Roofing . , Specialities; Mineral Surfaced Hoofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Holl Hoofing. Iluilding Papfrs nnd 'Felts Everjtft Elastic Paint Plastic ElastiRum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors-- Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 City Meat Market Scklg Bros. Third Ave. Phond 765 KJOT FlSK OKONSAKit Alle sorter norsk ost Norske flsltckorigerver Norske sukkefkavringcr Norske hveleskonrokker Norske rugskonrokker Norske knekkebrod Norske flatbrod Mutter .o.s.v. 1st ky. varer. Rillige priser. Ilurtig onibringelse BLANKET Special For three weeks, commencing May 7, we will give thjB following prices: Single lilankets .." Double nianketa ."() All Blankets washed in Ivory Sosp and returned nice and fluffy. Pioneer L Phone 118 aundry DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CKDAK Single load $3.50 Double Load $6.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PMCIS, DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Rootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 575 DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Oravel. We Specialize In IMnno and Furniture Mln;. .-f BfifWdlNG UP FATHER By George McMapus cun'U-1 ( voo'u. do PI hit oh Little " ll 11(171 K H' ant a brighTt til 17 1 1 J'vSo'Sa ' " " 1 i .sat letter) motw.mgok1- BqrV-coHE ' Tf-Tl' '" IL ; ij JoL fooNO aof who f,; LXuMfe st Soli MAIL IT f the. KINO- VoORE H HERE AmJ jfev lM 'l! WkNTTO MMlThi ,h;;; I NFWFI FVATfiRS WAS VERY WEAK PEAfU ftllit'P1 M- ' MeKenxie, Campbellrord. I iirlvL 111 f Lil Out, writes: "A ghort time agx I was troubled very bad with my heart I and nerves, the cause of It, I think. flll.I.BSI'lt: COMPANY Ti) EliECT six was my going through the change of 1IMSES IX ADDITION' TO 62 life. ALKKADY IX AUiEKTA i WM Ytrj weak and melancholy, ,,,, " , , and so nervous I could hardly bear HfciONTON. May 32.-4wInglftg A Into , to heai a clock Uckill? x &d Mt action for the big grain ruah e pet ted (lefp weU next season, the Gillespie Grain com- j ((j j, i o I about six elevators this year. John I tHneafite, president of the firm, which has It haa office In this city, stated tlMit the blinding program I now being considered, while the location win naturally depend upon the Br cur-. trig of suitable sites for these new hotiee. Tb Mct1ttit of si new elevators would cost about Wfl.OOO. These plants would .be at points In the Peace River country and probably along the new C.P.R. line now being extended from WilUngdon to Edmonton. At present. this firm la operating 63 elevators in this province, a number having been added last year. 'Our reports show that the crop Is going In In fine shape, and as there Is plenty of moisture for some time, It should have the advantage of very desirable growing conditions." said Mr. Olllesple. "It looks as If there will be an Increase of about 10 per cent. In the grain acreage In central and northern Alberta." Referring to the outlook for prices on this year's grain crop, Mr. Qllles- nla aald the DroaDecta were fair for an average price, t- There had been ccn- amp -in the muted States, giving many the belief thai future price wlU be fairly good. At the same time, an important factor would h the spring wheat yields in the United States and Canada, as tne obvious result of a poor crop would be