if AGE SIX 5H Free Lessons in Dennison Art Craft Free Lessons will be given In Dennison Art Craft, comprising CRYSTALLINE LAMP SHADES SCISSOR PAINTING WAX WORK FLOWER .MAKING BASKET WEAVING, etc Every Tuesday and Friday Afternoons from 2 to 5.30 p.m. Evening Classes every Wednesday from 7 to 10 Rose, Cowan & Latta, Limited Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone .... 231 HERE IS JUST What You Are Looking For A big saving in Vegetable and Fruit Specials Terrace Potatoes, per sack $1.1)0 Terrace Carrots, 7 lbs. for 2of Terrace Turnips, 7 lbs. for Onions, G lbs. for 2."k Vegetable Marrowy G lbs. for 2T) Pumpkin, 3 lbs. for . . ti. Hubbard Squash, 3 lbs. for SMf Celery, 2 bunches for . . 2.c: Preserving Pears, per box $:i.;o We have only a limited supply of the above so please get your orders in early to make sure you can get what you want Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, B.C. Thor Johnson for Mens' Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock M T. 1EE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Box 977 in WOMAN WILL MAKE FLIGHT HAWAII SOON Plans to Arcjhropaiiy Tracy Dob-son and' Another Pilot on Long Trip ; OAKLAND. Cal Oct. a. Another Hawaiian night with a woman aboard , u In the making.. It la planned to fly over and back and to teat the invention of a Berkeley man's automatic drift Indicator. The meetoantam fastens to the aide of the plane and records on a cylinder the route flown. Tracy Dobson. former lieutenant in the eleventh army pursuit squadron, will be the head pilot. He wUi take a co-pllot along, he states. In addition to Miss Doris Oonover. a dancing teacher of Oakland. Miss Conover has made a study of aerlat navigation and Is an amateur telegraph operator. Dobson Is aware of the opposition for long distance flying In land machines over the ocean, but says he lsconfldent that this can be overcome by demonstration of the plane's worthiness and proof o f thoroughness of preparation. He expects to fly a Mahoney mono plane powered with a Pratt-Whltney . engine of 428 horsepower. It will carry 550 gallons of gasoline and will have a cruising radius of 2.955 miles or a margin of 555 miles In excess of the distance between Oakland and Honolulu. A date for the hop-off has not been fixed definitely, but probably will be in mid-November, depending on weather Hallowe'en Time GROCERY SPECIALS Canned and Fresh Pumpkin, Popping Corn and Big Eating Apples Galore, Cheap We are changing our Egg Spe cial and will give you now a lar- ger guaranteed Fresh Egg, 3 doz. for $l.l." Our Fresh Ground Coffee is increasing in favor. Special, 3 lb. for $1.15 New Seedless Raisins just arrived, 3 lb. for 50p Ginger Cookies, going fast and furious, per lb, l5f P. & G. & Royal Crown Naptha Soap, 4 bars for 2."cs Stock up on Heinz Goods now, it will pay you. Heinz Catsup, per bottle :)f Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 for . . Heinz Medium Spaghetti, Pork & Beans, and Tomato Soup, 5 tins for 1)50 Everybody get this one One Dollar size wood box Sodas along with one Heinz Catsup and one Medium Tomato Soup. All for SI. 00 Special Brooms . 150 Strawberry and Raspberry Jam, pure, 4 s, each 05c King Oscar Sardines, 7 for $1.00 Brunswick Sardines, 7 for . . 500 Last week for Remo Spuds at $1.05 Beekist Pure Honey, 5 lb. tin for 050 Fancy Mcintosh Apples from per box S2.U5 to $2.75 We have some great bargains on Sweet or Sour Pickles to go along with your Halloween Banquets and don't forget the Spice in the Pumpkin Pe. We guarantee our good3 or your money back. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones -15 and 57 1 H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Ask for No. 333 The finest SILK HOSE on the market at the price. $i:75 per pair In Atmosphere, Moonlight, Blush, Champagne, White, Coral, Sand, Flesh, etc. H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 Third Ave. and Fulton St. 1 WGLEYS I DOUBLE MINT eny to j remember and hard to fov q get, once you've tried it. ; I Keeps teeth white, f breath sweet, aids appetite conditions. Carrying virtually every safety Instru mem or aerial navigation and with a double instrument board. Dobson de clares the plane will bo equipped In a manner to reduce the hazard tn a minimum and to remove the undertak- Irg from the class of the reckless stunt flight. A radio