i is PAGE FOUR .TSE tAJI,Y SIERRA CLUB TO VISIT RUPER MILL n.IMII MOl'N'T KOItSON AX atiii:u peaks iikkikk comimi to this city WINNIPEG. InrU 28. The Sierra OtUl ol California, th, moat important XlpnV organisation west of the Mlsslsslpp River In the United States plan an as sault on some of the highest and mos difficult peaks In the Canadian Rockte. this summer and will then return b; way of Prince Rupert. It will be tin first visit of the club to Canada, thougl some of Its members have made Indi vidual climbs In the past. The peak which skirt the Tonquln Valley In Jasper National Park. Alberta, will hav attention before camp Is moved to Bar Lake behind Mount Rotnon, B.C.. th highest peat in the Canadian Rookie The Tonquln Valley group Is knowi as the Rampart and It features Moun Oelkle. Turret. Bastion. Redoubt, Dun geon, Fraser, Krebus and Eremite. T; gtbe rear lie Postern and Casemlte. tw great peaks which have not bee climbed. The Alpine Club of Canad; held Its IMS camp In this area. Three hundred members of the clu from Los Angeles and San Pranclsco wll make the trip. Leaving San Pranclsc on July 7 they will proceed to Van couver and from there by special trail over the Canadian National Railways t Jasper where a full day will be span at Jasper Park Lodge. They will thei return wast as far as Oelkle, the first station west of Jasper, and from then follow th Meadow Ops trail to tlx Tonquln Valley, a distance of 14 mlks They will remain In the Tonquln froo July II to July 18 when they continue west to Mount Rohron station. Fron there they will follow the Qrand Pork , trail. Kinney Lake and the Valley of i Tliousand Pain to Berg Lake when camp will be established. They remaii In this district until August 3 -what they entrain tar Prince Rupert. B.C from where they return to Vancouvei by Osnr. l: n National Steamshlpa. LADIES' MUSIC CLUB IS CLOSING SES0f I. ilr anil Hurl. hi s, hiiln'r; studied a I'liml lieiil.il Mn-tlnt i-li-ril.n i mi. ill T!. ill' .11(1 A : K- :in. -n' Ci. riii.ii i i ' : . i . 'Aii' .' .in . I Mi- ' C I'll' , : l l:, i n.' f ' ' : i.. i " ; rum. "A hi'' 1 1 u. a.-, in A 'A' . .-I. i'iu .in. I M I !-l 6. Miben i .fl niusu v l lie I ,! ,. ,,r ! ri'!'i. "Ul '. ii . I'lll- Jll'u .up at Mrs. O m A. Way. wai .. 1I1 :. s -lcuUSjr "eVerenadeC Ladle' Orehea, i.-a. - Paper "Life and Works of Schubert.' Mm. Woodmnm Vocal sole Urlc, iiark, The Lsrk, Mrs. Bobtft Btanes. Piano solo Opus W No. 4. Mm. 8 R- Moor. Vocal solo "Serenade." Mrs. P. W Allen. Piano duet "Military March." Mrs. H C. Praser and Miss Marjorle Lancaster. Accompanists for the afternoon Ware Mr. H. C. fraser and Mrs. SheMord Dartoa. On May the Ladles' Music dub win give lu final gathering of the Mason taking the form of the annual business meeting. I Oeorfe W. Hlckey, New York hotel j man. arrived in the city on the Prlnosss i Altos yesterday afternoon after having made the round trip to Skagway and j ether Alaska points and will spend a j 1 few days in Prince Rupert before pro- r --" Mmmt he fain. WANTED itmftimaD room wanted by bachelor: heated room preferred. Apply. 1S3. Dally News Office. tt WANTED. -housework. News. WOMAN POR LIGHT Apply Box 101 Dally URL WANTCD - PHONE BLUE 396. FOK SALE POR BALI. -FURNISHED HOUSE AND 3 lots; fine garden. Ms 0th Avenue E. at a bargain. Price 11400, part cash. J. Squtrchuck. 133 TROLLKR POR BALE. FIVB TON boat, fully equipped and In good shape. Roomy, comfortable cabin WAS VERY WEAK NERVOUS AND MELANCHOLY i Sirs. Geo. MeKensls, Campbell fonl. Out., writes: ''A short time ago I was troubled very bady with my heart aad nerves, tbe cause of it, I tbiak. was nty going through the ehaage of Ufa, "I vu very weak and msJancbel, and so nervooi I eonkl hardly bear to hear a clock ticking, aad I aid not sleep weU. "I vu advised to try so I aeot at one for a box; took I them and got an other, and before tlipy were all gone I felt good, my nerves are fine, I do not mind any noise, aad I caa sleep well. I caa- not recommend them too highly to those suffering at 1 did." ( Price SGo. a box at all druggists and dealers, or mailed direct oa receipt sf price by The T. 1Mb urn 0&, limited, Toronto, Out h ) - Ml S.O 5T.2 f vie off ft farmers and ,H Handier orrlv. PoruitoflnJI'T -f vUwU oilier II I ban Farmers oil Ksochert, ,UK 500, (XX) arrassteMe)t: take your fsaally trailing with ym this sumnr. Attract tire price. Write Alvln Arnesa, Wac-ker, Alaska. 