.PAGE FOUB We need the Money You jjct (he Rnrcnins at OUR Quick Money Raising SALE MEN'S CLQTHIN.fi HOYS' CLOTIIN(i MEN'S ''FURNISHINGS HOUSEHOLH STAPLES And I hint's fur Ladies, ton. Montreal Importers . Third Avenue J. H. Miller - Proprietor If any segment of th&Spine uman&bnornul petition g-1 (subluxation) pressure produced on the nerve trunks at tlut point srtd. disease develops. - T.HUD r 7. FACC m4 KECK T.THAOAT t.uvE riJ T. STOMACH T.SMAULSTL5TWE. n-r.Tiur V T KIDNEYS T.IOfELS T.APPENDU T. (LADDER 1.CEIOTAU TheChironractor WjiNts tht ufahimlun IK a a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CHIUOPKACTOK Patho-Neuromeler Service. Open Evenings Rooms 6 & 7, Exchange Hlock Phone 091 HOSIERY for SPRING in sill the new shades Utility $1.00 to $2.30 idiiffon , . v $2.25 "Doners" Phone 27. P.O. Rox 327. MILK From Hulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING cream Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phones fwf, and 637 LINDSAY'S Cartage arid Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitun, Moving. Friday. April J BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManns fT - , Htt vf AJ " UtKETOOT PKONlT. IA1U .H -fT-, , I.- ' 1 ,Y '-' -' iAn-.N) T j(V J -p-;. -Srn f.rHRCf: .jlff -rj Z" AND SHOW HirvfTO ROOM,- - cltn I WIAXU . llSj ;l31sfcf? liiiiK Some Interesting on London Life of Today Are Described by Former News Man (l!y Sid Webb) From a technical standpoint the wireless (radio) broadcast in England is very good indeed and the home as the telephone is in "crystal" type. One often hears Wales, Premier Baldwin, David Lloyd George, Bernard Shaw, etc., give addresses at various functions which are very distinct. The other evening, about 11.30 o'clock cast from New York. Naturally it through particularly plain The British wireless programs, how- ever, are not as versatile as the pro grams enjoyed by Canadian listeners and over here one gets a little too much of the classical music, poetical addresses. debates and more or less "dry" stuff. There Is a lot of controversy on the subject of the nature of the programs but the entire British broadcast Is In the hands of the government and as the artists are engaged for some time to come It twill not be possible to re-arrange the programs Immediately. While there are, of course, a number of valve (tube) sets in private operation this class of set is not In vogue generally. Therefore, it Is only possible for the majority of listeners to hear the local broadcast and they cannot "tune in" to outside stations. The local broadcast station does, however, relay programs from provincial cities such as Manches ter, etc., occasionally. TUG S.MAU, CAIl This Is the day of the small motor car in England of which there are a great number cm the road. Some of them are particularly diminutive and resemble a slightly magnified baby carriage. It seems strange, after the large utomoblles encountered on the south ern British Columbia highways, to see these little "wasps" nipping along the streets but, although they are small In size, they are full of pep from a speed standpoint and just "whizz" In and out of the colossal traffic. These cars range In price from 100 ( 500 dollars) a upwards. However, the people blessed with plenty of this, world's goods go in for some wonderfully pretentious motor cars and down the west-end one sees some ideal looking Rolls-Royce, Daimler and other cars of the heavier type The motor cycle and side car Is also very popular along with a three wheeled gasoline driven contraption holding two persons. The engine of the latter Is of the motor cycle' type fixed In front of the car with two wheels In front and j one at the back, and chain driven. : These weird looking little "gasoline eaters" travel very fast and to the age man In the street, they look dan- gerous to say tne least. . , " KXI'OIIT TUAIti: The subject of. British trade methods' in foreign countries has 'been 'much discussed of late. The Prlhc? ' of Wales gave. -a very excellent address at a trade ltoiher :'just recenUy ,onj Jhe subject which' the writer heard on the wireless, and he certainly told th British man ufacturer some real truth. He (justed the slogan, "Adapt, adopt, Improve," and this has become a trade slogan In British industry. While the workmanship and materials m British made goods, still stand the test, the methods In getting business in foreign markets seem to leave a lot to be desired and figures have been quoted recently showing that British exports In certain countries are falling behind those of other countries. Speak-, lug in a general sense it seems as though the British manufacturer Is more easily satisfied as to turnover and dividends than Is his foreign competitor and has not got the "overseas' desire to push ahead and get new business. Of course there Is this to be said for the British trader, he Is very leary of opening up new accounts and will not take the financial risks that are pre valent with business getters overseas. The British manufacturer makes sure that his new account Is "gilt edged" and Is reluctant to take chances. Perhaps In this he Is perfectly justified but It 11 a question for debate as to whether he is too leary to this end or not. In securing , export business of large i Volume it would jiecm sensible., If the British manufacturer would send a picked representative of the firm to the country In which the business Is de-tired, who would study trade conditions on. the spot and go Into the financial j standing of the agents or jobbers to handle the product. There Is this about the British manufacturer, again speaking In a general cnee. he Is certainly convinced as to the valuo of advertising and this is clearly Sidelights listening sets are as plentiful in the Canadian home, mostly of the such celebrities as the Prince of we got a very distinct relay broad was jazz music but it came , proved by the Increasing size of the rtrltlfiH rtnltv nnn,n trarij. maff,,lnM etc. While the British newspapers charge a very high rate for advertising space the Dally Mall for instance charges over 1,000 ( 5,000 dollars) per insertion on front page, and little less for inside positions these newspapers of course have a tremendous circulation and the Drltish advertiser is realizing the fact that efficient advertising judiciously placed is "bringing home the bacon.'' Canada and America are both recog nised as wonderful "advertising coun tries" by the ' business men in Great Britain and it is evident, judging from, the advertisements appearing in- Old Country newspapers and journals, that the methods of layout, etc.. used by Canadian and American advertisers are being followed more arid more. STISKKT ntlKS One of the peculiar characteristics of London Is the large number of street vendors one encounters upon the streets, and no district Is free of them. They sell anything from cat's meat to coal and usually peddle their wares on "hand driven" two wheeled trucks. It Is not so much what they sell as the peculiar manner In which they ad vertise their wares. If one went by their exact phonetic speech the word "coal" sounds like "cold meat." cat's meat sounds like "cod's feet" and "oil" sounds like "ear ale," and so on. If stranger thought of purchasing he would need to make a visual inspection of the wares for sale and not go by the shouting. PRINCE GEORGE April 11 has been set by the Prince George city council as the date upon which the 112.000 water main extension money bylaw will be voted upon by the tax payers. The mayor and aldermen are giving the measure their active sup port. The new construction will be of 3770, benefit to the value of some 240 C)ty jots. The local Elks Lodge - entertained at a whist drive and social last week- e valalahh way to lake lleast QJ Soak a cake of Royal Yeast with a little sugar in a quarter of a glass of tepid water over night. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Many people prefer to take it in orange juice. ROYAL YEAST CAKES J2 ; ; e. j Cough Caused. Constant Coughing Mrs. T), M. Nolan, Douglastown, XrB., writ:--"Two years ago I had a terrjl1e cold which settled, jn my bronchial tul' and ranted constant -ougl)ing, and, I could not sleep day qr night. 1 read about Dr. Wood's sliliJH Norway t rf&jAWN Cvrnn and thought I would give it a trial. After taking- three bottles 1 was completely rid of ray cough, and havs never had a eold since." "Dr. Wood's" has bei on the mar- J1.'1 "r ,he PMt ss J'fr, "J ,lu timely use mar save you from suffering rrom some serious bronchial r lung (rouble. Price S5e. a bottle, lirgt famllr slit 60.; r.ut up only by Ths T. Millmrn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont .'lid In their hall. The musical program was contributed to by Mlsi Young. Mist Andros, It. E. Taylor ane T. S. Cannichael. Prize winners a. cards' were Mrs. Roy White, Mrs.Denren W. K. Nichols and Archie Watt. Three Vanderhoof district farmert have shipped carload lots of produce U market during the past week. Georgt Bnell and J. M. Johnston each shipper a car of outs to the Prince Oeorg market while Ernest Smedley consignee. x car of hay to the sawmllllng centn f Longworth. The deatli'of J. D. McArthur probably spells finis to the sawmllllng pro ject he had 'planned for Prince George Arrangements are being made on behalf of the estate to remove the plant which has been storrt on the Hudson Bay addition' which was the site of the proposed saw and pulp mill. Tie making being over for the season a large number of men have beer, flocking Into Prince George from th bush recently and there will be a lut. In the employment situation until the sawmills resume work. A few of thi mills have logs decked nearby and have already stalled cutting but the mo, of them are dependent on the river for their log supply. Miss Ina Allen still leads In the Canadian Legion's popularity contest She has 5875 votes while Miss Alma Grundall has 5.014; Muriel Rogers, and Rose Wood, 2,477. James A. Kane of Brooklyn, promln ent and pioneer fox breeder, has been In Prince pforge district looking oyer conditions ideally, ; Mr, Kane.; who Is Accompanied 'by - his: gon, James A, King, Jrj 111. go ;on;. from here to Alaska. Hf':i)es .great; possibilities for the industry; .-Northern; .Brlsh Columbia ' ' 1 and' Alaski. 8. L. Douglas has been elected president of the Woodpecker Dlstrlot Fair Association. R. Yardley Is secretary and the directors elected were Messrs KerkholT. Kolllng and Hutchiason. The Association plans to erect an exhibition building this year. r - Mrs. William Blair left yesterday to pay a three months' visit to her former home In SydeiUyun, Ontario. Harry Goodwin of the local telegraph office staff Is In Edmonton for mcdl cal treatment. A daughter was born In the Prince George General Hospital on Wednesday to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Douglas ol Prince George, Fred D. Taylor, president pf the Prince Oeorge Fair Association,, expresses confidence that a race meet on July 1 would be a money-maker for the cxnioiuon wmcn badly needs anv moiM-y It can get. pip residence of Norman Bennett In Central Fort Oeorge was completely destroyed by fire last week. F. P. Burden has relumed to the city from Trembler Lake where he was InvcstlKOtlng the possibilities for water storage In connection with the proposed pulp and paper mill. He states that them have been ro new developments lately In connection with the project. E, A. StonHioue, c C. Reld oncl M. S, , Morrill, wlw wero recently ek-ctrn VA anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in WANTED WANTED. WORK BY JUNIOR STEN- ographer. Apply Box 32. Dally Newsi Qfflce. 