1 i AGE SIX Totf cm PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 234 Look Here The sale of our drygoods department will be over by July 28. Why not take a look around and see what we have left? You might find something you need at a bargain price. We are also selling out our crockery and hardware stock. This is the time to save money. Take advantage early before it is all sold. Call Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-123 Fifth Ave. East. Phones 18 and 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. If. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. Pure Silk Hose Ask to See the New Line 333. In all latest colors The Hest Hose on the Market at the price $1.75 Per Pair H.S.WaHaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 3rd Avenue and Fulton ' For Ladysmith-Wellington COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Woollens. Union label on every garment We employ only Union labor. Every suit guaranteed perfect I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street FACILITIES AT Halifax (Jetting New Terminals to Facilitate Handling Business . v iK.t)u' ' - ' ' poller of -the Canadian National Rail ' way to uUltre the new ocean terminal' faetllUea at Halifax to the brat possible advantage, and to concentrate all P-j tenger handling arrangements In a manner convenient to the travelling public, and also for economy. In raH-j way operation, a very complete aet of facilities la now under construction for the care of trans-Atlantic paasen-j gera. I In designing these facilities every' consideration was given to the comfort! and convenience of steamship paaaen-l gers of all classes. At the landing quay j the passengers wUl be disembarked : directly Into a spacious assembly hall, j from whence they will be pasted through medical and civil Inspection J lines conveniently placed, and they will J then be taken to a modern railway j station waiting room, In which will be; found all desired conveniences for obtaining tickets, - exchange of foreign money, telegraph service, and conference with ateamshtp officials. There will also be a first clsss dining room, to- Week-end Specials 50 Pails Pure Gooseberry Jam. To clear at per tin iWf Tid-Bits Ready Cut Macaroni, per pkK it Market Day Raisins, 4 lb. pkg. .Vf MEAT DEPT. Fresh Killed Hoiling Fowl from the Interior per lb. IVlf Spring Clothes Pins, 6' dozen iWc Ginger Snaps, fresh and crisp, per lb 1!? Jutland Sardines, key opener. Spe cial, 3 for Saanich Clams, per tin .. lTMr. Libby's Asparagus Tips, picnic size, per tin IDf- Toilet faper Koiis, 7 tor . . ::.? PRESERVING FRUITS Terrace Strawberries. The peak of the season is over. Do not wait for lower prices. APRICOTS Our first big shipment will arrive Friday. Price is $2.00 per crate. Season will be short. Place your order without further delay. PEACHES Preserving Peaches due In about two weeks' time. Granulated Sugar in bulk, 20 lbs. for .51.40 Limit 20 lbs. to each customer. This special will be withdrawn Friday night. Malkin's Best Tea, 2 lb. pkg. Special Jj 1 .."!) FRUITS AND VEGETABLES New Spuds, 8 lbs. for U."c New Carrots, 4 lbs. for iMr New Cabbage,. 4. lbs. for 2." Cauliflower, ; . 25e. and ;Wf Broad Beans, per lb lOc4 Swift's Classic Laundry Soap Extra Special, 11 bars for 50 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST Wednesday JuV 14 1 1-1 ll-Si ltim-I- 1 -- . i ..IHHH --4J 1-1 hi i i i i i i y 1 1 1 1 i am . ii i coffee flawy SOLD EVERYWHERE Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton-Streets PAY CASH AND BE INDEPENDENT Milk, per case 49 lb. Sack Flour .52.75 14 lb. Box Capitol Butter . . $.".75 2 lb. Capitol Butter 14 lm. Box E.C.D. Butter .. $0.15 1 lb. E.C.D. Butter 15? Pure Lard in bulk, per lb. . . -00 Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. 50? High Grade Bulk Tea, per lb. 00? Pure Cane Sugar, 10 lb 75? Oranges, 2 dozen 5? Regular Dollar Sodas, only 70? Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25? Bran Flakes for 25? J or Pepj2 . . iCorn FWhm.JJ 1 ChinaR.oWdOal3 40? Fresh Fruits and. Vegetables on hand at all times. You get the benefit of low prices in small quantities. Get my prices first Phone iWt $3.00 Orders Delivered Free S. B. ADAMS, Manager. j j J EDMONTON. July 20. Chief A. O. Shute of the Edmonton 'police, lived up to the reputation of his force and hit the bull's eye with1 his address on "The Edmonton Police Force," which he delivered at the Rotary luncheon here. "Crime Is not a local or municipal matter In this age of rapid transporta tion. It Is a national, and often inter. national matter," , said Chief Shute. The modern, high-speed automobile has completely revolutionized both crime and Its detection. I In arresting criminals the police are now forced to use the most advanced scientific methods, of which radio, telephone, and telegraph are of the greatest assistance In broadcasting warnings and descriptions. "An example of this was the way In which the 'gorilla killer,' Earle Nelson was run down. Six hours after the murders had been committed In Winnipeg, the Edmonton, and 'all other Canadian forces, circularized every rooming house In their city with a description of the wanted man, and a warning about his methods. CANADA'S FIXK MlltCKS "Canadian police forces are recog nized as being among the most efficient on the