high prices, he ald. RADIO BROADCAST FOR FISHERMEN OF ' THE ATLANTIC COAST Department of Marine and nherin Dendi Out fwn. Market nml M en I her Keports HALIFAX. Msy 98. Nova Scotia fish ermen, accustomed to spending long weeks on the fishing banks each year, their only communication, with the woHd the occasional speaking of a passing steamer, the fresh arrlvaljnf a vessel front heme, or, just recently, the occasional radio broadcast plotted up It the vessel happened to have a receiving set aboard, are now enabled to get a budget of news and weather reports especially prepared and broadcast for tham dally, through the actlvrtlee of the eastern fisheries branch of the Depart ment of Marine and yifherleaY twt Llgl dajrjj the Halifax I at Loulsburg, weather, bait and news report are broadcast from those two points solely for the benefit of those of the fishing fleet on the banks that have been fitted with radio receiving let. Strong agitation for a broadcast of weather reports to the vessels for the fishing fleet, arose after the disastrous itonn of August 94. 1937, when half a docen schooners and over one hundred men were lost In the vicinity of Sable bland NEW KETCHIKAN IIOAT The new smsll Kstchlkan halibut boat Charlotte landed her flrat catch of 4,000 pound here tbjt mornlnR. The vessel, which registers four tons, wst buflt during the past winter. It Is a twe-man boat an dthe owner Is Wil llam Thomas. BUKNS LAKE Ifalcr John C. Iltrtlev. Drovlnclal Liberal organizer, ha 0' 'piVMg ' a vUit to the Lakes' DlstHeti j, , ; i i James Davidson, provincial boiler in specter, was a visitor In this district taat week on official duties. V. Schelderup. BC.Lfl left lost week fot the Ootsa Lake oountry where he be considerable survey work to ostt out. J. II Rush has Joined the its H of th Burn Lake garage aa n mechanic With an appropriation of tSOO. Har.y Morxnn of OoUa Lake hss been sucitkk ful In blowing out some of the worst so I sent at once for a box; took them and got another, and before they were all gone I felt good, my nerves are fine, I do not mind any noise, and I can sleep well. I can- each with a capacity for 40,000 bushels, not recommend them too highly to Price 00c, a box at all drnggiits and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Mflborn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont leg jams and straightening out the Devil's Elbow on the Whltesall River which is used for the tansinspnrtdtlon of .alnlng supplies to the Slbola district. Mrs. J. Mould of lose Lake Is slowly improving in toe Burn Lake hospital Mowing an lHness. The Ice hat gone out on Francois Lake and the government ferry la in peration again. . O. Hoter wlM-MlBea farming tor Jderftble darkle to the 1 winger wheatipeveral yers on ; toe north side of t rancois uixe a lew vues 'above the landlngi levtn fas;. Victoria and has rented his farm to 3. 3. Uleaey . VANDERlfbOF Miss Marjorto Paterson and Shirley U Preston of VanderboeC were successful in their examinations at the Uni versity of British Columbia, Uie former completing her tint yea In Art and the latter his ad fear. In Agrlcul- A. K. Richards, ypiHa of eaperl mental station, and 2k B. Hare of the University of Mi OelumMa have been here In ooiwic$ltm with the caonomic survey of xsdNfbg in the ' province. - H T Parker oj flahUJl, Montana .