i..;. . November 26, 1028 0 Nrth?rn Pacifc Terminus of the : Ca radian National Railways Prince Rupert has three of the urealesl things in the world Tiie Largest Fish Cold' Storage Plant The Li'gest Fresh Halibut Market Ike Largest Undeveloped Hinterland The City or 1'rime Rupert has a payroll of cunsiderahle derived from: RAILWAY SHOPS RAILWAY OFFICES ' DUYDOCK AND SHIPYARDS GRAIN. ELEVATOR fv. & PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT OFFICES ' COLD STORAGE "IflSII PACKING HOUSES ; ,H . JQJLERY AND FISH REDUCTION PLANT SALMON AND HALIIiUT; FISHERMEN UMON CANNERIES LUMHER MILLS MINING TRAPPING AND FURS R if The Brain export business of Prince Rupert is steadily do-'Ulopinjr., Last year about eight million bushels- of grain was -'lipped through the terminal elevator and this year promises to ;,i e;tly exceed that mark. The City owns its Power, Light, Water Supply and I In uliii)tlc ir fvrflllnl. v Roads are paved and concrete sidewalks are being laid. P'UNCE RUPERT IS ONE OF THE COMING COMMERCIAL CENTRES OF THE PACIFIC COAST, THE PRO-II ABLE OUTLET OF THE GREAT PEACE RIVER COUNTRY, AND SURROUNDED BY A RAPIDLY DEVELOPING TERRITORY hr1 Prince Rupert is the logical site of a customs smelter which w utile serve the mines of Portland Canal, the Hulklcy and Skeena . allcys and coast points. THE DAILY NEWS is Prince Rupert's recognized Daily Newspaper .n. UK .Id TIIE DAILY N2lW3 PAGK FTVa ' The Vitality Food osr Siaappy Weather CANADIAN DOCTOIi.- JSiT SCOTTISH HOSPITAL The photograph shows a few of trie Canadian doctors who visited Glastrow to study hospital conditions and tuberculosis treatment at the Ruchill Hospital, Glasgow. Dr.. T. H. Elliott (centre of picture without hat) President of the Canadian Doctors Union, is talking to a patient. silibKi. .. NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. PRINCE GEORGE Iti. Mnif;.tt made another .rip to Eimonton last week for r:e: a) treatment He was ac-ompanied by Dr. Carl Ewart Larry Canty, who la associated with the InReuika Miaes Ltd. and the Finlay Land 4 Dewlopment Co., was a business rjptor in own tast veek. r.?; All fixtures re iuici on wiflr h- cirei .-illation Jn Print. .rriwd and Ma; tates th&t t e worl .on shcraid oe com Ji" nest two weeks tiiu;ou power service' inicc'VHl VH an apnea I linen and lospita! purposes. Mis LUliaB' tli office rformeVll connec hting in be eld blankets for nr. c. . tt iUHpnsefjii open a tea room therein. Negotiations are now pending whereby one ot the old established general stores in Smithera will have a change in ownership. and and Mrs. w. J. UNelll son, Billy, have returned to Smither from Vancouver where- Mrs. Mr Neill's mother recently nac away. In spite of show, rain and othe adverse weather conditions, th; roads throughout the district are holding up well and auto traffic is still general at a tirw when the majority of the highways art usually cloned for the winter. Olof Hanson was a busines. visitor in town last week fror. i'rince Rupert. He has been re-eiving general conjfratulntiom n his election as the Liberal fe 1 i h I candidate. TERRACE Mrs. T. J. Marsh was at honu the UdKs of the comn. unity on 'ri(ay afternoon and wis assis--cd in receiving by Mr. Marsh' tisters Mn. Bredin of Grande I'rairie Alta. and Miss ilursh of Lindsay Ont. Autumn foliage nnd berries were used to good effect in decorating. The tea table was presided over by Mrs. A. VV. Ilobinson. vhlle Mrs. Gilbert poured coffee. Assisting In serving were .Miss