Br i Br.:1 m n i i PAGE TWO. Always pure, always clean SHREDDED WHEAT made in Canada of Canadian wheat-a Canadian food for ( is ready-cooked,ddicious for any meal with milk The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - DAILY EDITION. """rrvM1 All advertising should be In The Daily News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Friday, March 18, 1927 FORM THE THINK HABIT. Fear of making mistakes has made failures of as many men as mistakes have made successes. Failures are awed into retrogression by the same possibilities-of-mistakea challenged by the successes among men. A popular adage is "The man who never made a mistake never made a dollar," but a truer statement of fact might be tThe man who never made a mistake has not yet lived." Conceding that all men make mistakes, it is manifest that only the same mistake repeated is unpardonable and the habit, not the individual mistake, is costly. Somebody pays everytime somebody blunders and the only way to correct the habit of blundering is to form the habit of doing things right. Form the habit of being carer ful and take pains today that you may spare yourself incalculable pain tomorrow. Many are blundering on to success by making the most of their blunders. The haunting regret in every mistake is the thought that it could have been averted by a little thought. The indolent find actions easier than thought and much of humanity is indolent i ....,,w,.b ninKing can .u be uc made uiauc a a nabit uauib just jui as us most must, bodily, uouuy movements movements are from force of habit. Cultivate the habit of thinking' before acting and that bugaboo,; themistaVefhabitwiH decamp for more salubrious foraging. ; . j jl ' '" "'" TWO CAN EARN ' MORE THAN ONE. Investigations conducted in various cities disclose an increasing tendency among married women and mothers to enter into. gainful occupations. Many are actuated by the desire for finacial inde-' pendence and others by economic necessity. Two bread winners in a family are often necessary to make both ends meet. Here is a subject demanding serious consideration. If the time comes when the vast majority of women must enter the factories, stores and offices to help maintain home and support child-i ren the inevitable outcome will be fewer homes and children. To permit such a condition would mean race smtnV i And, in the final analysis, the fact must not be lost sight of that economic laws work both ways. Large families are now forcing mothers into gainful occupations. With large numbers of women thus engaged, the birth rate must fall. The receding birth rate and children reaching the self-supportage age will release more mothers and wives from outside employment, with the result that the birth rate will again climb. From here the process will begin all over again. WHAT WE NEED IN PRINCE RUPERT. There are many things we need in Prince Rupert, but a few are vital .and outstanding above all others. We need stability the will power to determine what is right and a determination to see that only that which is right prevails. We need a spirit of unanimity the ability and willingness to agree upon what we want and then go after it and get, it. We need aggressiveness for without aggressiveness", indolence and stagnation will be ouHot. We need loyalty for without loyalty we will be enriching commercial interests at distant points and impoverishing our people at home. Some cummunities thrive and grow because of their natural advantages. Others are made only through the dogged energy and perseverance of their citizenship. Oura will be what we make it, and we should make it all that we can. Prepared by the, maters of NESTLES BABY FDOO -2.TI2Afl ft B 1. 1 Handy; econonumL, Pine MILK ll II sssss CELEBRATION ! COMMITTEES IIWKMKKN MMKII TO T.tKK HI MUiK or v.tmors smtionk or JII.V I IKSTIVITIKS Committers for the Diamond Jubilee celebration In Prinoe Rupert have been i named as follows; .- 'l Finance. L. M. Fuller. M. M. ' Stephen. C. H. Orme. 8. E. Parker. J.I H. Thompson, A. W. Edge. Syd Thorn p I son. - Publicity. H. Daggett, Mrs. H. F. aiofssey. W. iO." Fulton.'