1 0 r via. 5 TAXI Ambulance and Service Anywhere at Anytime Stand? ExclmnKp Hulldlng MATE VI DECK, Prop. AT . VII.. ISO. U3. mm M I Air.! 1 VV . I kAA MB B V ON SITUATION 1"S AT HANKOW l l TIOX IX I'AIII.IIMENT B: :d. v. a tenso moment In Parlla-af'.ernoon when Philip Snow--::r member, asked the foreign whether negotiations between '' :ar foreign minister and n :rbwn had broken down aa r V - 1 ... - s ..mornsin gravely GRXPlfifvION IN TEXAS TOWN I. II IV ............ -,i.w iv n.i.rii. ri rt lr 11. iiiii .-mp ! 1 1 Ii nis.i..- WlNltotV IX ll()lt(li:it UltOKEX "Hex xitho hloms it s,s,, wuw jnrtru irciJcra iuii unidentified white man was killed boulder cast from a nitro-elvcerlne krme a few miles west of here. Ill ' " sass ui HCLirail V farnH Thlrtaan 'juro ciycerln exploded. '"u I., .l.l L 1 - .1 . . .. ' The correspondence closed with a brief '" In which the Oovemor.Oeneral slmllsr tic. ded to enter a expressed his gratitude "for the help inectlon with the report co-operation you have given me lere was to be the ten four tenure of thPremler&hlp " on in Oriental licenses t wss not to be a redlstrl- ""T SUGGESTS SCHEME president t of f th. the board board, mc.un, ; FOR CONSUMPTION iu c ,uic in necreiury 01 mate lor me dominions asKing' forthwith a direct railway out h g overnment from whom you have come to Canada under ! 1 what is the opinion of the secretary of state your course ftTEST MADE AT CHANGE IN FISHING RULES Should be In the case of the Prime Mtnliter printing you with n order-In-councll hiring reference to dissolution." In this tetter, the Premier added that he was willing to withhold his resignation pending such time as was necessary for such consultation. On the following day. the Oorcrnor-Oeneral replied ststlng thst there was only one point at Issue. "If you adrlse me. said the Oovemor-Oeneral'a corj. munlcstlon "that it Is your opinion that MIL Oft' Tilt: Itll KI) OP TK.Ilii: Mr- Melghea will be unable to govern. n tin tivn m'ktiii. mere snouia oe anoiner election wun Ii VV .WTI.KXOOX th Pr'?nt machinery to enable the people to decide My contention is. f ihe b.ard of trade had however, that Mr. Melghea ha not been i v. leiJay afternoon to !' chance to govern or say thst be i :)ut had been received cannot do o and all reasonable ezpe-... rnsngea in certain I"1 h"ild be tried before resorting to uwerie. regulations. r4her election. .. 4v tortner-rejulaWoiu. oiUKt'T TO PIIUAnU trnd been granted to replying to thu leltet. Premier King' j. returned soldiers or objected to the us of the words "with en who had deemed prnt machinery" as misleading. ot becoming eltttens by " '" observed, "that I could not iTU Your Excellency to send for Mr. , jturaluatksn papers, and .rted that such bona Meighen or any ether member of the 1 been str jck off the lilt present House to form an administration icd to license., the meet- aa I d not believe that any other ad-; ministration can be formed which will I aead telegrams of protest Mherts command the confidence of the II juw. j K .7 Minister of communication concluded with an Th ' f Braay M P 8ueh sc- would cknowledgment of Lord Byng'a counrel , ifd It was said cm;.U)ment tome 300 men d cooperation "throughout the period -s been 1n eh I had the privilege of en- (ind gear and had it Industry for several n - ' ' " . j. let to the Pacific Coast, according to a motion made in the House ot Commons yesterday by D. M. Kennedy. United Parmer member for Peace River. LOCAL, (-llr:itVATIVK .MK.MUlIt M-KAkS tOlt riKST TIMK IX n:tfr: hivk.k hulw.iy DKI1ATK OTTAWA. Iel. 13. I. V. ISraily. ('onrM(le membrr for SVerna. was heard fi the llrt time In the llaue vf rmmo r(rrdj In rniinretlon nlth a Urttilr ma the maltrr of a railway 'outlet ftt the Prare Itlifr rouutrf Iu the IMrlflc ('ual. He upix.rtnl a rrlutlon bv livrn of nliiili It ua declitrd to rrlrr the matter to the committee on rallwajs anil raiuls for onMrr-utlon. The reilutlmi. nlilrh pr.iMnril bv II. M. Kennedy, the l'.r,A. niruiber fur Peare Klvrr. 