SIZ Wiaferronf WTiitfs Accident Causes. Gloom Along "Front''; Currie & Son to yuijd Port Simpson, Wharf; American, Halibut Landings Gloom has been, cast over the local waterf rontr-par ticularlv in huntine circles this week over the untimely, The curtain rang down yester day on the deer hunting seaso. and a number of parties were ou. trying for a last-minute bag. The season for shootfng of geese and ducks remains open until Decent ber 31. Prince Rupert Salvage & Tow- Ing Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess, Capt Frank Tyler, returned to port Thursday night after having taken a party of Vancouver hunteiw to Naden Harbor and Mas-sett Inlet The weather was very foggy ami, conseequently, the bag was small. One of the visitors, however, admitted that Paul Armour could not supply the game too, though service, otherwise, had been of an excellent quality. Prince Rupert Salvage &. Towing Co.'s service boat Pachena Is being kept busy these days taking the pilots to and from the grain ships. The vessel was out on Wednesday night to. bring capt. J. It. Elfert back from the outgoing Rockpool and again on Thursday evening to bring Capt Larry Thomson back from the Carperby. Salvor Due Monday The Gait freighter Salvor, Capt. W. Y. Rush, Is due oh Monday from the south with a full cargo for Albert &. McCaJfery cpriftti- Ing of ogL. lumber and JJme fromJ tne concern s yards, as wejl as 300 tons of coal for the dry dock power plant. J. C. Scierk was able to leave the hospital this week aftjet Hay ing been confined to that institution (or a month -suffering from a broken leg sustained when, a lump of coal feU on hlra while employed in the Albert & McCaf-fery yard. Having been awarded the i .contract by the federal ide partment of public works for the rebuilding of the, wharf at Port Simpson the Joho Currie & Ron plledrivlng outfit will move up there in a day or so. The Jol It is estU mated, wiy take about six weeks to complete, not being quite as big as that carried out there last year by the same concern Jjn. the renew, ing of approach etc Dr.Alexander rilONE 573 nr.SNER IlLOCK DENTIST LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage T I'hone8 Cartage, Warehousing, and. Distributing. Team, or Motor Servict Coal, Sand and Grayel We Specialize In. Piano ana " Furniture Moving. plant The R. M. P. power tug M. T. 3, flagship of the fleet is now un deroging an overhaul, after which she will be tied up for the winter. The tug F. IL ,Phippi wu kept in operation throughout the winter. The smaller Tide Rip ana Cumshewa are also tied upT """ The local halibut boat CapeJ Beale, Capt. Edgar Arnctt sailed Wednesday night for Vancouver. Vessel and cruw will spend the winter in the southern metropolis. Capt. Nels Peterson is under-.tood. to. be contemplating the. changing of power in his local halibut boat thia winter from gas to deisel. The vessel it at present tied up at the F. E. Hunt, Ltd. floats. Off to Juneau Norman L. Freeman, local .rep resentative of the International Fisheries Commission, left today on the Princess Mary for Juneau, where he will spend a day or so commission headquarters unu; after Christmas, when he will go out to the halibut grounds with the scientific staff on the schooner Dorothy. The winter qujet has set in, along the waterfront following flie closing of the halibut season. About all that is going bn at the lish houses just now consists of a little putting in shape forth big holiday season. The boys are as usual exchanging yarns, in the various favorite haunts. Every now and then, these conversations take on the appearance of a mass meeting with occasionally the necessary earnestness. Capt Mingo Soriano left on Thursday morning with, the halibut boat Sumner for Seattle where the winter will be spent Mingo didn't have such a very good season this year but hope springs. ternal . .. and back again, ttrjght ana1 early next spring. -The trollingHioat J.! and N whtith-beioriged tV thl late Jack Beale, who lost 'his life two or three weeks ago in a fall from a whajf on the local waterfront, . u iLl. i. I r Irlce $400. Baltic . Brothera Br unvol, Bonanza. . . . Brisk.' ... ... . Bolinda Blanco . . . . CedriQ . . . . Constitution CoolidfrV .:. Columbia, .. Chum. ...... accident at Hartley Bay on Tuesday night which was,ye-CaHine ..,'..i