THE DAILY NEWS PAGE EIGHT aeawSMsiearVjaawrWl r'n J huh i.iii; ITT I i il nULDM STOCK QUOTATIONS WHEREVER THERE ARE FLIES USE FLY-TOX Welcome Roliar trom Drudgery Thousands of modern home makers now know the real economy and wel-come relief from drudgery offered by the modern laundry. Instead of weary hours over steaming suds, their washday is three minutes long two minutes to gather the soiled garments, and one minute to telephone us. THE LAUNDRY. DOES IT 11EST , CANADIAN LAUNDRY anc Dry Cleaners Phone 8 PRESERVING SPECIALS SUGAR marked is very firm Sugar, 100 lb. sack . . $7.25 Sugar, 50 lb. sack .. $21.70 Sugar, 20 lb. sack ... . $!.((. Sugar, 10 lb, sack 8."f Sugar, in bulk, 13 lb. for 9,1.00 Hrown Sugar, 14 lb. $1.00 These prices for this week only. FRUITS Terrace berries are in full swing now. Book your orders with us. We guarantee quality and price. Aprieota are iri very . good shape-large boxes over 22 lb. for '. $2.7." ning Cherries, per lb. '.Kit R.A. Cherries, per lb. Rhubarb, 5 lbs 2.V Teaches, per doz. -10? & :t.1r Canteloupes . . 15c1 and -( Rananaa, .per lb l"f FRUIT JARS We, haVe a new kind of jar the Very latest style and more 'serviceable than ever. See our wjndow. Quart size, per doz... $1.70 Pint size, per doz $1.15 Rubber Rings, 3 doz. for i!5 Certo for making jelly, 3 bottles for $1.00 Mussallcm Grocery CO. LTD. 117-123 5th Ave. East Dr. Alexander Smith Block. Phone 675 DENTIST luSlLK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. Noon Closing Triers Today on V ver Exchange (Courtesy ot S. D- Johnson Co Bid Agenta Itufus Sd Bayvlew T B C. Silver 1.30 Big Missouri 3 Cork Province tS& Dunweli -J, . Duthle XlCr Oeorge Copper '4.60 ' Oeorgia River ,. 314 Olacler .IVi Olasalr - O lactone .3 Golconda .85 Q rand view .34 Ir.depemlenoe Indian fl Koctney Florence .... .26 L. & L 3 Lucky Jim .31 V4 Marmot Metali .9 Marmot River Gold .. -9 ft National Silver 15 Fend Oreille 18.60 t'orter Idaho 66 Richmond AVt Ruth Hdpe JJ7K Silver Cret 11 Silverado 70 Silversmith Slocan King . . . Terminus Torlc Topley Richfield .6 JB 3.00 .86 White Water 2.40 Woodbine M ancou- ,iLtd.) Asked .23 V4 JB 534, 33 V, in ,M .' '' .38 .31 a M My, 14ft .7 .27 9 k 32 .9 ISM 14X10 .11 .82 .14 .15 .58 V, .2.48 JO 4 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Parson and daughter of Golden sailed by the Prince Charles yesterday afternoon for the south alter having spent a day in the city following a trip to Jasper Park. Mr. Parson is owner of th? LAND ACT. NOTICi: OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO i.easi: LAND In Smlthers Land Recrdlnn Diatrlc'. and altuate adjoining Lot 5180 on East viae oi aliens Kiwr. TAKE NOTICE that Christina Corlev of Pacific. B.C . marr'ed woman. Intend to apply ror a lease of the following described lands:"iri; at a post nltntrd at tlw nuthras' c rner of Lot 3180, Ranee b. "'.'ct; thence north 80 ehalm. frcc cast 20 cha'ns: thence south 80 -halns: ther-c wet 20 rhdiiin. and eon-lining 160 acre m-re or less. CHRISTINA CORLEY. Applicant n-tri Mav 28. 1!)9R New Spuds New Spuds, 8 lba. for 25 f Llbby's Asparagus Tips, l's, square, 3 for 1)5 New Shipment Hallowi Dates, 2 lbs. for it)? Pure.Peach Jam, 4's, er tin (18 : Coleman's Mustard, per tin 28" Itee-Kist Honey, 5 lb. tins, each . . HI- Lyle's Golden 8yrup, 4 lb. tins, ekch 52? Crlsto, l's, per tin 2!), Torrtatoec, large tins, solid pack, reg. 20c. Special, G for . . 1.00 Premium Itolled Oats, pkg. . . 40r Helm Peanut llutter, reg. 40c. Special, 3 for SI. 00 CHICKENS ARRIVING WEDNESDAY We Lttlleve this line to be thbet on the market. Note prices: Rolling Rirds, per lb... 27f Light Fowl, per lb. .. .W Chateau Cheese leads the market 2j lbs. each $1.00 Marmalade, 4 lb. tins, per tin Oitr White Figs, choice, 2 lbs. for UI? Pastry Flour, 10's, per sack iVf Ginjrer Snaps, just arrived, fresh and crisp, per lb 10c Sack Salt, 2 lb. bags. 3 for. . 