'w I he subjet t f rnlilerable dl-eu-liil before It wax finally adopted with Midi aineiiflmriiilo as to rrTer the whole nutter to the railway coin-in It I re for lntetlcatloii and re-Mrt. Ilurlng the ilrlKitr. J. A. fr'rer. t'ousrrmtlve inenilier for CarllHMi, alvi iUorted the FEBRUARY COLD OF CITY POWER 01W V Ld Don Brown made an offer to the city ipy XOItTIIKtsT ItlMis lAXs AX council last night to install electric o rillJt M'lxi. or ri.i mi.ic s rangea In the city with all the necessary ! MEAIIir.ll IXTO t ITI AXIi wiring for electric water heatera at $200 1 JHsTltUT .ch. The Dlan outlined called for a " ii. iiii.ii iiiii .r.ii .i' casn psymein oi iw uumi mi 11.7 .not. MWHii... .wm mit ti, 11,1.1, mi:,,iii. Mr month for a ner on 01 twelve tne mint tannea uown mnce months, with the city taking respon- usual reoruary com snap, inciacniauy alblltty for the collection of the monthly forcing the thermometer down to Its amounU with the eleetrle light bill, lowest resdlng here this winter 13 above . The deferred payments Include lnteresl rero or seventeen degrees of frost. Coal vim 1 -JON, r.-.i ollictai 15 With no f g M(. Brown Attltn. ,nd plumD,r-a fu,er la gen-J ' om China during the last (n(UI1 u.q of tne nnfn Jn er4l througnout tne district according t l,e British government to- JUU nt fof demtrtuon to the Oovernment Telegraphs 8 a.m. aimuny waning lor nrw. ; weather report which read as follows: I ' i:ritlcaf negotiations at r hJfh wj nA t thf. RUpert-Clear. fresh northeast ..iin. nf the cltv council last night. , wind; temperature 15. - ---- - 1 was referred to the utilities committee. 'AYALANCHfKILLS" TWELVE IN BALKANS v u.vntiit uiviiicu., w . ..11.... I., . t iirtllllOllkr S IIH'kS. um " II,',I11IIIUU RIMnillU s... a Itngtilfrd Ten llullillns at sunijevo Yeslrnluy VIENNA. Feb. IS. Twelve persons at Sarajevo when were killed yesterday an avalanche which followed a series of earthquakes In thst section, engulfed ten buildings. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Whrst B.C, 8ilver ... Ounwell ' dranby Howe Sound Independence Indian Marmot Premier rorter Idaho Silver Crest . Richmond . . Coast Copper n flld. .-1.40 1.65 1.23 33.00 38.00 .10 .00 V4 .10 2.17 .13 .00 'i .12l 7.8S Asked 1.70 1.40 35 00 40.00 .tiu J)7 .U!4 . 2.S1 ' .15 .07 "i .14 li 8.50 Terrace Clear, calm, temp. 7. rtosswood Clear, north wind, temp. 5, Alysushf Clear, calm. temp. 4. Alice Arm Clear, north wind, ttmp. Harclton--JleBr, windy, temp. 2. Telegraph Creek Clear, calm, temp. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Jl-1-Ul.UH.I..XI.J..I . ' ..l..l ..I.I JWi.'.'.UJII)' .liJ.iaUBA.Jl.' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1927 Smlthers Part cloudy, windy, temp. 17 below. Burnt Lake Clear, below. calm, temp. , 27 Whltehorse Cloudy, north win, temp, 4 ViAlnw: OTTAWA, February 15. An amendment to refer a motion j respecting the rights of the government to dissolution to a special j committee on rules was defeated in the House of Commons at mid-: night, the vote being i:K5 to session. moved an amandmtnt thst the matter b committee on rules. Mr. Lapolnte declined to accept the suggestion' to have "a question of principle" decided upcn by a ecmrulttet on rules. 1 The division bells then rang and the amendsnect .was defeated. Carmlchael's motion atand'xg fcr future dlscuwlyi. All Liberal and ConservaUve metubtrs. with ore exception, voted in opposition to Irvine's aj.entfoaent'. mm. STORAGE TRIAL OF WOMAN : ! CHARGED ROBBERY i OF MAIL STARTS' KAIRBANKS, Feb. IS.