Thursday Jul 1919 WRIGLEYS Ny Ke Me > rl AL'S elt acne ‘we Heles teeth, ERMETICALLY sealed in its wax- wrapped package, air- tight. impurity proof-- WRIGLEYS is hygienic and whole- some. The goody that’s good for young and old. The Flavour Lasts cs eT A eae CHEWING GUM ~. —_— LAGASSE BAKERY ca | ae by first class Bakers. For Good Whelesome Bread The Bread with the Label Also all kinds of Pastry — et eet eee Our Three Specials GENOA, FLORENCE © DARK FRUIT CAKE 30c per Ib. La Casse Bakery Third Avenue Phone 190 nae tad POPOL POL ELLER OOD LORORO DO OMS Poe Lipsetl, President Harry Lipsett, Manager ham Vice-President Lipseti-Cunningham & Co. LIMITED, == FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT—MARINE HARDWARE Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. legistered Offies Prince Rupert Office: ; 68 Water Stree Telephone No, 95 : Vancouver, BR. { P. O. Box 1698 5 OPP PCO POOH OOOO OO OO OOS roere< 8 A LLL PAPAL LL OOOOCCOOOOL DLO Rohit! O Aber FOR SALE Beautiful, central, Section Cne Lots t original Sale Prices. Look at these. Lot 5, Block 14, Section 1, at _. .. $3000.00 Lot 6, Block 14, Section 1, at _..,.., $3000.00 Lot 8, Block 19, Section 1, at..........-e0% $5000.00 DAVID H. HAYS, 2nd Ave. and 2nd St. > POOPORO POLIO OOOO DOOD RODE OLDPLL ELE LOA GRE OPEREPEOE For the Salt Lakes Sundays—10 a.m, and every 40 minutes. Wednesdays 2 15 Pp. m. andevery 40 min- utes. Fare Return- ~- 5S0c Children - 25¢ J. Myhill Jones Red 391 oma THE DAILY NEWS, ‘RECORD NUMBER OF NEW OiL COMPANIES IN UNITED STATES ' | According to a compilation jmade by the New York Journal of | Commerce, 199 new oil companies ) with a total authorized capitali zation of $202,505,000 were char. tered during the month of May in | the United States. This com. | pares With @ previous high reeo:d ‘of 163,000,000, : established in jhebr uary, tion from 1916, and is almost double the indicated investment youth and beauty— jfor April of this Year, which fearers jamounted to $104,469,000, In the ee of first five months of the current jyear 610 oil companies have been istarted, with an aggregate au thorized capital of $472,996,000, | jcompared with 385 companies | representing an indicated invest- | ment of $212,062,000, in the cor-| responding months of 1918. Dur- | ing the entire year 1918, onl¥ 820) \ oll Companies were launched, and | their aggregate authorized eapi-| talization appeared as $430,840,-| light becau with ood he current year seems likely to exceed the high total of of their new S84vU,~ 1] i retain all the { 119,400, establishes 917, | i ween Ameri ie ertllige’ t a »| | - ee 9 mericas enter’ into ie 1 . . . » war furnished the stimulus. The | i fabrics in their original jinonthly average to date is more \ freshness and smart jthan $20,000,000 higher than in } u i i appearance. j that year, and if the present ac-| j PP tivity, which shows no sign of Hi No other Laundry Soap abatement, continues for a coupie | i j of months more the record is al. | \\ i} jmost certain to be broken. The | 7 compilation includes only those euahenins having an authorized capital of $50,000 or greater.— | Financial Post. | ; } Sunlight. MARKET GLUTTED WITH SARDINES AND SALMON, 'mportation of Foreign Packed | Varieties by Licence Only Until Local Situation is Relieved. \ WA My om | il ' | White the foreign side of the! | x Of the Canadian Trade Com- mission now involves much de- tailed work in the placing of the orders received under the Do-| minion credits abroad and in fol-| lowing the manufactured articles | on their line from the faetory to the seaboard, the domestic of its work is not overlooked. It has now been made necesary for | importers of either sardines or | canned salmon to obtain individ-| uul licenses from the Canadian | trade commission for any con- side Sweet as a Smile A smile of satisfac- washed with Sun- garments cleansed \\y Sunlight i Soap in Canada is so pure as LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Toronto, Ont. 17 Page 3 radiant’ clothes se the “‘charni ness’’— AN Ht | essen