Trapperat Call and show your fur' lolhe Old Reliable House. It will pay you aa we can gaaraatee to give ywi feigner price Una anyone en. Wt have big order for all kind of lur upeetelly mink. Vm. Ooldblooa. Aveuu. Pnone 933. U An oAAc of tn natural rourc and InstaatrtM departastnt of tn Canadian National Railway having bean opened la Vancouver. R. C. W. Lett, weatern superintendent of the department, well known here, will have hi future head quarter there, still maintaining super rtston, however, of the Edmonton office wMan ha been his headquarter for the past aeteral -year. An lntrsUng article by Norman Rtllly Rain In tn la4 UcLran UuiM dsiig with Hahtiwtrar an -J other aid to narlgaUon recounts th 4nry of the rescue two yer ao of th man Daraaeau from a drifting boat In the nigh tea by Jafc Mrn. keeper of Ore-en Island light. There are many other Interesting allusions to the trial of navigators and lighthouse keepers on tan coast. According to O. O Bush by Who v tatted Seattle. Vancouver and Victoria recently there is considerable interact Id these cfUe as to the de-valopcnent and growth of ten northern Pacific port. Favorable comment k heard a to the record established her la the loading of wheat and marram circle lso comment favorably upon the ease with which ships may enter and leave the harbor. C.NJl steamer Prince Chutes. Capt. E. XIabb. returned from Uaasett Inlet this morning and will now lay up her for annual overhaul The ateemer Prince John, which has been at the local dry dock amce last fall, will go Into commission tomorrow and will leave here for Skldrgate and point aouth on the Queen Charlottes and Vancouver at 8 pm. The crew of the Prince Charles will transfer to th Prinre John. LAND ACT iMITK i: OI' INTI.NTIOV T tITI.V TO i.uim; i oiikmioki: In araham Uland. Jueen Charlotte " Maud Land Recording D strict of ITim-e .Rurert. and altuate at Ferguson Day. Masoett Inlet. Oraliam Island TAKE NOTICE that Powell River Company Limited of Vancouver. D.C. occupation Manufacturers, Intend to an-ply tcr lease of the following de-acrtbrd lands: Commencing at a newt planted at the northeast corner of DL. 1571; thence westerly, followln; northern boundary ot aald Lot to the northwest corner of aald Lot; thence westerly, northerly and enstrrly. following th high tide mark of frtuwn tlav to the extreme easterly ! point ot Echinus Point: thrnre south-I easterly to the point of commencement, i and containing 1M acre, more or lees rOWEU. HlVtll VUHrARl, LTD. Agent. J. rxiuglsii Wtlaon. I)iirl 4lh Nnvmnner. man A NNOUNCKM KNTS . Vaudeville. Wrstholme Theatre, Wednesday. January 10. Salvation Army Musical Entertain-mrnt. February 4. ' E. M Ktdulili.shi-d lJ2:i. Ji-Zl ,7, Office Hours: 0 a.m. to C p.m. 'Saturday: 1) a.m. to 1 i.m. Any evening by appoinlmont DUNTIST Li.han"c UloiL. Phone lua port of Prince Rupert as a grain hipping centre. Mr, a. A. lioaUrr returned to the city on the Cardena yesterday after' noon from Vancouver whence she ac ccmpanted Mr. D. MeO. Hunter who was called aouth on account of the 111 nea of her mother. Magistrate MtClymont will iwear In the new council tomorrow afternoon and It la eipected that trie mayor will shortly afterward nam his committee for the year. The council meet tor It regular meeting oa Thursday night Jo Maine wa oommltted for trial b Magistrate McClyawM this morning oi a chars of theft Of clothing. Tbi case concerns certain traveller's sample of overcoat and bolt of cloth H Wasson, also charged with theft, will appear In police court tomorrow morn ing. Coastwise Steamship & Barge Co freighter GrtSco i dwe in port tonlKh' and will unhkad an engine for the new powerboat being built at the dry dock for the Oranby Co. Good progrea it being mad on tb new boat and start will be made shortly in putting the decking on. Rv. J. R. Frtzttl, pastor of Vancouver Height PrtbytrlJi Church. Van couver, has