5sr WEAR OUT Is damp-proof, vermin-proof and a perfect insulator, ensuring cool in summer and warmth in winter, Albert & McCaf fery . Limited Phones 116 and 117 r . I I HP . H I iff BBIBf-i 1 II LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Thone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing:. Tara or Motor Sorvica. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnlturo MnvlnK. THREE OCEANS HON. VINCENT MASSKY TALKS KXTKXKION OI' CANAIIA NOUTIIWAICI) Pot a much longer period we con- idaiwi the northern frontier barren land as well. This perhaps was because j there seemed to be little else uuui i rock Hi the nerth. Now we w ttnOWS treasure of warn sua MM mewencairr we are solving one at our national prowema. Ooe of ttie great tak we had in Cansds wss to widen the band of population from east to west and make It continuous. The great stretch of rocky country between east and west with every year Is proving more productive. We used to think in terms of two oceans In Canada. Over the doors of our Parliament appears the word The wholesome see to at her gates, ner gates both east and west.' We are busy constructing another gate to the north at pert cnurcnui. ine Arcwc unw la no longer something we merely look st on the map but Is oamlng to an increasing extent Into our national eon- iickimn A provincial cabinet rain, later said not long ago that It would soon be possible to get Into a steeping car in Toronto and slight wltmn ute Arctic Circle. Incidentally our new gateway will bring western Canada 1.000 miles nearer to Oreat Britain than does any present avenue ot transports tton. rillBMl.lSBH When I said "our northern front' I mbt suapty hot ssd our froi The southern boundary Is not preosteiy s fiontier bus la father line wherf wo separate elvUHettons meet to n on either aide of the line. You have made me feel so conscious of your hospitality and your friendliness ever since I came here and I am glad to feel that an ever-Increasing number of visitors from your country are being m m rf. n fui welcome in Canada. An' indication of how steadily the tide ofl visitors from the United States is now- ins into Canada can be found to UM fact that in the pro vine Ontario alone last year 100.000 sutoa wees tern- Dorsrilv aamiuea irom h 4" States." . CATALLABACK ON HER RUN rxinx NTr.AMK.ii pnACTirALLY xnw MHP lOUXIWIXn HTKAM?Sn IX XOVIJMUER OX IIT isiaxn fSsssassolsMkllee e VtatttaV afHHf gUld eekdenur - n s - in se food eaMUB a etr. ne crack Union tam7r SiDiU. CM. A- B-Dlokson, srrlved to port at M yester day utternooa from Vancouver sno wavMints. on her first regular call since last November 8 when the wss wracked on XI 1st Islsnd, a ooupie oi miiM uth of Part Simpson. The us ual Sunday crowd to meet we reesei mm.m aniaraed considerably by many Ipsople desirous of making an lnsproUti ot the popular coast liner. The salvage and repair W tne . which aank on the ledge of rock fol-lowisg hr trmito, tb Ul po1 ... . k. f .Kn.it . mnnth Hvde of Spokane will erect a concrete oi building at the corner of Third Avenue ocuatltuttd one of tbe blggeat Jobs ... ,k. i u.r.i vmii and Fifth Street for the use of the Now her fe old handaome self again, local branch of the Royal Bank. the Interior of the vessel had to m refitted throughout, her boilers and The St. Andrews nau wa in 1.1 ......ii. r,hii .rri of much animation last night when a:! the hull had to be extensively replotea. euyuyw u.aii "- OF Opportunity was also Uken to earry 'Adair Cars Chapter. Imprrlal DHi.Kh- out certain remqdelllng of the vessel, wrs oi me r.u.F.re the most notable feature of which was the carrvlim back of the promenade SAN FRANCISCO. Calif.. AprU 2.