-.ner of the roadhbtlsw at Dog Creek. .ias neen a Tsmor jws'an manness in ennectlon with ' feJt bttaietts In the valley. Rev. W. R. Aehtortt jaf Burn Lake and Rev. James QewV W tn Praaer motored through beet sje Vancouver to s'tend th BWMuilWi, William Bunting is ta tnmiyU. Wvieas at Port Praser drldf ' ml- llbfir's, ah seoce. ' . i - - - - - - I at - - week to Prince Rupert after carrying j but some survey work at the Kspcrjuiza I mine. i I I Market Prices Price currant are as follows'. , LARD ure See Compound 20c EGOS t.C. Fresh pullets SSc B.C. Fresh first 40c DC. Fresh extras iSc Local new laid Mb FISH Smoked klppefs, lb 16c Kippered satanon. lb 3Se Smoked Meek cod, lb 30c Finnan h addles, lb 2ee MEATS Fowl, No. 1. lb Sfte and 40c Roasting ehieken. lb. 44c Ham. sliced, first grade SOc Mam, whole, first grade 36c Ham, picnic, lb aa'e Cottage rolls, lb. n Bacon, bsek, sHeed SOc Bacon, side 4Sc to SSc Pork. Ory salt SSc Ayrshire bacoa, lb. . 35r veal, aboulder 36c Veal, lota 40o '.'ear, leg SSe fork, shoulder Se Perk, lota toe fork, leg ... Se Dec, pot roast 15c to SOc Beef, boiling IS fee to 18c Beef, steak gOc to 4Se Oeei. roast, prune rib 33c Lamb, chops too Lamb, Shoulder- SSc Motkm. leg 40e lamb, leg 48c tfatton. etieps 40c liutum shoulder . , aoe iiiiT'rr.n BoekMeli. fcrSTrfroik and Woodlana. lb jno B.C.D, lb SOc Capitol. 3nd grade, lb 4Sc Prater Valley, lb AOc Alberta Creamery A6c. New Zealand. In bulk 4e prints SOr riiEfcMf; Camembert eheaae. S oa. pkg SSc Kraft Limberger, it's SSc Ontario solid SSe New Zealand solids SOc Stilton, lb 40: Kraft 4Sc Norwegian Ooat O&c Napoleon Luabergsr TOc Roquefort TSe Swifts' Bmokfleld, lb 45c eorgotnola. lb TSe McLaren's Cream, jar ... 4Se and SSe Brookfleld Swiss cheeae. lb. pkg SOc firook field Canadian thssts, lb. pkg. 3oe Oruysre 4e K:.:::::::k::;:: Romano Sardo. lb. Qammelost, ft lb .. Sl'dtlt White, per 10 LIGH6aAllAIwjVJHM pee 100 II.OI It The Dolly Varden railway track la! Flour, 40 a No. 1 hard wheat now clear of uiow td Camp. S and gasoline peederi are being operated to the end of trel. Pastry, flour. I0t Largc?crisp, crunchy Biscuits The who le 0ticat. thorouphlv Imlcrd - So Havory, sb delicious, so strengthening - Just the real pick-up food for Spring. Eat with milk or fruits. TRISCUIT-a real whole wheat cracker Made The Canadian Shredded Wluat Company Ltd. SOs TSe MM at o ST.TS S395 . 76c Pastry flour, 49's S3 00 VF.flHTAIll.KH Beets, 6 lbs. for ISc The roptn-.: monthly mretltiR of the Bret, sack 3.78 Alice Arm branch of the Brltlnh Cnl- Curotn. 8 lbs for TSe umbiH cimmiier of Mlrrs wss lield on Cnrrots. sack S3.1S Monday evening. I i'otatbea. S lbs 36c ! iM K. Aubusson, a former resident or the Parsiry, hunch . ose ;nmp. has returned to town to take Cauliflower. BC bead SSc his former position In T. W. Falconer's California head lettuee ISc t-re. QliMc. lmDorterl ar lb Mr Leek, 4 buncheis for 38c L H Hlnton, BCI W returned lust ftsll'orrila rfi-rv. head .. 360 and SOc V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. , 2c per word in advartce. No Advertiecment lken for lees than SOc WANTED PRACTICAL FISBCUMCR RCQUIRBS capital to flnnace herring salteiy. For security and particulars, apply Box 103, DaUjr Mews Office tf WAJfTBO. WOMAN OR Q1HL FOR general housework. Oood wages for the right person. Apply Box 105 Dally Newa Ofnoe. tf nELIABLC HOUSSXfeCPBR WANTED. Apply Dally New Office FOR HUNT 1 OR RSNT. HOUSE WITH LARGS front room, two large bedroom, kitchen, pantry, bathroom and glaw verandah. Phone Black 470. 