agreed to let his name go before a eongregattoaal meeting of th local ehttrcn which will be held a wee from tonight to elect s new pator Rev. rrteetl baa been ftllluK the Iocs', pulpit tor the pact three week. Appointment of standing committee for th sissIuti of the legislature at Victoria nave been announced. H. F Krrgln. M-L-A. for AUln. is chairman o! tn mining oommlttee and a member of the forestry and public accounts committee. Dr. H. C. Wrtnca. MX..A tor Sheen. I oa tee agriculture, mining and munlefpil aemmittee. U. P. UcCaSery returned on the Car' dens yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where he wen: on a business trip in connection ith the newly formed local ctevedoring company of which he I a principal. J. H. Pill bury, wno wilt assume the management of th project. Is expected to arrtre from the aouth on Wedaesday. Union steamer Cardena. Capt. Oeorge- mq In the place of Capt. A. E Dick son, who 1 ashore in, Vancouver on hoUdav. arrived from ta south at I o doc yesterday aiiemoon ana sau ed t 8 hut nag bt for Port Simpson, the Naa River. Anyox. Alice Arm and Stewart. Among the Cardena' paasen gert for Prince Rupert and point north were W. B. Penney. E. Atkinson. K Beck. D. McLean. A. Marsh. L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. P. Flewln, E. Byrne, C W. Stelfox. R. A. Batehelor, H. Jorgen-on. J. MeAulay. J. Walton. W. Miller. H. J. Llersch. George Q. Buahby. J. Rockburn. A. Shrubsall. O. Steward. Mr. RusaeU. Mrs. Q A. Hunter. M. P. McCaffery. W. QUdstone and J. O. Watt for Prince Rupert: M. Powell. C. R Cos:. R. j. Ross, D. Boyd and W. Wharton for Anyox: J. A. Smith. O. A. Joseph. II. M. Upton. D. L, McRae, J. P. Skinner and T. L. Sttlfe for Stewart HIS VOITIIIU. VIsAliK 8. M. Newton ha ' aln been selected a mayor of Prince Rupert. but he had no opposition thh time. The people are apparently satisfied with hla brand of adaunHtrattee. The only complaint the Herald ha heard aa yet is that the mayor, ha not had his photo taken recently and the ladle do not think the cot published by the different papers doca him credit It must nave bren a poor photographer. Omlccca Herald. IIOT1X AllltlVALS Prlni-e Kuprrt A. Sutherland and Qeosge CI. Buahby, city: J. O. Watu, Seattle; a. steward. C. W. Stelfox and 11. M. McLcod. Van-cour; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brown and Mia Ada Brown. Port Bsstngton: A. M. Blackburn and J. A. Blacburc, Winnipeg. Saoy S. U. Wahlstrom.; K. BJerKen. K. Berg. M. Ucrg and A. Roll, Tuck's Inlet: J. Thistle and J. L. Jollymore. Haysport: W. Gladstone. K. Beck aid W. B. Penney. Vancouver. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 4 PRINCE RUPERT TERRITORY NOW open for a real lire mau to handle our products. Good opportunity for right man. Apply to the J. R. Wat-klna Company, 1150 Hamilton Street. Vancouver, B.C. It rX)R RENT. FURNISHED ROOM IN private home for bachelor; bathroom adjoining; very convenience; central.' Ptwue llul 10 iuvf-4 13 11 Jorxenst.!'.. 212 E:gh'.n Ave.iUe Bast, returned tj the c:tjr on ;!ie Cardena yesterday af-ernoon from Victoria where l.e was on s two weeks lolldcy Mi.'. Gejrge G. B retUM.ed on the .irdena yesterday aitemroa tnan V:-orla where he spent the holiday sea son with Mrs. Bushby and family who are now resident in the Capital City. THE KANKKUPTCY ACT. IN TI1K LnTATK OF JOHN CHA:tLI (l.WllilN Anthorl7iil sinor. NOTICE IS HErXUV GIVEN thai, lohn Charles Govijan. of the Ctty of Prince Rupert, in the Province ot British Columbia, formerly carrying on business as Rupert Table Supply Company and Universal Trading Cfeenpany. did. on the 1th day of January. 