- deck flush with the main deck aft. This n ,n. nMltan Pressi Canada Is operation rrsuiw in tut. of the finest and most of having .one adding another ocean to her avenue, transnortatlon. Hon. Vincent Masaey. common u un.u u, It is unanimously admitted that a er. Canadian minuter to the United States, fine job was done In salvaging and re- said in the course of an address before the Commonwealth Club nere. ama,uon,lHt Besides Oapt. Dlckscn, all her regular Instead of thinking In terms of two .. K,ir.nin,i tr, former offlcers are back aboard the oceans, tuwuuu ww.u -." Catala Including Pilot W. W. Mounce. take a third, the Arctic. Into their na- tlonal consciousness, and they were Chief Engineer T. Beattle. Purser AW. Robinson apd Chief Stewart Bert Heb- worlds h..,Mn. another astewav to the , commerc at Port Churchill, on Hudson 'den. rassengers arnvinii on iv imii " "Nature has been good to us," saia,wp "-'uu "'""'" - " Mr. Uassey. "We are only beginning to kevsay. j -a. immrwoa, i. understand how good she has Been. au. . ... ..B. .. . ! Prince Rurt: A. Noble, A McKr -,-.... us the But Nature has Imposed upon , okstaeiaa. and we '. A. Sutherland. Ut. and Mrs. JajnesM. , these obstacles ' kay, 0. Johnson. R. Wstson. H. Olson Tucks Inlet cannery, sailed at 8 last evening for Anyox, Stewart and other a mhIu. iiaa Im tk. nalsSilnwhonri of ; KwtnlUa baa tied up tne railway line. Tbe tmin due (com the east ibis sfter- noou may not get through before tomorrow night. James Hmrker. chief operator at Ik:dt Bay wireless station, la being transfer red to Alert Pay. Aaboumssmiu, ii ' matte trist R. . ...rrltse 111' 00 .III ).; A s ratlin (I .itmnry meeting of the Interna-shippers Ltd.. local company. I -. the purpose of conducting between Prljce Rupert and '. oi ici.i wax held :a the city at the in .( week. si'M..."on wim expressed with the have nave had naa to to overcome wywiwuw - . - - :pre;,nvi miv worn aireaay carnru uui before Nature1. trusteeship was relin-.Mies uamer r. oarw wrge r. , no "r ' qui.hed. I '"'"l .mtuati.n II A It It I.AMH i in was expressed with the It now stands. The oom- . nan, IHUCQ L..II cauuiiUCULC miu "Our conflict with nature ws on the j bens Md O. Kustas for Stawsit; Mr. hu , , (1 nlany oBtn f shlpmenU but Mrs. 3. 0. Dndy. Otto Lantx. Mr. western frontier at first, for years weind nrellmlnary efforU will called the west barren tends besuseReW nd Cpt. Cameron for Anyox; w. (n, to ttmber M0 other ,u;b tliera were no trees on them. The de lusion of barrenness has gone. Recently an Alberta wheat field containing 1400 acres produced a crop of 57 bushels oi wheat to the acre. Tom Un son, J. M. Armour. T. D. Oib- LOCALSHIPPING COMPANY MEETS SATISFACTION' EXPRBSKICI) WITI: FROflKKKH TO HATE OF INTKIS-NATIONAL KIIII'I'KHH ItOKIK NAMKK AIDITOK B. uower ror Alice Ann. atw a. r. , ,, . nh tin for Port Simpson. , ....ntnj.nt or oeorge Rorle The qatala. after making a cau oullwr tor tne rompal.y wa. berethbond tomorrow. WANTS CHANGE IN Ten Years Ago k in Prince Rupert RMg CARRYING GRAIN niu of . tha resolutions Dsssed at r li; recent oohventlon In Vand:rhoof o' TI !Ptttrt "C"1 Farmers" Institute was a MAUCII 31. 1918. vrhewM the rate on grain for export Bad weather outside has resulted In .-. p-nM s,,wn a dls- small catches being landed here by the UnM 0f OTer s(g mtlea Is 21c and from halibut boats. Prices today varied from -j,!,,, tp prince Rupert, a distance of 18c to 17c. the boats In being: Tom jjj m,M ( 18c . jj,,. Association Is re-and Al. 34.000 pounds: Alameda. 