Deacon, Miss Kerr, Mrs. Dover and Mrs, Brum-mitt. Hetv"on forty and fifty ladies called c'uring the ufternooni . Jas Nelson returned daring the past week from Vanaourer where he attended the pv2&clal Conservative AsocistiouMMBiru tion. m J. V. Graham spent in Prince Rupert this past Ft. t 4ay wwk T. E. Brooks left atrain fo I Prince iiuptrt en Thursday a:i returned on Saturday, accompa:: :ed by Mrs. Brooks. Chas Lindstrom and childii of Remo were in town Saturday. The Terrace School Board hav granted pemiaalon to Mis French A. L. C. M to use one o the rooms of the public schoo i after school hours for the purpose of organizing a rhythmic orchestra. e have ; pv. . i v p, me village cuwouhiuucib luiyt: . posted notice of a public meeting Installat- - ..... ,! . on . . witmn .. . i it th con- con""er lne leMin oi proviamg av- Thc -Worn r n'' kliici M iV to tti a more aaequaie supply m waier for the town of Terrace. J. A. Miliicbanp of Vancouver :T:m.JCeor.r" Heipltaf is mak-i Pf- for donations of 01 n, Penoaicai visits. i Two good exhibition ftMt of basketball were played on .-$$M i Friday nfcht, the men's pm& be-linr conceded the best evjfcjlsyed in Terrace. The team f tffatives High in proteins, vitamins and bran to keep up j cv energy attd zest. Tsry it with hot milk on cool mornings. For dinner, the -whole wheat wefer, TRISCUIT Made by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co., Ltd. a-SSaVSSBWSSjaMMSM1 SfWS -WmSBSWISBBBSSBSBBSBBSSBBSBSBSfSSSSaSaTaTa OIITA'N1- I AC i)la -;ti M-Iitni'iR. AN "AUTOC.KAPH- OF LidH'l N"''(, YL:i ;:) l. electrical engineer, has 'tevi.sed an instruT.o i :i record everything necessary for the analyst, of Landis, Sask. were visitors here Falls River; John Hohlin, (In: during the pastweelc. Kelland, Jim Marshall and G. HOTEL ARRIVALS leased tk nwnn iur . Prince Kuoert ed b' ! score of 38-28 and the hih tchool Dr. ard" Mrs. R. G. Large and w,"ter.m sent the tora ladles' ttamjehilrf. Fort su-pson; ueorge s. down to defeat the score being Clark, S. J. Parkinson, C. Wlnton 21-7. In the men's game A. Holm- j Thompson and E. A. Magel, Van- wood succeeded in making 17 of.couver; S. H. Pullan, Toronto; J. the 28 baskets, while Miss MonnlMWeil, Telkwa; Mr. and Mrs. fiMla drove home 18 out of the! Owen Jones, Hayspoft; L. W. 21 made by the girls. There was a good attendance of spectators. Mr. and Mrs. A. Westman of Oughtred. Nelson; W, TWAh. . nowise, Edmonton. Reyal W. Trites and W. F. C. Draney. Forrow, city: Raymond Watvn L. A. Pt'ck of Prince .Rupert .and Claus Alne, Digby Ia:a.id; was in (own at the end week. of the j Edward Hall, HaieJton;. C. Lind and G. Moffitt, S-mithers; W. McKay, C. N. It.; J. Glenn, Prince George; L. Mullen, Winnipeg. Savoj Charles Toombs and Charles T. R inker, Port Simpson; J. C. Dean, Bilimor; J. L. Patterson and R. Fuller, Vancouver; R. G. '.-ningham, Port Esaington; B. J. Rands, Endako. Central James Jack, Port Simpson and Ban Bonrgein, Port Simpson; J. E. Rostrom, city; A. Shelf ord, Wistaria; E. A. Magel, 1 i . . . . TO BFXOML IMIKNF.KS MONT.-: CARLO This exclusive photo shows the quaint, fourteenth c entury town of San Julian de I.oria. one t tho many beauty spots In the tiny republic of Andorra, now about to become a Pyrenees Monte Curio. .The little principality, lying high In the mountains .batwwsu Fra nee and Spain, has l.. quired by a syndicate of gamblers for f 4,600,000. The total population is about 6,0." i the suartl, lest, boniest and most taciturn pe ' Kurw.