21 f Zebra Stove Polish, per tin .. Uf , "WHIZ KILLS FLIES" 8 oz. bottles, each iWt 8 oz. tins, each H(t 10 or., tins, each tHifV Sprayer and 8 or. tin for .. 58f Waterxlftas, special, 2 for . . iKif PRESERVING APRICOTS jPercra SI. 7." Also arriving Plumst Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Cusaba Melons, Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Honey Dew Melons. Vegetables arriving Runeh Carrots, Reets, Pur.snips, Onions, Head Lettuce, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Vegetable Marrow, Green Peppers, Green Reans, CaulN flower, larire Green Cabbage, etc., etc., at attractive prices. r Watch Our Windows T5" It Pays l The Home of iiood Thing to Eat. 'B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 13 and 571 .).!(." ,.,...if...... 3tewart. I Judge F. MeB Young this morning rctervod sentence) until fall upon a Juvenile boy who was charged with a second offence of theft, already being under sentence of two year in industrial school on a pHor chain ot i'mllar nature. C. M. Rolston. British Columbia of the Imperial Oil Co.. and O. A. Wcodland. local agent for the com pany, returned to the city on the Prince Charles yeatorday after mak ing the round trip to Stewart, Anyox -nd Ma&sett Inlet points. Miss L. Thompson, who has been identified wrth the staff or the Prince Rupert hotel for the past month or son, will sail tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to take up residence. Bhe will be accompanied by her mother, whose health necessl- Best Qtsallty Goods Arc the Cheapest. We handle the Milk, all brands, per case !..."0 Milk, per doz tins 1.10 Sujrar, 10 lbs. for 75 r Sugar, 50 lbs. for $:i.70 Sujrar, 100 lb. sack Post Rran Flakes, pkjr 15? Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour, pkjr Mt Canada Corn Starch, 2 pkgs. U." Casco Potato Flour, 2 pkjra. '.Vtf Muffeta Rlscuits, pkg in? Heinz Catsup, bottle HOf Eagle Lobster, K's, tin .... 0f Eagle Lobster, V4'. tin .... "Of Aylmer Roneless Chicken, tin ITtf Oven-Kist Arrowroot Riscuits, 1 lb. pkg "? Fancy Assorted Riscuits, 1 lb. pkg 'W Scotch Oat Cakos, pkg. .. il."e Heinz Pork & Reans, small size, 9 tins for $1.00 Picnic Ham, 6 lb. size, each Sunlight Soap, pkg Oatmeal Toilet Soap, pkg. . . H."? Eggs, Fresh Extras, 3 doz. Sj51.t!." Rutter, E.C.Ui L jor jor Frasr Valley, 2 lbs. and Friday price. ' 5f Golden Churiu lb. brick.. 8jil.H New PotatooaW lbs. for .. Watermelons, 3 lbs. for Hothouse Tomatoes, lb IiOf Plums, per basket 75f Apricots, per basket vgf,T'f fOther Fresh Fruits aSa Ortcn at lowest market Alberta Market P. OAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. FLY-TOX IllrtW! II .h ft hi irf&4 id Ulm hMutt ,,..U rifltlt' I" , ,,Hiiiq!i' "Something babij atc'-r Yes. But tainted hi Flies crawled over the foocL Waded in FLIES the milk. Their stenchy feet were filthy 1 dirty. Baby took germs of burning fever in to her little body when she ate the food. She became restless. And then sickl Flies cause forty thousand deaths in the United States each year. And far too many of them are children. 'll. UseFly-Tox. Protect little folks. Make your home clean, comfortable, sanitary. FLY-TOX Kills FLIES. mosquitoes MOTHS, nOACHES, ANTS, FLEAS Golden Star and was formerly mem- tates the change, and her cousin. Miss ber of the Legislature for that riding. 