Fresh Halibut, per lb 20c Red Spring Salmon, per lb. . . 35c Smoked Cod Fillets (boneless). lcr lb. :.c Rupert Table Supply Co PhoncH 210 and 211 .MI1S. lil'Tll SNVniCU AMI licit I'AKA . MOIll AltR AKItAIN(ii:il THIS "" """""" ' ' " WIXK NEW YORK. April 2a AS".) Another "perfect crlme"that failed, the slaying of Alfccrt 8nydcr, art editor of "Motor ConUng," while he slept in his Queen's Village home on the morning of March on touKht to trial this week his wife. 'Mri Ruth Snyder and her C0UiesScd pm-anur. Hsnry Judd Oray. on fh-st tigree murder charges. Mrgi Snvder has becn tne of attention since her arrest the day fol lowing the murder. She assumed the role of the misunderstood, wife, married to a man many years her senior, who-had tastes totally different to her own. Dtsccrd, she said, forced her to lcok elsewhere for happiness. Oray. a corset salesman, with a wife and ten-year-old daughter, was a man , nls home ln 0rMJe , N g. aU!rUr.e was his character b- in hp th, mm1v. n, hl. fnm. lly and friends refused to believe his guilt until they heard It from his own lips. On the eve of the murder Bnydcr jpnd his wife attended a card party at the home of friends. "Tommy," as Mrs. Snyder was known to her Intimates, saw that her husband drank plenty of liquor, "to make him feel good as she later confessed to the police. When they got home Mrs. Snyder put LAND ACT Noun; Or' INTKNTION" TO AITLY TO I.KASK I-Wll. In Range 4. Const Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Gosse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe 8t.. Vancouver. D.C.. occupation Fish Packers, Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about mile distant ln a northerly direction from Lot 1253, Range 4; thence north 5 chains; thence cast 20 chains; thence south to shore: Lhence west along shore to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or less. QOSSE PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant. Tcr Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated .AprU 7. 1027. LAND ACT NOTICE OC INTKNTION TO Al IM.Y TO I.KASK LAND. In Range 4. Coart Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate ln vicinity of Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Gavw Packing Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver. B.C., occupation Fish Packers, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing' at a port planted at the northwest corner of Lot 1251, Range 4: thence north 5 chains: thence east 15 chains; thence south to northeast corner Lot 1253; thence westerly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7, 1927 Cash and Carry Grocery Fulton and Sixth' Ave. By paying cash you buy less and pay less for what you buy, Our advertised prices are, regular and not specials unless so mentioned. Malkin's Best Pure Jam, 4 lb. tin: Strawberry, Raspberry, Loganberry, Bed Currant, Black Currant and Cherry, each .... 75c Peach Apricot and Gooseberry 65c Pure Plum Jam, any variety 50c Heinz Catsup, large bottle, each 30c Sterling Catsup, 5 bottles for 95c Heinz Pork & Beans, medium. 2 for 35c Small, 2 for 25c Royal City Pork & Beans, medium, per tin t 15c Singapore Pineapple, sliced, per tin . 15c liiwaiian Crushed Pineapple, 2's, per tin 25c Imported Bice, per lb 8c Brown or White Beans, per lb. 8c Pure Lard, per lb 20c Granulated Sugar, per lb. .. 7'2C Lump Sugar, per lb 12'2c Icing Sugar, per lb 10c Terrace .Local Eggs, per doz. 15c B.C. Pullett Extras, 3 doz. for 95c Capitol Butler, per lb. t.'c Any other variety, 2 lb. for 93c Best Bacon, in piece 43c Sliced ;oc Terrace Potatoes, per Hack $1.75 Flour, any variety, per sack $2.50 Canned Milk, any variety, cane , $3.50 Eajrle Brand Milk, per tin .. 20c Come in and nee our "tore. Prices marked in larifc figure. Quality and quantity guaranteed. $5.00 OrdcrH Delivered C.O.D. Phone .101 S. B. Adams - Manager. vjjjj J him to bed. lie was partly deaf and she took care that his 'good ear" lay on the pillow. Some hours later the couple's nlnc-ycar-old daughter Lorraine, found her father deud. lie had becu beaten, chloroformed and his body bound to the bed with picture wire. In an adjoining room, Mrs. Snyder also had been bound. The house was In great disorder from top to bottom. Mrs. Snyder told the police a man of giant suture had forced tits wty Into the home and had killed her husband and had beaten her. Detectives were suspicious from the start. In their attempt to