day, Decrmbtr ! !:v- VPACiriC 1 1 j-ywtfagCTy- jnjj;nr?yriw Tn yirr-'A riMini immi urn n i art, r " ' ; ir I,', -i ; ' ' f.a.-YrfiiWrwnsy -vJmifi XAy-rn Local and Personal News In Brief Perfumes Perfumes THIOD AVE. f. SIXTH ST Canadian N C0TY !: V M IIOUMGANT YARDLEY PIVER ROGERS &GALLET CARON NY BOURJOIS Every 4realfty has Its accompanying perfume. The characteristic of somr pc-ople are suitable to heavy scents, whil- for others itt a faint elusive fragrance. Whatever your in, you cfin get it at Orme. either In a flask or in buHt. Me folks are always correct at the Giving Tim wtth a bottle of perfume. No matter how fastidious your lady be, you can get a delightfully can-l Imttle here with which to please her. For that's Important ! PRICES THIS EAR LOWER THAN EVER yfie Pian 1 Ml Dfttirists CI TtUPHONES Kv20G ATIQNAL Qfte Largcft Railway Syilcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Milling from HtlVCf; KI VKKT lor VAM(Ml:il. VICTORIA. NKATTLE. and hitrmriHat (mlliU, rati I'HIttAY. tiWl a.m. t or H i i:VAICT and AKYOX. Mtrt. VWNHftl)V. 10 :W p.m. lor MIHTII AMI MM TH U.I RKN C HAHUtTIC 1M.AM. tortrriglitly. PAHKEMiKK TRAIN I.KAVR I'klM'E III ltltT vm-h mommy, hi:iiiha a s.r hiiav t ii:m am. for piunce UIMIlKir.. MIMONTON, HINMIISfl, til j"t Eartern Canada. AOmCY AM. WKAS WTKAMKIIIP LINKS City Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave Prince Itupert- Phone 2C0 B.C. Cdast ' Steamsfiip Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Krirhlkan, Hrnr-ll and Mtmwii liw-nnbrr 1. 1ft. M. tiiiiiitturr. Uluria u4 Hrlll N vutbn IS, ItM-diilirr i, 19. MUNCKNH UOTAL Iktirdilf. Ewh IMIa llhv fKf an rail. Namu, Alrrt lUj. all McamaMp Un. lull InRrmatlon from W. ORCRtKII. timml Arrnt. "wiwt itt 4th Htrft 3rd trnr. ITIiw Kuprrt. lit'.. Fhon Si I UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED I Halllnp Irani lrl" Kuprrt. H V.Kit4UK. VH IOKIA. Swarfii Uajr. Ilulnlalr. Alrrl rtc i .w VArai:vi?K.Pril'TmlA. Hulntalr. Alert lw. rtr rrlrtiy mldnttliL I . if AI.HW ABM. ANTOV STKH ABl. W A 1.19 lUMI. PKT .UMIHON. . ii.SSS W,,a"li" TSMITII. An mm Km. KC " Thrvtac IMkrU iwM Vrrturta aiMJ ftlllf. and liajsir rhrrkt -r'itr . r" - ! --J-in - Your Orocrr Recommends It Phorie 2G0; YOUR GIFT SHOP SCALE OF CHARGES The following is the scale of charges made for fending notices: Birth Notices 50c. Carjls of Thanks, $2. funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers tOc Tur name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. ANNOUNCEMENTS A4.4-- Wflrttfn of Moosenenrt Legion Whts'tyrk and Dance, first Friday of every month. 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, Dr. J. It. Gosse. 686. tm citizens of Prtnee Rupei der company representative, was tbe Moose Hall hone Scandinavian dance In Metro-pole Hall, Saturday night, Decerning 8 at 8:30. 289 Tommy's Taxi (Phone G71) announces the placing of a second Dodge Sedan car in business, tf Ewart Lyne (Tlanist. Capitol Theatrs). teacher of pianoforte. Studio 10 Federal BIpck. Phone Red 701. 