1. PAUE TWO T1IK DAILY NEWS C1 M Mfi fl 11 SHOULD TAKE j' m " ORANGE 1 U MM JP PEKOE 14 V TLA modern trsoptfrttonaht'sUraeU only an occasional prespector- seeking pisrer gold. The district Is divided Into, several mining ctlvisRms. "as follows: Queen Charlotte. Bella Ctoola. fciecna, Naas. Portland Canal. SUklne and Llard. and Atlln mining divisions. The chief Interest in the first five Watch the Children Eat it 348 You, too, will be delighted when you try this tea. High grown full-flavoured - perfectlyblended fresh sealed In aluminum to keep the strength and flavour in -43c per half-pound, everywhei ask tor this delicious blend. The Daily News PUINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi Published Every Afternoon, except' Sunday, by Prince Rupert tially News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. I'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCKIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month SO By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four montlu for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor arid Reporters Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ffi 93 8(3 Friday, July 13, 1923 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Annua Report of District Engineer Issued (Jueen Charlotte and Bella Coola Divisions Commented on The North-western Mineral Survey District includes all the Pacific drainage area of the province between the north end of Vancouver Island and the Yukon, except the Skeena River valley beyond Terrace, and also all the Arctic drainage area in the province north of the Peace River and its tributaries, says the annual report of Dr. II. T. James, resident mining engineer for North-western survey district In many parts of this territory of about 125,000 square miles there is more or less mining activity, except of course in the main part of the Liard basin, which is far removed from all Old and established camp and is there-frre fairly well provided with road, but during the year the Spruce Creek road was extended to some upper working and ocnslderable money wu spent on the road to the Atlln Sliver-Lead mines. The Department of Mines has always Minted in this way in opening up any ertlon of the country which the pub- of these is in lode-mining, while placer- j lie wlshe. to prcjacct or to develop. mining Is of major Importance In the j Practically nothing has been done In remaining divisions. Exceptions are to . the Queen Charlotte Mining Division be noted in each of theee groups of this year, aside from assessment work areas: as for example, there has been ; on the few claim which are still In a small amount 01 placer -mining along good standing in the district. About the beach of Oraham Island. In the one-third of the mineral claims were Queen Charlotte group, and In one or allowed to lapse during the year; In two stream near the head of KJtaum-; eluded In this was the Big Swede gallum Lake, while lode-mining Is be-: group near Lotkeport. which has been .coming of increasing importance in a well-known property for several years, the Atlln division, f It was drflled at one time by the The placer gold production from the Oranby Oonaol (dated and has been ex-dlstrict during 1927 amounted toamlned by other large companies. This s8.3M. wrtten is a decrease of HMO j division was not visited this year, but irom tne iwm production. It la expected I will be as early as possible In the that the production from the Atlln spring of IMS. camp, which Is responsible for most of j IIKI.LA COOLA DIVISION the placer ouptut of the district. will . - b. o,Vtne LI The Bell. Coola mining division three years. 1HIAIIS AMI tlt.lll.S As in past years, the department of mines has assisted very materially in Iff in the development of the mining industry by constructing and assisting in the construction of many tjoa'ds and trails Some of these hrs buUt to individual propertles-frkcJllle tflr development or enable thenV iWsfon ore. while others have been bunt int districts which seem to be favorable prcsprctliiK areas All active sections ol the district have received their share of assistance The number of Krauts made in each division Indicates, in it general way the relative amount ! ii-w ( rk being undertaken In the dl-v;i n ,. riiua. Uie Portland Canal dl-viaiun Is bcinn most actively developed mi l has nvdved grants for no less than eleven individual pieces of road or trail work The Bkeena division Is second, with grants for six trails, and the Stlk'ne division has received grants for three trails The Atlln camp Is an I HREDDED lth strawberries and milk or cream Delights the fussy eaters The iviioie wheat thoroagnly baked TRISCUIT a rn'sp whole wheat wafer Mude l& The Canadian Shrctfdcd'WhcarCompanyrLtiL U the most southerly division In No 1 mineral survey district. It embraces an area of about 188 miles square on the Pacific slope of the coast range, and is drained chiefly by the Ball Coota and Dean Hirers, flowing Into the heads of Burt and Dean channels re spectlvely That Miction of the district which borders on the coast line has hot been considered a very favorable place for. prospecting, because most Of It ts underlain by rocks of tbe Coast Rurige batholith. or by large Inclusions contained In It. While It Is true thnt those rocks do not contain nearly an many mineral showings as those along the eastern contact of the bath-clith. it must be remembered' that some of the largest mines in the province have been found on the west side of the batholith. The coast section must therefore be regarded as a favorable one for prospecting. Up to the present time there hsve been more mines found on the weatern side of tbe Coast Range bathclltli in British Columbia and Alaska than there have been along the 7 i A OIUKTTION TAKEN VlJY SC1I(H the IIO.UM) TO I'KOMOjriM; TO HHiH SCHOOL 11Y Kt:0.M.MBSI.UIO Following reception1 of a rerJCrt from. Principal reddle suggesting Jlfat pipll coming up to tle :" HigUr School by recommendation wire ngjready fpr th work, the school board last night bj resolution decided to request the Department of Education at Victoria to held, examinations in the local schools for all pupils wishing to enter High Sftbool Instead of taking the reoom-wto(m of the principals. One particular class was mentioned which was passed In toto. In a discussion in regard to th? matter It was pointed out by Chairman Qocheatr that there was no come bsek 4f the students took the exam-nations. He was strongly in favor of It. Trustee McMeekln thought the pres ent system tended to breed llwerUng between the parents and teachers and between parents and the school board. Mrs. Trustee . Spencer remarked that !t was well for a disinterested person .o mark the papers. In his report Principal Peddle said the results of the examinations con UttiM the opinion that U par eent of ill nigh school students were not suit ed to academic work and to sugges :hat because they "sailed through" the elementary grades they should pas tally through the High School was unsound, for there they would have five totally different subjects for which' -little or no preparation has' bean received In the elementary schools. The results pointed to the necessity of a junior high school or a supplementary lats In the elementary school. EMPIRE TRIP I.AIIY as uie MRTY CHOSEN IIAI.lt Y.MIM.F. TALLBHT TITUSN IAIV IX KM I I UK ! . Oil AI'KltONK July J3. Cattle advices aVe.ee reetiveM ..Msn. fiocKkm thai the selection of the fifty "young ambassadors of Empire" who are to tour Canada In August, have been selected They are coming under . an Empire scholarship plan sponsored by th? allied newspapers of Cheat Britain with the co-operation of the Canadian National Railways and the Cubs: 3teamhlp Company. More than 100.000 examination papers written by young people throughout the whole of the British Isles ware examined before the successful candidates were chosen The final selection Includes an equal number of boys and iris ranging in age from 14 to 21 vears. Lady Marjorie Dalrymple. slater c-f Earl of Ctatrs and noted tallest titled lady in the Empire, being six fact two inches In height, will acconDanv the party as chaperon. Kenanth Lindsay. M.A., ex-president of the Oxford Union soccer "nine," and a Corinthian win ccompany the party as a special In structor. INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS YESTERDAY AT ROTARY LUNCHEON The Installation of officers took place yesterday at the regular weekly luncheon of the Rotary Club. T H. Johnson, former president, preslde-J and made the ceremony quite Impress ive. Those installed were President George florle; secretary. D. B. Finn: treasurer, D. C. Pa tenon: directors John. Dors, Oeorgev Woodland and John PjMsntvn. eastern contact, but there have been many more prospects located on the east than on the west. The eastern contact of the batholith enters the Bella Coala division at lu extreme north-eastern corner, near the west end of Eutusk Lake, and follows an Irregular south-easterly course to Kappan (or Charlotte ) Lake, at the head of Bella Cools River. The contact has been mapped from Kappan Lake to a short distance above Plrvale on the Bells Coola river, but Its ecaqt position Is net known Tietwsen &si and Butsuk Lake. The part 'of UM contact which has been mapped follows along the north side of the Oella Coola River at a distance of 2 to 10 miles from it Unfortunately, much of . the area im-medlataly along the contact, .in covered with glaclaj dft oTfrtlaris, (airas and " XVWest.fr-r RINMPettMtg. APPMeflMl.iljis fap,fwsWe!SW'iln the whojejllsmOcolSR vajm-'WWi)r9 tne norm side or the river ihtwwii Burnt Bridge creek and Precipice camp, in a belt of greenstone from 4 to 8 mile wide, although it Is quite probable that mineral deposits will be found In other parts of the valley. From Information which Is now available it would seem that the eastern ewttlsct of the batholith must cross Dean Hlver, about 30 miles above Its mouth. The section of the river-valley north of this should be favor able for prospecting. There wan very little activity in the division this yaar and it was not ex- imlned. jFry it v jor '9ffiils I The way to fnxl out whetlier you like a thing is to try it at home. That is exactly the service His Master's Voice dea'ers arc offering you today. A new Orthoflhonic Victrola ami your own selection of music from the big Victor Uecord Catalog;, or from the recent releases, at home for a night! No cost or obligation and the opportunity to discover an entire world o( rjew pleasures. The new rnuskal pleasure to l derived frrnn an Orthoptionic Mctrola is indeed con;p!etc. Thousands of selections to choose from. 0 CUT OF LOGS THIS SEASON The totaJ cut of logs so fsr this ason In the Prince Rupert district is 29,571.737 board rt, aeewding to in forestry department scale. Tot the month of June the amount was S.S46M6 board feet, made up as fol lows: Douglas Fir . 381.795 R Cedar 140.167 Spruce M64j80 Intcrlcr Spruce lflOAS H;mlcck 1.796.867 Balsam 1JI4.11 Jackplne 16,69. Cot tjti wood 113,981 Polei (lineal feeti 366,390 Hemlock Plies (lineal feet .. 16,371 Cedar Pile 76,800 "rriwood ( cords i 187 Shingle Belts ... .as Keml'.'ck Ties ' i Tfio6 ' I'tne Ties (curds) 84.673 r-?nce Pos so Pulpwotl 291 In The Letter Box SI' jK.l.iiiii , vt Mter,',Dnffl:'Wewsl:,'', jl We iWtn" have '4 apkc In Tout pllprr ttf otlfV ' the frdbllc ' that the Christian Band of Workers of tht Natives of Port Enington and Port simpoii, Ik now doing a missionary work at Tuck Inlet Cannery under the leadership of Peter Nelson of Port Eeslnton. The members of Uie or-gszhation have elected Henry Ilaldane of Mctlaktitla to conduct the services and Sunday school during the flsh-liiK wason. The Chrlstlnn Band of workers was lneorpr rated years back but owing to the death of the leaders Of the society the missionary work was- not very muoh In proRresN. Now the younger peI! "V T uvmom "True Ini w sound have taken up the matter and appointed their leaders and wish that the best Is yet to come. They thank the manager of tbe Tuck Inlet Cannery for work and the editor of this paper. CHRISTIAN BAND OP WORKERS. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert my 13, tpiK The 8t. Andrew's Society last night sleeted officers as ollows: President s D. Macdonald: first vice-president. Thomas MoMrekln; second f Ice-preal dant. Oeorge W. Abbott; reeordliig sec retary. w. E. Wllllsoroft: warden. Bert Arthur; chaplain. Rev. Or. H. R 3 rant. tjaet evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. IV. E. Allen wss the scene of nappy surprise party in honor of the Misses Allen and Ed. in Oardwell of Edmonton. About thirty young people gathered at the home of Miss Nors Krany and proceeded to the Allen home, led by Piper Alex McDonald. ine following iccal committee was named at a meeting last night to co operate with the Canada Hood Board In conservation loeallyr Mayor MeClymont. ma, uyonarn. Aid. Klrkpatrlcls. Mrs. R L. ,MIatoh aad Canon IRix.l L. . L"AND-ACT" t- xotici: or intknticn to aimxv to In Prince Runert Land Iteenrdlnv ni.. trlct and sltuaU adjacent to Anlforo Bay, Moresby Island, Skldegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that P.rlfi win. Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation PUip and Paper Manufacturera, Intends to apply for a lease of the fnllnivino r. wrlbed lind:- Commeneine st a noat nlsntoH nn h. high witer mark of an Island: thence foOowing the high water mark around tne island to point of commencement and containing 0.33 acre, more or less PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, .. Applicant Donald Wilbur Hodidoii, -Agent for Pacific Mills. Limited Dated Msy i. It'iU. Barona Model 4-40 $225 or with Electric Drivo $265 Dance progranw, vocal perfornvtnrrs, vaude 4!fc entertainrnrnte,--jl duplicating great actual cvenu, yours to enjoy without leaving your favorite easy chair. The n.'cently dia-iwerwl Victor controlled principle of "Match ed liuiiedance" or. "Smooth Flow of Sound" has added baa and treble to home music reproduction. This was not pnembk' before the advent of the new Onhophonic Victrola. This wonderfal instrument is made in . varietv of tir lutifiif annrlrlaii aniniThf rl i- in fine woods, frWtt4sV sfWaLs ObUinabte on nmvenient payment! ionic Trade Mailc Reft'd Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited , Montreal :nL Mm His .Master's Voice deafen. But first t ry one for a night ritboutobligation. Friday, Jul :i - 'V Ifjitihout obligation your dealer will let you have a new Ortbohonic Victrola for an entire evening's concert. it i OrliBi3lioriic'-imy if it bears the dog Trademark UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnffa frn lrlnr lnikrt lor V.WCOl'VEIL VIClOKl.t. SwaniHi Hay. Ilaleitalr. Alert Hay. nr. Tuexlay, 3 p.m. lor VAMOlJVI.lt, VICTOKl.t. Iluledalr. lluledair. Alert Alert IM). Hsy. lor PHUT MMI'MIN and NAAN IUVKH IH)lTs. fr tor alii r. a u.ii, ,W1(H, SILWVIli. WAI.HM IMI.AMl. IHllir UMIMIV Kunds.v, 8 p.m. 133 2nd Atenue. IL JM. SMITH, Agent. I'rlnee Itui.rrt. II ( Throujh llrkrls sold to Victoria and Mfattie. and batiste rlm tnl through to dntlnstlsr HEALTH FOLLOW OUWMKTIC CMMCT! MtJ$00H$nAl sisvtj in DBustior THE rOttOWIMOKMil VWy t8 IIKUNM sioNtr$ T y,fv "tNsi BtluiUauatiunU etc., HMnrdsi. 7 a.m. irwsy. lMionc (Jret'n 211 or IMnck 283 W.C. ASPINALL CIIIKOl'KACTOIt 0 and 7 Hxchnnjre Illock. Prince Itupctt. II.C New Drapery-E lMrjOKTKI) akies (Velnnnixi. f'lilnliu lln'nin.t ..I o t . . . . w.....w.r-, 'iiiiiiiim nun ouninsi raurics 30 Jn Cretonnes, fast colors, exquiBite floral dosigna, per yard 29 inch French Hand Block Prlrfted Cretonne, niiiortod de-8ljrns and colorlnifH, per yurd 8."it, Sl.i!.", $.r0 CO Inch Silk DamnHk, fadeleitM fabrics, heavy weight ' per yitrd f$.7A Fraser & Payne tIiu4VKMJtJ,-XrttdiitK. C o.