i CANADIAN .Lit.'tJ.lb'ji- PAGE THREE "' nrnT"T i rnrs(mtra i 1 , .. rTtr " 1 11m nr-mrf 1 lMa.MMjMM.MMww w. mjh..u .. .. . , r.imp.ii. . Local and Personal News In Brief - : 1 , ; ; OS 1 1 ill llll 1 1 " P HHf PHWiimm MP, specials! Specials. A f if ty ;c$nt package of Klonzo Shaving fcjream arjcj stnil.-a'.fifty cent package of Gillette Ila&6r iK)thrdr:. '.''....! T rf i Blade Blades. 60c n With each $1.00 box of LaClaire Fontaine -writing paper, a package containing 134 Xmas seals and tags given free. Oriiies Ltd. 7fic Pioneer DruotisLs TMIPDAVE . SIXTH ST TLLtPMONES 8 u 200.! HYDE TRANSFER m 1 AND COAL CO. Phone 5$0 JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double load $6.50 Lare sack , 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pemhina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Albert Sootless Large Egg $12.50 AHiertft Sootless Egg $12.00 Albeia Luipp t , . , $13.00 ' Also all other clauses of coal. I'Lano and Furniture Moving. Express and, Baggage Day aria TCIxht Service 139 Second Ave'hue Canadian National Qjc Largtft Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SiiilliiK frm rKINCi: ltl l'i:UT fr VANCOI-trH, YH'TOKU. KKATTUi anal littrrwnlhitr M)nt. nth I'ltlltAY. :txi a.m. IW MH;V tHT and ANYO.X. furl. WKIlNESIlAY. 10:M p.m. lac SOUTH AMI hOlTM I KKN t il AHI.ITTK IsLANUs. I rlnllitlj. p.it:NH:u THMt u:xr. ruiwr. bi ti:i:t MfJY. V:lIH Slid HATI KllY t 11:30 a m. fur IMMNtT. 1IM)U i:iiMOMIIN, WIN.MI'Wl, all Mtlnl ltrrn Caiuila. I'HMH Ma. AOKNCV AIX IMT.AN MTAMXIlir LINES City Ticket Offii-e, 52S Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2fi0. B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert . T.i Krli lilkan. Hranirll and Skaiway itihihi l. la. w. 1.. ui....(ivrr. Vlilurla ami Srnllle NovrmUw 1!. Irnul.rr S. IS. rillM'IWM KOYAL lr llulfrt.lf, Ian IW-lla HH. M-raii rail. Namii. Alrrt IUJ. Oaiiipl.rll Hlirr and Vanufr rvrry JrUlay IU p.in. t.n,7i.r all Wean..l.l. IJn. '" Informatlan from- W. . OIU'IUKH. Ornrral Asfnt. ..tnrr .if 411) Mlrrfl and Srd ,nur. ITInrf IHiprrt. IU. Min SI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Malllnia truni I'rlnt'r Kuiwrt. jf sVjrlvJyiriOKIA, swan-on liuy, liuteaalc. Aim lu,. etc I OUT olMl min. Vur Al.ir!K AUMI AN VOX. HTKMABI. WALLS 1HI.ANW. llirnuKh to dmtlnatlun W(y Meat Market A A vomia na e tttlC htiA't f i, St- P""1' Pnul's r,J.l Bazaar, Dwen m 'SCALE OF CHARGES na)i at 1 p M Dentist. Dr. J. R. (Josse Pierce. iPWle MrOoair. Ann Moose Hall. i Harold McEwen, C.N.R. divl-jien freight agent, sailed this afternoon on the Princes Mary for a trip to Juneau on company busineag. He wHI return to the city pext Wednesday, the LharJotte . Wand will Include Lutheran Church! Ewart Lyne (Pianist. CaDitol mber 7, Metrouole Theatre), teacher of pianoforte. " ' : ! ' The, following is tne scale . Adam Mackie, inspector of fish-. of charges made for reading erles, and Mrs. Mackie sailed last ites: nght by the Cardena on a trip . Birth Notices 50c. to Vancouver. Cnrds of Thanks. S2. I'lineral Notices SI. Tlmhnn CI A III. l. Funeral Flowers 10c per , night by jiivi Princes ftpyal, fJWJ ' 7, na",' ' ' 5 ft Fall; on ; jictf ee-. ) "MnrrifKre and Ensrajjement .XasflM duties. t announcements $2. ' , . . . . M