WEAR OUT Is damp-proof, vermin-proof and a perfect insulator, ensuring cool in summer and warmth in winter. Albert &McCaff cry Limited Phones 116 and 117 ROWE'S Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and Gravel Roofing Galvanized Roofing Chimney-Topa Have Troughiog Conductor Pipe Roof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Pipe and Elbows Metal Roofs and Siding Phone 340 Rox IG7 Trappers ! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldhlooni Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, and lynx We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot, wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, If you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom The Trappers' Friend." :. Second Avenue Worlj'n Record Strain BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS front pens of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders' Ass'n. of B.C. Birds with Official Records under Government Inspection. White and Brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, R.I. Reds, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, lilack Minorcas, Blue Andalusian Order Now. Reasonable Prices. Far Price List write Secretary, Prof. Lloyd, University of B.C., Vancouver, B.C. Radio Radio A well as special icing on the No. IT Radiola. w wish to draw your attention to the Rsdtola No. 10 It U another of the UO-tO-date. last six months modeia, a s.x tube receiver. Price, lew Radlotrona S WMM Price, with Radlotroru .. flltS Price, complete with Radio-trans and 100. A Loudspeaker glAS.1t I . W. ( IIAMIIXK Exclusive Wholele Dealer for Rati tola Office: II. Sixth St. IMl 64S rrlnee Bnpert. lie. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage i'hone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Di8triiutin(. Team or Motor Survice. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In I'lnnn and Fumlturv M i vlng. O V; In. I Fnim Vre In NEW OFFICERS LA ROSE MINE KAI TH AI.I.Y Xi:V M.ATB OF IHIUX TORH tXMTMl T ANXI AI. MFFT-II. II. ItCH IIMTF.lt. I'ltl:-SIMKXT Practically a new x"t of director aa elected at the annual meeting last evening of the Alice Ann-La Roee Mine Ltd. Mile Donald. Joseph Wella and Dr. W. T. Kergln, original owner of the property, have, dleponed of their Inter -esti and a number of new men bough'. into the company. The new officer are ai followa: President II. B. Rochester. I Vlce-preetdent llax Ilellbroner. Serreurj-Tremrarer E II. Mortimer. Dlreeton Fred Brown. NeU Porbes, S. C. Thornaon. Xltlton Oonzalea and Jas per W. Nation (St. Francis Hotel. Van couver). Anotlier meeClBg of the director! was held this morning for the purpose of dlscuaalAf plana for development during he coming year. MRS. RESNER HEADS LEAGUE (" tTHOLIf HOlllIN i:i.ET OllU'KH HIK VKAIt WITH MKH. (IIIJ.IS VirE-l'llliKlUENT The Catholic Women' Leagwe h Uected of fleers for the year as foil v- : Prertdent Mra. Oiler Beaner. ! Pint Tie. president Un j. J. V.uiis Second Wee-president Mrs. j 1 Balls. Third Vice-president