-W. W. Wright. W. J. Raymond, W. J. Nelson. Sports. H. R. Love. J. Judge. W. E. I Wllllscroft. B. Morgan. J. Lee Dell. D. Balfour. Children's Sports. Miss S. A. Mills. O W. Johnstone. W. S. Fisher. Norman Watt, M. L. Stepp. Decorations. P. V. Anderson. Mrs. O. Woodland. Mrs. A. Mackle. W. J, Greer. George R. Tlte. Syd. Bird. Parade. Sergt. Hannah. Lt. Ponder, O. Larsen, J. J. Olllls. F. Fortune. Floats. R. V. O. Leplne. Leo Waugh, H. Steen, Jaa. Irvine, J. E. Morrison. Program. S. D. MacDonald and the executive. Dance and Entertainment. Fred Wetch. Mrs. S. Darton. Mrs. W. D. Vance. Ralph Smith. Olllls Royer. Reception. M. M. Stephens. Mayor riewton. Fred Stork, J. C. Brady. Jos. Ureer. F. J. Fuller. Educational H. B. Rochester. J. C. Brady, Miss Earle. Mrs. J. Hlldltch. Thos. Peddle. Flag. D. Hartness. H7 C. Fraser. Mrs. C. J. Stevens, W. P. Cameron, Fred Riffou. Transportation. R. F. MacNaughton. W. H. Tobey, A. Haines. W. C. Orchard. R. M. Smith. Fred Stork. The first named of each committee will be chairman. The executive will consist of the chairman of the various committees with the permanent officers. CANADIAN LEGION ENTERTAINS ITS TERRACE FRIENDS TERRACE. March 18. The members of the Canadian Legion and their Women's Auxiliary were at home to the members of the other local fraternal societies In their hall on Tuesday evening when a large crowd enjoyed their hospitality and spent a very pleasant evening. An interesting military whist drive occupied the early part of the evening, the winners being Miss O. Casnells and H. ,Wsrne and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hogan. Pacific. Later splendid music for dancing was rendered by the O.W.V.A. orchestra and by J. McLaren. The refreshments were In th hands of the WA to the Legionaires. Quests were present from the I.O.O.f. and Rebekah Lodges, the St. Andrew's Society and the Native Sons. TERRACE Mrs. T. J. Marsh returned on Wed nesday from a short visit with Mrs. A V. Wilson of Remo. T. W. Brewer of the Forestry Depart ment. Smithers, was a business visitor here during the week. Miss C. Toombs was up from Remo on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Curzon of Prince Rupert were visitors here on Wednes day. Mrs. W. H. Burnett was a hostess on Tuesday evening. bridge THOMAS MEIGHAN IN TRAGEDY FILM lla Dramatic Hole In "Tin llmN," Week-end Picture "Tin Oods," coming to the Westholme this week-end Is a drsmatlc yarn that gives Thomas Melghan a role he has long looked for! Not since "The Miracle Man" and "Manslaughter" has Tom reached sjich heights 1 Roger Drake, on marrying Janet Stone. Is given a beautiful home as a wedding present,. Putting aside his embarrassment in the thought that some day he will be able to give her the same thing, he agrees to live in the house. Offered a contract to build a bridge in Canada, Roger rushes home to tell his wife the newa. She It Just as radiant i Mrs. Roger Drske has become the first woman candidate for the State Assembly! Their house becomes a hot bed of politics. Newspaper men and politicians are forever crowding the doors. Roger hates them all and flnsllv rnm n v,i.. - ------j wa.v w vsv wr I with Dougherty, the district boss. Janet! denounces nia conduct. . , i , . , Determined to get a final show-domn, Roger is returning borne when, .the tragedy which causes, their break, .oe-' curs. Janet Is addressing a large gathering when little Billy, their child, disturbs the meeting. Her secretary locks him in hli room, Rebellious and lonesome, the boy climbs to the ledge of an open window. Seeing his father on the street, he wsves, and before Roger's horrified eyes, falls. The sight cf a crowd of women In the very room where Billy's dead bodyi had rested, less than a week before, in-1 We Must Raise $1, MEN'S ENGLISH RAINCOATS Men's English Raincoats. Regular $15 values. Sale price sjiri.JW Men's Rubber Hoots, full length. Regular $7.60. Sale price .55.1.1 Roys' Rubber Hoots full length. Regular $5.76. Sale price .Sil.7.