i i, ,itK k A,.,n;nrr t iSa Celtic . r Gibbons and. Thor Johnson, both of whom were as well; CyB'' ' known and popular along the "front"' as they were charlotte', throughout the city. There has been much conjecture as. .Clipper ' . to the exact circumstances of a, tragedy which cost the. Discovery. live of twp men who were usually quite at home upon, the water as ashore. It seems that hardly a year can pass without some serious accident in the ranks oi the nim rod. This tragedy U accentuate by the fact that it took, tw, such well knpwn men. a, Ed. Gibbons and. Thpr Johnson, Their exact fate will, possibly never be known but the memory v. two such dead game sporMne will remain green for many a yeu to torn. For the relatives, tht deepest of sympathy is felt b.v all The reduction plant of the Jiu-pert Marine , Products, Ltd. at, Tucks Inlet was closed down, for the winter last Saturday and w'Jl; not be reopened until after the -.Democrat American. Indi.ofis L,", 7 10 11 C 3 4 1 3 8 9 & 4 1 7 9 5. 4 2 1, 8 Qefense 4. Ppric 7 Polco 2 Don. Q 3 Daily ; G haJibut season starts on February 'Eagle $ 15. Meantime, a campaign of re-k)ectra 8 pair is "being carried on at the Eldorado 3, Excel 9 Eureka, (Ketchjkan) 7 Explorer. 8 Eastern. PoJnJ 13 Eureka (Tacoma) '.. 1Q Bid s void 1 Eifep . v 3 jioremost . . 'Flattery . . Franklin .Y. Gloria GJ5$jer .... Gniylfng ... Tordenskjold Gony 2 Garland 7 GJoa 7 Grant C Hi CHI 10 Hazel II 14 Havana C Hilda 8 Happy C llelgeland C Ilene . . rene .. Ithona . Jyanhoe. . . -v-.-J.-. P. Todd Lb' Jack June on commission duty. Returning ivanatra here next Wednesday, he will pro-j Kanatalc .wV. 7 7 C G 9 17 3 9 4 ceed the week following to SeatN Kennebec C tic, ume ii m vein ue sutiiuneu "IlKodiak ............ 2 Lansing 11 Lenore 8 Liberty ... 5 Lituya 7 La vera 2 Leviathan .......... 8 Lindy T.... S: Lumen 10 LMiddJeton 8 Majestic 9. Mars Marmot .(.4tMi. MUfred II ..... Mltkof , Madeline J. ..... Muria 2 McKinleiy 4 North 11 Nordic 9 Norland ...... G National ...... . 1 Nordby 5 Northern 3 Onah 17 Omaney S Port'lock 9 MProsF&rlty 7,... 8 Pierce 10, Faljway ..... .' 2 Parago-r.rTt.-T IVggy 2 Polaris C Pioneer 4 Panama G 7, "'"'Heliance I l , i a i tn bell of this city. The vessel is 32 feet long and. is powered with a 12-14 Automatic engine. The is reported to have been Reliance 12 Ualnfer (Mr) 9 Rainier (small) .... 1? Iiadio 4 Resolute f Inform 3 Following are the number of snUneI i2 trips and, aggregate amount of star D fish that has been landed oy Am- ev... " M'' r erican, hall.bul boats at Trince Sumner C uuen opting ins season jusi sufa 7 clos?i: - sirius g Trips Total 5undv 1 Norma J t 1 President 3 Alitak 1 Anna J. KK. ,12 uatcn Superior .... 5 4.00 Seymour 4 37,000 SeattIe c 7.000 Senator 7 195,500 Sunset 8 Augusta ... .4. .... . .lS, 1C8.500 Sea Bird 4 Arrow 208,500 Spray ;..... S Alten, i'iifDl 252,000 Teddy J IS (Akutan C (Atlas 8 (Atlantic V. 9 Albtros ...,i.v... 5 Actor ... 4 1 Arctic i. 2 Avona , 1 Attu . 3 (Bravo .,.,... 7 Betty ........V..... 10 210,000. Tyee C 204,000 Thelma M. 7 f22C,000 Tahoma 13 137,500 Tatoosh 4 2,600 Thor (small) 9 35,000 Thor (blgj'.. 3 10.000 Thelma II. 1 121,000 Uranus 1 57,000 .Urania 9 108,000 1 Unlmak 7 107,000 124,500 284.CQ0 137.000 80,000 52,000' 10,000 46,000 199,000 ioi.oooy 230.000 ; 33,000 1 G.000 1 248,500 3G.100 1 175.000 21,000 97.0Q0 5,000 1 57,000 j 51,000 272,000 0,801 23.000 124,000 272.000 248,000 318,000 1 70,00 tG.O'.O 28.000 57.500 79,000 8.000 29.500 351,000 58.000 139.000 49.0&0 143.500 109.OD 7,000 18,500 Sl.OOfl' G1.000 HftSOOj 98.008 19S.0O9 20S.OM 48,000 68.500 146J0OQ 176,000 168.00G laeoo 97.900 1 8,604 3U.G00 loidb 47.000 uijm 1 laeoM 120 13900j 86.&O0; 120,090 26100 l!0,fltf 5,000-131,000 1 900. 30,000 178,0e S21.000 23800 18J&00' 157.000! 85,000 183,000 ! ' 127,000 276.000 288,000 1M.000 88)00. 1B6.000 lC.OOfl 187.009 181.000 180.000 287.000 90,500 108,000 80,400 146,000 107.000 air,,ooo a4,ooo 20,500 a2,ooo 92,500 210,000 15400 2M.0OO 4,0 ) 12.000 103.000 166,000 218,000 106,000 42,000 72,000 &4.000 192,000 7M60 S7.000 158,000 88,000 44,500 81,000 6,000 10)00 MU0 08,560 r" i'HB DAILY NEWS ft I 1 i r.- TO S:ff;:: Vansee 8 Ventur V,. 5 Wave 7 Wabash 18 Aleutian 1 Western 4 Wirelesn ,. 2 Wilson 1 Wisard B W'tndtm '. 1 Yakutat f Yukon . . . , 8 Yellowstone t Zenith 6 218 T T... 1 Harding ..