! v. November jj; A siili I if ipeciaisi mill I ill I 77WB Local and Personal News In Brief Specials! A " ; A fifty cwinackageof Klenzo Shaving Cream and ,Ha fii!sSnt. package of Gillette Razor Blades i,ath for 60c With each $1.00 box of LaClaire Fontaine writing uaper,a pacJutgo containing 14 Xmas seals and taps' given free. 7w Pioneer l)rttotsls TlillJD AVE V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES ft?, 200 HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 580 JACKPINK AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double loud $6.50 Large sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN . Pembina Peerluae Egg $12.00 Pembina Wtwhed Nutc : $11.25 Alberta Sootlss Urge Egg SI 2.50 Alberta Sootleaa Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump i $13.00 , Alf) all other ckagoe of coal-. i i ' Pi mo and Furniture MoviQf. Hkpmm and Kaggage Dairand N'1lit Service 1JI9 Second Avenue Fanadian National Ojc Large ft "Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE viiling. from I'HINO. HI'I'KHT fr VtM'urVKK. VH TOHU and M'.ATIIX. IHIHfDlVH ad M MlW.H. at II pjO. I..r MTI.H.tKT. M.IKMV(. 10 p ni. Ir AMVOV ad KKTt'HIKAV HATI'KIUVS. pM. Ir NMCtll SmI MM 111 HKUM MUKI Ol'IK hUMK, VrtlHCitlj. r.tWlMIIK TKAINH l.i;VE rilINC T. IttllltT imii.v Kxcrrr mmhv at iimi.. fr rmx i; ukokiii:. eumiinton. HINMI'Ml. til poloU jilrru 'sada. United Mate. AUENCV AU. OCEAN SII.AMSIIIf LINES, l-ITV TICKH.T OirirK. W THIHM At K fKIN . MIt.KI fhmn- f B.C. Coasl Steaniship Services! Sn.linffR from Prince Runert 1 krti hlk:ui. Wruu. ll mill M.aiy- -Noirmlirr l.'i, Drernibrr I. IX 1H. li.r I. I.'.. In mnumrf. Vktwrla and Srallle . 4. I, lli-rnnlier 5. 19. l-HlvrrK KWf-Ab 1st nutedale. t Itella Bella. " fampttell Klier and Vsncmei eery Irtday. 10 all NlraniaMp Lines. '(.IT. Itev . 1 w .1. Ml .ii...... . . ORl llAHII. uenrrai .imu -..rntr r 4lh lrrt anrt r1 tve- Kiipert. n 1 aniu. Aim iwj, pi p.m. ..I .1 u l-hnne XI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED lor VANCIlUVr.lt, VICTOill halllns nia Irvin irinn Itlnre iTlme Kupert. Kuprn. lf. "a.ion luy. Ilutedale. Alert liny. elc. Ha- MV..Vnt.'Ti(Ti)ttlA. t'..ff Ivtt'-'iVKT' 1"KT MMhOV SIMKmUV INLAM.. . or AI.H'K AKM. ANVtlX STEM AK I Wli AAS lllVt K, Sunday, s p.m. I Sad Avenue. ' . M. SMITH. AtenU n. .,... ...m ... ihi.irl and Srsui Hie, iliruHta lu drstlnatlor. ITlniT Kiii.frt, Hi:. Slid Itstcaite rhe-kfO Sjgjt Market (SELVKl BROS.) Phone 7Giv MEAT FISH, VEGETABLES ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and Immediate delivery Observel-All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fMsh. . f SCALE Of 'charges Te f;io vife hr ite scaie of charges made for reading notice: ' HJrfhJMleeslGOc.'W Cords of Thanka, $2. Funeral NoVlcea $1. Fnnernl Ywpc )0c;iper St. ArRdtew ' Day ScoUiah Dance, Mooae HaUr JIoTeber M. Sale of Work, Decnraber 4. United Church Hataar . IVInce Rupert Piajrer' "tV0 V? the rjzzelJ nucrreY' shop 'has ftne'd' thp dry dock staff, for a month, ! ' . i t -!'.. r , ' ' M Walter flume, dry dock accountant is laid up at hi home aa l: l.nru,t an Injury to-his leg sustained in a recent acchjenL ' jt.. i(. VtF Mra.,Frank Moore and tump. . x.i famiiy. will I Marriage and Engagement jthl8 "W for Vancouver to take announcement! $2. iuP residence. Mr. Moore, who inB. beeir--fuel inspector here for ., 4, .Uie Canadian National Railways ; jfor some u-n yean, has been 4 a Taxi Phone 4- Big.4 Taxi, tf tranf, outh- Dentist. Dr. J. IL Gosse G86. hone Iiutler 45. lb. Milk $5.25 case. The allotment of fire insurance was diacjKHfd at last ' night meeting of t he hospital board and the matter Mas left to, the batik all Brand at MUMtO BROS, tf. comBlitu'; w'th the aZZ..a suggestion Iorte4.thiji awraiajc to 1 on time. vuid raaunt -t The r r . month ly meetiiur ' of I hi- himnt of Atm,.i,-m ii... : (Prince Rupert (eneral Hospital i'w Prlnceas Alic, waa hld in th hospital last - Tpmas Cliff, arrived in lenlng. In tW abaanre of thr. Prt ..at,, 8 o'clock ttiia morning president. James. IL TbompaoH, froai Vancouver, sailing. a .coupj who is on a trip aoutb, the chair