receiver for reception of the radio beacon signal will be taken as an additional navigation precaution. HARD TIME IN HEAVEN IF UNABLE TO SING DECLARES BISHOP HUGHES CHICAGO. Oct. 28. Bishop Edwin Halt Hughes of the Methodist Episcopal Church believe that any man who gets to heaven without beln able to sing u going to have a hard time of It. Addressing the Rock River confer once of the church. Bishop Hughe said "If you don't cultivate a taste for music, you wilt have a miserable time for about 1,000 years after you get to heaven." "Ragtime and Jazz." he said, "have had their day." rn TAIT nnnm I prr i UK. 1 All 1 UKlHAot A LOCAL DENTAL PRACTICE Dr. D. E. S. Talt announces that he has bought the dental practice of Dr P. P. Kenny and will reside here. Dr Kenny H going to Seattle where he will take a course in plate work and then return to Vancouver where he will practice. WATER NOTICE. DIVERSION' AND I'SE TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose address Is 410 Seymour Street, Vancouver. B.C.. will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed stream which flows southerly and drains Into Port Stephens Bay, about one mile east of Bluff Point. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point ajout 600 feet iroin the mouth and will 1 used for commercial purposes upon the lands described as Lot 2750. Range 4, Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground cn the 28th day of July. 1927. A copy of this notice and an application putsuant thereto and to the "Water Act will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is August 20. 192' EUGENE ROUSSEAU, Applicant Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street We sell for cash only. That's why we sell first quality grocer ies for less. And at the same time Bave you from 10c to 25c on each dollars expended. Here's how Any brand Evaporated Milk, 3 tins for :150 Per case $5.50 Mcintosh Red Apples, wrapped, per box $2.(10 Remo Potatoes, oer sack . . $1.00 Any brand of Flour, 49 lb. sack, $2. B.C. sugar, 10 lbs. for .... 7.c-E.C.D. Butter, per lb 500 2 lbs. for 050 14 lb. box $0.45 Capitol Creamery Butter, per lb 450 14 lb. box $0.10 Old Dutch Cleanser 100 Corn Flakes 10 Shredded Wheat, ;BranxFlakea,Vor Pep, 2 fop .'. jqp!f U 250 Try our Fresh GroundfCoffee"at per lb 500 Bulk Tea, per lb 000 Everything in the store is plain ly marked with price tags. Also ! everything guaranteed. $5.00 orders or over delivered free S. B. ADAMS, Manager Phone 304 Wednesday, 0 THE DAILY NEWS FISH OIL AND MEAL SHOWING BIG INCREASE West CoafJ of Vancouver Island Proves Productive Section of ProVince VICTORIA. Oct. 24 Production of llsh oil and meal -on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, the centre of the re- (taction business, broke all records this season, according to official ngurea received at the Provincial Fisheries Department. The total output of the nineteen reduction plants operating on the Island cast up to October 8 was 2.792.191 imperial gallons of oil and 12.637 tons of xeal, a Urge gain over the 1928 figures. With pilchards still running strongly it some points, the season's total pro-iuctlon will top 3.000.000 gallons of oil tnd 13.000 tons of meal. It la expected. At this tune lsst year production was much smaller. Altogether 1.823,-373 Imperial gallons of oil and 7.993 tons of meal had been produced by the (Ifteen plants then operatlDg. SEASON HAS UTE These figures were taken to mean that the pilchard season has been a remarkable success this year, although It started extremely late. The hordes f oily little fish came late to the Coast rom their unknown breeding ground arout In the Pacific and operators of 'eduction plants feared for a time that hey would not come at all In worthwhile quantitlea. In August, however hey reached the coast In enormous volume and alnce that time have been -aught freely at most points. Just as fishermen had tied up their boats tor he season a new run got under way recently and the fish are still belne caught. In Barkley Sound, where seven reduction plants operate 632.213 Imperial gallons of oil and 3.313 tons of meal were produced up to October 8, the official figures show. Last year five planta In the sound produced 494,820 tUons of oil and 2.263 tons of meal. Six plants In the Esperanra, Nootka. and Clayoquot areas produced 1.400.919 gallons