79 1 WANTED. CAPABLE GIRL FOR GEN-eral housework. Apply Mrs. C. If. Orme. 78 . WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL Housework. Phone Red 441. 78 BOA It I! BOARD. THE INLAWIER. 834 Second Avenue. Phone 137. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING. PICOTINa. SCALIXJP Ing. M. Macdonald. Exchange Block Iders of Knox united Church, were nducted Into office at morning terrier lit Sunday. Hugh Granholtn and Miss Judith Sol-tad of Penney were married In the .Ait bora n curch here last Saturday fternoon by Rev. A. W. Trlnkleln. C. D. Orchard, who succeeds J. M. jlbson as district forester here, arrived in the clay last Saturday night from flpn accompanied by Mrs. Orchard. BIG INCREASE IN DAIRYING MAIIKCT AT PIIIXCE ItCI'KUT COX. ,MMll 3.VHI f UN Of l! I.K-I.KV V.W I I.V Mil k III CIV) KUIIH.IUV For many years we have heard great Jjlngs about the possibilities of lalrylng In Bulkley Valley, but It to inly In recent months that It has been orclbly Impressed upon the public ansclpusness says the Interior News. dairying Is not a branch of farming hat can be rushed along In a single ason. The first great esseuuat to hipping milk Is to get a milk cow. ind these are not easy to buy. Anyone with a milk cow of repute will not Mil for the simple reason they are true noney-makers. CatUe bring returns on he Initial cost In from two to four years. Timothy takes about two yean, but the milk cow gives regular returns twice every day It properly eared for. This steady dally return 1 now betai; felt throughout Bulkley Valley, a mora particularly around Telk'wa and Quick. During the month of February these two towns shipped over 3.500 gallons of fresh milk arid 133 gallons of cream to tne market at Prince Rupert, ac cording to returns compiled by Bulkley Valley Dairymen's Association. This tssoclstion recently started at Telkwa urther reports that the Valentin Dairy if Prince Rupert is putting forth every effort to get the old Standard Dairy In shape, so that all surplus cream and milk will possibly be hand led In Prince Rupert during the com ing summer. Not a small Item In the growth of dairying In Bulkley Valley Is the re cently-formed Cow Testing Association Still In Its Infancy, this association will have far-reaching benefit on the In dustry. It will not be long before a farmer In the market for a cow will want to see Its record, and consequent' ly the price of the cow will be in direct ratio to the amount of butter fat It has produced. F,. B. Chettleburgh, wcrttary of tme Dairymen's Association, expects to see a similar association formed at Terrace, when ioth associations will work In co-operation for the benefit of consumer and producer. NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c FOU SAKE GILL NETTERS, TROLLKRB AND Launch Owners. You are Invited u! visit Parker's garage, Third Avenue- East, to see In operation the Ford Marine Motor, the West priced do- pendable 14 h.p. motor on the mar- ket. It's wide range of eed, - ceptlonal flexibility, economical oper- atlon and low priced replacement parts, place It In ft cdasa by Mailt. ; S. E PARKKIt. LTD. I Ford Dealers i ' FOR SALE. SIXTEEN ROOMED , Rooming House, furnixlird. modem conveniences, close in 11.710.00. j Term to suit. Theo. Collart Ltd. Westaoime Theatre block. 7 FOR IMMEDIATE 8ALE. MODERN ; five roamed house, with bathroom. , breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood j floors and large basement. Apply TJSj Firth Avenue Ernst. 77 I OPPORTUNITY! WOO A MONTH NOW buys your future homnate. Walker's Music Store. AUCTIONEER MY BUSINESS IS CUV1NO, BELLING and exchanging and looking alter my business. For business 1 bustnesa and thoftr without business liave no business) to be In business. Employ me selllns; by auction. Thai Is business, satisfaction and result, a. F Brine. Phone 774. FOU KENT FOR RENT. COM PORTABLE LARGE mom. fleeted: suitable for one or t-o persona; oantrsl. til Filth Arruue West. Phone Qrern 128. 