j C. E. Sanderson of the Cana- t.f;dlan Pib & Cold Storage Co. ' UaHed last night by the Princess i a Taxi Phone 4. Rig 4 Taxi- tf .f'ojwl on a trip to Vancouver Phone, L- A- Dolan, until lately a mem-jber of the composing room staff jof the Daily News, sailed last Tommy's Tniri fPhone G7n an. night on the Gudeiw for Vancou- "ounces the placfnf of a second ver- I'odjfe Redan ear in business. t . A 'j r ifinsrt Lyne of the pertipi- finno for ssl chean. ownr MMM has decided t malis ,-aCa ?r? 6vm- Phftn? Wack W. n in the city. ItUI&fe and Jkt t -A . ! ft J ! Qflfi dattirmer will join him ralv In II. v !i li ft j , . , fi .., - , iv uu i j'-i jc ' im new rear xiuij, PyemW r.. T)Ho fJnr. rrHi morning 'or argument of counsel ' and decitffon. Phone 7C3 MEAT- FISH. VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN. PRODUCE" at low prices, and Immediate delivery Obiervel-AII articles are of superior quality and absolutely frosh. AIIlJUJt;ii.MljIT5 4- ' 4 Women of M;90sebefliTt Legion i Whist Drive and Dance, first ! Friday of every month. St. Andrew's- Day; Scottish Dance, Moose Hall, November 30. &L Andrew' Society Auxiliary Saie of Work, December 4. United ber C. Church Bazaar Decern- Prince Rupert Players' Club present "The Saving Grace" at the Capitol Theatre, December 10 and 11. Christmas concert. Booth Memorial School, December 18 and 1,9 jZSOtoG "Ji.m. 1 Special Sale English China CUPS Our wholesale house has just eent us six dozen Cups and Saucers which they are discontinuing and clearing out ut a discount. ' These would regularly sell for 85c and $1.25. CUPS AND SAUCERS Monday, 9 a.m, Ch 60c John Bulger The Jewellers Studio 10 Federal Block. lied 701. Phone 80G George, Smith-, will assume his new duties on Monday as wharfinger at the government wharf hertj, succeeding II. M. Daggett. )njon j. freighter Chilliivack CapJi'lWj Jfpunce,, arrived in Irt 4P 2 'o'clock this afternoon from the south with local cargo. Passengers arriving here from Vancouver on the Princess Mary this afternoon were: Mrs. A. Jtob-inon, Mrs. J, II. Gillespie. A. S. Micjiell and T. Green. St. Andrew's Society Church Parade to Rupert East United Church tomorrow evening. Address by Rev. T. H. McAUiwter. Members meet at Rooms, 0.45 p.m. Innes Taylor, purser'of the Yu kon river atebmar Vhill naifil yorirftrVyfI.s9n, purser of the I utschL were paswengers aboard fi I I farm papers the Familv Her- the Princess Mary this afternoon 280 Jd and Weekly Star, Montreal, jl"nd tHrougji 'from -Vancouver Iad them all. Om dollar a year Psssengers sailinc last nioht m thr yers for ft, and with on the Garden from here to Van- iu uPerb magazine free couver included: Mr. an Mr. ito Skagway. George Simmons, well known Caracrost - fox fa'rmer, who asw has uao Hie mvfTiuue of CBAdia& on a trip to Vancouver and . v. owjwaru, a. - pot- . ' - - - G. Macdonald. C. A. Dolnn nnH a tage stamjw is now os aale here.,"ier Points in the south, is a - TL I 1 1 l f . I (.(.aaAn.... - J At nJ me principal cnmtige im VAX vtiere ''UBavnv uuyit,u t riiiceBB . . ... - ' H.C 111. ' i is a finnt view nf tks Vlnir'. . Marv this afternoon Iiatea4 of he eld famiMar side i north. profile The liealaction of Pickering et al vs. the Ihimont-Emaraoa loir returning Rev. John Sutherland of New Glasgow, Nova Scotia," who is to relieve for a month, in the pulpit oina Kniun an A T f nD.,;..on'of First Preabrterla h Phii.h I I-.