PAGE TWO THEAttY'NEWS "SALADA" DAILY EDITION TEA One out of every five pounds of tea used In Canada Is'SALADA"- the reason-It Is more satisfying7 and better value than any other tea. Saies are the best proof. Brown Label Quality, 80c per lb. Orange Pekoe Blend, 85c per lb. Sold everywhere. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - HKITISH COLUMBIi Published Every Afteinoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. I'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations According to reports received at Smltbers from Topley. very rich ore is be- Mc?squite, Flies Eacke,BedBugs Thursday, August 2, 1928. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Premier Now Making Highest Production Consolidated Takes Property Up Telkwa River New Strike at Topley-Kichfield The Premier gold mine is now milling over four hundred tons of ore daily in addition to shipping over five hundred tons which is to date the highest point in the property's production. The company is carrying on extensive operations in preparation for the commence ment of production frqm the Porter Idaho, Prosperity and Silverado properties on Marmot River. There will be accommodation for 500 workmen and by October the management expects to have a continuous flow of high grade ore over its tramline from the Prosperity which is under construction. It is also taking active steps to develop the Silverado. With the taking over of tb Big Mis-curl by the Consolidated attention has beta directed to the Silver Cmt group Just north of the Missouri. Consolidated officials announced publicly that they acre highly Impressed with the mineralised so lie north of the Premier. Development ol the Big Missouri this year will greatly Increase the value of the Silver Crest group and help the whole area. Further consolidation i of proprrtlei by the Consolidated Is considered to be by no means impossible. Angus Ctuabolxn. prospector, has made t new And of high grade galena ore with excellent values In stiver on a part Of Hudson Bay Mountain near the Silver Lakes, twelve miles from Souther ened up recently on the Topley-Rlch-field mine according to word received from the Interior. The new ore has created quite an Impression In 8mlthe'rs indicating that this DTODertv hut thigh grade as well as low grade mond drilling program on the property is proceeding steadily and highly en couraging values are being disclosed as the drills work their way to depth The property was recently examined by Dr. George Hanson of the Geological Survey and other mining authorities who ore reported to have expressed great confidence In the property and their belief that It would have an ex ceedingly bright future. A regular force ing taken from the shaft constituting jof thirty men now constitutes the pay- work on the Oolden .Eagle property roll at the mine and tunnels are be: which la owned by Ueenan and Mathe- extended at the same time as diamond son and is under option to T. D. Pic- drilling la, being proceeded with, kard of Vancouver. The option was tak en on this property last fill and work To make an examination of several was commenced by the eriflual owners cf the outstanding properties on the in the way of a shaft, eorhe fine' ore be- Bablne Range. T. 8. Davey. genera: lng encountered In the course of opera- manager of the Alexandria Oold Mines Uons. Nine men are employed on the Co.. left 8mithers last week with a par- property ad work is progressing at a ty ol prospectus. The Alexandria Gold good rata; of speed. ; Mines is reported to be an organlzatior and part left Telkwa. recently to examine the Contention gad Duchese groups of claim situated, on the south fork of the TelkM. River about thirty miles from the Telkwa station. These pi Opel-ties' were brought to the attention of Ooajsolldated by iP. M. DookrlU. In 1994 and 1906 col. Topping. Jack Kowson and 1 terry lloweon induced New York capital to perform certain development work on the properties and later Frank Dookrti; and the late Thorns JcJfcrsoa became interested in the development. The Contention group comprises three claims and the Duchess eight. Ore l of a copper pyrit and hematite character and sample on a face shewing a ledge