accomplish the perfect crlmo live slayers had been too thorough. They had ransacked the kitchen. "There Is something wrong here.' said the officers. "Rcgulur murderers clout work that way. They clout bother the kitchen." stokv coTi:iii(Ti:i There was no evidence of the head Injury which Mrs. Snyder claimed the murderer had Inflicted. Soon the jewels which she said had been stolen wore found under a mattress. Other things were found to contradict her story. - j After hours of ftimtlonlng Mrs. Buy-1 der confessed. She 1 admitted an In- ttniacy with Gray and said that he had hidden ln the house until they resumed from the party. After she had put Snyder to bed she and Oray committed the crime together j Oray was detained by the police In Syracuse. At first, he stoutly denied any connection with the murder. He had what seemed to be an airtight ' alibi. Clerks In the hotel where he was stopping remembered that he had called from his room at about the time he would have teen ln Queens Village If he had committed the murder. Ills ; bed was rumpled as If he had slept ! ! LAND ACT NOTICi: VV IXTK.VTIOX TO AITLY TO ( 1.KASK LAXII. In Range 3, Coast Land District. Lind Recording District of Prince Rupert, j and situate on the south share ot La-Boushere I Channel. B.C. TAKE NOTICK that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver. , B.C., occupation Fish Pa:kers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: -- i Commencing :it a post planted at I the southeast corner T.L 13393. Range 3, Coast Land District; thence south 6 cnalns; thence west 10 chains: thence north S chains to shore; thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing S acres, more or less. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated AprU 1. 1937. LAND ACT. Miner: or intcxtion hi apply to U..SK LA XII. In Prince Rupert Ind Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at iUwtt Indian Village No. 1. TAKE NOTICE that The Massett Can-tiers, Ltd.. of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Canncrs, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at this post planted at the northwest corner of our site at j Masnett. B.C.: tbencc southerly 3 chains; thence easterly 3 .26 chains, more or less: I j thence northerly 3 chains; thence westerly 3.25 chains, more or less, to point I of commencement, and containing one acre, more or if si. THE MASSETT CANNERS. LTD. Applicant. Per P. Lorcnzcn. Agent. Dated Anrll 20. 1027. LAND ACT i xotici; oi' inti:ntiox to apply to LAM. In Range 3, Coast Land District. Laud tit-cording District of Irlnce Kucrt. : and situate on the south shore of Evans Arm. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Ooshc Packing I Co. Ltd.. of 323 Howe St., Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Pish Packers, Intends I to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 3 chains distant in an easterly direction from northeast corner Lot 740, Range 3: thence south 10 chains: thenco west IS chains: thence north to shore; thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. OOBSE PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant. Per Chas L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7, 1027. QUEEN CHAULOTTE LAND DIVISION TAKE NOTICE that H. V. Leonard, of Portland, Ore., physician, Intends to apply to the Minister of Inds for a licence to prospect for coal, petroleum and natural gas over and under the following described landi. situate on Bklde-gate Inlet, Ornham Island: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner of Section 30. Township 1; thence 60 chain east: thence BO chains outh: thence 80 chains west: thence BO chains north, to point of commencement Located March 14. 1027. lt"F LEONARD;. A. J. OOHDON, Ajat. WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY ANI) SATURDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 3 p.m. "The Eagle of the Sea" A ponderous, spectacular drama or the sea. Noted cast: FLORENCE VIDOIC BICAKDO CORTE7- SAM BE (.'BASSE. MITCHELL LEWIS, GUY OLIVER, ANDRE BERANGER. GEORGE IRVING, JAMES MARCUS ' and many others. CAMEO COMEDY PATHE Admission Flower - SEEDS Ve8etab1, HOES. MATTOCKS. HAKES. SIIOVEI.S. SPADES. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue Prince Ruperl there the night of the crime. Police brought Oray to New York for further questioning. After hours of, 'steady denial he suddenly confessed his part ln the slaying. He told how he had struck Snfder over the head with La window sushwelght while Mrs. Snyder looked on. Although he had confavml. pause were cot satisfied until U)y explained his alibi. Haddaa Oray, a Syracuse friend with whose two children Oray slxrt nuuttoles on . tin night fulluwlii the murder, was brought, to New York.' jile had substantiated Oray' story of! his Syracuse movements. Taken before the Queen's County Orand Jury he admitted that he had aided Gray prepare his alibi ln the belief tht he was helping him keep from hi wife knowledge of an engagement with a woman friend. He admitted that it was be who had Impersonated Oray in calling from hi hotel room and had otherwise aided tbe hoax. Both Ory and Mrs. Snyder repudiated their confession when brought Into court, claiming tliey were made under duress. The love that had Joined them In the killing seemed to have cooled In .the several day they had teen ln prison for tliey did not peak to each other ln court. They blamed each other for their plight. COI.I.KCT IN1 ICAXCK One theory advanced for the motive was that Mrs, Bnydcr expected to ol-; lect her husband's 452,000 Insurance CANADIAN SERVICE Prom Montreal To Plrmoulh-Chsrbourg-London : Au-uiiii.'i . . Mn it Aorniiln . , . t.t n To Blft-LIrpool-fllgow l.i'llll.l ... Ma.v li AIIiciHii Ma;, From New York To Qussnslown and Liverpool I Uinm!,! . .Mii ' t".MIii,i . M(,. it To Cherbourg and Southampton I AiiuIUiiiIii M jy II, jM. .ri "IVIIH.IM ),j 1J, J,l,lt U.iim l.inu .... Mil) Jinn- i;, j. r, To Loadondtrry and dlaigow jJIIMMUMIU . . M.IV 1 l.ull'lll.llln . m,, a, To Plf mouth-Mir-London Timi iiiiIu M,i,v II. Jin,,, , From Boston To Qustnttown and LIrpool Kryllihi .May is AurniiU .. av iv call at Plymouth, cumImhiiiU ' TOURIST THIHD CABIN KallinjrH from Montreal To Bsltsat-Llorpool-aiiigow ''''"I l o, Jim.' :i. j. ', "! II, J li Ta Q lla1w mnii Aiirnnm . . Jinn- vi Miniums . j,,!. . To PImouth-Chfbourg. London AiisiiiiI . . J mi! 10 .Ursula . . j . " Alaimlu ... July I. July o, Aug. Money tml.-ri. drain ! Tran-Hur,' Cliru., at iwfni rate, lull lnrrm"llnn from local airenl or Cmiiimuy', orn, ' Iliilltlii, HI., V Viuuiiv,,, u.. "BE CAREFUL DEARIE." REVIEW 50c nntl 25c THE BEST OF OUR SPRING COATS, SUITS, DRESSES have not been shown in our window durinjr the sale. Now on display at moderate prices. BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue iwlicy. and then fler with Oray Another possible motive advanced by the police was that Snyder had learned "f their Intimacy and that they had Killed him on this account. A bottle of liquor contlnlng bichloride '"vur, was round In Oray po-whm on the tram trp from Byra-U wo later wvealtJ lnAt h) had attempted to take a drink of it on the trip, telling omecri th(lt (t WM ough medicine ANYOX MAN IS FINED ?300 ON KEEPING OF LIQUOR SALE CHARGE At A'nyox on Wednesday. Oeorge Ildchcle. wm fined 1300 and cost,.' or three months' Imprisonment, by Msgi. tra e R. M. Mcousty. havmg pledcd guilty to a charge of keeping liquor for le on hi premise. The fine wa paid nd the liquor ordered confiscated. LOCAL Wmg OVER DRUG STORE AT SMITI1ERS SOON V Tomllnwii. or th i employee 0f Ormo' Drug stor,. ha . ...u a,,!. nroriMr i...i n Adflnw l Bmlthem i anU a... "HI take It mu . ... . Tomliiison wilt shortly leave for U.e In- "J center to take up resl- Friday Arm M YOUR iEHVES CONTHOL YOUR HEALTH l tot your health tVt Consult d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CHIROPRAnoit IttHims C & 7. E.M'hanjK- ; Phone C'JI pATHOC V-Jl Si 1 i Why Get Wei! When wc h, the best line Raiiu-oatn made "Hamaco" Raincoats made in Enj;! s materials obUu.u We arc dii at reduced fr i e SVI-ll incluMiK $12.60, for . fcw Phone uh up We will be iflui: on Jipi MussallemV 117-123 Fifth e Li I Phone 18 I :: A GOOD INVESTMENT Tliere it no sa. tnent and nunc th ' larger dlvidetid.4 ' curatcly fitted km utop you worryu:,; & you wondering Ik ..' Kot alonK without Our Ojitical .Sc beat !y tet nu: because the bu n' busiest liccauxe i.i; .i'. Lowest Price- I ! A! E. IRELAND (riiduiilr OpdimelrM Z'J Third Awnur 0iMwllf (i,AV V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine. Cular, I""11 and Spruce Per double load Per Bliiirle load Per ack FireliBhler. IH for Jl-05 tleliteri'd All elasseH of t'nni n' ,!: lrii:e HydeTransfer 1.TJ Seiond ienue Phone SKI) Niaht 'f w WE BUY BOITI.ES Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST