Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Oar price, weights and measures are right So Ij our Service Phone us and Save Mane and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Ling the Tailor Phone 649 Ctothes Cleaning Price List like this is worth keeping in mind! Ladies' or Gentleman's Salts steam pressed 75 f Overcoats Toe Trousers Skirts .Wt Boys' Suits .'Of SUITS. Dry Cleaned and steam pressed $'2.00 j Overcoats $2.00 j Trousers t . Skirts T.'e Boys' Suits $1.00 Also Ladies' Fancy work at reasonable rate- We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. Our Special Low Price on New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues LADIES DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving, hi IV 1 " ALE or STOUT W Builds Up Yottr Health STOCKS AGAIN WENT HIGHER NEW YORK. Sept. it. A bull market got away to a flying SUM yest?: when mora than a icon of issues wen pushed to record heights In the first bslf tear. The gains ranged from one to seven dollar Briggs Mfg. S3. Na tional Oath Register at 90. Studsbaker at S3, made high records. Othen were loose. Wiles Btvrult. Republic Steel, Def trolt Edison. Commercial Solvents. Anav conda. Chile Coppers. Purity Baking and Stanley Company Jumped 110 75 over- light JAM We have special prices on King Beach Jam this week. Take advantage of the demonstration at the Exhibition and be convinced f the excellence of this product All our stock is 1928 pack. Plum, 4 lb. tin .": Loganberry, Raspberry, Crabap. pie Jelly (Kj? Strawberry, Black Currant, Apri cot 70 CANNED FRUIT AND VfflJE TARLES Libby'a rears, l's, per tin .. 20t Del Monte Sliced Peachaa, in, till 25 Quaker Pes, per tin !." Asjicroft Tomatoes, Vb, 2 tins iMf APPLES C rab Apples, 5 lbs booking Apples, 4 lbs -? i inest Eating Apples, 8 lbs. ( FLOUR pother's Flour, in Gingham, per 49 lb. sack SlT-ili Quaker? Flour, per 6 lb. sack I Of Nabob Tea, per lb 7f Nabob Coffee, per lb (lf Fresh Ground Coffee. 2 lbs. ."( Braid's Ideal Tea, 3 lbs. .. $1.10 Toilet Rolls, per dot -15f Shelled Walnuts, per lb Preserving Pears and Italian Prunes are now at their best. Prices will not be lower and we advise our customers to buy this week. Golden Bantam Corn, per dot. ;IT? Spanish Onions, per lb lOf TERRACE Mrs c. O. Dunes and children arrived on Saturday and will take up residence haw. M. Duncan who is superintendent of togging operations far the E. P. Judsou Pate- Co. met them in Prince Sustet sod e turned with Mrs. Scberfc of Prune Rupee who has been a guest at the boa of Mrs. (Mass for the past Mo week returned on Ft may to her home la. Prince Rupert. Mrs. M jC. Oneimaa tad children of Usk were In town dosing the week and took In the fair on Met;. Miss Mary Htap returned on Saturday after spending the past two months with her uncle in Seattle during which :ime she was under the eare of an eye specialist. Mrs. A. Bedore and Ohlldrea visited at Rcmo on Friday. Mrs. C. C. King and children left on Friday oa a holiday trie to Mrs dflc Alrd Fanny Mas. O. D. Muna of ttte Saturday. urday to setter the Pilau attal training Mra. My HalllweU left Rupert. with bar daughter 1 Mrs. Taper and dsughtsr kPaclflc wen in Mies Ivy Alger of Oak toft at Pa- to Frtnes Ullsn of to begin training la the Prtaae Ru- part Hospital. board. Saaithars. was ta sawn for the Terrace Fair and fol lowing the fair SoUaoted a auaatttv at aradaw which he took t Prtnee Rapert en Saturday to form a part of hta displsy of Bulk toy Valley produee for the Friaee Ru pert exhibition. R. L Mcintosh left on Saturday for Frtnec Rupert. Ma was iinnaiiiealsd hy Miss