u PAGE FOUR Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FUItNITURE AND PIANO MOVINGT We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND 'GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue Roofing .and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Uuilding Papers and Felts Evcrjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 116 and 117 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant ger-vki in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Coltd. C17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, IJ.C. DRY : BIRCH "JAGKPINB-MND CEDAR L. $3.50 i. $6.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 I'emblnn Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootlesa Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump LADIES' $13.00 Also All other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 131) Second Ave. BRINGING UP FATHER By George Mcf TERRACE FAIR ASSOCIATION MKKTIXOH HEALS WITH Mt MltKK OF MATTKHM I'KltTAIMM; TO TIIK OKOAMZAT10N TBRRACE. July 18. The directors of the Terrace Fall Fair Association held their monthly meeting on Friday evening in the municipal hall. In the ab sence of both president and vice-president J. K. Gordon presided. The matter of neudlng district exhibits to both the provincial fair at New Westminster and to the Prince a u pert fair were again brought up and V again tabled until a future meeting when It was hoped there would be a more representative meeting. The secretary reported that the pro ceed of the recent fall fair danee were sufficient to cover the espease of the printing of the prize lists. It was decided to furnMi aocommo- datton for a display of Chinook ruga which are being sent by the government in connection with Women's Institute work These rugs are being sent out In the hope of reviving Interest In rug making and other handicrafte and should prove an Interesting feature In he local fair. The display will be In charge of the local branch of the Women's Institute. The secretary reported that a number of special prizes had already been Je- cured principally for the fruit sections. A special uriae committee com Dotted of Men. I. T. Keaney, R. W. RHear. W P. Lindsay. W. C. Sparks, A. Attreo. J B. Agar, J. K. Gordon, W H. Burnett and X Haugland were appointed. The president and secretary were ap pointed a oommlttee to purchase neces- sary supplies for the fair. The appointing of a ftnanee commit tee was left over until nest meeting.. It was decided to ask for the cooperation of mill owners and road fore men In arranging a half holiday for fair day. The directors were asked to make a membership canvas before the next meeting. Ooatlderable discussion ttjok T".oe regarding the proposed banquet for fair day which It was suggested earlier in the year should be put on as a means ,f bringing together producers, whole saler and consumers In order to talk over marketing problems. It was decided to ask the co-cperaUon of fee board of trade and leave the tlaal de cision of the matter till the August meeting. A letter of thanks was ordered sent to Mrs. Seamen, Women's Institute president, for the Interest she has taken in the association's work. CHURCH GUILD OF TERRACE AT PICNIC I'rnirntathNi to Mrs. firamrn on 0ra- ,iiuii of llrr Lraflng . TBsUtAOI. July M. Tweer-f4ve sMes, mresbem Msd adbersnu of Knox united church anna icrt on tum; lUurnlng fur their annual guild picnic to Lakebie Luke. Two motor trucks conveyed thv party to the head of the Inke unit from thence they went by boat i" Uw hoi Kpiings hotel for lunch. Durlm; u luncheon hour, President Mr, Allui on behalf or the guild, pre-t nipd Mis seamen, who Is leaving this r-jinii,.; mil;, with a doeen teaepoons ir a liMii'ivmi presentation case. In in appr jn ..!,) v worthed addresx lira M -iniiii wii .. thanked lor her untiring .flori-, in tin nulld work for which he lni ije-n wH-k convener for tlie past, year buin-ri regret at her defMOtute and k ,jkI wihi for the future In her rew )i' inc won' expremed. Mrs Siiunen replied In it fitting manner and th party all Hnn. "For