30C Moose XniiiB Tree, I)ecemler 23. Members are requested to see that their children are on the list Mrs. Janes Dewar, wife of the I United Church clergyman at An-j ye, was a passenger aboard the . Prince, Hupert Players' CIubiC"te afternoon re present "The Savinir Grace" at t the smelter town ftl the Capitol Theatre, December 10 und 11. Eagle's Whiat Drive and Dance December 18. lowing a trip soirHj. Joseph 8. Rogers of the Rupert Marine Products Ltd., who has CaTkadlan Legion Christmas Mrs. Joafc A. Swaneen, wife of Tree Saturday, December 22 from tbe superintendent of the Granby 24K) to 6 p.m. mine, was a passenger aboard the Catala ystrday afternoon re-Salvation Army Home League turning to Anyox fottowimr a trip we December 15. south. St. Andrew's Society Auxiliary Dane December Si, Moose Hall. L. F. Dotes, local piano tuaer, I yesterday afterfieefl. to 11 A. -M. - . ,. whw-ba K! . trin toih. ft PW 'w 7 m uie cwy on; official dmies. inn. .v... n-i-i. Walk Upstairs and Save Money MADAME ANNETTE ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HER NEW LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR STORE At 613 Third Avenue (over P. Burns & Co.'s store). The Ladies of Prince Rupert are invited to inspect her new stock of Dresses, Hats, Lingerie and Shoes Madame Annette has just returned from the East with a fall new stock of the very latest modes. "The Saving Grace" starts at been witripto Vancouver and 815 prompt at the Capitol Theatre Victoria, returned to the city Christmas concert Booth Mem- ! the south on the Catala yes- orlal School, December 18 and 10. ;terday afternoon. tonight If you are not seated by that time, the ushers will not seat , you until the end of the first act. Rush seats 50c. 7.30. Doors open at 290 wa a bx vraiiiui) v-aM v. article on flying on this coast. It is accompanied by pictures of t itkt i , Major D. L. MflcLaren and D. ' S, J. E. Miller, of inspector cus- r- .vLi.. mriet jcarmtronf 0VerBeer foI 17 , r te central division, who has now noon k by tke Catala en Ms return flown 1000 tourfl , fliherieg t v icrorn iter nsTiRg ftpem ; The B. C Gazette announces the jlotte mining di4sion in place of! . IF. E. Salter and Louis P. Codona wir' An op- of Pouce Coupe has been named a passenger aboard the Catala; expected here to load grain. yesterday afternoon going from; Mrs. Louis Behnsen and young Over the week-end, S2 cars of rilDICTMAC C AH lIf,'sent fap'e days in port imprisonment, by Magistrate mc-tnKlolMAj jAlUlVl loading fertiHaer from the plant Clyment in city police court this I of the Rupert Marine Products morning for drunkenness. Susie In order to accommodate those Ltd. and Terrwee cottonwood logs Leighton, Indian, charged with desiring to go south after schools at the dry dock, sailed at 4 o'- intoxkatloh. was fined $15 and . 'osc Friday, December 21, the Ca-; clock Saturoajr atternoo lor tne costa or fourteen onys. .uise nadian National Steamships un-jsouth. .Koevoff, charged with consuming! nounce that on that day the S. S. liquor in a public place, was re-j Prince Rupert will be held ben T. W. Shackleton, Usk hotel mended until tomorrow as was! until C:00 p.m., arriving Vancou-' proprietor, wa able to leave the also Fanny Miller, charged with vor at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, Decern-! local hospiUl on Saturday after intoxication. j ber 2S. Make reservations early ' having spent wk in the In- at City Ticket Office. Third Ave. etitottnn stflferlng from Injuries Union steamer Catala. Capt. i A BEAUTIFUL SELECTION OF EVERYTHING IN THE MOST Suitable Gifts for Xmas Make Your Choice Early! 