3.000. outtlon , revision of the Istter rate Hoad Amundsen, LOW. Washington Chairman of the Railway ll8jM0: Naltano, 11X00: Deborah. 3.000: commtMlon and said revision to affect Ringleader. 109: HargeJice. .wu: un- n tvn Prince Oeorge and coin. 13.006: Troy. 4)09. IPrtnc RUDert. CATHEDRAL BADMINTON CLUB ENTERTAINS I.0.D.E CLUB AT SOCIAL A w .! was held Saturday evening by tin 'jiriedral Badminton Club In honor of members of the I.O.DE. club APRIL . Mis. !a friendly mixed doubles tournament air Robert Harden. Premier of Canada, was held In which the prize winners explains that It to on account of high were D Johnston and Mrs. B. U. wage demands, pf workmen at Prince WlnMow. Delicious refreshments were jnupert Uta( iperil 'jUiuvt this sewrst during tbe evening. vanoeTDOoi ror mnw jp. c 1 be cW on yeterrlsy sftemoon's tram real Quality Malt Syrup T!ic choice of llio.-e wlio have tried Ihem all Plain anil hop flavored Strielly union made ANHEUSER-BUSCH, St. Louh i.frifculors FRANK H. WILEY 1111 Hamilton St. Vancouver, D. C. A A A . A. A A A i Sh. . For Sale For Rent .ROUJIR PAR SALS. 82 TOOT BOAT. 12 h p. engine, power gurdy and everything complete. This Is an exceptionally fine boat and can be 'bad at an attractive price for cash. Moored at Ketchikan, Alaska. Addrms. H Ssuter. 626 Holly Stteet. Portland. Ore. 5t AI. PROIT AND CHICfUtN Ranch. 30 scree. 4 acres under culti vation. 100 producing fruit trees: i house nnd barn: two miles from Ter- I race. tSOOO.OO. terms !f desired afc-Rae Bros.. Ltd. iETTTNO BOOS 11.00 PBR 8ETT1NO from bred -to-lay thoroughbreds: SC. Leghorn and Barred Rock. R OP. stock The Royal Pur and Poultry Ranch. Pacific. B.C. 1 AD NEWSPAPERS MAY BE USED IN-stead of building paper nr to lay be neath carpets on the floor Oct special price on large quantities. Dally News. TOR BALE. PULLT MODERN PTVC roomed house. Hnap for cash, or terms can be arranged. Bargain tor quick buy. Phone Blu 67S. MOSKRATS. MOW BOOK I fifl ORDERS for summer and tall delivery, finest dark muskrat. The Rcyal Fur and Poultry Ranrb. Pacific BC. Jfl FOR SALE. SOME OOOD BOYS IN troMlng boat packer), and seiners. Bee Field. Northern Exchange. Cow Bsy M UNUSUALLY LAROE WILTON CAB- pet for Sale. Apply Pullen. Dally News. tf FULLY MODERN FIVE ROOMED house for sale, or rent. Phone Blue 873. OR SALE. P1AMO. HEATER AMD Kitchen Table. Phone Oreen 847. -IOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE. Phone Red 388. tf FOR RENT OR RENT. FURNISHED APART-menu, four rooms snd bath. Water nald. Phone 847. tf FOR RENT PUKNUKIED BOUSEKEEP- ing rooms bj'the day. week er mouth. Phone Red' 807. tf FOB RENT.--ROOMS WITH OR WtTH- ut board Central location. Phone Bkle in. tf-i a- iti i stum i Sin FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooma. Apply Musaallem Orocery. FOUR ROOMED HOUSE FOR RENT: hot and cold water. Phone Red S35 AUCTION SALE AN AUCTION 8AI WILL BK HELD on Thursday, April 6 at 3.13 pm. in the rooms of the Prince Rupert Auction Mart, Pcdersl Block, consisting of the following articles: Dressers, three tables, dsvenport. aewtmc machine, radio. rm rorkera. carpets, linoleum rugs. blllTet, cramoplione and other mlacrllaneous urtlclea. If you have nodi to dispiw of and wish to list them at this tale, n phune call will get me. OEO. J DA WEB. AUCTIONEER Phone Black 130. SO r. r. KRTtiirM Ssnd and Or , el for Sale, Scows for hire Prices BkgVeaftglsfttl 4 1 ClMMisMl.4De ItSl i i i iig.1 'i from the Interior to upend a few days here before nrocecdlnii to Vancouver where It Is his Intention to take up future residence. For the amusement of oversesa visi tors London ruu 470 theatres, S4 parka comprising 81.000 acres. 