Vekns Orleg who win epand the weak end with thsaa in Prince Rupert. Mrs. J. B. Oolthurat sad daughter Dortnda. toft oa Satardar for VsR-couver. when Dorlada wlU re-eater Crotton House School tor girts for the Word has been received ta town of the death at Clartstoa. Oatarto. of Mrs. Fairbure. promUMnt Pwes Club bar aad art orttie. Mrs. Falrba well known bet, having on two Ions spent some time bare with daughter Mrs. Prank Ross, formerly of Terrace now of Ojus. Florida. Mrs Arthur Csrr left on Sunday eat a holiday trip to Prince Rupert. Maw Lome Christie lrft Sunday to In a few days In Prince Rupert. The above nriees In effect Wed-1 . T" " . ...srf.v TKV.H.v Vrlrf-v ami ! W OW " Saturday only. Watts' Grocery Phone 5.". Phone 56 Shop I$rf&rTDoavc money msktag rspld. reeovery fallowing her reeaat operation In the Prince Rupert hospital snd ! expected home st sn . early 'date W. Ross Thompson left on Sun-dsy with a splendid display f pro-fiuoc for entry In the Prince Rupert Tntr. ".r sbscncn of Rv A W B'W'-ut JiUli.:' if ' ! A; ,: " BV.WnO.ISM ANII MH-IU. SERVICE AHB tlllBf TOPICS AT UENKKAL C Ol M IL WIRHIPBU. Sept. U Evangel lam and social service was the high light of discussion at Um General Council meeting of ths United Church of Canada haws yesterday afternoon. Other earl, otn reports toUehlag on the financial standing of the church and problems of the new pension fund for the ministry. The ml on was given over ea-eluslveiy to the report of the commlU to on evangelism sad social service, many distinguished mem ueis of the council contributing to the discussion. HALF MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL IN QUEBEC WAS BURNED THIS MORNING QUEBEC. Sept. 12 Manolr Richelieu at Murray Bay. one of the finest suaajaac hotels in Canada was destroyed by fin this morning with ail iu con-testa, tft loss bejag Ths oulldlng. which was fuUy insured recently cloasd after the summer season and only s Jew employees wore on .be prenrlus. It was owned by the Jauada steamships and will be BODIES ARE FOUND AT NEW WESTMINSTER RCW WBffTMIIarrR. Sept. 19 The sod M of. John Reid and his ,nlr. yeavrad son Joan, who was drowned lass Monday night when be attempted .s reach shore after thaw boat stranded on a sand bar la ths Ffaser River near Barnatc island, wsse reoovwrsd lsu jnterJay. Unable to gat Um boat off the bar Retd took his eon on his back and attainted to raaah shore but Humbled into the' elstaRfl and both alaappaand. was QBoaplsd by By BauiwaU oa Sun Mr. MePtarUd of Mtealon City of poultry aad rabmta at the raoaat fair oocvplaa Bat Called Church pulpit op Jes. Lever sad Bta aader Mra. W. W tsoonaa ef Tribwa ml Sunday for Prlaee Rupert with a laraa exhibit farm produce for entry at the Frlno Rupert Fair, ray wul also visit with their mother who is at present a pattont I: the hoaaltal that. I. F. ttoLetlaii of Aayos was vultor here at th .aff of the week. Mil Violet town Saturday btiKinrKS v -!; 1- wwqaw at Oak was in Mr. and Mn 4mer of Vahoouver were weak end visitors here. Miss Victor. Krlkevsky of Prlnre Rupert who spent sfew dsys hen m ihr funis ,1 Miss Mona Orel Tf. turned li-m: :i Monday S W...iiii, ., sfiriuutuUj. Cal.. Wot a visitor hrre the week end. r if K1mi!i'"!i wiw t litre ii' :hr :! ": TV. PACE FCUT 2 : a:lt ' i ' ': A. 4 1 BRINGING UP FATHER By George MManns RED'S f?iT r i gyM I uj I : 1 ', 1 1 1 1 1 i I ( ( S COWi.