78 FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply MuaaaUrm Orooery Phone 18. ROOMS TO RENT. PHONE C78. tf DOI.MK STOKE We have discontinued the IVOMIiXK'K.M'lllXl'iK ' See our line of l.lMIK l.M,!l-v Nothing over a dollar. Mlt S NTOltl; dominion niiMiuti: i:rntMii: Itmaitirdy A ItaijHin, proprietors 144 Third Avenue riioiie l!lak l!l Furniture of all aorta bought, sold or Exchanged. IM'HOf.STEIHNG FURNITURE REPAIRING; UPIIOL-lerltir i H "tad. Cbeatriflsldt recovered and mad to order. All work guaranteed. Phone tlreen 803. O. M. HUNT. WOOD A. tMllCSON Seal due. , Mixed Wood Blocks per load 8fX. Kindling, per load IA0 Furnace Wood, per load 800 Delivered. 8alt Herring , I'limie llbrlc I'll KESTAUKANTS llOOl, KATN C.IIK Mra. linger. Proprietress Third Avenue. Next O. W. V. (looil llfiine Conked Meuls, Phone Blsrk 700 TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Georire, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Pasxcnia-r Stmle- nnkcrs at your cjlapona! any titm; KOSS HltOS. POOL KOOM Sleeker Mock. (Sera from Kmprfin I Intuit , t ' ... ' PMNCE KUI'KKT TIDES 44444v44 LOW High IOW H.lTI'ltllAV, .ll'ltll. 2 1:20 am. 22.3 ft. 13:48 tm. 32 1 " 7:38 a.m. 22 " V y 19 :37 p m. 2.3 " M'Mi.lV. .ll'ltll. 3 ' 1 2:08 am. 33 9 ft. 14:34 pm. 218 " 8:23 a.m. l .o " 20:37 p.m. 3 0 " MAIL SCHEDULE Ol'T-OOINO r (he Iji1 Mondays. Wednesday and Ssturdaji close ', 1030 a a To VsmroiMff Tuesdays pa Thursdays I' Saturdays sc Sundiw, ui : r,rit ' , dwpst ir : Vancouver on Mondays, Wednesdays r . 'Saturday by p.N U. trains. in n)u and . litre Arm Sunday 7 pa Wednesdays is p- T flrwsrt and Premier Sundays gaUUslMj 0 ia Miniwon and N. Rlieriu-Jnl. Thursdays To ,i.ia i-oinis April 8, 18. 29 . r.i Ourtn citarMl April v IN-COMIMl Irom I lie !( Tuesdsys, Thursday tnd Sundays, dm at 130 pa rum Yanromrr Sunday pa Wednesdays 10.30 ata TRvrsday iturdsy i I'n.m Anjnx and .Hire Arm Tuesdays il Thur4sf Frrnn Mrwiitt and Premier Sundays 8 Irom It. ,linpen and Ns Kir, 1'olnU Saturdays Item .Hatha Pulnt April I, 11. 23 Irom tnireii Chsrlntte April 7. 21 IM COI.UCTION AM. PU Oranim ft Atlln Ave 9 DO 1st Are. Ar lib St 9 Oi Otft Ate. ft Fulton St 9.10 '( Bin Ave. tt Thompson B IS ?! Uth Sherbrooke Ave. .. 0.30 1 llth Ave fc Conrad 8t .... S.'S 1 4th Ave. tt Hays Core .... 930 I 6th 4c Hsjr Cove Circle .... 8.31 I 3 8th Ave. tt Cotton 8t. 49 I ith Arr. 4c McBrtde St B 4J I Prov Govt Bldgs. IM . aY. Whsrf B U I O TP. Whsrf 10 0C I O.T.P. Station I 7 2nd Ave. Ai 2nd St 1010 l 3rd Ave. tt Fulton St 10 I t f 3rd Ave. tt 0th St 1020 8 Sunday collection same as P.M, wee ds y only. STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS For I mil outer Tu Jdy sc. Catala i Thursday--, prince George 1 1 Saturday m. Gardens . . 9 i t. Princess lleairlce II Sunday- as. Prince Charles n April I Princess Mary 1 p April J2- SS. Princess Uarv I'roiii Vancmner Sundiy s. Catala 4 Wednesday as. Pr. Oeorxe 10.30 -its Thursday . Cardena Saturday ss. Princes I)eatri'i . Prince Charles 10 (0 April 8 as. Princess Mary April 18 s. Princess Mary For Purl Hlmpson and Ns lllrrr- Thurtday- s. Cardena Frmii I'ort ,lnpon and Nans Itlver- i aturaty- s. caraena Inr ,tn)n Wednesday as. Prlnci Ororge 10 p From .Injox Friday as. Prince fleorge B r For Mrwurt Baturday , Prlnc Charles 10 From stewarl Sunday 4. Prince Clurle ..8a I'or Mrivart, AI nd Alice Arm TucHday as. Catala From Stewart, Anjox and Allrr Arm- Tuesdy-Hi. Catala For tjiieen (:iiarvttes ' April B a. Prince John 8 April 23 as, Prince John . . fl n I'n-n, ((iieen Cliarlollrit s April 2, Prince John o April 7 a, Prince John lor Aliihlui April 8- ss,. Prliccss Mry n" April 1,8, ss. Princess Mary April 20 ss. Princess Mary From AlMka April l-s. Princess Mary April 12Prnre Mury p.in