of eighteen feet with eight feet ten inches of ore ran. I financed by Toronto capitalists who O. II. KUburn. representative of the have taken over a fifty-one percent. in-Consolidated Mining Ac Smelting Co.. ' terest in the H viand Basin group owned by Martin Gain and Tommy King. Oth er properties to be Inspected will in elude the Crania mine. Little Joe. Vic- ftoria Basin and other group. All visitors to the Portland Canal district are impressed with the tremendous mining activity which Is now go-'ns on In that section. There are roor prospectors out m the hiUa( than evei before and parties are 'going oui thtough the country forty .and fifty miles distant from the town. The prospect is that the Bear River Valley may soon share the pfcvM in the sun which the Salmon River had had for so long aa a result of the Premier operation and which more recent the Marmot River lection ha occupied. "It can be sale very high. There ate reported to be a jaeout the whole Portland Canal d lemur be r of ledge Of good width and , trict." stated one recent visitor "that in continuity. Several aheota oi ore carrying heavy mineralisation of gray copper with silver value of approximately two hun- tirfxi "urcea to the ton have been op-; up.' the past we hate only scratched a few showings A period of sounder mining development is now starting and during the next Ave yean some of the big- tcct mines In Canada should be opened Quaint Village on the Skeena River By M. Holland Cox, in Canadian National Hallway Magazine There are many little nettlements tucked into fold of the hi!! along the Skeena, but for charm of situation and atmosphere Osland. the only Icelandic village on the const, f probably the most picturemjue. Same years ago a few adventuring families, hoping for a more generolfSysxfttence than in possible in Iceland, net out for Canada, the. to Bbm. new Land of Promise. They took land near Winnipeg and worked hard in the fields; but the Icelander is seafaring and on thf broad, fertile prairies they were nick for the grey mountains, KILLS salt coves and ships to Which they had been accustomed from ttuir immemorial. Then, one day a man wUo hud travelled far returned to their settlement and told ol a wonde:GiL cvuntn in the west where fish could be caughl by the millions, where lue; to be had for the cutting, and there was no long, .ce'jound winter. So they packed up their belongings, many of which hau teen brought from the Old Land, end lollowijiunto the swift flowing, Skee- fk MXEro2&' located on if3i .Blind tGuiflkjjBjMltri Island. Tr?7 flows oy It-'-jOK BJHp tanacuan national itaii-v.'&ys. across liie water, but little Os-land remains to the general public only a name, and one scarcely known, at that. There are In It but a scant hundred Inhabitants, whose wooden are scattered fn an irregular row along a narrow fringe of terrain between moun tain and sea. There are no attack; the comfortable homes stand in gardens: gay with old-fashioned flcwers which! grow with almost tropical luxuriance and brilliance: and in order to create these homes, the pioneers, men and wo-; men both, had to give months of back-1 breaking labor. They were told that apples would not grow so far north; yet! litee planted three .yean ago are bear ing prodigally now, and currants, rhubarb, strawberries and ail sorts of veg etable! grow wontfirfully there. I. a great deal of labour to prepare the garden soil, but gradually encumbering undergrowth and stumps are being de frayed, and each year becoming better. bountiful on sea and land, and in i for any c thene con di bone the settlers have found I about the possibilities The ore waa encountered- pronto Jl Tasiy Breakjcis food thai Cm-reds Cbgistipaiioji , - -11 ' ! V . NUT :jjJKE FLAVOR Thlt ' lUntQqf blend of wheat, hran. ;'nejlax has resulted in cesjsilrth a rkh m:t flavor. ' Seaidw: "lupplyinB abundant aourbthpient Duia-Mite rem-eJl. aatt y trove the car. e at constiaatiAp ftc n: and happy every day by .- urting with a b-wl of D;na-M-'e porridge. IheAhv health Food Li "feeling betu: now than before. Every person is a pr.spect until someone write, him up and then he is still a prospect Jor an extension subscription. WOHK NOV BltlViS HKSl LTS Candidates;.:i;y v.