--, will be w proceeded wi, with V w in au County VVUUIj I I WM expected 1 ' to arrive - . here yes- a I l.ul.. I. ..a. . a il I e Prince Prince Charles Charlea for for the the Ouwwi Queen "T i T r xtr MitAM Tr ,f 1 lVJV o appeal, of O.e.the Salvation Army 0. L. Dunlop, for Port Clements: and Mrs. George Hill and Mrs. Erank Edney, for Matt afternqqn Taking lamng oi of Vvidnce viaence haVing having bWn bn during mnm the me mrain month o November distributed Skog frait conrictiwa for in-;ao) gairments to peopk who were fi&Atvnsi tL li.kaMi aa.M. Inhnrl i at lOnl Vi IrSt1 iartiriirntl v in ions kav, (tieef . adjoursd famlliea. Some of the County OounL until next .Tuesday Tfe'e were sent, to neignboring CANADIAN NATIONAL HOLD STEAMER FOR CHRISTMAS SAILING In order to accommodate those desiring to go south after schools close Friday, December 21, the Canadian National Steamships announce that on that day the S. S. Prince Rupert will be held here until 6:00 p.m., arriving Vancouver at 9:00 sun. Suatlay, Decem ber 28. Make reservations early at City Ticket Office. Third Ave. Phone 260. 29 .NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: Take notice that Jung Ming has bought the business of the Cana- Lj: "-..j., T-i-i-j a ... X knd Chin Yen. . aU- lisrten' hav- Itnsxcwnt.aioat fee, apid La, fr i nA .i ir name to the office of Tnos. i nnic lTirmui-i iu. defJ Mc- Clymont, . Third Avenue, Prince Ruiiert before December 5, 1928, as after that date Jung Ming will not be responsible for any accounts owing by them on account '.f the Canadian Cafe. 285 Signed, JUNG MING. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We aUo have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. fil7 2nd Avenue Prince' Rupert, U.C lets Trom which places- ap peals Were recelfeil C.P.R. gtearaer Princess Mary. Capt Thomas Cliff, inaugurating 4be- company's winter service to Alaska,, arrived in port at 2 o' clock this afternoon from the south ana sailed an hour later for Skagway whiiftW She will call here again next Wednesday afternoon southbound. The. vessel had light passenger list In an address Thursday to the ' Rotary Club T. II. Johnson, mu.n-: ager of the Canadian Fish k Cold ' Storage Co., said he noticed in : the published weather reports that he saw while away that IVince Rupert climate was milder than in nearly every other part of Canada, He thought people here dd not make eftoutrh of the mild climate. 1 rived overn.lihtjPrW' l-lM. wie luerufc, v fi -ui a Prrf Rupert elevator and 540 cars were reported this morning to be on the territory west of Jasjter Park bound here. Up to noon, elevator offices had received no word as to the next boat that might be coming here to load. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary, in port this afternoon northboaad from Vancouver to Skagway, had a small list of thirty passengers. Rt. The Acme Importers' Fifth Annual TEMPTATION SALE Boys' Blue Serge Long Pants, Suits Made from the highest quality, pure wool serge, :o the ve$y latest models. Grand wearing suits and snuppy enough to please hl)m, too,! Regular value $24.50. Temptation Sale Price ..