1917. make an au-thortred assignment of all his property (or the benefit of his creditors, snd that II. F. MscLecd. Esq., Official Receiver, has appointed me to be custodian 3l the estate of the debtor until the first meeting or creditors. Notice is further given that the first setting of creditor in the (bore estate rill be held at the office cf tn Official .ieeeiver. Court House. City of Prince ,urxrt aforesr.ld. on the Mth day of Jan.;'-)' 1927. at eleven o'clock la the forenoon To r.'Hle you t vote thereat proof . vcur claim uuwt oe lodged wt;h me before the meeting I held. Prcxles A be used at in meeting must be lodged with me prior thereto. Aur further take notice that If you have any claim sga&at the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof 3t such claim must be filed with me v with the trustee when appointed: otherwise the proceeds of th debtor' estate will be distributed among the part fee entitled thereto without regard to your claim. DATED at Prince Rupert. Bft, that 10th day of January . 1927. JOHN L c:rUSTUL Qsstodlan LAND AIT. Minn: or imtvtiox to apply TO LXl. Iii Priii. c la.ert Land Recording Dis-riet of I'rinci Rupert, and altuate at '. lalct. Q-'cen Charlotte Islands. TAKK NOT1CB that John Dybhavn. of I'niite Rupert. DC. occupation manager, intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the sonll. side of K-esto Inlet, about one mile from Its bead: uieure south G chains; thence went IS chnln: thence north g chains to shore: thence east 10 chain, more ar Irs, following the shore line to point tit rcmmi'ureAeut, and contaiulni; 7 acres. v.'.rr or aju,. JOHN DYBHAVN. Applicant. Dalrd N vemhf r 2;i. 1928 COMPANIES ACT TAKE NOTICE that IIPSSTT CUN NINGHAM & CO. LIMITED afttr the ex piration of one month from th? first publication of this Notice Intend to apply to the Registrar ot. Companies for the approval of the change of name to "EDWARD LIPSETT (PRINCE RUPERT LIMITED." DATED at Vnnrouver 3 C . thl 10th d.iv of Di-oemiwr. P 1'ijn I.ADNER .v v.'ANTKTa:'N. S .ll. ltf for "l- ASTHMA CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, HEAD AND BRONCHIAL COLDS, HAY FIVE ft Swallow R AIM AH csrxules. Send Scfor trisL Tetnpleions, Toronto. $1 st your OrugiUt'a. lAZMAH r ndajr. January 17, 1927 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Comr ami wf (lie Hula danrrr at the' U est holme UrilnrMlay nlglit. Local and Personal Capt. J. B. Olllatt will return to Skldegate on tb Prince John tomorrow night. Arthur'a Taxi. Phone 78. Pythian SUtert whlat drue and dance. DC. Undertakers. Phone 41. Eoaton Hall, Monday. January 21 at S Record buy nupcrt mmnufactured iblnglet p.m. prompt. Admission 60c. I IS FLUID BEEF I from Seal Cove Lumber Co, Ltd. U Process 2) Be sure and book your tests at 'DiIJTekw ST Ormes for the Vaudeville at the West- because It'i higher holme' Theatre. Wednesday night. iOj tB.T,t.V td ,U . hetUr.urnace coal. Everybody' going. I'd Love to Call You My Sweetheart Km Trot Jrse (:ruv lord on the orftjii with Orcliiwtra 20257 VmcjI Johnny Manlu 20M8 In a Little Spanish Town Hall lul U hltemati and III Orchestra 26266 Hello Bluebird Km Trot Art l-ainlry and HI Orchestra Vocal Miller unJ l arnll 202H5 20291 Mary Lou l ux Trot Goodrich Silvcrtown Cord Orchestra 20201 Half A Moon I'wtit lite Mutirat Sucrt-tt " llnnrynv-tn tut Tint Nathaniel Millkrct tuid the Victor OrcJiostrJ. 282JI It Made You Happy rut Trot (When You Made Me Cry) Wur lug's I'rnn) Iranian 20JI5 Because I Love You Walt Nathaniel Millkrct atiJ ih Victor Orchestra 21272 Tenor llrnr Burr At "His Master's Voice" Dealers Victor lulling Machine 225 1 The eccA St ore agel as.d .-i." ' .-hillrrn and weak men ill!