REDS Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FUHNITUKBfcANl) UIANf MOVING WeTPkfiia of Coal' Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money andv Time DAV & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. LADIES' DRESSES, Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Ruilding Papers nnd Felts Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load $G.50 targe Sack ....... ... SOc COAL PRICES DOWN . Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 08 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piann and Furniture Moving. Ik Alexander Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST UiMHMl mi""' taking place this afternoon. Cars left ' the church at 1 and 3 o'clock. P. Lin-eey Is In general charge of the arrange-1 ments and it is expected that there will be over fifty in avteiiiUmce. Miss Dawson, Mrs. Thurber and Mrs. Limey are in charge of the refreshments while C. Ollker and Duncan Miller are looking ' alter the sports. Other details will be attended to by the Sunday -School teachers and church officers. 1IOTKL .UtUIVAI.N Prince Rupert E. Yorston. D C. Scott. P. Arthur. J. MseKsgue, Vancouver; J. M. Hoar. P. B. Weller. Seattle: M. E. Ba- lat, Hoffors Saskatchewan: Mrs. A. It. Parkins, Mrs. Oeoxge Da vies. Port E- slngton: J. W. Bridge, North Pacific Cannery: P. Doane, Chicago. 111.: Dr. and Mrs. A. Schlelke, Chicago: A. B. Modtne and son, Racine, Wis.; L. O. McKee, Belllngham, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Munro, Detroit, Mich.; J. McNeill, Telkwa; Mr. and Mrs. O. Knutaon, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Yorsl, M. Sshuss, Ket chikan. Savoy Mrs. Morehead. Porcher Is land; I. P. Hunsperger, Ketchikan; Mr. Form No. 13, Section 39) LAND ACT. Coast District: thence north SO Chains; thence east 20 chains: thence south 80 chains; thence west 20 chains, and cdn- talnlng 160 acres, more or less. uiuuaiiriA wnuii, Applicant. Dated May 28, 1928, LAND ACT NOTICE OI' INTENTION TO .irPLY TO LEASh LAM) Cnmmenclns at a DOIt Diantea on wr ' This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control , Board or by the Government of British Columbia and Mrs. Heuri Defontan, and family Terrace. Central -O. Dials, Chleoutlml. B.C.: Mrs. F. B. Wlnstow. Haydon. Arlaona; Eugene Challfolx, Hayspprt. LOCALS nally decide what action wUI be taken. rTTTTTTT LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. Don Crerai and son returned to the city on ttwj'Prtnee Charlea this mornlsg after htai8" ipefH a two weeks' holiday at TMl. Joe SpitcJ, Tame. rritd in the city on the frlnce Charlea this morning nnmmenrinff at a noat nlsnted at the from Anrox and will UltMMil tORMrrow soutneast corner or um oou. lunge o, ltr) t. murior b train. Mrs. nert Wilson r. turned to the city on the Prince Charlea this morning after making the round trrp to Stewart. Anrox and Maieett In. Archdeacon O. A. Rlx returned to the elty on the Prlnee CImnI) this morning from Massett Inlet wnetw' he has spent m Prince Runert Land -ieeordln Dls- the past week on ecckalsStteal duties trict and situate adjacent to AUIforo -I. Bay. Moresby Island. Skidegate Inlet, p ,fl , Nsvlgatn Oo;H tug ' ' Queen Charlotte Islands. "o-. . TAKE NOTICE thst Pacific Mills, Lome was at BuelOey JJ thto wtk in Limited, or Vancouver, B.C.. occupation connexion with the deflTefy south of Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, intends1 . - frMrt m vmw oraw-to cm. two bsrges of log from, w apply for a lease of the following de- scribed lands: ford logging camp1. high water mark of an Island; thence rvwmr nator of the Unl- oi nr Dewar, foUowlng the high water mark around I"" James paeror the island to point of commencement, ted Church at Anyox and until recant-a.d ly located at Fort Ft.ser. arrived In e Applicant city irom uie wiwn """" Donald Wilbur Hodadon. prinoe Charles this morning, aocom-. Airent for Pacific MI1U. Limited. pan ted by Mr. rj-war Dewar. ni1 Mar S. 1928. mm These three Dlue Ribbon products axe thoroughly reliable Their quality Is always uniform. Sold by all Gvocai FOR SALE FIRST CLASS ROOMINO house: twenty-six rooms fully fur-! nlshed and in good condition, excellent opportunity for a couple Apply T. McClymont. tf OLD NEWSPAPERS MAY BE USED IN- stead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. CJt special price on large quantities. Daily News. FOR SALE LAUNCH OWBN. FOUR Horsepower Swtbope engine. aU complete and in good running condition. Apply Pullen. Dally News, tf two-ton Trfcfflo Truck: and one one- ton Ford TttJc. Apply T. McClymont tf i jFOR SALE. White dfop-bewd Bewlttg achine in. first elas order. Apply ! Suite 1. OUpp BitUdlng. 