Wednesday, August 1, 1928 Unpardonable Perspiration O&om readily avoided What quality can match the beauty of a lovely skin ? And what social error can so readily embarrass its possessor, as that subtle offence perspiration odour ? Of course, every one perspires. In this way nature rids the human system of one to two pints of moisture every day. But this perspiration, so necessary and so healthful, need not be offensive. Why not be sure of absolute personal daintiness? All you need to do is use Lifebuoy for face, hands and bath and perspiration odour will vanish. Lifebuoy, besides being a delightful, all-sufficient toilet soap, possesses To Keep Well Drink plenty of water, perspire freely, bathe often with Lifebuoy Soap. jftiiiimiimni SAjasj LIFEB Health Soap Purifies andPiolects Lever Drothen limited Toronto mild but effective antiseptic qualities winch clear away clogged pores, purify them, and make perspiration odourless. And there is no price penalty, because Life-buoy costs no more than toilet soap that is just "soap." UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED 8 LM60 Now is oclak X! KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service .Films left before 12 noon, prints ready C p.m. same day fe mes ltd THIRD AVE. v SIXTH Sir i. ftWWM I'ur vtvi-.w ...... Sailings from I'rlnrr KiiTt, . Tuu,nVXVU VUTOHfA( BwaiiMin ls. Hiirrdulr. Alert Hsy. etc I'up ft t'sr AJk'LV1' Vlt'UmiA. Ili.te.lai. . Merl " '"''' 7 'lnd ANYOX, HTKWAIti, WAI.I.s X VM). I''l I IMN. i .... Thmi..V . . it. - M. HMITII. "MITH. Am'"' A,fii(. th,ilit!'f.t?..gla 10 VlHorla miiH scltlr. ,. Ml lu nisrsw- I 4 a TiUl Phone 4. Wg 4 Taxi. . tf Dentist. Dr. J. It. 0je Phone 68S Tctul halibut landing for July amounted to 3,176,000 pounds. kwh. jwm&si '''mimfm?&Mr& mx... ankw.v- warms Local and jP ersunal it saJl on Hie Princess 'noon tur Victoria Wfi several workers for the Butcdale Cannery on the Catala yester day. L. Coles was a passenger en route to Ainu Bay yesterday altcruoon on the Catala. C.P.R. Princess Louioc. Captain Slater Is due In port this afternoon at 3:80 from the north. Baptist picnic to Grassy Bay on Thursday. August 3. Cars leave church at 1 and 2 o'clock. Dr. Dickey, Eye. Bear. Noae and Throat Ol flee Hotel Prince Rupert'. Hours, 10 to 6 pjn. evening by appointment. 186 Passengers booked to sail on the ftrlnceas Louise this atlcmoon are Mm S. Butcher. Oeorge Arnott, B. Wakelin and H H. C-lllitigham Mr W. H. Derry and Mlw D"!ly Der-ry sailed yesterday atfcriwxjn on Lhe Cat.ila for Bella Bella wlierv Uiey will visit for the next to weeks. K H. illBBln foreman at tht' Albtrta Pool's cleator in the citv suileu on the Catalu yesterday afternoon for ancouver on his annual vaca.ion. C. B. Porter of the sun" of the Bank of Commerce sails tills aKernoou on the Princess Louise on his annual vacation which will be spent in Victoria. Now then folks! What about that ricubla lgad of box cuttings? The kiddles like to handle It. Chu you beat it at MJK per load? Hyde transfer Phons M0. tf Passengers on the Catala yesterday afternoon include Mrs. 8. Thompson. Misses Marlon Thompson. Suae Hoaang, Buaan LundquUl, and Shirley Thomp son for Butedale. J. O Forsyth, aiuiitor of the Big Bay Lumber Company, who ban been hire on company business for the past two weeks, sailed on the Catala yesterday afternoon lor Vancouver. Some One samples of currants and gooseberries are being shown in McBae's (tote. Tnass ass the product of D. C. McBae's own garden and are a fine Indication of what can be done in local back ysnte. Sutter lleMt Creamery, in " lb. !ruk, special kt brick' On.y u limited supply at thi. price.) Dates, in iwcknRt's, 2 pkgs . . 2H vVr,o, thin week only per bot. :W)f SPECIAL PRICES ON FRUIT TeachM, ier basket .... Tenm per banket .... ffOf riunwt, per banket .... 70? Nabob Orange Murmalade, the finest (lacked. Special per 4-11). tin ft."r Take advantage of this money -saving price. Nabob Jelly Powder Special. 4 pkgs, any flavor 25 Green Teas, per lb 1(K Outdoor Toaati will be obtainabk) next week- We expect a ahipment on (-loltii ji Itanlam Corn arrivitur weunceaay.- The price on this variety will be a for aCVf Larire Outdoor Cukea. each lOr Sunnweet Prunes, in 2 lb pack- aire, per pag. ... A SIS Knox Cielallne, apecial er pkg. Shelled Walnuts, HalvVs, fresh stock, per lb, HZf We have in stock as Red River Cereal Wheatena Ginger Murmalade Wesson Oil Tea Garden Jellien Tea Garden Spiced Figa Caviar ,v Rate de foie GruH , -nehoviea in Oil, and "l Imported Cheese I See URor your Kreh Fruit and vegetable requirementx. We have everything in heuson and our prices are right. Walls' Grocery Hhop here and ttave money Phone 6.1 I'hon'e AC THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Moose meeting to-night, special busi ness. Customs colleftlon for the month of July totalled $21,685.33. Mrs. T. AnneUy leaves on this morn- lng'b train for 'Edmonton. A. Anthony vu a passenger south on the Catala yesterday afternoon. To-day's train from ' the east due to arrive at 3:80 is reported on time. Mrs. S. K. Campbell -was a passenger froni the south on the Prince Rupert uito morning. Union Freighter Chllliwack was in port last evening and left for Vancouver calling at canneries on her way south. Canadian Rover which is to have tanks for tab oil Installed at file local dry dock is expected' to arrive here on August S. Mrs. John Mmson and children letf on the Co tahk yesterday afternoon for Vancouver when they will visit for the nest three weeks. Joseph Sidney James of Stewart leave on to-day's train for the east where he wlU sail from Montreal for Plymouth, England, on the Alaunta on August 10. R: bert Wood, an employee of the Canadian Fish 4c Cold Storage plant ts lef-in? this week for Scotland and will .