ur. Wttfrui uratton. Recording Secretary Mrs. Do Marro Cormpondlng Secretary Mrs U.,r Comadlna. Treasurer tlaa Uary A tori. PRESENTATION MADE TO NEWLYWEDS LAST NIGHT AT SURPRISE Bocae forty or so Knight of Pythias and their ladles formed a surprise party last night on Mr. and Kra. Jack Bulge: 43 Fifth Avenue Wo 1, who were re cently married. The evening wa spent moat enJoyaMy In card playing, song and music and delightful refreshments ere served. A pleasant feature of the proceeding wee ttw preseaiftton toy R M. Daggett, on behalf of the Pythian Lodge, of a fcattidaome silver-mounted china tea set to Mr. and Mr. Bulger Ajspropriate waHdt were apoken by Ur Qaggstt in aaaUng tbe prvesntatlon and by tfr. Bulger In responding: Mr. Bulger la peat rftanceilpr eoeaaaander of the looal todgw.' Mrs d. c Mcnae; ladiaa- eonaolstlon Mr Miller; men's first. C. J. Stevens mens consolation. Fred Uarton. SPEAKS ON INSURANCE M. M. HTI IMIF.HH rilVICH lllllKaWN MR- lOltE It UTAH. MCltrilWTK I.AHT HVUMSd M M. Stephena addreaaad the Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association at the regular monthly dinner meeting last night on the subject of Insurance He xpuke on the principles of Insurance. It purposes and the method of setting rute. The speaker gave some Interesting comparison of rates prevailing here and at Ketchlksn. President D. C. McRae was In the chair and business otherwise was of a routine nature. Aid. P. H. Luwey v elected vice-president to sueeeed the late C Murray Fuller and a program com me consisting of Q M Munro. Sen Morgan and O A. Bryant was named V4 ... MAii , 4J (Mil. w,. . ... v n ivm v iww ,iu(Hiin v I u - ture meeting. Edward O. Brown, well known Van couver mining mr who is heavily in teres ted in the Mohawk mine near New Haselton. arrived from the south on the Prince Oeorge this morning and proceeded to the interior by train . Archdeacon O. A. Rlx left by this moinlnr-'N trnln for a brief trip to Tr race. Cft Drl tHifivi MWVtJ clears 3 throat CLYNE HEADS TENNIS CLUB KKfl IEU virr.-PRr I v I o IHF.O SMITH HKCair : I'KO. TV.!. John V. Clyne wa ele the Prince Rupert TV annual meeting of which was held ye- ; .he city cou.ic Will: i'n : Cnilkshank. pre 's years declined for that offlf as follows: Vloe-P-- ec'r'. 1 j ilM! f K 1 ! - j ii'f DON F. IN SENIOR CITY RiU'iRD SERIES! S P M 1 nrrl I . i'A ; 1 1 ' J ! I - L' 1 . : - V in w 1 .;., .. ' i.:t!r .1, ' ' unit a. - STTlWMtT ICff. Geo: Sweet 0 II ' ALWAYS LINE Vancouver alactrlckl concern. Is Installing an electric automatic cold storage plant In' one ol the local butcher chops. I The Dunwell mine will comment-work again about the first of Ap-il. I-it announced by R M Sr. van. d:c'.-dent of the coiniuy. u-uo lias i:r from Victoria n?comp::iietl i- the -pany' engineer. M: :!! rv hi';;e I' . intended to continue the drift on the Ben All ebowlng pi well or ?arrv on development In the old Dunw?ll workings. W-(1 is IK here to the effect n..' 