-1, v :!.:. VINOL v h It iron and cod liver ja-ptone. in a wonderful aid in conditions of general weakness, anaemia, lo of apatite and physical exhaustion. i Price, per bottle - Sl.2." Ormes Ltd. The Pkncer DruiubU Thtve ri-gintrred Pharmacist 3il w. and fillt St. Phone 82 and 200 SulfeYriptltin taken for nil nuigiulncs. R an ad i an National Cllic Largcfl TKailway Sylcm in America Steamship and Train Service piiimi; turner win icr ntiMi; ui I'iiit ir vamoiwh. tic- TllltU, m:T1II:. ami Inlrmirillatf miIiiI null IIIIOW at m.m. . I'ttlMi: III I'liltT lor ftTMV.tllT ami AMOV. U:ilMOW. Ill pin. . rniM i; t i:h lor v.Nt't)t'V:ii u oi n;; islamic, fortnightly. r.ssi:Nii:it timivm i i:aw: I'Iiimt. hi iiht ,..... MOMIW. UMIM:MV ami HtTTIlllW ill II -3 a.m. for I KIM h UloiHii:, I UMitMON. WINMI'l ii. ll liil llaMrrn tSimuU. I ultra Mates. aui:mv au. tt i:n ktmmsiiii' IW 4 iiiiM.ll.iii l'Airrs IW Mm,rV "WW. lorrljii flinn. fir sImi for ) our next shipment. itv tkki:t oi i kt:. am tiiiiiu i;.. hiimt. m:pi:kt. riune tu Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert ' Krl( hlluni, twuiigrll. Junriiu, sWuw lec. . Ja. ,0 yiiftuit ... i ...I,. M.iiiiiJriitiiiirv t. II KM. PIHNCRS! Ill'.AIIlUr;. lor llutritiilr. lUi.t lirlln ltrlla. Ocean lull". Nanm. Alert lluy. I'amiibrll itlirr. ami Vanruuvrr etery Saturday, II f "cy lor til Mruiiuhlt l.lnr. ' Infonnatloii trom- W. C. OlirilAIIH. liriorni .iiriii. Cornrr of 4th Mtrrrt Mil 3rd Armif, ITIiiip lliurrt. li.u Another enjoyable dance wa held under Scandinavian ausplcea In the Metro pole Hal op Saturday night. A Japanete fined 125 and oou OjfQ, A.Taylor. J l Port Eulngton at tb week end on a charge 'of having dear meat In hla poaacasion out of ' ' " aeaaon. Having discharged a large parcel of ship lining lumber at the ocean dock, CO II At. steamer Canadian Rangr moved up this morning to the dry dock where she will unload 500 tons of coal before going up on the pontoon for overhaul and repair. The fir department Had a call thla morning to the Kaien garage wber a gxolln torch espkxied nd Ignited the building. Damage wm not exten sile nd wa confined to the building tb cart being oe d lata ace away from where the aocldent occurred. la It annual agricultural and flnan- Lclal review section published on Jan' uary 8. tlx Winnipeg Free Pre made suitable mention of the opening of the BOVRIL is, in concentrated form, Beef itself. It contains the albumen and fibrine aiong with the extractives and flavours and has been definitely proved by scientific experiment to increase very greatly the nourishing power of ordinary food when Bovril is part of the diet. That is why Bovril whether taken 'as a delicious drink, served as soup, or added to other dishes is such a wonderful Body Builder. BOVRIL Puts BeeS Into You BOVRIL Ltd., Montreal SmU RtprtttntmtittB tr CmnmJmi HtrsU F. Rites! & C. LU.. 10-1S MrCatl St., Tsrcatt TerrasStrictly Cash. Third Avenue 64 THE ACME'S FIFTH ANNUAL waaavawasvswsawa Temptation To make our annual stock-taking easier, wc want to clear out broken lines. And these prices will do it. Our Temptation Sale prices have been still further reduced. . MEN'S SUITS 24 only, Men's Suits, in Worsteds, Tweeds and Serges. These are made of all pure Avool materials and arc cut in the latest models. Regular price up to $35.00. Temptation Sale Price, $21.1)5 MEN'S KA1NCOATS In shades of Brown, Fawn, Gray and Olive. These are nice comfortable dressy coats and serviceable at all times. Rubber-ired lined. Regular price 512.50. Temptation Sale Price, S7.." HOYS' COATS Only 12 left lathis group. These are good and comfortable warm coats, made of pure wool materials. With check backs and belted. Good enough for the best boy in town. Regular price to 518.50. Temptation Sale Price, S.S.D5 Acme Importers No charge accounts Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2.m Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, H.C. Hair Floor Hroums from $2.00 to .i;L7r Weighted Floor Polishing Ilrushes $1.00 Chemically Treated Dry During Mop SI."." Floor Wax, either lkiutd or selid, from iWt "l EASY VACUUM ELECTRIC WASHERS 6 Cylinder Sterling Marine Engine for Sale Cheap Medium Heavy Duty DO-125 II.P. complete with self starter and new battery, only used eleven months. Excellent condition, bargain price. Write A. E. AITKEN. 10121 101st Street, Edmonton, Alta.