93 sustained whan two men attacked James Flndlay, arrived ia port him in his Iwer parlor and left from the south at 1.80 yesterday this morning for the interior, afternoon and Balled at 8 p.m. for Tbe two men are to be giren pre- Anyox, Stewart and other north- limhiary t Terrace on ern points of call whence she will charges of assault. ! return here tomorrow morning land sail south at 8.80 p.m. Pas- Mrs. Wymaa of Vancouver and Behgers coming north aboard the her slstur, Mrs. James of Vic- Catala Included: ,P. Brentien and toria, whojkava been visiting at j. Dudoward, for. Port Simpson; tfnttlton Mh Mrs. Wyman'e son.jx. A. Jobnslone, Mrs. F. JnVMa-Provincial Constable George Wy- hon. C R. Cocks, J. J. Donald- man, who is in the hospital there Bon L. F. Coles, C. G. Barber, suffering from injuries sustained b k, Kelly, J S. Rogera, Mrs. when he wtos attacked recently 'a. Kelson, Mr. Samuels. J. A. by two drunken Indians arrived Uoivin and W. Wallls, for Prince in the city from the interior oft Rupert; Mrs. L. Behnsen, Mr. yesterday afterneon'a train and UcMahon, G. R. Bancroft and will sail tomorrow afternoon by Morley Shier, for Stewart: Mrs. the Catalu on their return south. jame8 Dewar, Mrs. W. .Black- Constable Wyman Is making sat- Urn nnj Mrs. J. A. Swanson, for isfactorv reoovery from his in- Anvox. atid F. K. Iach, f ir juries. Alice Arm. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert L. W. Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Baillie. Joseph S. Rogers, C. R. Cocks and J. J. Donaldson, city; T. W. Shackleton, Usk; A. Knight and Leslie J. Mart n, Yesterday's magazine section of the Vancouver Sunday Province ma' ? "? U"' Blnta' nntntn. an (t0rMHnW n fcmitfaers; J. E. Kelly, Edmonton; 1C. G. Barber and Mrs. A. M. ;sne8, Victoria; J. A. Boivin, Winnipeg; D. W. Davis, Washing- ' ton, D. C. Central M. McLaughlin, Stewart; Horace Samuels, Vander hoofs T Green and It. Blomquist, Van- nver. Koyai C. B. Flewin and G. R. Brown, k'i-w. ! H. Portejr "Mdacouver; Mrs. A. - e ! well known Warke Canal aalamn ii f t i i.. M. Jame and Mrs. F. M, VV dinaviiw atMpiees was held Sat-ift,ninK PTtor8, wfll aaH by the jn.tksof the peace. W. . Wmp-1 " V,ctori; 3 MulvIhilL,Ste'. iirHfiw' MtrU; Ut t-i 'Catala tomorrow afternoon oh t... ...u art. Hall, a large crowd being in at-!their "" ' trip to Vantou- reCorder for the Queen Char- tendance. ver. i J. A. Lindsay and party madej ROALD AMUNDSEN, a trip to Port Edward at the portunity to commemorate the 'a notary public week-end on the Irene U. and ; acnievementa of the IteGaptain brought back about twenty duoks. Roard Amusdsen wfll Savoy Pederson, Usk; S. J. city. u?adiM- ymltw Frlnae RnDtrt Wick- xti ot.t i i n i. i . from WoodwOftn Lke tor various miwjr, wmi auuwn (WW- iruj, unsnunr it ai o p.m. iu no aavirej up xo ims nraming as; . : ... , ,i All welcome. It to when the next ship might be ! u""v'" YTZZ: H" , in inc o. v. wumn. , Percy C. Miller has received intelligence of the death i Vancouver for the Dart few prairie, and over two hundred , . Charles R Cocks, who- has been week&. were paasengers aboard carloads were reported this mor- holidoying in Vancouver and Vic- the Catala yesterday afternoon ning td west of Jasper lark torift, returned from the south on returning to their borne in Stew- bound here. the Catala