PAGE SIX urns c io. Limited Operating Modern Cold Storage Plant and Abattoir Maufactunrs famous Hams, Bacon Lard, Etc. Retail Market - Third Ave. PHONE 566 RUPERT MOTORS Garage & Service. Station I A. DISTRIBUTORS Dodge and Bantam Austin Fenders and Body Work a Specialty Wrecking Car Service at Any Hour Batteries Charged in 12 Hours I THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, Dec rn ? in. Detailed Description Of Falls River Plant Which Was Opened Yesterday (Continued fr6ra,.pajte one),! dam Is about 10,000 cubic yards. The! are :of the Won clad gravel was taken from the bed of truck type having the the river immediately In front of the dam by drag line scrapers of one cubic yard capacity and made approximately 20,000 trips. The aggregates were made up of crushed granite taken from the excavation for the dam. The sluice gates are of standard design 20 feet by 20 feet and will discharge 14,600 C.FJ8. at elevation 358, the total discharge capacity Including spillway 23,300 CTS. The intakes are four In number, disconnect usual en closed bus structure filled with gum compound. From the G600 volt bus, the outer A generation, ago the Indians of Northern British Columbia were savages, fighting among themselves and customs which were much onnosed to those of modern civilization. Today, under the influence of Christian mis- sionanes and in contact with the white people 01 the (lis trict they have developed to a polntn where all have abandoned their old habits and many have become splendid citizens. They are first class fishermen and during the summer months the families work in the canneries and all earn good money. At the close of the season they spend a great deal and the various merchants of the district sell to them. In this, natives are In sharp contrast to the Oriental em ployees in the fisheries, most of whom take their savings south with them. Because of this there Is a strong opposition to Oriental labor in the district. employment and are in every re spect excellent citizens. As a people the Indians of this coast are religious and enjoy taking part in religious exercises. Their musical abilities are brought into play here for they sing and play musical instruments with much skill and splendid effect. Their rendition of the religious classics, particularly selections from the Mes siah, puts to shame many white choirs and bands.' Every Easter the Anglican natives of the Naas River1 hold u religious festival as do also those of the in- Industrially, then, the native UlUrorr;th&i, are under Catholic in as good a man as a white man. bfiLmueacfc. The United Church adher- ter than many white men and with in a few generations will probably have lost his identity and become absorbed In tho poylglot population of the country. The number will not be sufficient to affect the parent stock. A large number of Indian women have married white men and even In some so-called pure native families there is evidence of a white strain. A good many Indians live In the city, engage in regular ents are not backward In this re gard but in a different way and the Salvation Army also has a strong appeal to the native religious taste. There Is no 'native problem In Northern British Columbia but steady development Is going on. The people live In modern houses, well furnished, and dress In the latest styles. They are a distinct asset to the industrial life of the country. BUILDING ACTIVITY Value This Year So Far $112,591.50 As Against $81,355 Last Year ' Building permits in Prince Rupert so far this year represent a total value of $mjft94JM as compart d with $81366 in the first 10 months of 1939. Figures month by month for the years 1990 and 1929 to date are as follows: 1930 1930 transformer - structure is fed by I 1929 cable. Mmnlvinir 3-2000 active load January 4.600.00 $ 7,050.00 transformer connected In star with February 26.735.50 2.360.00 centre point grounded. The trans- March 9,100.00 800.00 former steps up the voltage to 66.-. April , .'. 