American continent. At the recent convention of the Association of North-West Sheriffs and Police, the American delegates paid a warm tribute to the way In which the Canadian police handled the "gorilla man." When a new man Is taken on the Edmonton force, he is given a thorough training In the criminal code, first aid work, methods of dealing with the public, and crime detection. Cowardice Is Inexcusable, the constable Is ex pected to face one or half a dozen armed men If the occasion arises. MEN AKE COIRAUKOI'S The conditions of courage which ex. 1st in the police force are exemplified by the heroic way in which Constable Osgood of the AP.P. and Constable William Nixon of the Edmonton police. died In doing their duty. Constable TIMBER SALE XI 104 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria. 13 C not later than noon on the 21st day of July, 1927, for the purchase of Licence X1104. to cut 1 .972.000 f.bjn. of spruce, hemlock and cedar on an area situated on the North Arm Wark .Channel, Range 9, i;oasi District, i ' Two (2) yean will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particular of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert. D C . TIMBER SALE XS917 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C., not later than noon on the 1st day of August. 1927. for the purchase of Licence X8947, to cut 630.450 lineal feet of Cedar Poles and Piling on an area on Ferguson Bay. Massett Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber Further particulars of the Chief For ester, victoria, Bx . or District roresicr, Prmce Rupert, B.C. HOYS' FINE WELT SHOES in Black Calf nnd in all sizes. Regular $6.00 value. Summer So... $2.95 McARTHUR'S Shoe Store Annual ummer A REAL SHOE SALE. LECKIE'S OIL TANNED Made on the famous Hunter last. A work boot that will stand real hard work. Summer Sale Price 7.45 ALL LINES OF CANVAS SHOES AT SUMMER SALE PRICES HOYS' I.KCKIK ROOTS Site 8 to 10" , $2.1). Size 11 to 13. . Sire 1 toGV. . $ U.- It's Iekie's for .avear! Sale 5 EASTERN END TmalkinS Cucumbers, No. 1 stock, each 5o New Green Peas, 3 lbs. for ".le PROVISIONS Breakfast Bacon, lean, machine sliced, per lb iW& Cottage Rolls (new stock), per lb 'Z-Vzt Ayrshire Bacon, mild cured, sliced, per lb ;irt? Local New Laid Eggs, per dozen .".Of1 finest Ontario Cheese, per lb. :w? Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 gether with a canteen where lunches may be obtained at a reasonable price. Representatives of various religious and welfare organisations will be stationed tu the waiting room In order to give any Information desired aa regards the Institutions they represent. HIK AMI t'lllt.llKKN A very excellent feature Will be the Red Cross quarters where women and children will be welcomed. In these rooms will be rest quarters, nurseries and a small canteen where tea or coffee will be served to mothers; also bright and clean toilet rooms where children may fee bathed. An attractive feature of the enUre design of the facilities Is that at no time will the passengers of cither first, second or third class be compelled to stand In an open shed during the examination of their luggage by Uie Customs Department. Both the hand-baggage, the heavy boxes, etc.. will be Inspected In warm, well-lighted rooms, where every facility will be provided for prompt and efficient Inspection. From the time the passengers leave the deck of the liner until they are on board the railway train they will at no time be exposed to the outside weather. Clean and sanitary detention rooms are being arranged to care for passen gers who through temporary Inability TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders addressed to the Secretary and marked "Tender for OH Burner" will be received by the Board of School Trustees, covering Oil Burner, and tank with capacity of 2.000 Gallons. Installed lr the Booth Memorial School, until 6 o'clock p.m. of Wednesday. July J7th, 1037. The lowest or any tender not necessarily aoccpted. J. L. CHRISTIE. Secretary. IN PROBATE. IX THE SITHKMK tOlKT OK IIKITISII COLI .MIIIA In the Matter of the "Administration Act" and In the Matter of the Estate of John Selffert Berndgen. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor Judge F. McB. Young, the 6th day of July, A.D. 1927. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Selffert Berndgen. Deceased, and all parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly vennea. vo me on or oerore ine 6in aay of August. A.D. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. NOTICE. IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate ol Title for Lot one (1) of Lot three hun dred and alxty (360). Range rive (61, Coast District. Msp 970. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It Is my Intention to lesue, atyr the expiration of oile month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land, in the name of ALICE CLAPP. The original Certificate of Title is dated the 29th November, 1912, and Is numbered 2605 1. Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C. July IS, 1927. H. F MacLEOD. Registrar of Titles. to comply with the immigration requirements, or other cause, are de tained, and a fully equipped hospital with wards Is also part of the, service. this hospital being for pa rs who may be taken Ul after having left the steamer. M in er; timi: It Is expected that with the Inau guration of these new Immigration facilities, the time required to examine and pass Immigrants will be reduced to a minimum. Arrangement are provided with a view of coping with a large number of Immigrant, and special railway tracks are built In whereby ah entire steamship special will be run directly up to the main waiting rooms with resultant convenience and des patch In embarking the passengers. For first class passenger and others In small groups who do not travel by boat specials, facilities have been provided for a 'direct connection from the Immigration and passenger rooms to the terminal station of the Canadian National Railways at Halifax, at which these passengers may board any of the regular trains. The construction work Is well under way, and It Is hoped that the new facilities will be put in commission some time during the coming season, NEW METHODS DETECT CRIME Edmonton Chief of Police Tells Rotary Club of That City About Work Every Shoe in the Store Is now on the linrgnln tables for (ulck action sole. A big cut In prices in nil lines. Hurry, while range of slcs is complete. MEN'S WORK SHOES "Sterling" Shoes, with Pan-co Soles, and sterling value, too. Summer CJQ AC Sale Price tfdetJD Sterling Shoes with 10 inch top and double soles. A real work shoe. Summer Sale QH 1C Price MEN'S SHOES This lot grouped up in five styles. In black and brown calf. Extra good value. Regular values to $10.00. PriTeT.8"16.... S45 CARLE SHOES Discontinued lines in black and brown. Imported direct from Northampton, England's great shoe centre. Regular values to $10.00, and now all one price. Summer Sale QC QC Price D.5fO Shoes for the whole Family at (Julck Action Prices The Famous Astoria Shoes 15 per rent tiff all lines of these high grudc Shoes Canada's Hest. It will pay you to buy now. And Save! QUALITY Holds Our Trade LADIES' SHOES A big assortment in g black, patent and colors, u ; spike, or Cuban heel. . this opiHjrtunity ! Summer Sale QQ Off Price '.. MISSES' SHOES The famous "Trcd-Uit-." brown stra'p. Neat and nif looking and good wearr.j qualities, too. Size 8 to in Summer Sale 2 Jg Size 11 to 2. Summer -a' Price S'.H. CHILDREN'S SHOES in Patent Oxfords and m ' right for the little feet. Size 5 to 7V4 SUtt Size 8 to 10 Vt SI "." Size 11 to 2 $1.11.-. MISSES' BLACK OXFORDS Sizes 11 to 1 JM.tKi ITS A WINNER. MISSES' 1IROWN OXFORD.. With fancy trimmings ar.d leather or Panco soles. Sizes 8 to 10 IS'J.I." Sizes 11 to 2 M. McARTHUR Third Avenue. Osgood was sent to peace River to ar rest a bootlegger, and when approaching the wanted man's cabin was mortally wounded. However, by sheer will! power he steadied himself on his elbow and killed his man. Constable William I Nixon was shot on 101 street while, searching a suspect, the bullet severing! the constable's spinal cord, and para-j lyzlng the lower part of his body. Despite this, Nixon fired three shots at his assailant, and managed to whisper out a description to his fellow constables with his last breath. Chief Shute. to Illustrate the modern methods being used by the Edmonton force, told of the way In which the blowing of the safe in the Western Canada Flour Mills some 18 months ago. was solved. While examining the premises It was discovered that the wire from an electric fan had been connected to the battery which set oil the explosive. From the base of tlie fan a complete set of finger prints were were taken. Later a man was arrested in Calgary, whose finger prints tallied with thoue taken from the fa:i. How ever It was necessary to prove that he was the man who had actually been tampering with the safe. Dirt from under the finger nails was analyzed, and found to contain S per cent cal cium aulphate, of which the lining of the safe was composed. Since the soli In Alberta contains only 2 per cent of this chemical, the man' guilt was obvious. OO-OI'KKATION AM) TK18T "Without the co-operation and trust of the citizens, no police force can function efficiently. We arc endeavoring In every possible way to make the Edmonton force worthy of the pride and confidence of the citizens we are sworn to protect and serve," said Chief Shute In closing. The average number of chlldreij In the families of the Prlflcpt has been 3.76. President Tylc Jyrmafrled twice, heads the list with fourteen, Washington, Madison, Jackuon, Polk. Buchanan and Harding had none. Buchanan was a bachelor. HOTKL AKKIVALS I'rlnce Hiixrt R. V. Lycett, A. C. Knight, 3, Clarke. M. a. McCalkln, Vancouver. Savoy Mrs. and Alary Max son. Anyox; Q. Phllllpsoa, Osland. WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. "AN AFFAIR of the FOLLIES" A story of life in the chorus LEWIS STONE, LLOYD HUOIIES, RILLIE DOVE. ARTHUR STONE, ARTHUR HOYT, and others. COMEDY HILLY DOOLEY IN "A DIPPY TAR." AESOPS FILM FAHLES Admission 35c and 10c Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue . prncc Rupert Adjustable Window Screens .V. 50c to $1.23 Assorted Screen Doors $.3.75 to $5.00 Puritan Two-Hurner Oil Stoves ,, $27.50 Bread Boxes and Pantry Cablnct.i $2.00 to $5.00 S P U'fN : SILK For Your Summer Dress Use Spun Silk We have a very wjde range of colors In a godd quality spun silk at SLl" Also a big variety of Dress Materials to choose from. Jabour Bros., Ltd. Phone 615. Corner 3rd and 7th