101 OR SALE HOUMHOLD FURJUTURB including Ex tension Library Table; easy at, dmlng room eh airs, bed. ' spring and "mattress," dresser touch and other articles. Ftoooe Black 377 between 13 and 1 pjn. or between 540 and 780 pnv 100 OLD NEWSPAPERS MAY BE USED IN- stead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oet special prise on large quantities. Dally News FOR SALT LOT a &LO0K 10, STBW- srt. This lot luces SJUrtn ttreet and backs up to the post ofllas. Tbe price Is $1,000. Box MM. Daily News, prince Rupert. tf POR SALS. - PIANO; HEATER AND Kitchen table. Phone Blue 5TS F0K UBNT FOR HENT.-HOOB. PIVE ROOMS and bath; newly papered. Oood 1 oca-Ion. 934 Besond Avenue. Phone MS. FOft RENT. CLAPPtmTON HOUBC. Ninth Avenue Esst. Rent reasonable Apply City Treasurer, city Hall. tf por RktrrPiANOei. plater-pianos Phonographs and Sewing Machines Walker's MuMc Store. tf POR RBNT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP-lng room by the day, week or month. Phone Red 007. tf POR RENT ROOMS WITH OR WIT1I-out board. Central location. Phone Blue 168. tf HOUSE FOR RENT. POUR ROOMS and bath. Phone Black 470. ISO FOR RENT. FOUR ROOMED DWEtX- Canada's Income Tax Schedule Following is the schedule of income taxation applicable to persons other than corporations and Joist stock companies. The amounts mentioned are net, that ts, me exemptions nave been subtracted. On the first $2,000 of Income or any portion tnereor. On the amount in excess of 2oo Rate of Taxation 2 But not In excess of t 1n 4.0S0 2J JSS :::::: g itSS :::::: $ IISB- :::::: Mg IK? W W.OOy. i!f mjtm &W0 fr- 4&M6 14 . ? 1 fi .io io'i 7ijn .sxa ifil M I :::::: 14.000 H lifte :::::: U 4l :::::: 33 Note. Thm above rsfes $hall in teptt mtinoomi tor 1927, be reduced by twenty (20) pet canrtmt. The rate of tax appJfehJe to CortaMtions aid Joint Stock Companies is eight (8) per ttfitum on the iwww hi citTw m as.uwv. ing. Itl Praser MrctH, seconder? ' Oibbons. 100 POR REWT rURNIStltD HOtJSK j keeping rooms. Apply Muassllssn Orocsry. i OR BsWT OR SALE. MODCRN PIVE i rfjomee; borqealttw. rteone Blue STB. 1 OR RHNT. PURNISHstD ATART-ments--Apply ftlussallssn Orocery. HU1M)IN(. MATRIUAIS HI'ITIAL I.IMBKU IMIII'KH. j Pi-r M 2x4 Com. Slaed. a K'iod grade 11500 1x6 Bhlplap. No. S S12 00 is3 Plr V. Joint S10 00 , in or 4 in. Plowing or V Location of Income Tax Inspectors Inspectors of Dominion Income Tax are located in caavenient piece throughout Canada. They wUl be tie J to assist any tax payer in tbe preparation of returns. Requests in writing for intormation will be complied with promptly. Consult the Income Tax office nearest to you. Address "Inspector of Dominion Income Tax." Tfce oftVes are at: , Halifax, Now Scotia, Saint John, New Brunswick, Quebec City, Quebec, MpbUssU, Qtiebec, Ottawa, Ontario, Ktegaton, Ontario. BcUeviMe, Ontario. Toronto, 1, Ontario, Hamilton, Qataria, London, Ontario, FortWHHanOgar Prince Afccrt; 3iratcbewan, fl lisUum, Bsws?stcbwan( Caary, Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Vaoceuvrr, U.C. Dawson, Y.T. Jetnt ttep 10 fa Wall fJhlngles 1J6 IS 1st. Roof SMOgta. He. 2 Pert. I 2.00 In. No. l Shlptep, any width to 12 in 18.00 Rough Plr BoardSr mlxad widths .) t tM 4 Light Sash, each 1.10 6 Light Sash 140 Inside doors. 