- Close ques-: tloulng of prospective talesmen by the defence marked the opening on Monday of the trial of Nellie Beattle.j better known as "Black Bear" on a charge of robbing the malls In the In-1 terlor of the territory a few years ago. 20. It was the first division of the . A. M. Carmlchael, Progressive member for Kimbericy, . . .1 it. '.hi :a -1 1.1 t .1 1- 1. , scnieu a motion inai no governrneni snouiu nave ine ngni 10 asx for dissolution of Parliament prior to completing the five yesr term; as provided in the British North America Act except -when author- lzcd to do so by a majority vo;e of thtf - lloure of Commons." Hon. Ernejt tAQointe, min:r.er of Ju- tlee. exprfued the belief that the Brit lsh system thould not be changed as proposed in the resolution. After considerable dlscuulon. William Irvine. VS.K. member far Wrtisltlv.in. FINAL DATE TO REGISTER VOTE EARTHQUAKE IN BALKANS I IKXNA. lh. 13. Itclgrade cle-.ptrlie plare the raua)tlr from e:irtlinalr that rocked llonla. l'u Inn ami flaliniitla at l hundred. The trrmori continued lt rtt-lit. nlneleeii shorks In turnty minutes heln; rrporteil. troni all kertlon rome reorts of collapse of hotrl ami residences. At Perko-iltch. IVilmatU, the post office, rail-nud stiit Inn anil telejrnpli offlre rol lapsed. JSS Bridget Debate at Victoria, in Sight of Conclusion, Runs Into Another Snag; Premier Speaks (Jrizzlcd Old Whllc-llalred Liberal Lender Flings (,'nuntlct Tories' Face Challenges Them to Show Their Worth VirrnntA LVhrinn. lit Tk .1..I..iIa nn Dawson-Clear, south wind, temp. 30 Pn "a cnaueogra vne wnserva. below. I.. . . . . fr na 0IIcrfa- J,e "iticwea tne ns- below. Stewart Rlver--Temp. 34 - cal policy of the former Conservative igovemmein ana Biiriuui.ru any increases 11PV MIITPIII rii liriKTC JAtlV iliUlLnLtiK WlIlO present government had had to PA IDD A MI0 niP DrC milke ln t""1"011 10 eslty complying rAmDAImJ UUll IvAtL the needs of the day and to the . ;debt which had been left by the Con- Corrnl IHstHiice of l ltty-elglit Miles at servatlves. Urrk-end Iu l ive Hours, 4!) Mln- The Premier charged that the Opposl-11 Irs, 13 sri'iniils tlon members, in five weeks of almost continuous speechmaklng, hid, failed to FAIRBANKS, Feb. IS. Jack Mutchler outline a single suggestion of policy of Idltarod won the annual Fairbanks that might be for the betterment Of the Kenml CluTo dog derby at the end' of province. the week,, covering the fifty-eight mile. Finances, highway building, water ad-course In five hours, 49 minutes and ministration, the Pacific Oreat Eastern Iftlrteert" seconds. - 'Railway a,ud Sunwis reclajintlon'!WTirk all Circulation 1599 ss .. referred for consideration U. a peiisl .trri.K'ATIOM rou IICAM'IIISK JU ST Wick and BRADY HEARD IN COMMONS ni: ix immis or hkoistk ak 11 V A PHI I. S final riite for the filin? of an Safe In the dory on Sales 587 '.fortunately smooth, a three mile pull not without discomfort to all, more project Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 437. Price Five Cents EMIER PRODUCES CORRESPONDENCE r fl Y rnrrm nirtA Mrr - w w - w A nm -iwi v d m t a v i a IF' . ommumcatwns Between Atw and Byng Before Crisis Last Summer Read to Parliament ViTtWVA, February 15. The correspondence which passed n l niscif and tfovcrnor-ucncral llyng between June 25 iastj JL, regarding the dissolution of parliament, was tabled by I'fc-M'K r. K ng in the House of Commons yesterday afternoon. T t letter in which Premier King resigned suggested that iT i! .... .1IK..1.. r ii . 1. 1 . ........ niVKK KAIL OLTLKT PUOPOSKD Liberah and Conservatives flVe Fishermen HaVe Join Together in House of I D .j ,117 commons on First Divisionl rroviaentiai Escape from Sinking Vessel FLEET SUFFERS DISASTER BEFORE SEASON OPENS - pre- ESCAPED IN NIGHT CLOTHES MAROONED FOR TWO DAYS MEN With the sinking of the American schooner Cape Clear into deep water, off the northeast end of Langara (North) Island at the extreme northly tip of the Queen Charlotte group, in the early morning of Saturday, the Pacific Coast halibut fleet suffered disaster even before the 1927 season had opened. Navigating through a dense fog nearer to shore than was supposed, the Cape Clear, with sharp impact, sailed on to the obstruction and, with bow shattered, went to the bottom