-:i: :i.V." that conditions wcrk dene caw ;ii pro-ju mb-ctip-tlons which cou::t more vet, Uiaa the There is only one street, a winding same subscript : - could possibly be plank way which foUows the shore con- worth later. A lt .ul eiired now will be tours, and there are neither horses nor harder to overcome j. the time for end- cows on the island, though a few goats lng the catnpaii!:'. draws near lor the upply milk for the children. For some voting value o: subscriptions grows years there were a number oi sheep "leaauy lee. :aied mainly for their wool which the: Another pcint to consider In securing cmen card and spin into yam tor tuhaeriptioa i this: You will not knitting sweaters and mittens; but a j write up every person you approach, wolf took up quarters in the bills close Maybe many turn you down. Then br and helped hlmaelf to several. again maybe yen 11 dj mighty w.H. You Behind the village is a lake. OX two ! must not he, diwouraaed .Every sales-vals Joined, with a sandy beach. It man has both good' days and other Ilea in the cup of an old volcaao and Tdays. But the law of averages wUl creek runs from it through (fee vU- lage supplying good drinking water; in years to come it will probably be harn essed for light and power. Across the near hills He snowcapped peaks, the tide rise and falls at their very feet; nature work fcr all. Ir you see enough people you are bsund to secure subscriptions. And subscripts n-. mean votes. And votes mean car Whatever conditions confront you are quite likely to also confront others. The world is not made person. All have to meet conditions and the same In runnlne a cross-drift which was un-l The men we salmon flshcts, working AM. OX sMK IOOIIXO dertaken to establish the continuity of for tanneries or Independently, and While you may .ie expecting sensationally high grade discovery marvellously dexterous wiu tneir eise to oe ma:! n; startling gains ana. whlch was made some distance away ?bout a month ago. Meantime, the dia ooat. Tney are the blue-eyed type, big: getting along , inmiuiy, others are no) and fair, as a rule, hardy and long- i doubt thinking the same about you. All lived. Uklng life phUosophlcally. andjyou htve to do is do your best. It lent I have a positive thirst for learning whiclt what the other frllow does that count expresses itself In the scnoolhouse, com-'for you. it I hat you do yourself, munlty-bullt (the government supply- Winning is a positive proposition, not a .ng the teacher's service only), which 'negative one. .erves as a social centre. Osland la unl que in that it ha no church, hospital, lore, bank, cemetery or public building except this schoolbouse and In It .ire held business meetings, wedding re-?epUona, dance and Christmas celebra tions. Mall come across the water from the Oasslar cannery twice a week an event -f importance to the small village and 'lie Northern Cross, the Anglican mts- ilon boat frorr Prince Rupert, drops in; Phone 543 agularly every month to bold services tpste and as occasion requires, to baptize and marry. The first house erected on the Jite still stands, a monument to Industry, every log used in lu construction handbewn. and the fence palings surrounding it are also fashioned by hand. These people have adopted Canada aa their very own, and no lovelier or more peaceful spot can be found In all Brl tish Columbia than this small garden of transplanted Iceland. NEWS CAMPAIGN GAINS IMPETUS MANY ItKADKKS CO.MtNO TO NKWH OrHI'E AMI IWYIMl MIISCKIP. TIONK IN K.WOK OF CINIUIMTEM Interest In the Prince Rupert Daily ewa campaign seem to be increasing, particularly on the part of the reader. During the pact few day the campaign department ha been flooded with writ in by friend for their favorite. Every day brings inquiries, though now the greater part of them are accompanied by vote from person, who, bavin; been dominated, have thought it over eare ully and have decided that the oppor tunity of securing one of three hand- xrnie price motor ear or a part of w '.tundred of dollars in cash prtee and: :ab commissions, I too good to pass by, KNItOI.I, 111X1' OF IHIE.VDS Evidently some of the candidate who lave been less active up to