3 ft. 6 In t Sft. 6 In S.40 Back Doors. S ft. 8 In. I S tt. I 8 in. (glass) t 409 Pront Doors, ditto 8.78 Aim a big stock of finish lumber always on hand, as well Lamateo. wall board, renter, etc. Write us for price. KXCIXMOH I I Ml:it A HlUSdl.i; CO, l.lllllllll Pt. of Victoria, - Vancouver. BO last day for mcome lax Three IChida of Forms There are three kinds of Dominion Income Tax Forms, one of whidt will apply to any tax payer. The different forms are: Form T 1 For all individuals, other than farmer! or ranchers. Form T 1A For farmers and ranchers. Form T 2 Fw corporation and joint ateek companies. If you so desire, the Inspector of Income Tax. for your district will send you upon written request revised copy of The Inooroc War Tax Act, Consolidated, Chapter 97 (R.S.C. 1917). Income from All Sources Must be Declared The publie it especially reminded to report all income from bearer bond whether Dominion, Provincial, Municipal or Industrial. The interest from these bonds is taxable. The 1928 legislation enlarges the powers of the department which is now enabled to trace the ownership of all bearer bonds. Personal Exemptions Personal exemptions should be noted carefully. They may be summarised as follows: (a) $3,000 in the case of a married person or householder, or any other person who has SCOVV8, TOWINts, Etc. C. V. KETCIII M CO. Sand and Oravel fir Sale. Scows for hire. Oeneral Towing, Ptlees Baceedlng Moderate. riMHM 771 nil tiit nt. UXC1IAN0E SKXV ANI nF.f'ON! IUXO Fl HMTI'IO bought and sold and , exchanged Player Piano and Two Cash Reuiners in stock P.tlMIinPI ion a VMHA Thtnl r Phnne HS CHIROl'ltACTIC lit. h. k. nnuMm rhlroirclnr 2S Thlrn Avenue. Telephone for appointment now to Blur 86. Resl.iene plume Blnck 252 Acute and Chronic D:k rdr succesn- fully treated Established 1024 TUITION S. A. Mcl'HEHSON TsRwher ef Jt MINdlMI rtt VOICE PRODUCTION Por terms Phone Blue Sto. jUICTIONEERS. PRIHCK HITGRT M TION MART lideral ninek Purnlturr .f all k,n is bought, sold or exchanged. Crsttn Hnri pnrKIni; none. OooMk ,, (.immi.sslon Auctioneer. (i. J. DAWES, I'lions 488 Tl.'u;"',1 Returns The law states that penalties must be imposed after that date Dpirtment of National Revenue urge all Dominion Income Taxpayers THE to file returns without delay. The official forma may be obtained at any Post Office or by writing the Inspector of Income) Tax for your district. Two copies, proparly filled in, together with an accepted cheque or express or money order for the full amount of the tax, or the first Installment as you desire, must be mailed to the Inspector of Income Tat, for your district, not later than April 30. Cheques must be made payable to The Receiver General of Canada. Even though you may believe ycu are not liable to tax, you are advised to file a return before April 30 if your income in 1927 was more than $1,500. For your convenience a few of the outstanding provisions of The Income Tax Law are explained in this advertisement. dependent upon him any of the fo'J ,.'. persons: 1. A parent or graod-prent. 2. A daughter or sister. 3. A son or brother under 21 years of , or incapable of self-support on accoun mental or physical infirmity- ex where the husband and wife each h,, separate income in excess of each shall receive not $3,000 exeni.'-but $1,500 exemption. . (b) $1,500 in the ease of unmarried per (c) $500 for each child under 21 yr,- age who is dependent upon the tax pay support, or if 21 years of age or over : capable of self-support on account of inn. or physical infirmity. Send Cheque with the Rerun Income tax may be paid either in a lum; or in four installments, plus inten t accepted cheque or express or money on!, either the full amount or the amount first iisaJlment must accompany the forms. Do not send cash. April 30 is th day. The return and the cheque are to be m to the Inspector of Dominion Income Tu. your district. Cheques sue to be made payable to "The Receiver General of Canada " Cheques must be marked "accepted" by the bank on which drawn FILE YOUR RETURN ON OR BEFORE APRIL 30. If you delay making Income Tax returns the penalties provided by the Act must be imposed. apartment of National Revenue Income Tax Division Honourable V. D. EULER, Minister sf N'at 'i.n;! RseearV C S. WALTERS, Cftmwtaessnir of Income i DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST HKKAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Dally by Canadian pis!) & Cold Storage C. i;i I A ' City I'rlnre Ituperl, H.C la J M eat rviar (KEI.VKJ imos.) " 3n! Avenue m,,,.,.. 'v MEAT FISH, VE(iETAIJLI!S and ALL KINDS OF "NOKWKfllAN PltODlM at low prices, and Immediate delivery Obwrtel-All articles are of superior quality and fresh. i k t