-. Men's Yantex Soft Collars. All sixes and styles.. Sale price 2 for .v L'reat Assortment of .Men's Caps. Sale price, each .... ."l!)c Any kind of Cap for the 'Hoy in the store, each We Men's Row Ties. Regular COc. Sale price, each i!0f A grand assortment of Silk and Wool Ties. Regular $1.25 values. Sale price ! Ul' SOCKS, fi LOVES AND HANDKERCHIEFS Irish Li nen Finish Handkerchiefs, 3 for "."c Only 6 to a customer. Men's Cotton Socks. Regular 20c. Sale price, 2 pairs for zr,t Only 4 pairs to each customer. Men's Heavy Canvas Gloves, Regular 35c. Sale price, per pair .Tc Only four to each customer. Men's Leather Work Gloves. Good quality. Sale price, per Pir ;ttc ME.VS UNDERWEAR Men Heavy Penman's Wool Underwear. Sale price. pcr garment !.:!." Extra Special Values in Men's Light Atlantic Combinations. Regular $.1.00 values. Sale price Sl.1)." Riltmure Shirts. Very good quality. Latest patterns. Regular $3.50 to $4.50. Sale price Jjl.1i3 A large assortment' of Men's English Rruadclolh Shirts in ' Tfain and fancy checks. Regular $4.00 to $5.00 values, tq clear at .:. r, Men's Khaki Shirts. Regular $1.50. Sale price l)."c Men's Flannel Shirts. Regular $2.00. Sale price UlJ." Phone P.lue tIR, furlatea Roger After a terrible argument with Janet, be packs his bags and leaves. Drake geU an assignment to build bridge at Del Rio in South America. There, he proceeds to drown his sorrows in drink. Work holds no interest for him and he becomes a . freauentrr of "the town's cafe. ; ' i : ' ' Women have been the! blight of his lire. Ar.d she. disregards the favors shown him by Carlta. a pretty dancing girt. The expected happens. ' Drake Is relieved Of hts Job ,nd another? man appointed; -pending Lawlo Arrival from New York. On the anniversary of his son's death. he courts desth In rum. finally, stricken witn niae fever, a tropical scourge, he Is carried home. And Carlta eoes along, to csre for him. . Janet, having lost the election, seeks Roger out to effect a reunion. She meets Carlta who rushes off to tell Roger ot Janet's return. Seeing htm approach, in comnanv with Dr. McCoy, she hides behind a bush. raasing oy. carlta overhears the conversation, "I can't get to her soon enough,' but she misses "I want to show her a real woman." Carlta stumbles on to the big span overhanetns the rushing torrent. Drake greeU Janet politely and on hearing of Caiita'a flliht. rushes to the bridge. Frantically, he calls but she norani nesr a few minutes later, he carries her lifeless body to shore. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert MAKdl IS, 11)11, So far as Prince Rupert Is concerned, there Is an embargo on perishable frelKbt destined fon United BUtcs points this being caused by the unsettled railway situation across the 'international line. For the time being the shipment of fresh fUb Is held up. At a specisl meting of the city council yesurdar. Alderman McCly- mont was appointed acting mayor dur. .ug the absence of Mayor McCaffery in! he south who, with Alderman. D. C itcIUe. and City Solicitor P. Peters Will take up waterfront matters with !:he provincial government. W. O, Denis has returned to Prance rfter undergoing a very rigoros mtdl-teal examination In Scotland. i The Red Cross street collections an fffiturday in - aid ' of the prisoners of iwar amounted to 1173.00 and the rum-tmag sale. In aid of the same fund, 'cleared ISO. ' 8. A. Eby of Terrace, has purchrd lynch Bros.' stock at Smithers. and .1111 earry on the business at the same stsnd. C:; What we need is a windshield that Kill make the pedestrian In front re- ItStmble a dog. Every decent driver I Hodges a dog. I GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." notim: or flui nun i.ickmi:. ' KOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that on he Bth day of April next the undersljmeU ntend to apply to the Liquor Control oard for a licence In respect to premises elng part of the building known as Issaett Inlet Hotel, situate at Port iemenU. Queen Charlotte Itlands. Pro-Ince of British Columbia, upon the lands described as Lot Five fti. Block orty-four (44 1, Subdivision of Lot Seven undred and forty-six (74, port Cements Townslte. leas Thlrty-three (33) ieet from front to rear on west side of ild Lot. as shown on a registered map o plan deposited In the Land Registry C nice at the City of Prince Rupert" In tw Province of British Columbia, and numbered 1079, for the sale of beVr by -1 " ' - r uvuic j or con Miiiijuun on, me premises, DATED at Prince Rupert. BC. this lUi day of March. U27. WARItEN SCOTT. B. L. T1NOLEY, IN PRORATE. Applies nU. IX TIIK M'PKKMK fnfM Of nillTIll ftM.iitinit In the Mstter of"thi Admlnlitratlan Act; and In the Matter of tbe'Estate of Joseph P .n.?m,niJcaed- Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ida ... . llnnnr f Mu v,.nn .