yesterday afternoon .irt. Mr. Behnsen is a daughter :a and is now planning on making of nd Airs. W. J. Crawford. Owing id Mrs. Friaell's contin- a trip east 1 ued indlsgbsltlen. Rev. J. R. Fri-i ; i , I A charge of false, pretenses ell. wh -has relinquished his STE MSHi? .L. uNTS -rrc j G. R. Bsncroft M. E. was a against Ben Srff bi connection duties aSpastor of First' Pres-j passenger aboard the Catala last wih V mnrtisaira hatwiwn himaelf bvterlan Church, is still undertain i,. ,-. . evening going tnrougn irom van- jr, Nations has been as to when he will be leaving fori couver to Stewart where he is adjourned until Wednesday in the south. Mr. Frtoeil's suctes-j consulting engineer for the Mar- cjty jH cwrt. E. F. Jones, city sor for a month. Rev. John Suth-j mot Gold and Northern Light ,ni,u- in nmMnUiu and Mr nrUntl of iiew (ilauraw. Nova properties. Canadian national HOLD STEAMER FOR Self fe. condBoUn wi 'ow n de ,acDtl4, WBduedbh first ser- -J vices yelterflayvvCy Union tfHtfMer a ifjhllHwaric, Joseph Jiooreiwa flfrsd $. Cs)t. W. W. 4founc,after hang -wfth thetMn ef thirty days' in London, Enrland, of his broth er, Duncan Arthur MHlec after a week's illness with pneumonla.1 He is survived by a widow andj two children. .s:so pi . . . . ajn. ANOTHER DEMONSTRATION ON Vi-Tone WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY A full line of Xmas Candies, Nuts, Fruits and Delicacies await your inspection. A. fresh shipment of St. Ivel's Xmas Puddings now on hand. Mussallem's 617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 j Application of the city of ; tVffiiVEffhtf $$KW$ljtf& I Prince Rupert to the provincial I - - - - be are, . Offices iot thalberta Wheat rovernment for approval of Us W tuperl 6 4eol-. Prlnll Ru?eVt elevator had ?" he J?" of W,at?r' E HAVE A VERY FINE SELECTION OF SWEATERS FOR LADIES AND LADIES' HOSIERY In ProFusion, at Prices That VU! e-irrrlse- You. Our 1 m OF SALES n&trz oiism n' 'midnight ;v is STILL PROCEEDING Dee it--. Pruwwa Mary pJ - anr$mrt au.'day Sk. OStrta . ytrtnaatar m. . ft, fTinaj m umravna p-" Dec 15 . PrtacM Mry .Moon Die 3 m. Prtaeaaa Mry Noon rt vrt simpi and Nai RlTtr- vnaa - Ostaia S p.n ITivm IMr Slmpoon and Naai Ktrrr TiHwday a. OataH It ?0 a Jn I'M ftrwart, Arm Frtdaya-ei. PrtOM Rupert . ...pjn. ftn (Horn rharlottr lna Dec. 16 m. Prlaee Ofer)p ... .10 pa. Mc. IS at. Prlnot CtMlrle ... .10 pjn. rrom (Jaen Charlotte lulandn- Dec IS Prtnw Cbariei ajn. Dec. ST a Prince Chtfle am lor Alaska Dec. II . Prtneaaa Mary Noon Dec. S i. rrlneeee Vtary Noon from Alaaka Dea. 19 t. Prlnoe Mry pin. piving You an Opportunity P-1'.. in Tiirrhnsp anairtklOJO. a tsSW' Pmnlrr. Anjo and Alh CLOTHING tpit MEN AND BOYS AT SACRIFICE PRICES e w brought Montreal priewt rince Rupert, the appreciation public has been shown in Sundays, oatala pm )e wednndaj-ai Prlnr Rvptrt to pjn.Wf increasing sales month after I month, mmi Ktrwart, I"rW-r, An)o and Alice j S;, oauu Oatal 11 mo. JO ajn. YOU ALSO WILL APPRE- CIATE OUR PRICES Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE City Meat Market (SELVIG BROS.) iri Aenue Phone 765 MEAT FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF -NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and Immediate delivery Observe! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. Is' 1 fa i