She's a Jolly );d PWIow." Af ut a piiasant hour spent In exploring ami MtUng in the many attrac-Unjsi around the picturesque hot springs the party returned to the lake head where baUiin waa enjoyed. Plcrnc sup-per was 4MyrMl and all returned npme delighted with the days outing. TERRACE Mr. and Mn, Watson and daughter Vera of Anyox are holiday visitors at Hill Farm. Mrs Lee and daughter Olenna of Anyox who spent several day- ut HI II Farm left again for the oonxt on Friday. Two other daughter will remain here for the entire vacation. C. P. A, Oreen returned to Terrace pality thli week. TmaCCIE' REMEMBER-l fl DO- BUT I L THIS I "STHt NIGHT -J WAMTTOOTO TOU POMlSTOTo ( REMEMBER f LET OUT? 1 THl9-IFfOL I , J ARE HOT I HOME BY ON E 6 O'CLOCK VOU O J WILL MOT t 77 IT6 JU6T TWO O'CLOCK- I'LL PIX HIM HE'LUNOTtET IN" I'M fctCK AMD TlRqt OF HIM COMlMQ IN) AT AUL. HOURS AND AWAKENINQ THE, PEOPLE IM 9; n&ygzn II ill I I ''fm f .tv ffj& fk handy Packa for O Here is a treat that can't be beat! Benefit and pleasure in generous measure! ci to Peppermint Flavor jn Sunday after a business trip to 3mlMrs. While In the interior Mr. Oreen also taok In a number of the Conservative meetings hold In the district around Smithers. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ouraon of Prince Aupert have gone to Isvkeise Lake where they plan speeding the neat few weeks In camp. Mrs. C. O. Ham of Prince Rupert who has bten hoHdaylng at the home f Mr. and Mrs. John MoRae at Kltsuaa- kalum left on Friday for her home. Mrs. Ham was guest of honor at an after noon tea at the home on Thursday afternoon Cam J B. Colthurs' returned on Saturday from interior points where he has been campaigning In the interests it F. M. Dockrlll, Conservative candldnte M!es Annie Allen and Elsie Dnn BLACKED THESE OTHER 0 ( APART MEMTS s lies. W . V I" ' X ' iaur returned on Sunday from Pacific .vhere they bev 'pent the past weak at the home' of Mrs T. H McCubbln. Miss Oladys K nicy returned on Junday to Prim r.upert after spending : two week hohd .y at her home here Her guests. JdK- Kimo Couture and Mrs. rrew and lit i.i .. uij liter returned with Mrs. iuewt of Mrs. V Mrs. Downing be week-aud . Downing. Mr. War beck the week-end a' g Prinoe Blipert S AndeWon. WHISKY This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Cmtrol Hoard or by the Government of linliah Columbia KTi 1 most hurry f- mJWTl -9';L1; is the in 1 two children spent Shaajcs with Mr t Prince Rupert spent h.s home here. John Coutun fcilum Lake mining I rllstrlct was in nw: at the week-ena. Mr. couture hti txo:, on a prospecting trip about th:r". miles up the south fork of the Beau" R:vrr and plans on returning as .vo:. as the election Is over. H. O. Heldeni cver of the Nelder-.-neyer. Martin a:i.i Meldermcyer Lumber Zo., Portland urraon. was a biutness visitor here at w week-end. Mrs. II. M. Wilson and daughter Doreen left on Saturday for Prince Rupert. Dorsan will continue on to Van couver to spend her holidays wtth friends .there. Mrs. A. T. Wi'vm of Renin and her uest, Mrs. Mead, of Washington. DC, jpent the week-end at Kalum. Lake. FINAL MEETING HELD BY TORIES ooviJM.VMKVf ritn iriKit ixr Mors EvritKsri in m:u aki to oi t COME Or TOUAV'H VOTIN4J Close to 290 person attended thf concluding Conservative campaign meeting last night in the Auditorium. of Mrs. McRae W. Z. Fisher occupied the chair and j there were four speakers J. II Thomp- son, the provincial election candidate: Miss Q!!lett of the Ridley Home staff J. C. Brady. UP w. W. Wright and who has been holidaying at the borne F. O T Loraa, the latter of Vancou- of Mrs. Robinson In the Lakelse Valley, 've..-. Considerable hope was expressed returned on Saturday to Prince Rupert. to the outcome at the polls today ' srd mild en t (malum prevailed in the Some much neaded repairs are being course of the meeting. to the roads w)btn the munici Mr. Thompson stated that, as n result of hit t ur cf the riding, he had come to realize more fully th potential wealth .