197 bus routes. 40 day ooaoh trips, 68 steamboat trips, ii9 or.if mui-Ma RlA tennis courts, 40 il.inrr halls. 171 historic buildings and CU6 restaurant. wall board prices. veneer, etc. Per M 2x4 Com. Slml. a good grade $15 00 U6 Shlplap. No. 2 12 00 ,x3 Fjr V Joint aio.00 8 in or 4 in. Flooring or V Joint 16 in WaU Shingles 1 24 U in. Boot Shinties, Mo. t Pert 3.00 In. No. I Ship) up. any width to 13 in I300 Rough Pir Boards, mixed widths 4 Light Bash, each B Light Sssh Inside doors. 3 ft. 6 In x Oft. 6 In Back Doors. 3 ft. S In. x A fu x S in. (glass) 9.00 1 10 1 40 I 3 40 Front Door., ditto S-7S Write us tor i;xn:i.M0it MMneji hhiile re., limited Ft. si victorut, - Vancouver, B.C. AUCTION BKIiS. FIJIXfK HI-PKBT AITTION MART Federal Beoftt Purnlture of ail kinds bought, sold or exchanged. Crating and packing done. Qoods sold dB Commission AMCtlnneer. ft, J. l)AVrV RETAILElBTEilUII'MBNT TIIR HCALEH HHOP LTD. M.1 rerdera W.. Taneaever C1I1MNBY 8WBK1 II. J. ZtTMKRHH (lenrrel lleejdy Mm 4SI COMPUTINO SCALES. 8CA4 ES. MEAT slice re cheese cutters and cabins', meat clmppera. coffee mill, cash register snd peanut butter mills. Expert repair and adjustments. Service contracts. New used or rebuilt machines. Essy terms or cash ac. Purnares snd 8 loves Cleaned and R- Cblmnles Swept OsDMtery PtoU Oared Per. Phone Red (44 Prince Rupert. BC BXC1IANCB NF.IV AXII KirOl! HANII Ft'MNITrilF bought and sold snd exrhanged. Player Piano and Two Cbab RegtewM to etoek. PAPtl)OPl!U M.R.t O.T.P. OTP. Tpird in. ... 'iTIR. l!.V tWriV-FWON rblrspnutor tts Third Avenue Telephone for appointment now to Bine SB Residence phone mats soa. Acute and Chronic Disorder success fully treated Established 1884 Wharf . Station Snd Ave. 8nd St. ... Srd Ave. At Pulton St . . For I he K.at CM TRAINS 10.00 10.06 11.38 10.10 10.18 tm Ave Ai 8th St 10.80 IMtlNCR ItlTl'RItT TIDES 4 4 THIgh " Ol p m Far Any VajjKlik. April " .JCuE .DAILY WE7S By George McMapus BRINGING UP FATHER Mt WELL- JUDGING I HERE- OH- HU't uun I - NO MATTER AH MCQIF. FROM THE LIFE Hi HOPE-MAGGIE ASLEEP- COME IvJHAT S'OU DO DAflUM'Og p aster OLD TVfc JUST EtE.N know ro Give. VOL LEAD- 1 THE V AkV-VOL) PLWIN' POOL, WITH OR VERY LIFE BELIEVE THAT ME 'ffi1 fe-r BOYS- VY AMf I THING VNfOOLDN TO COULD DECEIVE. N'T hQI ME FOR VOL) : f Wall Board . . ( HOtj DECEIVE- DECEIVE VOLJ- OU- j J -vS 'II ' I ensures a lifetime of aatls-fnctlon when used for walla '" and ceilings; fits true and stands firm during the life d1 of the building. e LJCACK v-v- 'L WARP Woe J CltUMlUE L I1UKN or I II r r urur t in n If IB HAf 8. ' V' II ftU Yf Li J Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and (J ravel Hoofing Galvanized Hoofing Chimney Tops Have Trough I ng Conductor Pipe Roof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Slove Pipe and Elbows Metal Roofs and Siding Phone 340 Box 1G7 Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Jus now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kind, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we low our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If yog have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Second Avenue World's Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from .pens of R.O.P. Poultry Breeders' Ana'n. of B.C. Birds with Official Records under Government Inspection. White and Brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, R.I. Reds, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorcas, Blue Andalusian Order Now. Reasonable Price. For Price List write Secretary, Prof. Lloyd, University