8. W. Oeorge returned to the city on the ronce iiuperi mis morning from a brief business trip to Ocean Falls. H. W. Heldman, well known mining man of the north, is a passenger aboard he Prince Rupert today bound for Ttmfcere. They arrived here recently irom London, England. J. C. aarigan returned to the city on the Prlnee Rupert ' this morning from a brief business trip to Van couver. Mrs. Mary .Mulcahy. formerly of this city and now residing in Wrangell, was df Doited to Alaska on . the Princess Alice this morning. Mrs. a. O. Woodward, wife of the United Matt (consul here,' arrived in the elty from, the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. a us Setffert, managing director of the Emperor ' Mines Ltd. ot Stewart. Is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today bound -north from Vancouver. Ocorge E. .Winkler, well known in Portland Oanat mining affairs, is a passengeR. aboard ithc Prince Rupert today bound from Vancouver to Stew irt. 0. V. Evitt .returned to the city on the Prince Rupert 'this morning from Victoria where he participated In the annual Shoot of the British Columbia title Association. . Alex WaUacefrsurveyor for the .Brit sh Corporation, marine underwriters. arrived tn the elty on the Prince Ru pert this mornang from Vancouver to make an inspection of C.N3. freighter Canadian rarmer which is in dry dock here. Only 83.300 pounds of halibut was sold at the Pish Exchange this morn ng, this being, from three Canadian vessels. The Kalen, with 13,000-pounds, nd R. W.. with 9.600 pounds, sold to the Canadian Inth St Cold Btorsge Co., at. Be and 5c and the Helge II. dts-pesed of 11.00 pounds to the Atlln Plshenes at 9.1c and 5c. The Ameri can boat 'Aahoma Is holding over until tomorrow with 31,0000 pounds. BIRTHDAY PARTY AT WESTVIEW TUESDAY , A very enjoyable children's birthday party tock place 'Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lip-sin, 1606 Oraham Avenue. Westvlew, on the oceation of the fourth birthday ot their daughter Shirley. Oames were played and there was an interesting program consisting of piano solos by Mlstes ;Anlta Ltpsln. Owen and Kitty Brady. Exelyn Upsln, Marybelle Stiles; a dance by Sheila Richmond accompanied by Rosaline Brady and a recitation by Shirley Upsln. A great many pretty and original gifts were received by IHUe Shirley. a Iris present were: Misses Ernie, Cathie and Chrlwle Murray.Owen. Kitty nd Rosaline and Pauline Brady, Evtltne Upsln. Hazel Hill. Marybelle Stiles, Sheila Richmond, Mildred Hunt, Frances Dagglelsh, and Shirley Upsln. The little men were JlnwrUe Stiles, Isadora Llpsin. Norman Blaokhall, .Clyde and KtfgS. Fresh Firsts, 3 doz. Ijil.lB Dirt' Roes. Nicklri"and CosU Klllas " . . I ii.i.aI. .n.a. r mm ti five-one i, Malcolm and Kenftcy. Murray.' t TWO YEARS GIVEN Phone 208 n, MAN WHO STOLE CASH VANCOJUVSuly 13.-John E. sccoujftpU or the Canadian Can-hira LUhJwiio pleaded guilty to the Vegetables arriving WCunesday ytterday sehtenced by Magutrat Shaw to two years in the penitentiary. SEVERAL LOSE LIVES IN AIRPLANE CRASH CROYDON, Eng.. Juiy 13r-Two wo- and two men were burned to death In an airplane, crash at Purley today.. when A Haflj' was Instantly killed and the pilot OJayiiy injured Mens & Boys Get your Summer weathor RUNNING SHOES at the Montreal Importers J. R. Miller, Proprietor. Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, OkANGE PICNIC TO GALLOWAY RAPIDS Some fifty or so people who attended the picnic at Oalloway Rapids yesterday under the auspices of the Orange Lodge and Ladies' Orange Bensvolent Association reported that there was mo such rain on the other aide of the Island as there was In town In the afternoon. The day passed off very pleasantly and the event proved a sret success. There tm races for children and adults and the hours out doors made appetites just keen enough to fully enjoy the basket lunches which the .ptenkkers took along. Oars went out at 10 in the morning and a In the afternocn, return home being male at 7 p.m. The committee in charge of the event osftaleted ot Mr. 8. V. Cox, Mrs. Rolls, Mr. and Mrs. Mahaffey and Frank AMridge with Capt Dan Archie giving assistance. Races were won as follows. Oirla under 4 years Patricia Anderson. Otrls 4 to 6 years Ruby Oomea. Olrks 6 to 8 years Ma Moore house a Iris 8 to 10 years 1. June Oomea, a Korma Archie; 3, Rests Cox. Olrls 10 to 13 years 1. Meter) Me-batfey; 3, Ethel Moorenousc; 8. Alice Oomee. Olrls 13 to 14 years 1, Doris Leek: 3. Ivy Anderson: 8, Bdlth Mcnaffey. Married Ladles nee 1. Mm. Ocmes; 3, Mrs. Owe. Fat Ladtea Race I. M. Mehafley: 3, Mrs. Moorehouse. Ihiys 4 to 8 years 1, Oyrtl Mahaffey; 3, Blly Ocmes: 3, Stanley Aanenon. 