uesday, April 10, 1928 THE DAILY, NEJJB PAGE THREE I 1 17 IIIIII1II W WHIM Local and Personal j AWARDS MADE Dentist. Dr. J. R. Oowm. Phone 0B8 l OIXOWINU Till KNAMKNT Or si,u;m i;kn kimhion'm III II- IM1 HIMICU Mr Piter llelri- lued wiiutnam won the grai at $100 in the writs t . . mil I T,-,'ll 11 IB L Ul ITEI 1IE1U Ulin IV IHi WS winter by the local Elks Lodge Mrs Wlngham had the highest afore- ,:i score or 818. Second prise valuex . 5 wan won by Urn. W. B. Whin wlih 3003. being the nearest to . j. umber o( 2700 which waa hidden be I r i lit competition started. The thlrc. , valued at 36 went to Mrs Auna ,,: wl.'j had the loweat acore lor the ,c-: .". 2807. Announcement and presentation o. :,rie. uiok plaoe at an enjoyable whtsl ..mi midge drive and dance last nlfht n, presentations ware made by W. D ...ice and W. S. WlllUcroft. u'.nner in the ereulngs card pla) ( I . wore as foUowe: undue Ladles- nrst, sua. r. aei: indie1 necond, MM. B. A. Boss, on cui Mm H P. Olaasey; men's firs, w O Vance: men's second, H A. Bos Whist -Ladies' first. Mrs. W. H. Perry ladies" second. Mrs. D. H. McDonaU ii.i-ii'k flrvt. K. C. atcQuslg. men's see ,.. H A Lamb Hamilton ol Park Avenue th a weak spell while on Pu ;i the Otty Ball this mornlir "ilmlanoe was callerl bnt M" had unie without sufBclently aid to SALT RHEUM All Over Her Hands and Between Fingers Mr Walter Misner, Midvilli. Braneh, N antes: "j h)M, mU rhl.um ,n M' hands, and Mrxx-iallv between " lingers. It was tmnoMihle for me mem in water, or do my house yt tiring medicines ami eftWee, "in mr no (rnnrl, J hrnrrt of Inn (. Wl'lldrilll tttlil ttflilp tulrlt.,. 11 ' " I am euhrcly ' rolmted of Iriiillilc." M'.iif,.tured only by The T. Wilburs ioi, Toroato, Oat Skating daily. 3 to 4 and 8 to 10. ti Oet the Big 4 nalaiti it a Taxi, phone 4. Marcelling and ,4k Inner. Phone Black MB 8. W George, on a business When thinking local Inmiruuce trip to Aiijox. U 1 Halrcuttlug. MifcM 84 man T. J. Bbenton, Inspector of mine, n a trip to Anyox on omclal duties. Bev. Walter Allen arrived in city from Stewart on the Catala morning. the this This afternoon train, due from the at 8:30, was reported this morning to be on time. A proclamation has been Issued irorr. Ottawa designating April 33-38 at "Can ad lan Forest Week." Dr. R O. Large of Port Simpson arrived In the city this afternoon an:! will be here tonight. Mrs E. W. Marentetir returned to the city on the Catala thu. morning ufir bvUl Pn' '- t Stewart. hmenta were served after whe.h .., priM-ntatlrin of prUNs took plsce ;, :i. ; (olljwrd with music by Al mid his archest, v 1) Vance was dhalrman of lb r mmlttee In charge of the w- ., ; v nut drives as well as las ::..,.,: (unction. Mrs. H. P. Olai?' ,,,( A Donald assisted at tne oocr Miss Blanche Curtin and Miss Lorna aalcLaren returned to the city on the Catala this morning after a week-end trip to Stewart T!.r.-e who participated In this serlc nesoay. prn is at . . HiiitlM fcSnnrtav Snrll ,,r' luiiKing forward to anotner oeio, :,eld next winter. SEVEN DRUNKS ARE PUNISHED iinwi- in iti' hm.mt. coim THM MOKMMi ! There kcm'ii drunks were eltlier fined or nn nei.n nrec; to jau terms dj mt""-"' Mi l :viii )iii in cfly mi. rn.nic Tley ,,l elibrun the accumulation us trom over the Caster holl- at; hn-c Cai.-u-uoot of Baaaltcn. at ii. t,.nu.u BimoO. pleaded irullty Be Canadian 1-eglon half-yearly general meeting and election of arnjers Wed- pjn Executive 1C, at 8 p.m. For Pratta Baby Chick PiKd and Poultry Supplies. Bulklcj Valley Hiy i and Oraln. Seeds. Pertllier and Coal call up 88 Prince Rupert Feed Ca. was s preliminary meeting 881 Mr. Arthur BrookKbr.i.k will sail 1 Thursday night by the Prince Oeorge for a holiday trip south. will spend I the mast of the time in the Yakima Valley, Washington. i ol Pair Board last evening, ad-' J -urnment being taken until tonight court this police mtmb the bmlMm till be continued ; Officers of the board have not yet been ! e'ected The presentation of the Oribbaa Ci'ca rlt take nlace at the Moose am !k- wa. sneii only one drtnk aboarj Wbut j, (n Dll,ce o:: PrirUy. April I. , u.,i: winch be wss prepannj oribbage Drive, with prises. In con-iwr. li. any case he came up-tor. hltl -, .,,-r.i.rv n'i'iW A J i!:U .! Ml With '... iii Jail, a i i.i pi. ',4 (li I' an loul of Dominion Oon .(I PtVVIIBt. line L AIj m 0Kiii -1 in n. "just feeling rign: t . luiiior from a fisherman- trol-several Indiana have aald lawl " v not liquor frum a "tr-jller. on suggested thst armeb a 'x doing a land-offlor buatnen wan fined 8U slid as .60 cos's o: Elunn. bes pert ac led. admititd "; --lily that It wm his eeeond of-' He said that be lived at Buie-" v hirr he was working The eour. i i :r.i.-(i that it would pay him to get ... x work Then was nj'hing lor i )i..iHirate to do but fine nun 880 i: 1'. (y ii Bye pleaded guilty to his thM In response to a lugasstmn br HI I vi! Hannah, he oeoiared that he iiut drinking without being in-!n The youth was sentenced to any without option. Edgar. Jack Collins and Walter rcn were each fined 835. with ih . thirty days in duranor vile liners' aaaehlng the city ' I. poinu on .the Citala included B, Jaoobscn. Allen. Mlsa Btsnche Curt'n from this Rev Ml . M.i -Ijiren. Mra. I. W. Marentette V'arner. Mies Mahoney Mr anl 'liarlea Larson, B. H Bourk- T -;i-n and B. Oalbachtnt from fv.rw. 1 Vallaas from Alice Arm atul A A strand and Tony Hahtl ivnm n.. ... TI ' , "ii::l,- t - h Crlhaaar Lsaiue Piaatiusin golat taVoujh to Vanoou- ST from northern point on the Catala ' t r lrclt'de V Caldcrone and John Indian also admlf-cj A, .,. w as a: Brian. Mr and Mr r.orotielu aiid r Rayayaua from Stewart y.r D D McTavuih and eon and drughier alio l-.rw- been vtsl'lng i ' -e pai: week with Mrs McTavlsb'e parent. Mr and Mrs Mm te Craig. Waldron ! Aprj-imenti. v.i!l sail Tlr-radky night i ' Prince Oeorge on : south Union steamer Catala Capt E A r'rkaon. returned at 10 45 this morning from Anyox. Stewart and -tlier northern porb of call and will anil at 5 pjn. tut Vancouver and waypomu The Catala ; la calling at Tucks Inh-t cMincr todny to unload a quantity ol freight for the plant. I Renlaetng the Prlnceaa Mary which l-aa been earryluit out the service dur- , l:g the winter. CiP R steamer Princes j llce. Capt Aithiir Slater Is due in port bright and early tomorrow morntn trom Vaucoover ennmte ti Alaska. The Alice la scheduled to touch southbound oi Sunday HUMOR THAT SAWMILL mil PE BJILT HERE BY J. R. MORGAN CO. Hun '.ra are hfird alK'Ut the city, although no t-onf rmatlon l to be or-ti.lverl frni 'hoe aaat-ciated With tlie reported principal, that ohn R Mor-Ksn. pioneer nperatar of 'this i district i t-i est.ihi.in s large sawmui pear the railroad r. Kiiv: j site ; (Hired for rily presumably along the i . It i.-w.i.d P'-rt Edward but 1-liiiKl 1' alao said that il Srii". Rcrltsl ' P uteri by MrJirU- redei:i-K Smith, in u piur.clsy Whist League Cup-;" Tert!i 4. Mi' Club Aiinuiil l'11 Mull recently ac- annoici:mknts Anglican Church K..ter Sale AprU 10 Cathollr Women i! work April 11 League spring sale A MePhorson Unii'imter and l nili'd CUurcl). - distribution iM.iose Hall, April 13 RoyBl Soolety ol S. fVurgc n-ive and Dance April l3 Prince . Rupert Pviee April 27 0lrl' Drill Tuanj RldUy Home Auuuui iin.'i dii; Mrf a in Mouse B". l'lKiiiy. My IUI AS ONt Of Till Mlli'lMNti EPMONTOf, '.'4i?isf! a. " yiom thxl ,.Ue Br; uh Columbia Rovernmrnt di- ,iidotl tti extend the P.O.fc ra.lwuy to 'Priin-e Oeorge. strong elTor Mi uld Whist snnin be made to have tin- Cumdlaii Ir'micnsl provide a Ki'-r; m;:!. iitcciured Charles Woudwsi-d MIA Vanrouer. wtien seen hfr". He 'imed th.H "Nothing can need a lie; A faidt, which needs it most Must grow two thereby JUSTIN VAN DER WEYDEN could trace J his gncestry back to the Crusaders; Leila the frail little girl he loved could trace her's as far back only as the "Nobody's from Nowhere.' And being a snob, Justin sacrificed love and happiness. He arranged a marriage with Madison Breedon, the daughter of a wealthy Southerner whose ancestors, of course, came across in "The Mayflower!" And,so they were wed. Justin told Madison nothing of his love for Leila. - Madison, in turn, fold Justin nothing of the hereditary taint of insanity in her aristocratic family. To approach the marriage altar with a lie trembling on one's Hps to build one's future happiness on the baseless fabric of deceit and falsehood is to invite inevitable tragedy. But the Van der Weyden union seemed to work out successfully ... for the first year! Madison loved Justin dearly, and he basked in the reflected glory of her many charms, her culture her popularity. Indeed, Justin was beginning to hope that, perhaps, some day .... But Leila, blinded with humiliation and jealously, dug up the Breedon skeleton and demanded a cruel revenge a living death, more appalling than 0 But in order to appreciate the far-reaching, evil effect of a lie, you really must read the story; it is an episode which wrecked the lives of three well-known: families ' and "is featured in TRUE STORY MAGAZINE for May under the title: "LOVE TAKES ITS REVENGE" .... now on the newsstands. I rue WOODWARD SEES PRINCE RUPERT M IM KK M.i m: sovarnmant decided 000 on completing tlv work will be rsrrwd Hue It licit sold In : piopoted to expend i each end at the llnr extendlnp from Qu M-rnv Tin inTti!';: ul:eHdy bi'rn (tnui. while steel for the b chased, but., despite penditures previously QN THE AIR Every Friday Night 9 tp 10 Eastern Standard Time WOR WNAC CANADIAN wa done by the -ot r irhplete coustrtA-tioi lino working order WEAN WMAC WGHP WMAQ MAY ' eapeud M.000 - Prlnoe Oeorge wUl probably be ot beni -ralMrajr and that fit to dmrmtr,n, aays Mr. Woodward ut. pvoviding the tor K maane that additioiuU traffic Interval It Is let la provided to be coast The 1)00,000 f.nlslilujt portanee of handlli.g Canadian grain i be western link through Canadian ports should' not br usl to Prlnee lost eight of. he says, while It is eaaeu-ioar QueMiel h ual to serve the tteedn of the people und ralU hud. l:li adeejuate railway facilities. MOB wax pur- I T tKT MOItk Tlllx VKAK .ill'tha hmam r- Wrrtle MraAwF'rMm. nF yei ! ueurvad. noshing vet tor completion , ol the P O K s'iieir. Prince Oeorge. It is the intention d proceed with the work this year KllOt'U) IMtlDMB OA! ! Quarnrly MeetUig Dlnurr of Buin.l of I Now It Is lelt. say Mr. Woodward, iTrade In Oonunodcre Cle. Tur .u.ix at unit the gap betwivn Prlnoe Oeorgee:S0. L. . Warner, ijreWent. Assoei-j for mid the Peace River n iiatry should belted Boards of Trade of Centra! B.C wss filled in and people me miattat to thelwlll address the Biiu-d Pull uil(ir.lnnee ln the rliy for the purpiw ot look'ny Canadian National ti do It. He saya'ta requested Tickets S1.00 trom ora.es. t vcr tie local departmental More opcr- :ht there is no quest lotting the fact .Drug Store and Becrelnry 'ut Ml hv hln n-mpatiy while ,iln (.imlmn thul tle lertlle north country, with lts mi' with nrriait:"i , K'. n lui v (train product mn. must have al Motorship Bellinchiim. Ciipi E ' this yesr :-ll;i nutlet to either Vancouver or Andei-.toii. arrived llaclil from Ki-irl.ik.ui Mi WiiiKiwurd Uiuii Ju.i c'.usao ii . ' - 1'iiiuv Kupert Uiuu. . 1 '11. li'K up Ol tilt 111., r ujE, railway wllii'fui EDITION nioi niii; luid h loudmu iisinht here AU. Kau Ljuueneu. "They both approached the marriage alter with a lie on their lip. " Contents for May HAD MY MOTHER THE RIGHT TO DO IT? RESTLESS WINGS WHAT EVERY WOMAN FEARS! BLIND YOUTH . WHEN A GIRL DOESN'T KNOW FIRST IN A WOMAN'S HEART ONE THRILL TOO MANY CUT OF THE LIPS OF BABES WHEN SOCIETY SINS WAS IT ALL MY FAULT? LOVE TAKES ITS REVENGE HEARTS OF STONE THE SERPENT IN THE HOUSE AND OTHER TRUE STORY FEATURES. $2,4,000 in Prizes for True Stories Each year True Story Magazine pays many thousands of dollars to its readers for stories taken from their lives. In your life, probably, there is a story for which we are willing to pay handsomely. This is the time to cash in upon it, for right now True Story is offering $24,000 in prises, ranging from $200 each ttp to $1,000 each for true stories on the sort you have to tell. You wilf find the full particulars in the May issue. The Qrcatcst Ncivsstand Sale in the World Tennis! TRUE STOBY MAGAZINE 64th Street tad Broadway, New York City, U&A. I want to tataj advantage of jrenr special offer. I enclose htrith $1.00 (one dollar) for which please enter ay name oa your raauioc Bet to receive (4) ismta of TRUE STORY MAOA-ZINE, befittaifi with the May Bttaber. (If you prefer to examine the msfaamc before aubacribtnc, aieaply mail M 90 cents and we will tend you a copy of the May issue at once). NAME STREET. CITY PROV SEE OUIt NEW 1UCKETS $70 to JS1U.00 128 llallo are in 1 ennis: Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 p. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED I twr VANCorvb-K. Tuesdat. a a.iu. KsHIikk from Prtnre KUBert. VICTOKiA. HwsMa Hay. Pur KCiWKH. Vlf-TOUIA. tHuewue. natedale. Alert Har. rie.. w ihiht MIMI-HON and NA1H IlIt'Eli l-OIN'T Frldai. Alert llay. ete. aatafdejr, 9 a ail. lor ALICE A KM. ANYOX, STIIVAR. H'ALrS" IM.AMt. WW SIHI-WOX. rtuiida.v, N p.m. , lis 1nd Avenue. K. M. SMITH, ttenl. I'rlllee ltiirt. HX. Thniugb ttekela said ia Vlrtefla ad tteaUle, aa4 bafgaae atteHed Ihniurli t dekllnutlor