-;uil lrom Montreal on August 10 on the Aihcnla. O. D. Munro of the Land Settlement Board with headquarters at Bmithers was a passenger from the south this morning and continued east on this morning's passenger train. CJt.R. Prince Rupert. Captain Don ald, arrived In port this morning with a capacity list of pan angers. She will continue to Skagway at 4 this after- Loon, returning on Monday. Staff Sergeant Alex. McNeill of the district detachment of the Provincial Police left on' departmental duties for Namu and southern pstnts of the district on the Cats yesterday afternoon. An Intel tsfl la Football are invited to attend a extra-ordinary meeting or the Fastball Association this evening la the Otty IUU to discuss the possibility of bringing In on outside Miss Crulkahanks. UMsvrian of the Public Library, leaves on to-morrow's train for the east on her way to Fort Smith. Alberta. With that point as a centre Miss Crulckshanks plans on vis- '.ng as many points In the far north as possible during her vacation. STUDENTS IN INDIA FOUGHT FOR BETTER SITE FOR A TEMPLE BANOALOBC. INDIA. Aug. 1 Students here rioted because the site for a wayside temple was unsatls-lAC.ory. They fought snd threw atones at the police until a regiment of lancers was summoned. Fifty Hindus were wounded. INFECTED FOOD IS CAUSE OF ILLNESS OF LONDON POLICE LONDON. Aug. 1 A mysterious Illness caused the death of a constable and placed one hundred London policemen on the sick list. Dcctors are of opinion that they ate infected ham from police canteens. WORKMEN'S COMPS. HEARS LOCAL CLAIMS The Workmen's Compensation Board held their meeting yesterday afternoon when many local claims for oompenaa. Mini were settled and others considered The members, who left on the Oatala j-wlerday afternoon, were looked after by u local committee of the Trades and Labor Council consisting of 8. D. Mac-dnnald. J. J. Olllls and Prank Oerry. CIVIL SERYICE COUNCIL IS BEING ORGANIZED OTTAWA, Aug 1 Hon. Peter Heenan stated this morning that he Is Issuing invitations to the civil service organl- tloim to select representatives to meet the Oovernment In order to draft a constitution for a national olvU service council. BABCOCK REPORTS ON THESALMON RUN VICTORIA. Aug. 1 - J. P. Babcock. deputy minister of floherles, returning from a tour, report that the sockeye run la disappointing m northern waters this year except at Smith's Inlet but thut the run or pinks and chums Is hnivv mid Is n" in full awing. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eaxed by SANTAL MIDV lie sure to get the Genuine Look for l!ie word "MIDV" Second Avenue v.Ti:n not ict Clearing streams it '.an Mrs Take notice that E D. Judson. Limited. whot address is Terrace, li C, will apply for a licence U iu the waura or Lakelse nivar near Terrace. "Oarlni: Streums" purpose namely, clearlun and Improving the stream fur the drlviiut. booming, or rafting of logs. inc points on tnc stream between which It is proposed to clear are frutn that point at which Lakeise River leave Lakeise Lake, to the mouth of the Lakeise River. z r, m x zz z The estimated mileage betwoen the said points Is ten (10) miles mote or less I ne term Dronosed for the license is 21 years. mis notice was posted on the irround on the 16th day of July. 1033. a copy ox mis notice and an application pursuant thereto and the "Water Act" wlU be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prtnoe Ru pert, B. C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rlghu. i-ansMneni uuuauags, victoria, b.i;.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. E. XI. JUDSON, LTD., Applicant Dy E. D. Judson. Agent. The petition far approval of under taking and- -an, -a ngilsstitinw -tot Approval i or we Bcneouie or Tells wail be heard In the office of the Board of Investigation at a date to be fined and any interested person may fUe an objection thereto in the office of the Comptroller or oi me water Recoroer of the Dis trict. HI IN PROBATE IN THE SITKKMK COI'ItT OI' IIUITISIl tOI.r.MHIA In the Matter of the "Administration Act"; and In the Matter of the Estate of Edward Lindseth. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. P. McB. Youna. the 11th dav of July. AD. 1926. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Edward Lindseth, deceased, and all parties hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 12th day of August. AD 1938. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 13th day of July. AX) 1938. removal of ties. IN PRORATE IN TIIK KITKE.MK COl'IlT OF IIUITISIl COI.r.MlllA In the Matter of the "Administration Act": and In the Matter of the Estate of Peter McDonald. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor. P. McU. Young, the llth day of I July. AX). 1938. I was appointed Ad-1 mlnrttrator of the estate of Peter! McDonald, deceased, and all parties hav-1 lng claims against the said estate are I hereby required to nimish same, properly verified, to me in or before the 13th day of August. AX. 1938. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me fntthwlU-.. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Dated the 13th dav of July. AX) 1938 Prince Rupert. B.C TIMBER SALE X-0828 There will be offered for sale at Pub-lie Auction, at noon on the twenty -elfhth i38th) day of August, 1938. in the office of the Forest Ranger at Burn' Lake, B.C., the License X -1)838. to cm 71,430 Hewn Jackpine ties, on an area situated six (6i miles down Tchealukut Lake on the south bank. Range 8' Coast District. Three 3) years will be allowed for "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in peroon may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars of the Chief For ester, Victoria, B. C. or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B. C. TIMBER SALE X9238 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. B.C., not later tbsr noon on the 8th day of September. 1938. for the purchase of Licence X8M8. to cut 19.380.000 F.B.M. or Spruce, Hemlock, and Cedar on an area adjclnlng the West be undary of 8.TX. 68M p. In the vicinity or Skids- rate Lake, Moresby Island. Queen Char-otte Islands Land District. Thirty (30) years will be allowed for removal of timber Further particulars or the rhier Forester, Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester, ter, Prince Rupert . B C Adverttss la The Daily News 3ft 20 I am opening an OPTICAL DEPARTMENT in my drug nlore. Mr. Pickering who comes highly recommended to mc, will have charge of hame for a few wayu. After that time I will continue on in the Optical Business. W. J. McCUTCHEON. TEST YOUR EYES If you can read the few facta f)$Ipw Without straining your ejre , muscles you may not need.,. ,,,.""" ' " glaBaea'-' '.' .,"',,' . Three out of every ten persons .under thirty years of age need glaares; seven out of every .ten perrons be-; ., tween the age of thirty and forty years should wear glasses to be free from eye strain while daihg reading or any close work. Ninety per cent of all headaches are due to strain of the eye mutcles. Many persons with perfect vision for distance, require glasses to prevent strain when reading or doing close work. Complete relaxation of the optic muscles and nerves, is not possible during an extended period of readi ordinary newsprint, fur any man or woman who has reached the age of forty years or over. HERE IS AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY DO NOT IJE IN DOUBT HAVE YOUR EYES TESTED There is Positively no Obligation to Pcrchase Glasses. FOR FOUR DAYS ONLY, COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1st, 1928 ' HARRY PICKERING, O.D. Will he at McCutchcon'e Drug Store, Second Avenue. Mr. Pickering graduated from the Canadia i Optical College of Toronto in 1903. At iha Toronto Optical Institute he completed a apecir.1 course in the use of the RETINSCOPE. He Is a Registered Optometrist by examination of the Government of Bitiab Colnrqbin, antl.. has had a wide experience as an eye specialist in th eprinciple cities of Canada. He is shortly returning to Vanconuver, in which city he was engaged in optical work continuously; for eighteen years. He was also Optometrist for the B. C. Eyesight Clinic. The above qualifications plus his many years oi actual experience, as a practicing optometrist assures you of efficient optical attentions. McCUTCHEON'S DRUG STORE Lady Assistant Prince Rupert, B. C. Dentistry PLATE that give you a natural appearance and lend beauty to the contour of the iace. Br. Magoire Over Ormes Phone 525 MILEAGE IS BUILT into every part of Dominion Heavy Service Tires. Ilibbed wall construction is designed to minimize the wear and aide-scuffing of the tire-walla where they come in contact with curb or rut. We have added to our staff of trained mechanics and are now in a better position to give motorists prompt and efficient service. See Us For New and Used Cars S. E. PARKER, LIMITED I CURE DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVE HEAIl-1NG, CATARRH and other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 131. Wallace Block. ew Drapery ' IMPORTED Open Evenings Fabrics Cretonnes, Chintzs, Damasks and Sunfast Fqbrjtti imn Krwcri irtntl lllock Printed ' Cretonnes', assorted i vT.O de signs and colorings, per yard Hof, S !.-.", $l.r0 60 inch Silk Damasks, fadeless fabrics, heavy weight, -per yard t $2.50 Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co.