'he Sllv. Co. Uil h:i ;'!' fully roup of Seat c ')u-.in' :i. ! kers anU thiit elnpraent will weather per-if a thorj.rih ropery. The : old lii.':itlon i !u S:: ! ;r Idaho l,!ll F K C. :lna trip to , ! Mrs E Ilaild nnd Mrs. J m,a' .:: . ouU. 1 M: - J M ( n. M.iiiM'll.' . i . 1,1 lit ' f0Uoll!l i'. ' 1 i-i: ill Vall'M.. ps to pre-flre 1 1 i in pel ,li etulp- .nil I'cte W.,;i.e M N resldent of S i'aii: ; ;p it: Ik..' m. 1:1- , Edini,iitu!i lere. , '1 Ml ' r. Otore ck f ;r a liver Is '. 'sil lliy 11, M'll ! r. M-s. J.itm Mirrn 1 H;:: : '.Vi! .1 - !ara it by ' . '.V.,h . V P.. of lie d. now i" iMK 1m,' K ! I . 1 Void hus i),. 1 that .en HIM) 1, .,11 1 : 1 -, a for ' ' i 1 ( irv.'Vl ' : k : : mot M-- h ,.: p-vv Ion Dreams ' QWHBT DREAMS are J sum aa rean it von sleep in one of tkes fascinating confections! May Belle nightie and prismas are mad from our lovely lockstitch rayon, lutnrioualy soft and fine and ta all the beloved paste! shde' flato or hand painted. Many eWiiantful style are obtainable and all are inexpenaive and give long. Satisfactory wear. Look maUt all rayon lin-tn for the May Belle label when thottoiaa; for yourself r little gffl. Onurlo SOxnif, ' Limited Teepnto,' , r ' da Xinciede WITH THE MODE MM V ante dm For Sale DAILY For ReU 2 per wnrf' in WANTFf) rot i ' .-tl i)'." find hv'h'Wii K .'1 i r-:k in !Ure. Ap:l) Mr"! !:.; ru:- 'i.f.-.re. 76 WANTED--FURNITL'RB OF AIL crip 1 1 jus. HlpheH prices paid "" cesh. Phone O. Dawes. Black 1PD FOR SALE FOR SALE.-- FRUIT AND CH'CXM Rat.c'i. 20 acrra, 6 acres i;rd r ul. v.-.t:n. 10J prcd ici trult tj, lu-ii-e bvc b..rn: t v.i m'.V' :r in T-ra--. r.o')'. ; m,. .: -ut.nd. : Tin Ur Ltd ' HETTINO ECK8 II .( PK't 3ETrlN( frcm tred-to-lay thor 'ir .,r-i-: s." Lent irn and Bnrred R.-e. R.O !' "itocl; The Royal Fur : I P -.iltr Rait. h. Pacific. B.C. ' ( fJJ NEWSPAPERS MAY BE VSSD I"-stt.irt e.f building paper - f !y be m:. !h carpets 01: the Urnir i Ff ial pr.ee on laic iuantltie: Da ly New .:t;.sk.hats- -now fcooKiNn ordi-r '" f.i;.ii.,er and fall d.'l'.vety. 'fines derk muskrnta. The P iyt! Fur and Pctiltry Renrh. Pac flc. liC. 01 FOR SAIE - SOME OOOD BVTB IN 'rdi n,: b'-ata. packer, s-.d nelntr . Ser Fied. Northern F.r.eh :i;;e. C Bn'- tl FOR SUE. tiURNKY OXl ORD HANOI two tlld oak Hhi-ery t'llei am' mdf,w blir:. Phi. re 702. 74 . TOR SALB. 28-40 hp MARINE OAS engine 200 cih Fh..ue Rod 41C rnii nln 7fl "(MT.v I AP.AR WH.TON CAB pet for Sale. Apply lu.'n Da'.i New. t ' FOR 6AI E - PIANO, HEATESt AKD Kitchen Table. Phone Clrren 947. POR SALE - MAYBE1X TENOR BAHJ'"' 2000 Pnone Black' 4? 7." 1.! Ciii-.Hiln haa presentrd the Stewart .'ubllc ecliool with twelve vo.times ol the standard wcrk cu the hungry o! Canadt: eiulilrr! The M.!:cu of Cn- dJ." The Primler Ilr.rder On Mining C1 . ; ;d. 1.111 ! u iv.cj.t.. r.iieii with a fx.m'iu. n chuvi r f-.r th? purpose ol .-rvtloplnp tn,. Bordir and Virginia ..'I'm s'l'oinuig the' international boundary line In the Salmon Mm 1. nil, - uiiotit eleven miles from Hyoar. 7 he board of director couslata of: Err.nt 8. Parker, Winnipeg, president: William V TdJliis. Winnipeg, secretary-treasurer; William Bunting. Hyder, C A MckeniMl' U.Z.. Vlctt rj., site 9. 