$18.3.1 BOYS' UNDERWEAR The famous St. Margaret's Brand, which cannot be beat for quality. Made in England. All sices. Regular $2.50. Temptation Sale Price , $1.8." BOYS' SHOES-Leckie'e famous Red Stitch, the shoe that wear aad wears and wears, Sire from 11 to 13' 2. Temptation Sale Price s;j.45 Sizes 1 to 6'2. Temptation Sale Prke BOYS' HOSE The famous fit Margaret's Brand, made in England. All-wool ad in ajj, sjrejL Sjwcutlly made for boys' wear. Temptation Sale Price y.lc BOYS' TOP HOSE The famous St Margaret's Brand, made in England. All-wool and in al) sizes. Specially made for boys' wear. Temptation Sale Price "."i? The Acme. Importers HOTEL ARRIVALS December 1 Prince Rupert W. H. Benoit, A. II. Living, G. Garrett, D. F Davidson. G. Donnally. J. G. Macdonald, V. The Mary is lnauguratiny the Tolmie. H. A. BandaH. William lortnightly service to Alaska for Ware and M". B. Craig, Van the winter. Improvements recent- vouver; W. B. Hester, Hamilton, ly made to the vessel have includ- fnt; Fred J. Hughes, Juneau. ed the installation of a rnviga- tor's bridge with shelter above Koyai the Pilot house. A dance hall aft C. F. George. Vancouver; IL ha. also been put In. n F. T GIm. , C f . ;R. : JMr Ijiaauuien, i umiti toiuuvj, tt Rev. E. M. Bunot, Bishop Swellman, Port Eaalngton. of Prince Rupert and Yukon, was among prominent ciergy who participated Tuesday night id a large reception In th Hotel Vancouver to Most ReV. tWlrflani'to Tlnk-p. newlv consecrated co-ad- Savoy 1 J. F. Malitor aad M. Queen Charlotte islands Cunningham, Port Easing' Bell, Anyox. jutor archbishop of Vancouver. Central The reception was presided over Mr. and Mrs. A. Rystojrl, Se-by Mr. Justice Dennis Murphy attle; J. NesbHt and J. Madaen, and there were representatives Anyox; J. Koster. Port Essingon. jof the southern city and the pro- vincial government as well as November 30 'other denominations besides the, rnme itupen Komau 'SlElR'hurch. -H f. Ii. I.al.l.i.k and R. L. Gale. Terms Strictly Cah. No charge accounts No C. O. D. THIRD AVENUE. PRINCE RUPERT, H. C. "CATERPILLAR" Tractors IHGfiER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundrcil Uses for Every Size 2 TON. 'rV2NTY, TIHLTY. SIXTY RBTTHR QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prues on Request Sole Distributers for C. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED llranrh Otflm ,Vtirtp JUilMr lrl;bt nulldlaf - Srlwrv Krluwaa " ;',!. V Million ttrft TfNiJrtnait-r.VolfttMiik. ITlnre Oeorte VANCm VER. a a Manager HOLT BEST Smithers; D. W. Davis, Washington, D. C; O. Hawkins, Nelson; .Mrs. Noonan, Telkwa; J. W. Strom beck, Alice Arm; W. Laing, Victoria; Mrs. W. Pigott, Edmon-'. ton; Harry Cochrane, Stewart; . !Mr- and Mrs. G. S. Powell and .fj. A. Garrick, Vancouver. Royal J. Cook, Terrace; W Graham, Prince George; F. Glass, city; Gun nor Stock, Verner Larson, and John Larson, Anyox. B. Savoy J. iUnds, Endako; W. Mc- fiKay, Smlthjrsj james Hufjrood, l'nnce nupen. TakahasW ana J. wojnecKOWsKi, Vancouver; A. Beaudln, Alice Arm. Ten native members of the Church Army from Kitkatla sailed this ffternomi on the Princess Mary for Ketchikan where they will pay a fraternal visit to their Christian brethern.