(.. 8 Triaitf,..- S Viola v 8 Diana .............. 1 Ii " rial 1 Ionic 1 own C 70.500 178MQ 67,500 1,800 1692000 notooo 51,200 83,500 80,000 118,000 12,700 11,000 148,000 10KK) 208,000 137,000 87,000 186,000 1200 18,500 92,000 24,000 8,000 20,000 800 There Is considerable activity aroiwd Prt Sinmion and Victory Cove ito- the boiUiaik(inr line. Capt, WWw W6.pW toiler, i-fbuty fmMbi a boat to replace his oM scboonsr, Swift. Cap v&txU to b nt of the high Warke'Gnal fishermss nsxt season. tvf new thirty foot trollers arc also being built and It is expected they will be In tfcs water by spring. Bradbury & Tlfs frtcktr Ti lome 9heGift that f Kcefison urtnofi true nw suuna News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Winter Program for Georgia River Gold; Extensive Develjpmenls at Silverado; to Work All W nfrr The winter development program is now well under way on the Georgia Kiver gold mine in Portland Canal over 200 feet. The work is being rushed with two shifts underground. Everything ts in good shape for continuous underground development on tJs well known high-grade gold property and future developments will be watched with mu h interest. The new road from tidewater to ftie mine has been used to tyts Top, after h&ving been away from the port for several months packing pilchards for the company's redaction . plant on the went coast Vancouver IfcaWSn tng the south.' winter sutoplies into the property. Bnr developments by the Pre mier Gold Jliaing Co. on the Sil-i Vfrrno at Stewart are looked for rOlll W. ?1: ft ti and besides the songs of famous concert singers the best from the vaudeville artists entertainment from everywhere any time! A mighty paean swelling from a hundred throats . . a velvet tapestry of tone that ftujy Jif ta you out of your chair . . . now soothing, now stirring, as the melody changes from fimussimo to fortissimo in a kaleidoscope of color. Your are listening to an ' opentic chorus, in your own homel So flawlew is the music of the new Or-l tbbpbonic ictfola--yoii can nick 'out the ' teoofs, fcsriUaes, sspranos and contraltos at distinctly as a weaver can fpamte the strands of a Gobelin tapestry. Each voice is there, aofd yet it is uW 4fSHK you fed, and not the sitjgfe thnttds. liatever you like most in musk, this peat instrument will brigj; to you m all its glory. Go into any His .Master's Voice store and compare this new music with your amception of thapld talking machine. The new Oriliophonic Victrola patented Vietoc prodoct is made in a range of Ixwutifol models, designed in fine walnut or mahogany. Electrically driven, if you wih, at Nk additional cost. Prices from $1400 loW to as low as fU5. On convenient pnyKnu fsatn His Master's Voice dealers. MOMC TraJe Mark, lirg'd Victrola ictor Talking Machine Company of Cnna lu, Limited. Mo.hii er to (he mim. 1 tfttk oer thrf m i verauo in one v li" loettted propirtle ' Canal (listrict h right on tidew;u-i " problems arc 11 1 M 1 Orlhonhorile onJy if it bears the dog TradrAl supplies an w hill from Scw:u! pendeat'e proer:y. i r velopRK'nt will be ( 1 .1, , , wiwr us' m u v. uuwii irom otewan aiui eigiween men are omiuayeu un- rtu, v tnnfi. r 1 der the foremanship of Bert Shearme. The immediate en SG0 feet umk'i the- ' objective is the extension of the tunnel on the main vein win be continued - to its intersection with the nouthwest vein at depth from wo feet of w 1 which a drift will be run both ways on the latter. This V. This will . f will give a further depth on the- C'l IV main vein of wherc the core .n w J -ver and grey :oi ;: COLDER WEATHER in the near future, nurjngthe Ijucrt e-pr'c':c: nasi season a thorough surface weaker - and examlnatteu of thfe WtefXM i I)lcrmofr has been continually iri WWllvMeooi fa"!?",W,r,;!P Wtby Inland reUtcrcJ W enmuinniv. n, V" ,V- ,I.urt,M 0f fr0st UUT , fet tunnel was started some time II. ' ' . Ml Uly colder than sg for the purpose of cutting at flf th(J hnrbor an approximate depth of "00 feat . the rich surflice showings located last year and is now0 well In, work-' Mrs. that on n Hill (r jiWl rrii two snnxs. 10 mwi aeveiop will sail ioniKl j nawtr line in now luumr nkar1j fnr Massctt W"1".. -"T iiipiu iiwriw Limm fining irom uie tumnsja tuower win visit Airs. - pTent at the mouth of Marmot niv-jand Mrs. Frank Ward.