3. r-rc'oi-d, M.E., V.ini jU .' : wlfti-enniT.eer. Th- D.imlr.!o:i Trlritraph hii-. decld-d :o o)en Ik loci'l n.Tl',. ', r liU!iii .- ' 'r- m !0 to 10.30 p m . .: .i.iln eviM- I ii, 1 ..' Jie ek I Miss n thine hue iiti d from "ic m!i - v t w. h her !ter. Mi II H A Hento i, f rmeriy iil"iit'f!'"l w h the ': Mlxiurl hp- In -le.; tl.f r un. ,r the fo-t r't f ':min :iver er fr.-tr Dm W:.. dip. -re r..r f! ivrier aid will oimrnei.ee v prnp-'v nhfi'it "-e tl:-: f '1. " prv,.erty has nl.-n-dy r e-1 .-ed c ! r- oble develormei.t an-l ore hi-, h. en r'ert i; Ihk fOO pee t in. 1 j I-u-.te P!T'!avif.n Ih In the 1V .v.-rr !-,(- i H-iiitii xiifTe'lrg ffu-ri h..r-" e- 1 1 -! ,n rrrr,lef :f. ALICE ARM , W. J Duke spent acvc-ul dny In j Apyox .ls.t neck j I . " Novintn Frner. mmmfe" of the IN - iern-; Mine, rf'iun'd to Ah .- Arm ifn M-mrtav fre-m P.-l-re rutie-t -aI...... 'ho attended the annual meeting ,i ti,.i i e. ir puny. I A Andii.M'm hnn 'v 11 :i; '' 'inr here f, r the pr llli .1 .I ri Meenirh, owner ,f i! ' . . fir nh'i' 1 , -1 --il I'1 - 1 . tec, 1.' 'y .11. , ... Thro ' ' ' ' le 'Jf.Mr r " THE, DAiL'i Ka.Vo V'.V I BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM P aster -. IP IT voy oonT Wmt l B COU-V THEf?feJ-JEFlRV) h ,,rf: psr-S- WHAT (T Or I'M JN! Te.RRlBLF. e.'t '.AF. -MS , ' -ji MAuOMt ME t-OOK ICK I J$j a ' ail YOO'l PEET FY; : L'.KF- I .0 V , - j .i . N IN IT-- ' V r Kfi! DOCTOR-VC - , f.. r I 1 - - . ' .. v, : r"o vi' f- Nlr-""t . o CO TO A Hv emoucw to nAKio to J "jlgfri'jr - .; rp vrr-r HEAD PEL-A6HTi H r ArvJD OF ir?ON AMCXr-jO IT-MX Wall Board MUSCU.r VC -VSSTiFF VA" TO Mt". A DOCTOR- ensures a lifetime of satisfaction r V A'a'STf.F.L-; when used for walls l j v V 1 ' tr-.r-v ... I r and ceilings.; fits true and stands firm daring the '1 of the building. 117 9 CRACK . ' B iviuii won i CRUMIILB ItUKN or KBS CLASSIFIED ADS. ti aVvurce. No Aveilitemenl taken fc leai than 50i YOU ; Mi N'T FOR RENT FUHNlSllBn APART- r'e;,t-s. four rooms 1.1 nd baii. Water paid. Phone 547. tf 1 FOR KENT FURMSHEO HOUSEKEEP- rih ami by tH.e day. week or month IV VUil 007. OH Ttl NT ROONfB WITH Oft WITH- i o"' .rd. Central location. Phone illue !S3 ttj OR REJJT. -- FPRH19HED HOD8E-' keep! i room Apply Muiuwlleui GixKrery. Ol'R ROOMIT) iff": SF. FOR RENT: ! i.fl "iKl w t-r. Phone Red SSt ' AUCTIONEERS. - - tfivff: ttl P5-HT AH'TIDM MART Federal Block Purnl'nre of all kind-, bought, aold or exchanged. I cm Hng and packing done Clot d sold en comanlasion (i. J. DAWES, I A in tloneer. P sense 4M compittimo 8CAIHS ?cai.eb. mkatI l!cer. cheeve cutters and cabinet. . , . ment c!oppert. ' (vffet- mills, cavsh reg- . , I ; !: ters ,nd -enriut hutlsr mlUa Ex - 1 .... , viri . 'rjetj, Ni'vr eised or rebuilt n-aC i .,e F.i termn c.r caxh dU- I count THE SCALES SHOP I.TTf. I Ci.rtliva It.. W.. VaneAner BT. t CkMTI'ftR ANIJ RANGES ...... (fTTP.FlEt.D SITTSB. BEDROOM Hii.'i ninnui.Sult s. Kitchen Tablet. , r.