of oil and 6.274 tons of meal, as against 1.025.489 gallons and 4,423 ons fn 1926. Plants around Kyoquot and Quatslno 'urned out 728,970 gallons of oil and 3,400 tons of meal, as compared with 103.066 gallons an ,1,302 tons a year ago. Fishery officials have no doubt that oil production wtUTpass 3.000.000 gal lons this year, as a Jains t the total pro duction last year ei inva.in gaiioua. while the 7.948 tons of meal produced altogether last year already have been exceeded and may be doubled before the end of the season. FUN FLON IS IMBALANCES Option on Famous Mine in Nor thern .Manitoba bxpires on December 1 WINNIPEO.Oct. 26. Since the discov ery of the Flln Flon property In Northern Manitoba In 1915 It has been more 3f less consistently In .e( limelight. It has been under option several times and during the life of these options more than two million dollars have been spent In determining the extent of the ore body. Its commercial value and the best method by which to undertake 1U exploitation. Now the time of expiration of another option draws near, and once more the mining men of Canada are on the qui vlve as to what will happen. December Is the critical date. Whether the powerful Whitney Interests of New York will undertake the development of this enormous ore body or whether they will decide the time Is not yet ripe to spend the very large sum of money necessary to open up and take from the Flln Flon Its valuable ores. At least this may be said: The Whitney interests have spent more money on the property than any other concern. They have obtained and followed out a meth od of extraction of the zinc and copper ores which greatly Increases the po-tentlon value of the property and are unquestionably In a better position to undertake the work than any of the pre' vloui groups who have In the past beld options on the property. Much hinges on the option expiring December 1. Should the Whitney In terests decide to go ahead an expen dlture of close to $20,000,000 will be Im mediately commenced, Including not only the construction of the necessary plant at the Flln Flon Itself but also the LAND ACT. NOT1CK OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land Recording District snd situate on the southwest corner of an unnamed bay on the south bank of Port iCbapAlGraham Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of:BrttlM CdlUfhWd. ' i ' . ..TAKE NOTICE that. Arthur .Robertson, of Massett. B.C.. dceaoatttm a lumber man. Intends to apply for a lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about one chain westerly from the mouth of an unnamed creek flowlnz Into an un named bay on the south bank of Port Chanal, Graham Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of British Columbia thence 4 chains southerly: thenoe 10 chains easterlv: thence 4 chains nor therly to the shoreline: thence following the shoreline to mint of commence ment, and containing 3 acres, more or less. 1 Stoned A. ROBERTSON, Applicant. Dated October ,0, 1927. WEEKEND SPECIAL! FREE, THIS WEEK! '-'WHILE THEY LAST! 500 Halloween Masks for the Kiddies With every purchase of or with every purchase c 1 lb. of Sliced Hacon in our Combination Canned Fruit Special at l lor Uoc We want every customer to participate in this Hallowe'en Treat GROCERIES Hillsdale California Asparagus. Tall tins, 2's. Special 20? Tender from stem To tip. This price is a knock-out 1 We have not seen this size sold under 45c to 50c here before. Combination Canned Fruit Special I tins for . . 0.f Your choice of any of following: Nabob Greengage Plums, 2V2'S Del Monte Sliced Pineapple, Wt squat Malkin's Grated Pineapple, 2's Nabob Sliced Peaches, l's, talis Rosedale Birrtlctt Pears, l's, talis Rosedale Apricots, l's, talis Nabob Red Cherries, 2's Uosedale Royal Anne Cherries, l's, tails Note We will make a special price on any of the above assorted at $2.75 per dozen. Canned fruit market it firm and prices will not decline. Combination Special P. & G. Naptha Soap, 4 for 2.1? With each purchase of 8 bars, we will sell ohe Oriental Crumb Tray, complete for lr With each purchase of 16 bars, we will sell a lovely , Bathroom Mat for :W? Our Values are Unbeatable! Grapenuts, regular 20. Special per pkge XAYt? Spring Clothes Pins, 6 dozen for 2."r Brunswick Sardines, per tin ryx? Cut Mixed Peel,- per lb, 25c1 Candied Cherries, per