8 4o I years 1, Harold Anderson; CyrU Mehaffey: 3. Oeerge Oariyle. 13 to 14 years 1, Darrow Oomes; Charlie Anderson. Married Men 1. Mr. Mehaffey; 3, Mr. Archie. MiiXlr Men 1. Mr. Dickens: 3. Mr. Aldrtdge. 3, WESTMINSTER TRAIN STRUCK AUTOMOBILE NEW WESTMINSTER, July 13 Walter Blmm of Langley Prairie died at the hospital' today after an auto In which he was riding was demolished by La twMst1.IC.ctf'lUltre)m'.i' ROBBED VANCOUVER, July 13. J. C. O'Brien of Seattle was robbed of 13.700 by two men who held him up late last night at Oore Avenue and Hastlim Street, according to a story be told the police. O.P.H steamer Prlncesa Royal. Oapt. S. K. Oray, u due at 5 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m on her return : Van- WESTH Frit!;, dd" liaAniif yet visited the Acme Store, do not dclayaou.ltMiK8ei-yur PPw. tunftyto get rt'al diiality Goodjuit Real ixile Prices. SUITS TOR MEN .. QiHVlot of Men's Suits, in Tweeds and Wottletli, silk linings, and in the latest 1028 i qtMfcasi Single and double breasted models. ' Valul5t'' 37.G0. CJ ftCJ Rackwa .ason Sale Price .. Vutw LONG PANTS FOR ROYS Long Pants for Roya in good wearing materials. Many patterns to choose from in all sizes from 2G to 34. g 95 Rackward Season Sale Price . . v THE ACME t V hiil'l I Kl t.l . HATS FOIl 'MEN The Drock Hat, the Rlltmore H , others all famous Rata for men ,v ,. ' $7.50 value. QA nm Rackward Seaaon Sale llriee .... VTtsUiJ SHOES FOR ROYS Tennis Shoes for Roys, with Cn i Stout wearing fjunlity, jet light w. sizes. Qep Rackward Season Sale Price MPORTERS Mail Orders promptly filled at these prices. No Charge Accounts. No C.O.I). Terms: Strictly ( ash, OLfflE THEATR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday .Matinee, 3 p.m. "The Garden .Matinee, 3"n nu We are pleased to announce that the Ford Caiuuli tory will soon be in full production. The exceptional value in th Model A car has Imti. waiting' for. The followinjf models will be on display at our Avenue showroom on and after July 17 for a few day FORDOR AND TUDOR SEDANS. PHAETON AND RUSINESS COUPE, I Vt TON TRUCK. ii v of Allah"! A btautiful photo-play adapted from Hubert id mous novel and stave success. IVAN PKTROVIOH, ALICE TURRY. .MARCRL YIR' V IllHIRBRSTOK WRIOHT. C2KRALD PIKLDINI.. MM PAQUBNKTTIi. and many other. CO.MKDY "WHAT UVKRY ICR MAN KNOW MKTIUM.OLDWYN NEWS Admiiwlon 50c and 25c. HitrHenl Pannillnn Jf S. E. PARKER, LIMITED Canadian National CTJic LargeSl Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sallltm from I'lllMK HflUtT for VANCODVKK. VlnTOKIA MKr MOMMYH. Till llMli.VYN, 4.00 p.m . HATL'ltllAYH. 6.00 p.m Por AN VOX and NTKWAKT, MUNIIAYM. HtlDAYM, 4.00 ujn. Por .MAHMKTT 1NLI1T. MOMIAYH, 4.00 p.m. Por KUitTll ijl KlIN CIIAUI.OTri: lUMi4, PortalghUy Por MKAdWAY, WKItNKHKAYH, 4 00 pjn. l'AH.r,MlF.ll TIIAINH I.KYYK PKIM K UIU'EIIT IMIF.Y I1XCKIT HI'MIAY at II JO a.m. f.r PIIINCfc til;)i(;, tlMONiN H I.N Nin e j, all itvlnls LaMrrn Canada, i;nlr, Mtatrsw AdENCY 1.1. OCEAN M TKAMMIlr Lt:n CITY TICKET Omrr.. SI TIIIMH Wt... PHIM-r ULII'KIIT. Phone If Waiihes and Dries Without a Wrinjjcr THE NEW SAVAGE 5'J per cent Faster From hamper to line in 14 minute Washed, Rlued, Rinsed and Dried. Sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3