3,250.00 224)80.00 000 for transmission to a substation May 16.290.00 6,580.00 located at First and Third Avenues, June 36.260.00 15.375.00 where it supplies an outdoor sub July MjOeo.OO 15,675.00 station stepping down from 61660 August 11.675.00 4.060D0 volts to 13,060 and 4000-2300 for September 7,870.00 4.450.00 havine emereencv aat of iim i commercial and domestic dtttrlbu- octooer 7,.uo logs and racks 15 feet bv 10 feet : "on throughout the city. : I with velocity through the rack of . The 13000 volt line parallels the 1 two feet per second and controlled I front and extends to Lake ' by Broome Gates built by Phillips j Shawatlans power Dlant of 1,000 'and Davis. The gates weigh ap-K.VA. capacity which will be used proximately six tons and due to the M 411 auxiliary standby and for joxcftllrnt design, form an absolute I emergency. Thu 13.000 volt line seal. The head gates openings are . UaP c" to fed lne Canadian Fish 10 feet by IV, feet l& Cold Storage having 10,000,000 The pipe line or penstock was j manufactured and installed by Horton Ster Works, Bridgeburg, jont. The particulars are as follows: Entrance, seven feet diameter re-' duclng to six feet in front section, ; the thickness of the rivetted steel ranging from 7-16 to 10-16 at en- trance with a total length of 768 ; feet, to scroll case with butterfly j valves at power house. The turbines were manufactured J and Installed by the Dominion Engineering Company and are of the Frances vertical single shaft run ner type supported on main guide j bearing of composition rubber under full hydrostatic pressure. The! turbine Is controlled by the usual oil pressure type Woodward Gover nor with opposed motors having differential control for automatic, synchronizing. The generators rated at 6,000 K.V.A.. 6600 volts, 450 rjn. and ex- citers were designed and manufac- j tured by the English Electric Com-1 pany St. Catherines, Ont. j The five panel switlh board, manufactured .and Installed by the Canadian Westinghouse Co., is of the push button full automatic type having the usual protective relays with motor operated .regulator and automatic synchronizing relays. Provision Is made, for rapid change from automatic to manual control. Operate Automatically Normally, the plant will operate full automatic with dally inspection, an alarm is sounded by Klax on horn to draw the attention of the operators in the event of troubles originating in the power plant or transmission line. The D.C. requirements for relays, etc., are supplied by a motor generator set and battery. The circuit breakers ; pounds capacity, the Prince Rupert Drv Dock, having dry dock facilities of 20.000 tons and the Alberta Pcol Elevator of 1,250,000 bushels capacity. The city distribution Is fed through a concrete substation, five circuits radiating throughout f erent sections of the city at 2300 volts, stepping down through j the various distribution transf or- j men to 110-220 single and three ' ; phase for commercial and domestic requirement. I Skrena Crossing The 66 K.V. transmission line of 42 miles is of wood pole construction throughout with the exception of the crossing of the Skeena River. ', This croasuig is made at a point two miles above the mouth of the Ecstall on the Skeena River. The distance from the north to the south shore At this point is 7675 feet. The Individual spans, 1826-1850-2100 and 2100 respectively are made up of 3-0 copper supported on steel towers having a total height of 196 feet. The towers are suppor ted on concrete sills. The base of the towers are made up of piles driven to resistance surrounded by steel caissons capped and filled with concrete and protected by rip rap at the base. The towers are designed lor . a loading of 1-2 Inch radial thickness of ice and eight pounds per square foot on conductor plus ice on all the six power conductors and on two telephone conductors. The wind pressure acting on the towers shall be taken as 2$ pounds per square foot acting on one and one-half Suspension towers are considered as taking the unbalanced pull of two broken power conductors and one telephone conductor. Natives of Northern B.C. Are a Distinct Asset to Industrial Life of Prince Rupert and District There are in the neighborhood of Prince Rupert a great many native villages and the people are all large earners and good spenders and they buy a great deal in Prince Rupert. 