121 'OR RENT. SIX ROOM MODERN house, 330 Sixth Avenue West after June 1. Phone Black 736 evenlng-v 130. OR RENT. CLAPPERTON HOUSE. Ninth Avenue Bast. Rent reasonable Apply at; Treasurer. City Hall t! OR RENT PIANOS. PLAYER -PIANOS. Phonograph and Sewing Machines. - Walkers Music Store. tf FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing room by the day, week or month Phojie Red 007. tf FOR MINT. MODERN FURNISHED Suite alio bed aitting room. Phone Oreen 800. tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-ments Apply Mussellem Orocery. HOUSE FOR RENT-APPLY BLACK 470. IS1 Spinach, local 10c Texas New Cabbage, lb 10c Cooking onion. 4 lb, for 26c New green onions, per bunch v .'allfcrnl radish 10c Turnips. lb for SSc per seek 68 00 Iruesel Sprout, per lb SSc Hothouse Rhubarb, t Iba. for SSc ITrtiir oranges. Valencia. joen...40e to SI no lemon, Sunkist, doten 36c to 40c Imperial Valley Orapefrult S for SSe rtorlda grapefruit, 3 for SSc Banana. 1 lb SSc Extracted honey, lb SSs Date, bulk, S lbs. for 36c rtalains, bulk, per lb 16c Sweet Potato. 3 lba. for SSc California Dainty Data, package .. 33-Yttlow Newtons "C" grads SS 60 Fancy tsos W1nXper3? gVacW' 400 3 80 Paney aj7j Extra Fancy S4.00 Navel oranges 40c to si ou omtii niLir iMoti tM cMstj pee) soe Oi&'&M. w; :-. : . i :;.. ;i . sde Blaek cooking tigs. 3 lb 98: White figs, 3 lb age' Currant, 3 lb J6c APPlea 36c Peach, peeled 35c Apricots, lb 3Jr Prunes, 00-100, 4-lbs SSe 38 lb. boa S1J6 Prunes. 60-70 lb 3 lbs for tSc 30-40 b lb, for Me 40-80 lb Rf. 38 lb. but fa oo Evaporated peers, halves, lb as 36 lb bet NUTS Almonds. thtlMd Valencia oso Braells 15r Walnuu. broken (helled sor waltiuu. shelled naive es Altfiohd 36l, inuu 96c jManchuriati walouts California walnuts 4 u 1 wisvu auvs ana New flrfceMs.V. ,3 ri:rii l c SflSS nnt 86 3h0Tt 83.40 Middling M7 M 88 Poultry math '"" 88 .60 Special etgmash Oyster shell V'ifX SeftlPh fond MM un Oround oil cakt 14 aj Baby ehitk feed tvw Fine oat chflb m qq Crushed oats 13 IS Pine barley chop j0 FOlt SALE FOB SALS ON EASY TERMS TWELVE seres it Terrace, neftr "station. Or ! would coiirlder tarde for s.nall house 111 1 1 1 1 1 .UKI Ir. J " . uvlth . . j News Offlre or phone Black 787. 133 FOR SAI OOOD VIEW LOTS IN Sectkn Two; sixty feel fron ao on Oriiham A'.emtt. S30O.U0 Two lot on At:.n A.f;.ue $200 e.ich MK'.if-fery O'bfc.-tai. Limited 136 OLD NEWHPAPEKS MAY BE l)!1ED IN-stesd of bulldmi? paper or to lay beneath oarprtu on the floor. Get special price on large qunntltle. Hpws. i FOR 8AI4I. W.' l OLDSMOBU E. IN i stood ronrtrUon. N'-w Ure. 35). Very 1 easy term.". Or wmld trde for close in rf dltlentlal 1 it Phone Ren 730. OR SALE DOUBLE CORNER SEC-t!on 6, 1175 'iO Phone Black 390 111 LOST l OST - ROSE 811 Jt BRAID HAT ON Third or Founb Avenues. Finder plense Oreen $27. 