80 ! Mr. Oeorgo Kelsey and ton roturned 'to the city OB the Prince Charlea this 'morning from a holiday Tlait to O. A. Hunter returned to the city on the Prince CharMa this morning from a brief trip to 4rwrt. Anyox and Mas sett Inlet point W. E. McLa. Who Ha been night watchman at tt BtfoM Bay sawmUl for some tim U a pMseager aboard the Prince Charlea todsy from the laland bound for Port Albernl whore he will, take a portion in a Mwmlll. Mo-Lean and family art accompanying him. I. M. Frasef of the mechanical n- cinrerlnir faculty of the Unlvenlty of Saskatchewaa. who has ben attached to the staff of the Prtnoe Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station for the past two months, and Mr, rraaer mao uie round trip 'thi wee on th Prince Charles to Stewart, Anyox and Msasett Inlet and will proceed south on the same steamer thti afternoon to Vancouver whence tey will return to Saskatoon. E. Heaphy. goeeral manager Of the Los. Angeles Lumbsr ProducU Co. Is a pasenger aboard tfee Prince Charlea to day bound for Seattle alter naving spent the past couple of months at Buckley Bav aupervUtng the loading out on log barge of two million feet of cedar logs lor the south. Thla cleans up the stock of log wound the Buckley mill which ha been closed down for the paat everal y. " r hlcn immediate prospect of re- there la no j opening. EXCAVATING: WANTED ROCK OR any kind, by day or by contract. E Rosang. 183 SITUATIONS WANTED QIRL with business education deairea work in store. Phone Green 7S1. 184 FOR RENT X3R RENT. CLAPPBRTON HOUSE. Ninth Avenue East. Rent reasonable. Apply City Treasurer. City lull. tf OR RENT PIANOS. PLAYER-PIANOS. Phonographs and Sewing Machines. Walker's Music Store. tf FOR RENT. FUBWI8HBD FOUR roomed apartment with bath. Water paid. Phone S47. tf FOR SALBt Offer wanted on one roR RENT. FOUR ROOM APART- meat, hot water heated. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping room by the day. week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf THIRTY-THREE room hotel for rent, partly furnished. Apply to J. C. Mc Lennan. 180 FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART- nient. Apply Musaallem Oroeery. FURNITURE AND UANOES Faweett Range. Itmnton' Bed and Bedding enoludlng the Oatermoor Mat-trews, Dining Room Suites, Bedroom Suites, Chesterfield Suite. Window Blind. Linoleum and Linoleum Ruga We ecu at my isasonabls price so it will pay you to give us a call. Watch our Window. A. MACKKNZIK. furniture. Phone 7SS SALVAfl E AND TOW1N0'. l'rlnce Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. HAH HAItn.MNS IN OAS ItOATS Agenu for Easthope Engine. Ooolldge Propeller, and Tuxlube OH llnat of all (lewrlpllon for Charter om bssea jreery servie iwK day on Ik .MIM 1 Htn. .til m M d. . l . lend-HoMdass,. 11 man. till 8 p riionr wil CHIROPRACTIC 1)11. U. E. KYOI.K80N Chlroprartor 623 Third Avertu. Telephone for appointment now to Illu 85 Residence phone Black 551. Acute and Chronic Disorder succesa-fully treated. Established 1931, BBBB1SBBBMIBBP3BBE3 LEFT TO ATTEND " FUNERAL AT HOUSTON Captain tldillHon Was Ilst1i)Ulilml Military OfTlwr And Son ot lomlon Man EVERYONE EVEKiWiiKKft J. S. Wilson left this morning on tho To know that the doors of the John Bulger Ltd. Jewellery Store wUI ojv at Deblock pronjpt on v,( eastbciund train (or Smlthers to attend the-Juneral pnsaenger of tliealate CtiD- urday the lth day of August withnthc most Sfff"; ' ' Canada. The Opportunity pfLffetimel-FasU cAT.mWv life in a railway accident near Houston son oi me late Keginaia juiaaieron, 01 Nottlng Hill, London, a well known civil engineer, famous at the time In connec tion with the construction of the famous Forth Bridge, In Scotland. His son was at London University when war broke out and Boon after re ceived a commission In the Royal Garrison Artillery. H' was severely wounded In the great German advance of March, 1818. Later he served, with tho Imperial forces in Ireland. More recently he has been "roughing" It In the Interior where he has mining claims but was planning to return to England next year. He Is survived by his mother In England, three brothers, Fairfax a civil engineer