( ihi.H dlv.rict wlnc!i he thmikl Ik o administered as to be madf Int real producinK wcaltli. Ho ilenlt with tlir thrn batlc Industries inmiK". i'v. riiistr liUiin -nd ut : . ; hi" i:- d" from 27 78 u Cue, ri,. , VA anted For Sale For Rent fl DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. M 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c politics. He thought that this district was even more entitled to roads than the older and more established portlona of the province. W. W. Wright took the platform to cicny that he bad said on the Queen Charlotte Islands that a certain provincial official was guilty of graft. He CIVIC DANCE BIG SUCCESS I I VK lll'lltBI 'i:itrOVH ATTR.MIKII n 1rfTio. UAT.MHire i nieji-rti' NON.NLL Of VAI(MHIIN An enthusiastic crowd of some 600 iwrsons turned out at the civic dance in the Exhibition Hall laat night to give j i henrty reception to the personnel of he vlstllng warships HUM. Durban and I1M CS Vancouver. The event ws j a nv.ibt successful and enjoyable affair, iwln in prsgress from 9 to 13S0 o'-I clock, tlie early termination belmr dtt-' t j the fact that the men of the ships ; i were under orders to be back aboard at 1 1 a m Oapt. ColeridK of HMM. Dur-bnn and officers of both ships attended the function. Music was by Miss Irene Morrison's ! Orchestra and the orchestra of H.MS. Durban also played several tunenome numbers. Aid. O. P. Tinker, chairman r the civic committee, was master of , ccremefles. other rnambers of the eom- Ani''i- blogQ', A X FfUUhtjrnme g P H. Llnyy Col, a. r.lMoMsrd . D.S.O,. mayor of the city, Val all " 1 sent' WANTED Second Avenue Also contents com' prising variety of mechanic' i tools. guns, phonograph, etc. Apply Ed. Chy r- 167 run AUw LAUNCH OWEN, POUR Horsepower East hope engine. all complete and in good running con-dltlon Apply I'ullen. Daily News tf FOR SALE DOUBLE CORNER ON AT-lin Avenue unobstructed view, price 450.00 Phone Black 404. ti NEW CAMP AT SALT small launch m good sale cheap Phcne 465. FOR for SALE -MODERN inspect :nn Phone LAKES AND cond.tlon for tt PIANO FOR SALE -RECENTLY TUNED. Also sideboard buffet. Phone iga. 4U. FOR K8NT 169 POK RENT FURNIStTEO BCDROOM In new i, , ; board if art,rnut Phone Avenue Oreen ita or call MS BigtHfe Ea1 1. "OR REN1 . CIM'EHTON HOUSE, Ninth Avenue East. Bent TTtannesH ppiy i ity Treasurer, City Ball. if On RENT -PIANOS. PLATKR-PIANObV rsivii' and sewing Maolilnee . 7i" JMUS1C 'Btssy. ti iron RENT. - FURNISHED roomed apartment with bath, paid. Phone 547 Weht oonn i:tk Refresbmante were dlsnensed bv mem. unBer rroprietress 1I0USKS l'OK KENT at rooms. Thf.- inc line WcsL POOR Water tf rvm ursnr - POUR ROOM APART-rnent. hot waur heated. Apply. Smith & Mo I let! . Ltd t( - FURNISHED APART- nt.- Apply Musnallem Oroosry. l-OR RENT - FiritNISHSD ROOMS; nly" suite. Prmne Oreen 090. CIIIKOI'KACTIC llt. It. k. i: VOL IKON ('hlropeiMlor eu Third Avenue. Telephone for apoolntnient now to lllut 88 RcsMence phone IMack tSi Aeute and Chronic Die-rdera sueesas. fully treated. rtsi)iu,iHd tas4 bers of the ImiTil Order Daughters' T,"rU 'uu, '"- W.V.A. of the Empire, under th direction of ; Ouol Homt Cook," Meu ""1 Hums Mrs. S. Darton Assistants ut the re- j Bakerl Br'1 froshment stands were Mis D c Stuart ' KJM,," 'Icfc.rn Klniier Every min.lny Mrs D Orchard Mcld, Mrs H I, 1 rltcnlng from s.sn. Landry, Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mrs. R. M.I Wlnslow. Mrs Tnomai Andrew. Mrs. J. W. M-Aulcy Mrs. William Millar, Mr j BKALE HOUSE NEAR n j nraonury and Miss Annie Dalby Church ut 420 00 111 r'huPi'f1 r)f t.hn Mmlnn .f I.... n I n- .ins n i;iT:niii u Mlt"- Wlllu Dyer. Mrs. O W Uilftt, MIk HlinrM. and MImm Ethel OirNiie. while Ml (' Blewcrlon and two daughters conducted the cloakroom SALVAGE AM WANTED BIDS UNI SALESMAN TO PrlftCC Kupfrt Siih sell on commission counter sales (,0 ) ( books and special business forms on , MAS ItMMIAI I territory Prince Rupert to Prince Small trifle and I George. Stale eapartsuce and Unas i Agent for -Jsacth . -carried. Write " Advertiser," Box 118. Propettsrs. an: Daily News Office. .M7 llonls of nil deM riii barged the Dally Ktwa with dls- j WANTED- -SMART GIRL