133 SALVAGE AND ToWlNO PriiMs. Rupert Sslvsge St. Towing BttlOMV l flH ItOtTS 8mill 8sfe and Typewriter for Sl Agenu for -Easthope Engines. CTOlldge Propellers, and Tuxlub. Oil Menu Bf all deriiption for Charter Halt Lake terry. Phone 864 EXCHANGE VKW ANT ep.fnv II tNt) rt'RNITI Rl bought and sold and exchanged PlayeT Piano and Two Cscb ReiKrera In sUtck PAPAnopiion MARA MB Third Plmn (148 AUCT!f)NEERS. PRINCF, RIPRRT AITTION MART federal Blix k Furniture of all kinds bought, sold ft exrhanged Cratlne and pa-klng don. Ooods so'd on Ommlwlon G. J. DAWES, tnrfioneer. Rlark It CIIIKOPRACTIC lH. B. E. rVOLFNON rhlrnprerrnr 638 Third Avenue, 'elspnone for spimlutment now W Blue 88 Residence phone Rlark 3SJ. eut and Oimnlr Disorders sttcrrss- hnlv treated iBiablithed IS34 4 t 4t. l'RlrV(l HUPKBT TIDES HEIO'RHilAY. MAT 33 High , 3 48 a-rn., 31.S ft. 17 06 p m 18 3 " lw 10 38 a m. 2.0 " 33 44 p.m. 8.0 tsWjbptiav. MAY tt High 4 30 s.m. IB 7 ft. 18 Id p m 17 6 " IVbW 11:31 a m. 3.6 " I 33:40 p.m. 9 6 " I KID AY. MAY t.1 High .'. 6:83 a.m. 179 ft, I 10 pjn. 17.3 - 'w 13:30 p.m. 6.1 " SATI'NDAY, MAY 1 High 7 14 BJn. 164 tt. 30 31 p.m. 17 6 " low 1 06 an. 10.0 " j 18 38 p.m. 0.9 -1 RI'MMY, MAY T "Irh ... 0:3s am. 18 4 ft. ! itm p.m." I8.0 T ::: ! MONDAY. MAY 38 High e 0-39 a m 18 4 t. 33:04 nm. 18.6 " Low 3:42 a.m. 8 4 " j 16-31 n m 7 3 " flEsiitv. MtY :n Hlfh 10 39 n m 18.6 ft 99:43 pm. 19.3 " Low 4:36 ap.m. 13 ' ' 18:98 pm 7 4 " ! .CNR. TRAINS lor the Knsl I Daily exceut Sunday at 11.80 am. i I riini Die r!at 1 Dally except Tuesday at 3.30 p.m. ArticU Loit and ound.&e STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS ret VanewOffr Sunday as. Prin . " . .g Tucnday s C;Ui : , Thursday as Pr.: . .. . j Friday as. I'rin.. . i . . j Saturdi h C.u iay 17 ss. Prin a May 17 ss, Prlnrc, . ,a from T11 noun rr Sunday Cutl.i Wediiesdsy. aa. Tr c. Frut:iy -s Card:,. 1 Friday as Prln.- .- n Saturday as Pr (:. May 13 as. Piiiir.-- a , May S3 as. Pru - . er Port Hlmpsmi .unt Nu- n Friday Cari -n. roan Pert Hhnpaim ;imi v,.i. gi Saturday as. dr.:. . er Anyo Sunday as Cat.: 1 Wednesday -as Prin. (! . From Anyot Tuesday a. Catnli Tliunlay . Pr .: lor Hlewsii aud I'm.hIm Sunday ns. C: l i Saturday as. P:. row Htmarl niul I'rnni. Sunday Print . H -Tuesday . c'n: 1 'or Queen I1wirlilie May 19- s. Pr.n- 'rofa 'seen rharlnttr- -May 17 . Prtnrr 1 May 31- s. Prin'-' 1 er tfaHka Wednesday -m Pt 1 May 12 m PTI...--N- May 23 -m PriiH " Tram Alxuk.l Thursday ss. P:. May 17 Prlr May 37 ss. Pr!!!" MAIL SCHEDULE lor the Fast Mondayn. Wrdnes'l.-t' cleaes tram die Rat Tue."diiya. Tbui'i'' , mall duo 1 faecoiivef "nudnys Tuesdays Thursday) Batnrdsya C.PJI.- May 6. in m 'i Trains Mondnys V, Saturdays Item Vseetievr Sundays Wednesday Fridays Saturdays . . CP U May 13 -Train. Sundays. lu days fb ASe and Alire " Btli lsT .... '"" Wedreidava . . mm Ante end Alio- A" Tuesdays Thurstiays or Klewnrt and Prrmlr Sundny SatuitJ.iv mm Nlewart nd P""'1' Sundays Tuesdays ro Nee lllver relnls Friday lYom Naa Klter Poln;- Saturday Te .tlnaha Pelnl XMm m 1 nil 23 . rrrewi Alaska Points , M 1 .nil Ti T fjneen tli rlee glaiat Uiv ft suit IB rroM (een llmrliil'' Mat 17 and 3t Oraham A-AMUi v. 1st Ave. AsfTitl? ft,, t Ave. iJriikiitt' StQ Ave. Thoni-"' llth Ave. As BherbP-l' Uth Ave. A fltb Ave. Hays (" rui"" mil I.KT1 Kit IH '" ... fl 6th Ave. Hays c v. 8th Ave. M Coition Hi 6th Ave. As Oreen 8' 11 8th Ave. AS McHrlrle Prov. Oovt. Hulldiiii'. Prov Onvt Wharl OTP Wharf OTP Station . 2nd Ave It 3nd 3' 3rd Ave. Fulton Hi 3rd Ave. 0th Hi Sundays One p.m. collection. 11 J I'' I 11 i 4 ID-' :l li ... t U ..u l ll yd P I 1 :i i p lit I' I ll