of B.C., Vancouver, BX. Radio Radio As yll a specleluttng on th No. If Radlols. we with to draw tUn Hon to the Kadlota No. (our S. ft a another of the up-to-date, last ls months models, a Ut tube receiver. . Price, lees Radlotrons .... I OT.00 price, with Redlotron .. II4 price, oomplete with Radio- trons and 100 -A Loud- ..... mwkff flSS.10 BlcllMlve Wholesale Dealer (or Redlolaa (llllw: SIS Hlalh St Has 643 Frliwe Itupett. PC. SURROUNDED BY DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word In advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c WANTED WANTED TO EXCHANGE POUR roonwd bungehiw In Smith Vnneouver for one ol nimilnr value nt 8oal Cove. Apply S Sunbury. No. 1 Sub post i office, Prince Rupert. 80 FOR BALE HUIl.MNU MATERIALS.. NPICCIIL I.I MIlfK PHICFN. Articlci Lost and Found, 4 c STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS' I 'or VJlWiiuvei" Sunday -as Prince Ri.!' Tuesday --ss. Caiula . Thursday as. Prince (ii Friday as. PrincKss Bentri-c Saturday as. Cnrdena April 4--s. Prince Mny I April l ss. Prlncef Allot-j April JS- -ss. PrlnceM Alicr From Vanrwarrr Sunday-ea. Cr.taln j Wednesday as. Pr. Oern ; I Friday- es. Car dens Friday aa. Princess Besir',r Saturday as. Pr. Rupert, in April II- a. Princess Alirr ln.ll ! U SvilwM. All.. y t v. m. ..... ..... . 400!lnr Port Wmpsa and N.i.i- i: Friday as Gardens. Also a big stock of finish lumber from Pert Wmpsos) and v... always on hand, as well ss Lamatco. , Rsturdsy ss Cmrdena Sunday m. Catnla Wtrtnsadse ss. Prlnoe Oror From Anp Tuesday ex. Catals j Friday- ss. Prlnre accrue 1 1' or 4ewwrt end Premier I Sunday aa. CaUU Saturday Pi luce Ruprr' FnMW Mews rt and Premier- SJ0 840 8.46 a so Sundays One eollectlon only, same as pm. collection. Monday. Wednesday, and Ss turds ys at am. frM I be rant Tuesdays. Thursdays, and Sunday, at 8.90 pm 107 ft U)W 0:11 a.m. 6.8 " 18:38 pm. 4.3 " TIIIAV. tl'HII. 3 High 0-33 a m io rt 13 43 p m. 30 I " I)W 0 4B a m ft fl " IB ni pm. 4J " Hl.llMJHIIAV. AI'lltL 4 HlKO 1 08 a.m. 80 6 ft 1.1 30 p m 30 3 " Iw 7-38 am 4 " IB 33 p 01. i t " Sunday . Prince Rupert Tuesday - -ss. Catala . ' For ((ween t'bartntar April T m. Prince John April 31 es.trinre John !. Quajftx rlbidlette. April ss. Prince Jonn April IS- -ss Prince John r.w Aisawe Wednesday -as Prince d"" April 11 ea. Princena Ah April II es Prlnress Alir- from Alaska Thuraday-as. Prince Oecn April 4 ss Princess Msrv April It- -es Pr'ncess Alur April 3 as Prlnoses Alirr Km MAIL SCHEDULE AI'KIU Ilk. For tke rt Mondays. Wednesday H.m Tuesdays. Thuraosys mail due Te TgnesMirer Sundays TTiursdays Bauirdaye anil C.P.R--April 4. 18 and 25 Trains. Mondays. Wednewlu' Saturday Wio I'rxm Vderr Sundays Wednesday io ' Friday Saturday 1(1 ' C P R AprU 11 and 31 31. Trains. Sundays. Tuesdays sixi day " To Anyot and A Mew Arm- Sunday mail do' Wednerday From Ante. Alice Arm. hienati Ifwier - Thureaays I'ae atetkart siol Preetiler Sundaya Saturdsy From "tewsrt and Premier- Sundays Tueadaya To Naes Kit r mints prldnt Feam Naa Liter Pelnla Saturday mail T Alasa Pelnta April 11 and 31. IYt.ru AIWa IXnt AnrU 4 IS and IB. T quern rhrltle Islsnd Pmi- Anril 7 and 91 m liieen fharMIr Maud f" April 8 and It. . t l.liTTF.K IU1X Cir.l.t-fH,, A M Oraham Attln Ave 1st Ave. 8th St 6tb Ave. at Pulton St 8th Ave. Thompson St mh Ave. Bherbrooke .... Uth Ave. at Conrad 6th Ave. A3 Hays Cave Ave 6th Ave Sr Hsys Cove Circle 8th Ave. Cot'on Bt nth iva At areen Bt. fHsPtl). n ii" ii ii i n i" ii i ' ii .in !l J.' 'III II fi 'XI 9 V 8th Ave fc MrHrlde at B4ft Prov. Oovt Bnlllif Prjv. Oovt. Wharf l I M 1. 1 Ii i ' 1 H ' 8 I b .5 1