(.. February, A.U.' 1B27, X wm appomied I Ml. L ii SMKrlfiju ! At Once to Pay Our Creditors :; ; r- This is the plain truth! We must convert our goods into ensh. We know our friends nnd cuMomcrH will I. Ku amazed to learn that this store is compelled to mnke drastic price concession, but It U simply thin; Me are overot Td Overcoats arrived too late for the season's trade. A hundred of these garments of the latest models will ,v NacriTi A " than manufacturers' cost. You will save money by buying one of these Overcoats and laying it by for next senM)tu ' ' Our stock includes Mackinaws, Underwear, Shirts, Collars, Ties, as well as Men's Suits and nt are going to ilnh -.all this quality merchandise. Assist us at this time and we assure you that we will maintain .Montreal prices here i" ' ,n Rupert. v ''"ivt HERE ARE A FEW OF THE BARGAINS OFFERED BUT THERE ARE MANY MORE THAT WILL SURPliup COME EARLY AND (JET FIRST CHOICE! ,Ul OVERALLS AND PANTS Men's Overalls good makea and quality. s.,p pair '. Men's Combination Olenitis Injut makea, all ww. khaki. Sale price ; Men's Pants Regular $2.50. Sale price ... Roys' Khaki Knickers. Regular 86c. Sale pi iv. Roys' Long Khaki Pants Regular $1.75. Suk ; Men's Khaki Pants Regular $1.75. Saleprxc Men's Khaki Pants Regular $2.25. Sale pri ' ME.VS AND ROYS' OVERCOATS SI. 2" GI6 Third A l!lr SI.2 RLANKETS We hate a great assortment of the real llud-on's Ifc Rlankets which we are selling at a very low firure. Enquire about these! Flannelette Rlankets gray and white. Regular $2 price Pillowslips Sale price Imported English Turkish Towels. Regular Wi per pair Ladles' Silk Stockings Sale price, 2 pair for Rompers for the Haby. Regular 95c. Sale i t Men's and Indies' Sweaters to be cleared out price possible, all at less than manufacture t Our whole stork of Mens and Roys OtercosU rf u b Offered at less than manufacturer's rust price. You can save money by buying one of the. well tailored garments. It costs nothing for v;j t lor next season. Prices have been cut in t-. from ST.U." ' m We have a No a good stock of Oterroats fur Is of all ages. Suits for Men. We have a atoek of 800 Men' to choose from. These are all In the late-t r - from the best manufacturers In Canada. now. Prices from Sit" COME IN AND LOOK OVER THE MANY ILVRGAINS Montreal Importers Canadian National Steamships Co. Lrf Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND Administrator ot the estate ot Joseph F Bowman. rJeeeaaed. and all nsrties having claims against the aald estate are i hereby required to furnish same, pro-perly verified, to me on or before the; 24th day of March, AX). 1B7T, and all! parties indebted to the estatt are re-, Suired to pay the amount of their In-ebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, BC. Daled Ui 24th dy of Ttbruary, AX). LAND ACT Skeena Land bistr)ct."t)lstrlct of Queen Charlotte Islsnds. TAKIe Nrrrtnv tv... a... .. date, 1 Intend to apply to the Cbief wviJiMiiamuuvr oi unas ior a licence to prospect for cosl and petroltum over 040 scraa of land bounded as follows: ...... .M m . m , . UI.II1CU K. 1 . southwest corner of Section 3, Town ...,:J urlDn uiand. and mirxta 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; tlience ou cnsins; inence south to cnaina to point of commencement, bMng Bec tlon 30, Township 3. Orshsoi Inland. U C. A, J, UUIUJU"i . . lrator. Date Dscember 17, 1620. SHIPYARD Operating (J.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry R" Engineers Machinists Rollcrmukers RlarKsmiths I'1" makers I'ounrles Woodworkers Elr. ELECTRIC ANI1L ACETYLENE WELDINti. Our plant fa equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES -13 and 385 r MILK From Rulkley VIW F"18" M,.SiVVllir' PING CREAM sassas sss M Quality and Servl Valentin p"J . ! anil OJl rnones " II DnRiTl Phone HI . ' .41 e.nd