mull i Hh ' Hira 1 signments they may receive. This | . is a measure to ensure the con- sumption so far as possible of OTTAWA STREET CAR Canadian fish in our Canadian | markets. Its importance the fact, first, that large ef salmon and sardines hand on the Pacific lies in| stocks | are in|Now Getting 39 cents an Hour, and Atlantic | and Demanding 60 cents and in the absence of} Per Hour. ° movement for these, there are) some thousands of people out of work; while secondly, these fish|the Ottawa Electric Railway are sold at home are retailed at lower |on strike and not & car is moving. prices than the imported brands, |A board of conciliation is sitting though of higher nutritive value.jand a request has been made to There are about 300,000 cases, 48|the men by ehairman Darcy pounds to the case, of salmon ly-|withold strike action until t! ing idle in Vancouver.@ The fish) award has been made. is of a light coler and large im-| refused. portations were being made from | rhe men are the United States of a | fleshed salmon, though of lower /|60 cents. ‘nutrition, simply because in the ipealiciniiiine liast few years the taste for a pink ae has en - re omaha arery GORDON MAKES tie "VERY STRONG APPEAL reaching advertisement. BALL PLAYERS GO TO | jlar and draws big audiences. Last WIN FRESH LAURELS | 5.1: she Was unusual in her play ————— “The Interloper” at the Empress Early this morning a very rep-|Theafre. The scenes where she resentative party of Prince Rupert | kept the negroes on th farm and baseball enthusiasts left by | where she entered the man’s room launch for Ketchikan where they j at night and foreed him at the will play two return matches. The point of a loaded revolver to do team is in the best of condition |her bidding, were intensely inter- coasts, getting only 39 Kitty Gordon is always popu- and promise to show the Alaskans jootae just how to play ball even though “The Woman in the Web” is they have to wait until the Lide | well up to the regular standard goes out. lof the episodes which have pre- In both matehes played here on|eeded it, This is the twelfth and | Dominion Day the Prince Rupert keeps the interest going well. jigam won the honors. Now the rhe program will be repeated j}Ketchikan players are fully pre- |tonight, |pared to put up a big fight agains! rai lbosing on their own grounds. Ben | geit accompanied the party and will see that there-is nothing pul over the Rupert youngsters. Man | ager Fraser is fully confident in ithe team whieh made such a good | ishowing on Tuesday and assures | jthe fans that when the | leome through that they will b | the more pleased with their team | which has won glory on a strange See the classified ads. on page five. The Gurvich Transfer Phone Green 548 P.O, Box 102 Office, Fraser St We: Sell : Coal Raes ' aa all |diamend . . | The party will return on Satur | | day Advertise in the Daily News. | MEN ARE ON STRIKE Ottawa, July 2.—Employees of This was pink-j|cents an hour and are demanding But your PLUMBING Troubles, tell them to HARRY HANSON, the Plumber with twenty-five years ex- perience. ~ He guar- antees to remedy any Plumbing trouble. If you intend building, will lay out vest plumbing plans to best suit climatic condi- Tell Your Troubles to the tions, ete., and this POLICE! HARRY HANSON Pink tco Phone 489 139 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. = Prince Rupert Music Store OPPOSITE POST OFFICE WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor on Pvesvining $2 Music. a ) AND VICTOR RECORDS Nepaire to Phonographs, Violins, Ete. Bows rehaired. 08 wasTen 6 Vous Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted, Tee @e eT KNOWN TRAC. Prince Rupert Academy of Music in Connection MARK In TRE WORLF With the Store. The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs North of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano The Weber Piano = Thomas Organs All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. E. L. VAUGHAN ©" "Pisjen's Prince Rupert Music Store and Tepairing, ens bs aia i s