of hourg laUr for Alaska. The waa occupiHl by M. M. Stephens. vee' i ' heduled to call here Others present were II. B. Roch- "outhbound next Monday after-leater. Aid. W. M. Brown. Aid. G. noon- ,P. Tinker. Dr. J. P. Cade aBd II. ;W. Birch. managin secretary. The sixth session of the Tuxis j Older Boya Parliament of British ;sMM4Mtttt4 'Columbia will be heJd in the Par- liansent Buildings at Victoria ANNOUNCEMENTS nunng me i nnstmas-New Year .4 Women of Mooaefceart Iegion Wliiat time and laanre. firt Friday of everV moth. . ,t. Baittlsi- Annrverfwrr NevenaW Hi. ' -i? ( fci4d&id&rlJ vemttef 3f Kmert East United Bazaar.. November 29. Sjupper, Snetol 4a e4lMe1ri 'Hal Jffnm-berl. : - lUMaar, io- 1 'H ''ft IT . Mne4 5jni Drive snA Dane. FridayT November 28. Ctmh acation period. Skeena-JIazelton di:tfrict is entitled to send one Owing to small attendance, the meeting of the Eagles" Lodge sailed for last night was postponed and will be held next week. Triutees for the Grand Terminal Club were appointed at a meeting of the creditors yesterday and it was decided to continue the business with the ob-x;t o disposing of Jt as a going coneern. Mrs. Davie and three children of Tororto arrived in the city on the Princess Alice this morn-ing'to loin Mr. Davie who is identified with the staff of Max Heil-Lroner's jewelry store. "DadV. Self, wHp' has been of late, wilt leave on Satur- WUh.a.tial lit f Raaeengara. Oklahoma jn the hope tuui tne cnange win ue Deneite-ial to his health. Mr. and Mra. Ben Self expect to leave in the near future for, the FUn Flon country. Motorship Belllhgham, Capt. J. E. A.nderson, arrived in port at C o'clock this morning from Ketchikan with eight carloads of frozen salmon and halibut for transshipment East over the Canadian National Railways. Hugh Boswell, accountant for the Hanson Timber & Lunber member in. connection - with tbe iPV- who arrived In the city from election of whom W. J. E Barrieilne '"te,rior at the first of the of this city has Wn dwigfcated .v)k' w"l sail tonifeht by the as returning officer.. . .. . .iPrllje Rupert on a holiday trip ti viiMeovner ana other points AML W. ifr. Brown, oMiraan of fh hbuae committtss. raaiorUrl l' 1 Oc hoJtpitkM board taat night ihat TllARRfi IilSMlRSRii Mfae Jean Harrison K. Na Lidj i, . snperlati nf, ' ha.d found' en- . . 4 .. . ket from the Kenwood Mills, The house commiftee w authority to purchase a! bUnketa an were1 required. Uhe ,u"y '""""u price beintf'fo.rx per pair in joUl of twenty-five arraore. The financial statement of "the Prince ior we month montn m of October, uetouer, preaen ted at last night' board meeting St. Andrew Society AnHtaryT AM. C. P. Tber, chairman of the finance committee, showed total receipts of S4.980.16 and disbursements of fi,l 18.26 or a ujiplyjng liquor to Indians ' Stfis. dismissed hy Magi iivenTClymont In elty'wftr and 11. L i h twin oi .s ic s for the year, eti . launng fe past summer iatrate Mt- court ye- WIRELESS HOUSE Rupert Cenertil WotkM 3 fay 20 Structure to be preaen-1 . . Erected at Digby Inland Radio Station WATTS' GROCER SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY .... AND SATURDAY. NOV. 15, 16, 17. JIF "Suds in a Jiffy." ler pkg UOC I KAS- Sieve No. 6. Per tin IJtf CORN Quaker. Per tin ... . in SWANSDOWN CAKR FLOUR Per pkg H8f ROWN TREE'S COCOA tins, eadi ID? FWlll' UUTA-UbUji'a. BROOMS Made itii J$?k. Wi blind. Each ..(...Vi,.... If? SEEDLESS RAISlNSU-8 lba..:tlf SAGO Per lb. . , . . . ... . . .t TAPIOCA Per 1L. . A. . . -. . : .It POUND SULT4NaJh1,0AKB (Reid Bros.') ijer Hj,. . .,..:" FEIiS NAITHA SOAP 5 bars .' 1 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN COMPLETE ASSORTMENT Choice Celery, 2 stks. 2.V California Lattuce. 2 liaaali U5f GrarHfajrft large, Aritoaa. 2 for iI5f Mlrapefnrtt. California, New Pf m. ,.,..:..iW Choice Table Pears, Per-dM. fTMf Tokay Ckwpea, jxw lb. ilttt Poniegrtthftee, h for -."( .-v i... CocpanMteVftlarge.i.. Each-.1. . .U."r Swi rt Spods, per lb. I Of PASTRY 'FIOUR jttld Rose. 10s. Saric .We JELLY P.OWDKR8 Naboh. 4 for .r BEEKIST HONKY 6-lb. pails 8.1c RED PLUMfeVNahth. 