255.00 System Seen In Naming of City Streets Grouping Treves Interesting Especially to Tbm Familiar With People 20 Years Aio Only a few of the old timers who were In Prince Rupert at the time of the sale of lots remember anything about the manner in which the streets are named. With a few minor exceptions all roads running parallel with the waterfront are called avenues while those going In the opposite direction are streets. Borden Street seems to be one of the exceptions but it is not. for it curves around the farther side of Acropolis Hill and when it loins Omineca Avenue which some day will continue through to the far side of the cemetery, it is at right angles to the avenues. The central group of streets Is named after members of the provincial government of the day such as McBrlde, Bowser, Young, Cotton, Green, Eberts, Tatlow, Pulton and from lieutenant governors. Lot-bin ie re and Dunsmuir. Avenues are named after districts such as Omineca. Comox, Kootenay, Caaslar. Atlin. Another group is named after prominent officials such as Chamberlain, Wain-wrlght. Wilson. Across the "Creek." streets are given men's names all running alphabetically, such as Alfred, Brown. Conrad, Donald, Eben, Frederick. On Montreal Heights there is a group named after cities such ; Ottawa. Victoria, Toronto, Calgary, Dundas. Then there ate Kgeria and Dartmouth, after ships that were on the coast at the time. In several places are found names of surveyors such as PilUbury or Ritchie. Countries are represented such as India. Canada, Egypt, Ja maica. Turning off Eleventh Avenue' on to the highway, autos first travfae a small portion of Frederick Street and then emerge on' to Prince ittt- pert Boulevard, which again merges into Shawatlans Road near the city limits. The map of Prince Rupert Is somewhat of a pussie to the stranger but it was laid out1 In such a manner as to conform aft nearly as possible to the contour of the land. BUILDING INCREASE Permits For This October $7,551 As Against 2355 In Same Month of Last Year Building permits In Prince Runert for the mnth of October this year totalled $7,654 in value as against $2,956 In the same month lasfyear. The permits for October were as follows: Commodore Cafe, Third Ave., oil tank, $900. Oeo. Edgar, Eighth Ave., general repairs, $100. G. P. Tinker, Third Ave., new roof, $260. D. Archie, Taylor St., general repairs, $800. W. Pawchuck, Ninth Ave., repair foundation, $160. K. Slatta. Seventh Ave., addition to residence, $500. Kong Sun Chug, Third Ave., erect garage, $300. A. Thompson, Sixth Ave, repair foundation, $300. B. Bendikson, Thompson St., addition to residence, $150. N. Mussallem, Fifth Ave., repair foundation, $500. J. T. Macey, Sixth -St., Neon sign, What Is a Wife Entitled To? To love, honor and cherish-that is the implied promise of every good wife but not to take pleasure in the weekly chores that turn housework Into drudgery. When you consider that the laundry can relieve your wife of one of the most Irksome tasks, the weekly wash-can do It so much better and so Inex pensivelysurely It Is the wise thing to use this labor saving nervtce-Aand insure an extra measure of domestic happiness. So If you want to please your wife, tell her to let the laundry do it next time and afterwards. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY 515 Sixth Ave. W. Tclrplion'' 5 You Can't Depend - - on the Weather But, when we tell you we will deliver your at a certain time you may absolutely rn. that statement. This" firm has become favor, known throughout the city, not only for pi n ing top quality coal at all times, but throini! unfailing dependability in delivery. Try Our Edson COAL The best Alberta coal on the market or Cassidy - Wellington A very high grade B. C. coal PRINCE RUPERT FEED STORE Office and Feed Store 812 Second .V Phones 58 and 558 Coal Bunkers & Trotier's V Feed VarehouservfV " " " v. $300. . Wm. Moxley, Eighth Ave. E., addition to residence, $300. S. Bloom, Taylor St., erect garage, $300., J. McCutcheon, Sixth St., Neon sign, $380. ,( Royal HotCSlxTgTStfeTn sign, $297. "99" Taxi, Sixth St.. Neon sign, $247. . D. Cavalier, Ninth Ave, repair roof. $00. ; Nek Kokkjar, Frascr St, addition to residence, $600. C. Johnson, Eighth Ave repair foundation, $1000. G. P. Tinker. Third Ave repair foundation, $100. P. 0. Bon HUNTING AND FISHING GOOD NEAR RUPERT Prince Rupert is t1: great hunting and district. Available vn from the city Is inajrV 1 trout f lining In the deer and bear huntin 1 ' Khtada Lake cann" i for its trout flshlnn aw' 1 plenty of other pla'1' trout take both fly lW b "!