FOR RETAIL J(k, Krrn or ted reports and . libel and declared hat the Dally News' oorre.i ponded at Aldegate was an Indian who had not -en long off the reserve. Mr. Wright, .oreoasstd a Oonservatlve victory at .he polls today. J. C. Brady. MP. dealt at length with "the B. C. Liberal Outlook" publication and asserted that the present government bad been unable to defend itself from serious charges of extreva-ance and waste that had been laid against it. He charged that the government was not legislating for the i-eople. The government, he forecasted would be swept out of office today md the atmosphere would be cleared for the real development and progress I the province. MIL I.ITAN SPEAKS Mr. Lucas spoke for over an hour. He reviewed the situation as far as -arty strength waa concerned and tated that the Conservatives throughout the province were never In a ;t ranger position than today. There was no doubt of the outcome at the Jlls today, be declared. The apeak -:r dealt with provincial finance and 'tated that the government bad Riven out misleading statement in regard to me. He charged the government with extravagance and overlapping m the matter of road building. There was no reason that the road cut of Prince Aupert should not be constructed more -aptdly and definitely Mr Lucas dealt with the grain trade and asserted that the McLean government could net tske credit for tile increased movement to the Pacific. The speaker predicted that if things) were properly nandled there was no reason why there should not be four or five elevators In Prinoe Rupert in a short time. He teK that Or. Tolmle's policy in regard to the PjO.fi. waa tha more business Use. At the close of the meeting Mr. Brady read a telegram which stated that Mr. Pattullo had voted against many Item of social legislation from which the government now took credit. Three cheers for Mr Thompson were given before the meeting closed at 1030. store: one quick at figure and with some knowledge of boats and shoes j preferred. Write or call 'Slice S'.ore" Dally News Office. It WANTED TO HBifT BY THE WEEK OB month, automtbtle in good running condition. Apply Daily News Ollic. WANTED BOA TO WORK IN STORE for half days. Apply Montreal Importers. m EXCAVATING WANTED ROCK OR any kind, by day or by contract B1 nosang. ltd FOIl SALE FOR SALE FIRST CLASS ROOMING house; twenty-six rooms fully furnished and In good condition. Excellent opportunity tor a couple. Appiy t. Mcciymont u OLD NIWSFAPErUI MAT BE CSED IN- stead of building paper or to lay be neatn csrpets on the floor ost rpselal price on targe quantities Daily News FOR SALaVflOOSE AND LOT AT SSI sua; m kh in l LAKELSE HOTSI i i hOW ni l LARfiiiNT norriiiv, (Llth , v Trout Fishing on I now up GOOD AC COMMlrtM 1 1" PART II J. Bl. Lakelsr Lake, Terrace. B.C AUCTION Auction Sale will day July 20 on t) Second Avenue st 2 :" House and Lot. Double barrelled -! MachtnlsU' Tool Anvils Oramopboiu . And miscellaneous sold OEO J IAWE.W On Thursday July ! crul Block. roiist . Suite 3 DK-nax. oaK I kltch i talos 2 clt ! room iultts. odd hi,;'. miscellaneous arti.-i. cleared. OEO. J DA'1 Phone Black 110 High CATHOLIC , Low 615 Sixth Avenue! ?5.00, Ninth Avenue. B ' 1B00 and another 1000 Hlpl .ill model n :I44 Hlxl li Ave- I lor sale. I'. IV. IIAltT AUCTION! TIIINCE RI'PKHT At IVilerai in Furniture of all km or earns' Orating and p" Ooods sold n-i G. J. DAW I AHeOoneer. USEI) CARS K - "rd Ton Trucks pain i i Ford Ton Truck. Ch. starter tyi . . Ford Roadster del." jwnil condition . . Cukliird 8ed,m. 192,) : brake bnloan tire Two Ten Traffic Ti' tire. TeriCH can be arran"" KAIKN HAt Phone '.' JPURXlTUnK AN t 1 Fawcet: rUiiges. Hinut Bedding cncludlm: tin ress. Dmlints Ro"in ' Suites, ciealeTfll(i minds. Li ii ileum ipui We sell at very rriviu., Will pay yo- to give n our WludoT . A. M I'KKNZIi:. I Phone ;."' m I'lUNCfi. KUl'ElO T T a, 4. s, de Jl LV i; a i. 0:S7 ,n., JIH.Y l! S '87 a in 15:37 p in t 9,00 a n. SI 12 pn Hltth I'W ntiinv 4in 3:23 a m l:lt) p in . B:4U am 12:07 p it NAT1 HJl.W Jl I 4:69 s in 16:54 p in 10:2H a in 22 63 p t.