now have enrolled the help of their acquaint ance for yesterday saw an unusual In' reate In the number of subscriptions paid at the office and credited to various entrants. Indication are that some of the. can dldatea who have been lower down In the 1st now starting their campaign In tnletaken some of those who have been leaning win nayrui-iau..mt7 usr kampalgn or th-jFwlSrS psUedJF Candidates rrvot"Ysfrtctr's? to Where they can set aubsarlpUon. The. districts are only for the purpose of issuring an equitable distribution of all the prizes. Juat because some one candidate ha been working In a given territory or section Is ho reason why another should not also work there. Per-, hap one salesman ha more ability than another. Perhaps the prospect baa changed ' hi mind since someone else called. On the other hand, perhaps tn person who U to become a subscriber Today's opportunities may not be here tome r row. If.psu are entered It la time new for you a be active. If you are ftm contemplating entering. It Is tune r.ow for you to enter., everything In this campaign is in favor of those who work this biiz first period when votes accumulate i-everal times faster than they possibly can later on. Campaign headquarters 11I be open tonight and each week day evening until 8 o'elocit. Yuu are Invited to partlcl- I '"I'Mli i il iMW 111 i nmi-g-T-- " IVIcA rthur Shoe " Thursda Store Our Annual Sale Starts Friday morr ing and this year we are breaking years' rccards in our offerings in Shoe Values. This Shoe Sale will bt the Season's Sensation and ought to eclipse our successful annual sales in pro-vious years. Here arc real values in ?.ll lines of our Merchandise. M snv lines are priced away below cost and we have placed no reserve on anv of our whole large stock. BELOW ARE LISTED A PEW OP THE SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY" SATURDAY Wo LADIES' SHOES S" - MEN'S DRESS SHOES Shoes for Ladies in , Pu lttpn's Work Straps and Oxfords. D? Shoos famou9 Steriinir ,, , Discontinued Mnes. All and -Oxfords in black Double sole. Watt , sizes. Regular values to n(1 tan- G?Ser woIt chrome uppers. " $6.00. Safe gaf m Jg1"0!; styles, one pricv. price 2.95 Saleirlce $3.95 Price 1" MEN'S OXFORDS 0 !i0Yf "?T? LADIES' SHOKS School boots for boys. T The famous Rich- Sizes 1 to 5 1-2. Valen- . le8c 'iT' c. mond make of Men's tine & Martin make. Kinner batm M Oxfords. Many pat- Real value at sale price J""? Shoes. K, - terns and lasts in black 3 95 7-50 va s'll(' !' and tan. Regular value , , . t235 to $9.00 and wonderful 0xfor;ls' c.tan Black Kid. SlZGS value at Sale price turn soles, Cuba, 1 t0 5- of 'S6.85 f41Ce Sale price . . . 2 35 McArthur Shoe Store . C PJt. steamer Princess Louise, Cap- tain Arthur Slater, arrived trom the continued south to Vancouver with ca- north at 3:45 yesterday afternoon and - selty list of passengers. am Sent to everyone by Return Mail! Everyone, every home, should have a copy of this folder. It fills a long felt want, explains and instructs in the use of those advertising columns of a newspaper in constant use by the general pub- ' lie. It explains how to get the most out of claisif icd advertising. When and how tousoit Mail the Coupon TODAY! VANCOUVER DAILY PIlOVINCtl . vjctoiv squaiib. vJnoouvbr, n. a Dept. C. A. 3. Please Jgfet me your KHEK foikr -GtajMlflod A.lelittg Kxpiiii(ied;H NAMK (I'leaee Print Name Plainly) Are you a UVoelttee" ulaerilr (Aintwnr liere plnaee) Third Avenue "The Measure BUTTEIICr til A UcanadianT saiuMfX of Chic You will get the effect of a i'n'i" Dress if you use Butterick Patterns Our range lof Novelty Dross (jowl contains designs and coloring i satisfy every requirement of Season's Fashion demands. "The Nobby" B.O.Goast SteamshipervicBS Sailings from Prince Rupert T KeUlilkan, Wraiurll, and Skagway Auguot S, R, 10, 13. U. lo Vnnrmnrr, Vlrtorln and HeuMIe Augiut 1, I, 8. II, 1.1, lit, 'il. '' rillNCIMH IKIVAL for lluledale, Kat Itella llella. Orrun mils, Nnniil, Alert Ituy. ( ainiilifll Itlter and Vanroutrr every I rldur. III p.m. , iin Agenry for all Hteaniolilp l lnrs. lull Information trm W. t:. UlU.llAKll, (lenrrnl Ajnit. Comer of till 8lrrt and 3rd Avenue, I'rlme llupert, It.C r"nl,e 11