within the space of five minutes time. Capt. Benjamin West and his crew, consisting of A. Anderson, Osssr Holt, Lars Harold SJyllkavlknea, saved .their Uvea In a dory which virtually floated off the ill-fated vessel .as she went down. Commiseration Is, less, due these men In the lecs of their -Oiip but must also be their gratification plications to secure the placing o( j names on the provincial voters list, i,'1 at ucn providential escape. Three of them who were asleep at the 3. Such 8tuL.y. AprU application Wick and SJyllkaviknes got should bo forwarded before that time tlme-Hclt. in their mghi attire. Every- "li t Kn.n a w.tt r,uir of otrs only tne 1x511 Ioat "v th tiln WM on fer the electoral dUtrlct of Prince Ru- , .h x..,v.ni. . th. rv.rt five men and such clothes as tbey stood Koufe here. Qualification for the voters' list re- qulre4 that the applicant be of the age in as well as the dory upon which they WAS FORMERLY HIGH OFFICIAL iOIIKKT MILLEIC COILTEK. Kilt MANY YKAKS IlKPL'TY POST- MASTEIM1EXCKAL, IS 1IE.Hi IX OfTAIVA made shore. ' The Cace Clesr cleared from Ketchl- OTTAVA. Feb. 15.-Dr. Kobert MUier kan during the lite attemo:n of Friday Coulter, aged seventy, I s. i Sw . . i.. s.l. - iiriT uu iicr r.rui .ormer aepuiy on t TTi!l .uoh 3" the Wet Coast banks hk 'if was postmaster-general for Canada, .died, died PLANT, JlMSE ' f.uw on h.r trr. intn th rock of pointed deputy deputy postmaster-general postmasier-generai CITI7EXS OK ALASKA CAPITAL Itl Y sliu.iHKi hoktii or iioxiis tint .NEW ESTinUMIMUXT ! JUNEAU. Teb. 15. A MM.0OO cold for'rerltlon IIacd- c?'- W" l the rMlgnlng 'eW T"rS " I Tlr cat on Tr, two t the time, and assisting him The late Mr. Coulter was born at were nro- vln'lalJ mtvuior. to navigate through the thick fog. was Richmond Hall. Ontario, on September rtni Z Ue mcnths Jth. If of Ms, May and an? each October October. ye Anderson. Holt. Wick and SjyUkavlknes. 8. 185T. and was educated in the enduring and schools there, ""PS m their nunits oeia. were mentary j high a taking but this was discontinued in practice the degree of M3. at Toronto unlver- ... . w.. aroused by the Impact and dashed lm- ana since imi urac wicre un ..... . - t.i. hi. ,n m TTnli,.. storage and Ice manufacturing plant for ' l.vju, m tnMon ine iresn iw inauuij ntic wo .sured when Juneau people bought 1150.-.000 worth of stock. The sale of S73.0O0 jwerth of seven per cent bonds allowed jthaae' backing the project to aay thst the money would be used to more than triple the size of the present plant. nimely, In May. each more ap- In Y,.P meaiaieiy 10 oeca. ii w iu&j iu. 7 them that they did not wait to don "y in 1882. He practised his profssslon .their clothes or coUect their belonging nd took an active part In municipal for. had they done ao. the rush of affairs at Aurora. Ontario, from the water would, doubtless, have trapped year of hta graduation until 1837 when jthem like rats. Without further warn- he received the appointment of deputy 'n th. imt .ettlfd and went down, her postmaster-general. In 190J he was a ; engine drowned with the water. delegate to the Universal Postal Union MAHK SMOKE convention In Rome and the next year New Zealand and Australia In a tea that was went to tie Interests of the "All Bed" postal In 1907 he was created a particularly those In such scanty night CAf.O. isttire. brought the little lifeboat Into I His residence was at 190 Cooper Perry Pass, dividing Langara and Ora- Street where he is survived by a widow. ham Islands, and there shore was reach-;ed and 'shelter tsken In a shsck and store which, though apparently dsserteci. jwas found to contain certain timely and istaple provisions. j All ot Saturday and Sunday waa spent there and, at midnight Sunday, the ' Prince, Rupert schooner Sea Maid, her-self bound for the banks, hove up in Jresponse to beacon signals and took the shlplws men on bosrd. arriving In Prince Rupert with them at 4 o'clock Monday