-OOH OOOGIM 1"f IANTIO Bt . I ill .11 II I ib -,-r-rtwV OH5ITr-r VAU PMTUT n i " UNITED CHURCH Classified : Ads. DISCUSSIONS WANTED KXPCRIKNCID WOhUM COOK position as camp oook. Apply IU Dally am. waxtbd OAAPtorrn Bos tin day or contract, no Job too small or tea big, rhoae Brae m. tlfl CANADA'S FOTBBT UMB OF PBatOll OrosUag ChrkWdsaa Cards. gills wanted in teas locality. Btosai Art Ornnpaay. Msnufactunra, sio Spadina. Toronto. JTAIVTBD CBDAR POUBI ALL StZBS. quo prices tab shlpprng point. Advise quin titles can supply, when can ship. Spot Cash. NMermryer-Martla Lumber Co., ForUsnd. Oregon. SIS VAJTTBD A RKAL LITB MAN TO take over the sale of our products, supplying hundreds of satisfied easterners in Friaee Rupert and dtotrtot Real opportunity for good man. For further information apply The J. R. Watklns Company, ng Hornby St.. Vsnoouvet, B. C. tf FOR 3A1.K eon SAUI AT A BAROADt LltfHT boras, five years old. with saddls. . Apply Monro Bros. tf XW SALS TWO BART BBSS. BART sleigh, bread miner and galvaunwd tub. Phone Bad Sit. SI I OR SALS LAURCB OWBR, TOVW Horse powei BasthoBe engine. aB nomplete and to good running can. dltloa Apply Fulton. OaUy Hews, tf OR aALB ROOMtMO BOOBS OR bearding house, good furnitun. linen, kltcbanware. etc. Also house rented at MS.00 par month. Wonderful op. port unity as going concsrn for right people. Apply Thea. OoUart Ltd. Ill IN PMORATK tiic i riii:ai: roiiitr or miiriMi cot.ixm.i a the Matter of the Act; and. the Matter of the tration of Albert TAKB ROTICR that by order of His feaor. P. McB. Youni. the eth dav of ieptomber. AJ. IMS. I was aapotntrd tminlatrator of the estau of Albert loos, deceased, and sll parties hsvmg laims against the said Mists are hereby c-;ulred to furnish same, properly vented, to me on or before the 11th dsy .f fli.t4iiM s n laea mti n Inaabtad to the estau sn required to sy the amount of -their indebtedness to as (orthwith. NORMAN A WATT. OffuiHl Administrator, Prince Rujiert. B C. Dated the ltth day or September. m.. itaa. JN PUOItATE . IN Tl'lfffrKCME rOlTIT or IIHITIMI tOl.l MUM III the Matter of the Admlnlstrstlon Art; and In the Matter oi the BrUite of Ether Kills. ne Et:.r Sol niuiui. Dc-reaned. Intent ate TAKB ROTICB that by order of His Honor. P. McB. Young the eth day of September. AT) 102. I was appointed Administrator if the entat of Eather Kllls. nee Bather 8-lomotui decpaaed, and all rtit linvini hums ngft!nt the aald nre !ierb riur'l to furnlnh im pr .;-r vi:nfi-d to ma on or :jeinre !, n!'i il oiolier I A D IV28 and :! ;iv.f. i.dclit.-tl '., amottnt of their indebtedness to me fcrthwlth. , ..Kt)BV A watt IT ;; . l:i.i'. : lUtr P ' i . Rtw 11 IV,'. I -:ie 11- .i , ;... i A. Li I ''28 FOR UETsT BOARD AND BOOM SU Phone Omen OFT. - FtmRiettBD A WORTH SIT THTRTT-THRBl ROOM MOTRL FOR rent. Partly furaiahwd. Apply J. 0. McLaanan. OR RXSTT. CFtHDrTOW H006C. Ninth Avenue Bast Beat rassaiiahle Apply Qty Tressarer jaty Hag, H OR RBXT PIAVOS, PLATBB-PIAXV Phonograph sad Sewing Usehhvcs -Waaarli Muac Stave. tt roomed apartoveat with bath. said Phone 54 rooM Wsset tf rOfs RRMT. POOR RjOOU FART. merit, hot water heated. Apply Smith & Martott. Ltd. tf FOR RRKT Pumisbed boasekswputg rooms by the day.weok, or awath. ' Phone Bad S07 u E AND TOWING -iSAX.VA.G Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. HAM IIIKOMVH IN HOATB Agsati for Bastbope Bngiaes. OeaUdi Propellers, aud Tualube Oft Kmils of sll dMtrlptien fer f'hsrtrr Salt Lakes Ferry service week days Ob the hours 1 pm. till I pjn. Sundays and Holidays. 11 am Oil I pja. IHwe Ml AUCTlQNRgltS. miser: ritekt aiction mrt I'ederal BM Punlture of sU kinds boutbv saM or eachsayed OrstlBg and peeking done. Ooods seM on CoatmiMloa U. J. DAWKS. AnHlaarrr. IHstk IM DANCING MIW MVr.VMVV CAM rUHLL ' Teaeher ef rtseakal Dtnrlng Operatic, Toe Dancing. Orsclan, Roe-si an. tgyptlan, ate. Also Physical Culture P. (I. Im MS. PhHf nisrk I3 "NAVIGAI1I.K WATERS PRO-TKCTION ACT." R. S. C 1 10 Porter IdslK Mining Onmpaiiy Ltm-I ted hereby gives notice that It has. under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Public Works ' Ottws. and In the office of ths District Registrar of the t.nnd Reels fat loo Dls- riot of Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, B C . a description of the site and the 'Inns of the whsrf and dolphins proposed to be btillt on the foreshore near the mouth of the Marmot River, Portland Canal. In front of Lot Number Pour Hundred Slrty-seven 47. Oasslsr District. Brit lib Olurobia: AND TAKE NOTICE that after the piratioi of one (l month from the dnte of the first publication of that No' ice. Porter Idaho Mining Company I united will, under Section 7 of the ssld Act. spply to the Minister of Public Works st his office In the City ,1 Ottawa, for approval of the aald site and plan a t'd snd for leave to construct the an id whsrf and dolphins. Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, thin sou, day ot July. 19SB. FORTES IDAHO MININO COMPANY LIMITED. TLMHKR SALE X10388 Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Porenter. Prince Rupert, net la'cr thin n-Hjn on the 33nd day of Sepu-m'xM 1928. for the purchase of I 'rear' XKUWT Kumdln Slough. M asset t Inl." U' l to rut 47 090 lineal feet of I'llinit will rill be Tu ii yearn allowed for re- movai or timber. run her particular of the Chief Por-e' r Vli ".r!ii BOl'tt the Dlntrlct Por-,ii .'i v. nc tttipert . B.C At'vcrvso In the Dally News, It paytl TUITION a. r. uii.ntvs f IVeMholmf Tii r.I.L f UsBS IOK VIOMN Ti:rvit Stl Fourth A i . FIlpBa now bu .. For hwnts -Phorr i CHIK01'RATH PR. . t. I.VOII50N CMreeno em Thi-o Avr . K a . V I rr M. Rtslgeace phon V -'. Acute and Chrot. v V i ( ralrf tres-fd Babl!ihM I FpITUnE AND RAN A OOOO'.AeJSORTMtN; ana Vtlem rag and try-mon c ,. mens Bwass sod B- ths OaBwuiLii r Mf ate, Poraitun run.'- ia.NI) ACT MIT1CK Or INTENTION' TO tii ri Kiiiti: i. ami la Rsaar 4. Coast i' oarduaj Bbiiict of Pr ... e i situate about 3 mUf (r . f the Khutse River TAIte NOTIOX THAT WUeaa of Vsnruuver. Bi Orrtt Rhajlneer inteixl-Mnalsslon to purrhaae Bescrlbed lands: - Commencing st s po" tat northeast corner uf ! wast IS chains: tbsucr m. thence east so mihk " chains, and eonutntng i- PAR1X 'K Deled August so. im LAND ACT. MIIICi: or INTENTIilN TO rnT I I.B.SC 1.AN0 la asnithers Land K-sad situate adjotuuni l-ids ol Skeena River TAKB NOT1CS that c of Pseifle BC . msrned to apply lor a lease o: scribed land - Cominei.c 'ig at a p ' soutoeast otmei cf I-"' Coaav Uutrfct: tbencc " theasv east IC ch:iu ' chains; tlieaee wast ao tslnlaa ISC acret, more : CHRISTINA Dated Use B IMS IND AC T NOTICE Ol' INTENTION TO ITRCHW: lM In rtange 4. Coast D cording IRatrlet of Prii o situate about 4 mile " of the Khut-e River TAKE ROTICB THAT A Maocullnch of Vann tion Broker, intend mission to purrnaae cri bed lands Oammeacing at a l : tb southwest cornet ( I west SO chslns; thence m ' eaat 40 chains nee is; thence west 20 Ulnlng 180 acres, mor- -ALEXArTDBR STUART MA' IN T1IK MATTER of an a;' the Issue of a Dupli-"' ' Title for Lot nineteen eighty-three (IBM). K Coast District. Satlafaotory proof of rMiiMU Af Tikis cover ' land" havina been product mv Intention to Issue ipl'ratum of one month 'r : puWlcatl-t! tiereef. a Dtip. !cate of Title to the ab .v.j I name of Joel PUIsburv ' Certificate of Title " ' Beptember. lnin ant ' i Lanrl ne:'n- O'f " n. r 23rd July r u aor 'nc- -