lb. ."OC French Shelled Walnuts, per lb l)r This is COc value. They are not bitter. Hallowi Dates, special, 2 lbs. tlof Victory Fruit Jars to clear: Pint Jars, regular $2.00. Special, per dozen 91.51) Quart Jars, regular $1.75. Special, per dozen J?l.:) RUPERT construction of a power plant and the building of approximately 83 mllea of railway. Work will be provided lor thousands of men and the entire north country will feel the Impetus to which auch development give rise. COUNT DE WITTE IS NOW HOTEL WAITER Was UlM-iivrrrd Krrentfjr ly Woman Uurtit: It IToutf of III Job, he Hay NEW YORK, Oct. 26. A six-footer ol aristocratic mien at the Waldorf, alo distinguished by a splke-telled coat with gold braid, has Identlf 1'rf hfrnself aV WllllaWL"3SWWHfel WTOe, " Roland son or a prince and grandson of the late Count 8erglu de Wltte. famous premier under the Czars. He is now a floor waiter, having worked up In six months from kitchen boy. Proud of his Job, he says: "fliare more self-respect than when I was playing bridge or attending tea parties In New York City." He kept his Incognito until recognized by a women guest of the hotel whom he had met socially, he of a Vegetable Special as FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Combination Vegetable Special 20 lbs. Terrace Turnips 8 lbs. Hard Cooking Onions 8 lbs. B.C. Car rota 4 lbs. Blood Red Beets 1 only Head Cabbage. 4 to 5 lb. All for .. 91-00 Apples Strawberry Pippins, Jumble Pack, per box 91.05 Fresh Pineapple, each.. 7.f Niagara Concord Grapes, per basket 91.-5 Tokay Grapes, per lb. . . i!5r 3 lb. basket 05c- FreshCranberrie, per lb. if D'Anjou Pears, dozen.. lOf Large Cauliflower, each :i5p Crabapples, 3 lbs. for. . 2.k Per box 92.50 Italian Prunes, basket :i5f Baskets Mixed Fruit, each 1 75f This is a popular line and gives you a splendid assortment of all the choice seasonable lines. Pumpkin, Squash, Citron, Vegetable Marrow, Bed Cabbage, Celery. Cucumbers, Picking Onions, etc. Mcintosh Bed Apples, wrapped stock, extra special, per box 92.50 This is the lowest price we have had on this popular apple this season and as supplies are nearly over we would suggest early buying. California Table Figs, 2 lbs. S15t Chicken Feed, 20 sacks elevator wheat, to clear at per sack 91.25 '. Candy Specials Butter Scotch Squares, regular 35c per lb. Special 2Ht Assorted Fruit Balls, regular 35c per lb. Special 22tt Gold Dust Scouring Powder. It's sudsy and does the work. Special, 3 for 25r 2-in-l Shoe Polish, five colors: White, Tan, Brown, Black, or Ox-blood. Special, 3 for "Ttf Del Monte Dri-Pak Prunes, 5 lb. tin. Special . . 7I TABLE SUPPLY CO. Phones: 210 & 211. WESTHOLME THEATRE WEpNESDAY and THURSDAY, 7 and 9 p.m. Thomas Meighan m Alleys" GRETA J'ISSEN. llUGII MILLER, TOM CHALMERS, EVELYN BRENT, and others BILLY DOOLEY COMEDY "A BRINY BOOB." AES01"S FILM FABLES Admission Provision Department. listed below, or with every PROVISIONS Mild-cured Peamealnil f; Bacon, machine slu e , lb il't Bowe's Mince Meat, t 2,'c Alto packed in Il yi each orc Mere words cann , rcribe the quality of I; -,v. Mince Meat. If it i r. ' jerior to any other 1 America, we will not a you for It. Try a pou j our riikl Cheese Olde Sharpe Cheese in i jars U5f Limburger Cheese in 0 jars 'ZT,( Phecix Pimento Chef lb. pkge 25f Pbenix Canadian Cher . lb. pkge 2."e Phenix Cheddar Cher-c lb. pkge 25f Phenix SwiM Cheese, pkge ildf Ontario Cheee, June. i per lb Mr This is the first tirr. : twelve year we have a ally handled or seen anv matured Ontario Cheese ' : price is high, but you wui rc member the quality f a long time! Positively ; bitter. Choice Dairy Butter, 2 7.'r Maid of Clover Cream -Butter in bulk, 3 lbs 91.10 Note our price on the h , est quality obtainable! Kr under Frigidalre tempe r ture. We have a contract r 20.000 lbs. butter and price and quality will c r. mand attention. Eggs B.C. Storage F : special, 3 dozen for 9 1 .25 This is a good coc T egg, but we do not guau, tee it strictly fresh. Lard in bulk, 2 lbs. for :l5r Ajax Hams, new stock r lb , ;Wf Half Ham, butt or shank, :c" lb :rr Sugar - cueil BreakL; ' Bacon, machine sliced, r , lb . l:lf Smoked Kippers, per lb. I ."if Maritime Baddies, lb. . 20c Fresh Crabs, 2 for . . . iV( Fresh Shrimps, lb IWt Bound Steak, lb 22f Pot Boast, lb 17 r Our Meat Department u the best in town. in 35c and 10c