-1 :rtoiti'n ana unoteum 1 n-i. CrretB Bl id. Curtain Reimvr Coil')rings and Mat'resae. Ph" ' :,!!,, Cret-,r.n V.'mdow Curtain SO' We have still a few mat left thi Id price A. '(trEWTfE. FIRMT1BE "hone 7TV (HIMNRY SWEEP M. 4. 7,1 MKEHB Oearral iiendy Mia nimacea and B'nt oaaed and Re paired Chimniea Swept Cemetery Flo- Cued For Phone Rel IMS Prince R apart. BC EXCHANGE NEW An ar.f ONO HtSII n BJMTT ixiucht and srld md exchanged Flayer Flano and Two Cash Rentiers In atoek PtPtnOPIIMI WAR4B OTfl Third Ave. Hinor'tAmc DR. R. B. ET9I.PNO!. . CblmnrnrW ? Third Avenue i,..,.,,r , ,r pprintment now to Blue 5 Ih'-sldrnee phone Dlsek Mt. F-e -ill mad arranged. Melo voiir annolntmeut HOW. PRIMCE RITPERT TID88 e - eaoa44 TIM "SIM V. Mtllfll W h 7 M e m. iro ft. jT'i ti .'!i! pm. ta 118 m. io. T1:0 p.m. j - rt'lntv. MlH K Mi' h 0 U am. 18 0 ft. M:S4 pm. I1J " 1 .'iw 3 01 a.m. 10.7 " ic 01 pm. 5.i " T1IV MARCH H Hluli .,. ri:2i a.m. Ul ft. i B8 31 pm iaa lew . 4 2S n m. 9.7 " 11 39 o.m. 8 .9 " Pri.e n it . Milling .. 9M Ml I'r v V, .y V!i..rf 10.00 MO OTP. Stitlnn ..I'.V.I.... lO.Of,' ' MU .'.f.VXKl.... 11 -Ht4 ''! ' ,V 2s(9H .,.).... .,.).... 10.l lO.lf a.4C B.0 'l'il A"i 4: P.i'trm At 10. IB I.4A 1 A , .V (I'll 8. 'lO.lfl 9M f. l Oi.e collection only, aa pin rtj.m. CN R. TRAINS 1 , he r.lt '1 tv. inefiy, and Saturday i ''II I'D a.m. tr, 11, 11,,. .s( . t i-,ird,-yn, td. Sundays ut ,1 in j. in rt t CTPiMCinn , ' UlCHlflJIilr lli for Vanennrr Hunday ... Pr , , Tueaday ih c.i..; Thursday- ss .. Frldoy Pri . Batirdi.y s c.i April 4 m P-.r April 15 . P::r, April US lo Pr.-, rntra Vaneimter Bundav s c.n Wedncsd Friday 1 Friday I- Saturday 1" March 31 - l-April 11 . p: Aprn ,. ; raw Fort Mlm n.... ptidny , i,rl. hvm Ftirt tliiiw,n Saturd: 1. Fair Vny Suiid.., w r .- Wednel,v r yiwea nn Tuesday C . Friday w .. . . For Meeiari .mil ! . Sunday- c-v Saturduy P- Mranrl iuul I'' Sunday pi ruefjay ' ( lFe Qwefi r harlot 1 April 7 Pr : April 21 v p "" 'h"'' Ajrl, AprU ,0 . p,. far lak- VsMlnrt t r March 3! M Pr April 11 - S 1"! April ai s- J r ,pram Ataafcn Thurvly , p. April 4 1 Pi April 1' April as I'm MAIL SCHED !!! AFHII i Far the Rl Mondays, Wedr. closes 'From the i:at. Tuesday Thur-i: I due Ta taarcNtver Sundays Tuesday .. Tbtiraday BBtttrday ... CP A AprU 4. Treble, Monday" , Bftttivdsv .. Sunday ... WesHMBdny Frtftiiys . Satuntsya CFJt.--March 31 tl. Trains. Sunday. T, day Ta Any ami All. shMMsys ... vT441etlay .. FMA1 Ani, Alice tr, Tuesday . . . TtraratUy Far Wawart and Pr t i mnday Saturday . rraaa Mewarl and " "Attulaya TitaMayi Tn Saas IV , r Poim -Friday Prnea Mas Rhrr I'"1" Saturday Ta Alaska Paints Mhreta Si. A?..t i frees Alaaka Pnini- Abm 4 IB and ir Ta Qatra fltarietie at.. ,1 I'"' Anitf T and t rtasji flaeen' rharlofi-AprH 5 and 19. tHTTF.ll IM '' 1 Oraham i Attin Ave 1st Ave. ft Hih St ; flth Ave Xt Pulton St , : 8th Ave A; Thomp'"" ., IHh Ave. A HnerbrtKike Uth Ave A: Oonrnd Oth Ave. Ii Hay ' 11 .,1 6th Ave. & lleyt. ' ' 1 8tll Ave A Oittim Uth Ave Ar Ore. , 6th Ave'.V Mi U'