afternoon. Thus ended for Capt. West and his men an experience which. while bad enough, might very easily have been fraught with more serious results. The Csdc Clear was a Seattle boat - . from which port her captain and the """ members of her crew hall. The vessel had wintered In the Puget Sound city DATE SET FOR NEW ELECTION POLL TO KILL ALIIEK.MAXK.' VACANCY HI I.I, UK IIDI.II THIS MONTH """'by the unseating of P. H. Lli great deal ( tldermn uke piace on Friday. City solicitor Jones will ascertain the ana came uorm num mwi. provision Of the budsct O-- -" almost -,,,.,,,. !fln.iI1-r "'"'n ndc'e"ng ,or the matter and. If K.r.k. Imn, V.tohlV.n ..v.v....... -vu.uu.j ... """"' " reached conclufion on 'Monday. The Premier had spoken and the j . , nooner w 48 fwt The city council last night decided that the election to fill the vacancy Llnzey ' aa Febru ary 25, with nomination day on the Tuesday preceding, providing this met the requirements of the Municipal Act covering the holding of by-elections. the Municipal Act on the necessary will order the election on another day to comply Ions 1 vol., Inin nnnU. hnrl nlmn-t lu.n talon u'Un Ml n.vn.nr,! Tu-lirtr.' . ' therewith. The council decided to icnva rcv "n.... -.. 1 - remind waa 01 inc seine ooai ijrpe, tira 1 . Victoria Conservative member, took exception to certain matters ;with a 20 h.p. standard gis engine.!11"' maer matter in In him m hands nna. connected with the government after' which Attorney General Mon-she waa built in Seattle in lMl and w son replied. Before the vote had been taken, Major Dick Ilurde. the jwas well known in prince Rupert Har- IlL A rsvTf I (4 I Ynrn I TIT Ifu irrepressible Independent member for Albemi. moved adjournment ilw hi'ng regularly marketed- her 1Lxll 11 LlUi 111 ....n.in.lntr icatchea here. "inn ivu.;. Premier Oliver, speaking for nearly two hours, defended the came- within the scope of the Premier's laddress, government from the attacks of the Op- ItOIT WAS INslKKII. Capt. West, master and sole owner of the Csne Clear, last nlnht estimated the I Kl IT COMIHXi: KINKS ,t ,ome ,9,500, including boat, gear The sum of 1200.000 had been paid, , ...,. A . u tr..t the Nash fruit Interest, in ' lt year by v.Me, WM fuUy n,ured tnoujh form of fines for Infractions of the the tJm wl b, t ini l0M of nU, Ume sntl-comblne law. which msney was In for Capt WMt whoM , pUn. tor. the tl!C possession of the provincial govern- future now ,nd.flnlte. He..and at ment and would stay there until it was ,wo of the members o( hu crew, definitely established what proportion ..... .... .. mo,nlne tor Seattle. should go (oitUe Dominion. Mr. Hanson told the legislature. The fines had been remitted to the provincial treasury at his erder, Mr. Manson said, and 11 was the Some of the men will likely proceed to Ketchikan In the attempt to obtain employment on other fishing boats. There are. however, certain formalities intention to retain them until the pro,to of b6 p,,,,, wlth ntre before any vmce naa resencu u ..rn-Hirnv i.them can ,MVe. Tn.y are M registered the federal authorities or until aome" ... New Know Hote, competent suthority ruled that tney should go to the Dominion, Pennsylvania has 1,700 anil 7.M) 'anthracite mines. bituminous In the Newcastle district of England school authorities often provide . bicy cles for pupils who live fsr school. ' JAPAN OVER 100 ItKCOItlUXtt OF FATALITIES COX" TINIKS TO MOl'Xr KOII.OWIXtl SNOtVSTOK.MS AXII TOKYO. Feb. 13. ?it death toll from disastrous snpwstprms In Japsn, which on Sunday exceeded one hundred, continues to mount. Home Office reports from Fukul prefecture how a record of fifty fatalities and many Injured from avalanches of snow. The death ot thirteen and the Injury of thirty-five others In Islkawa prefecture la also reported. In central Australia scantily clad aborigine women carry live dogs a from muffs tc keep their hands and bodies I warm during cold weathwf.