2'-lb. tins , liSf BEST JAP RICE 3 llav . . . .25f OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Per tin ..,. FIG BARS Fresh week, whole wheat. PerlU.. ""t REGAL TABLE SALT t.. Per ctn V2r APPLES MlintReds. fancy. 7 lbs . v . ,iOr SINGAPORENEAPPLE Per tin 12f "QUALITY RIGHT - PRICES RIGHT." Phone 55 Watts' Grocery Phone 56 I Hi You Can Quickly Limber Up See, Stiff, Swollen Joints Even Chronic Rheumatic Swell-1 Jint and in jiwt few second it will ings In Knee. Elbow. Shoulder , aud com' or Finger Joints Yield to the1 n carbj i-mantiy kh uu clean n' that can rub It on iti-i.1. t t i r you Mighty Powerful Influence of often and get thereby results much mare JOINT-EASE. (quickly, wtier: ihe Joint is lnnml and i:e dragalst tuts K. Rupert Marine Produta "Ltd.. loading fertilizer for Nr V1t-minster, Union freighter,. Chilli wck. ('apt. W. W. Mo)iwo. moved down to the dry ilock at 8 o'clock this morning and k today loading Terrace cottonwood logs also for delivery to New Westminster. EWART LYNE (Pianist. Capitol Theatre) Teacher of Pianoforte Candidates prepared for Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music Examinations. 100 per cant aucneaaea during the pan thirty years Studio: 2nd floor Federal Blk Phone Red 701 VI -TONE Free Demonstration on Vi-Tooe on Wednesday. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Vi-Tone. pet 1 -Ib. tin . IOf Vi-Tone. per 1 lb. tin 5e Vi-Tone, per 5-lb. tin $.'1M) Malkin's Best Coffee. 2 Ibi. $U a-li- t em n IL.. Ilk rtH f ml-,alaA mAMW ' ' Ground Coffee- 44 "by 20 foot building with 16 Ifoot addition on one aide at the i A lw- r;" loeficit of $1.14. 11 It was point-1 Digby Island wlreieoa station to r'co,,"m lcu- "tr ,u ''"" mA nut tknt It waa raollu lit a I lu I1U4 111 a nsw nnnrsKw hniiw . ' I"1 . !.' Club 'phper deficit, the expenditure for is planned as part of an extensive presents "The Saving Grace" at the month having included pay-! program of Improvements which! jthe Qapitol Theatre, December 10 Tunt.s of large linen purchases, has been going on at the station; THIS WEEK ONLY Mussallem's J BUT UU Sucli a u jwerfu! counter Irrl- iant. it cann-,1 Uol, brin'rig upecdjr and hlfU( rMlUlIH In V'.nv l -m .-, tiir-nt Its low price nwdjf. to be turr, timet aoidi. Uj;i.i.i;. and neuralgia but that down i stop U froni takig ntueti Quicker thur. aUiiot any mnody : the klnbt. laooew or tortwe but of fou eau buy. I our "oubUrd jointo. , But yu xuu,.! renwin'jer that It Is for ' i Joint-Ease la the name, so called be-' Joint afflict:;.!) , thiit It is mostly dls- Ilerbert Porter, well known fur :cue u am pounded soM fer th ptnsed and It helpfulness will astonsh Ifewer, lormerly located in this Just nrt it on tbe tormeated. lame other treatutet.ts have fallxtl city ana now . residing in Van- that th L.wi.-. k. . .'louver, arrived 'ram the south on! .,. .J... Thl. aCternoon'a train, due "'1 nut.. Tte: Jg morma- Tucks Inlet at the pla,t of the irom. Us ,aMt at 3 SO w. M. ,u ageai. ii was ch MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dailr. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. WHAT JS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUR SERVICE PHONE 649 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit ; We have fine Fall and Winter Suitings and Over-I coklincft.Jyi S)nd. Come in i today and iti us take your I measure. i Cutting, workmanship, style, i all guaranteed. ' Best materials and reason- ! able prices. i ; Lin?, the Tailor Phone 6 19 Dr. Alexande thove sis iirvi:K BLOCK DENTIST r S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. Enst ' Phone 8S Dominion Royal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS We have several ettellent bargains in used Cars. Easy Term? if desired Canadian National Steamships i . . . . ... . . Prince Rup,? DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opraili?i I..T.P 20.000 Ton I'liMitlng Dry Dock KiL-Uneeris Machinists, Boilermakers. BUcWamilhs. Pnltei-makers. Founders. Woodworkers. Etc. P.I.KCTIUC AND ACETYLENE W1SI.DING Our plant Is equipped to handle all kind oi ' MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 4S and S85