of London, Cun-llffe In India, Oervase, Lieutenant-Commander on the H.M.. Nelson and two sisters. BAPTIST PICNIC JTGRASSY BAY The Baptist picnic to Orassy Bay is : NOT1CK OP INTKNTION TO APPLY TO I'LKtllASfc LA NO In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dis trict and situate about S miles from the mouth of Khuuse River. take NOiits that tne Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Mining Company, Intends to apply for permission to purchase the Hollowing described lands: commencing at a post Planted one loot distant trom the Witness post on thence easterly GO chains; thence northerly 10 chains, aud containing 100 acres, more or less. P. PARDOE WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mining Co. Dated IBth April. 1928. LAND ACT. NOTICr. OF INTENTION TO API'LY TO I.KASK LNI) In Smlthers Land Recording District nd situate adjoining Lot 8100 on East side of 8keena River. TAKE NOTICE thst Christina corier. of Pacific, B.C.. married woman, internal to apply for a lease of the following de scribed lands: FOOTBALL MEETING POORLY ATTENDED No. Oeclnloii Yet A to lirlnging Tram Here Prom Ocean Palls There was not a larfe attendance at the extra-ordinary meeting called by the football association Inline City Hall last evening. Pressure of work and the fine weather apparently combined to keep many away. The executive feel that there are many Who an desirous of the West side of Lot 172; thence 1 cringing lne fcotbali team from Ocean Fail for a championship series and I there will be another routing alter tne football name on Friday evening to fi LADIES' & MISSES' LADIES' BAR p, cot in rni n BIRTIISTONE RINGS WHILE THEY LAST LEATHER BAGS AND BROOCH; formic. All solid gold BUD VASES with strap ' or arm style. A . Sterling Sllvor Pi., rings set with reconstructed , nf 0r , ty; Hundsom, , mixed r oup of . baK .7 Egyptian pattern. gi rubies, topaz, amythyst, gar- In new and Newest coors and shades. ,b u S nets, onvx, sardonyx jhe synthetic Ht...., 10. ine 7 to ?G.C larly u other beautiful stoneB. All kiln baked Vaes that for- regu many Hml ted, so tome ber : s These rings sold regularly merly sold, at 75c. 11 up to $100. QC- Now only each .... x early for these at jjy Now each ?X,tU each YES! ' J Third Avenue SELLING STARTS SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, AT 9 O'CLOCK PROMPT IT IS STERLING air rT,M fecCS OIK llilV A group of sterling pieces, including Pie. Knives, Lemo'n Forks, Forks, Knives, spoons, Ladles many Classified : Ads. FOR SALE Pickle Butter and others. Values to $5.00. Now priced for quick disposition at each 1.65 per pair FOR HER PEARLS Only a few strands of indestructible pears, 21 and 86 inch strands. Perfectly matched and heautifully tinted. Formerly sold up to $.500. All packed in handsomely lined boxes 22 81.50 WANTED NEWEST EARDROPS Most beautiful selection of Eardrops with clamp and for pierced ears, with and without pendant. Set with pearls, crystals, jade and other beautiful settings. Values to $4.00. Your choice, FREE FREE To the first GO customers Saturday A. M. we will give ABSOLUTELY FHEE a valuable article from this stock. Purchase is not necessary. None to children JOHN B Better Lndy Assistant SUMMER RESORTS LtltriKHT HOTM'KIMIS IN ttNAIIA (Uthia Water) Trout FinhlriK on IjikelMe (IOOI) ACCO.MMOIIATION I (lit MMIIINO PART I EH I! BRUCE JOHNSTON. Manager. Lakelm Lake. Terrace, B.O AUCTIONEERS. flUNCE RITEHT AI'CTION MART Frrirrnl lllnrk Furniture of all ktnd bought, sold or exebanged. Crating and packing den. Ooods sold on Osmmlaston (.'. J. DAWES. Auctioneer, lllarK 120 RESTAURANTS UOOIl KATH CAIK Mr. Unger. Proprletres Thlnl Avenue, nent O.W.V.A. Oood Home Oeoked Meal and Item Baked Bread Special Chicken Dinner F.very Hiiudny Evening from 8.30; WALL CLOC KS Made by nxport Clock Makvrs. Ingraham ilan-jo Clock in beautiful Mahogany ce. Itegular 6.00 seller. Now S2G.00 Regular $7.60 Kitchen Clocks fully guaranteed with hourly strike, 8 day clocks of beauty and accuracy Now only $5.50 ULGER, LTD. Prince Rupert I J Dentistry Over Ormc8 LA K ELSE HOTSPRINOS LOIMJE NOW OPEN PLATES that give you an iwararrce and li ml the contour of On Or. Maguire Bathing Suits with Sl.i. For Hoy. "n(l Children PURE JERSEY WX" .. .. , 1 i ' i ror Montreal Importers J.. Miller r-n.;;'- COAL . . i ..... . Your imi"'' h, EDSON cassiov y Also llulkley H iMI ' Airent for IloDtn n Phnnc Prince Runcrl Feed ft.