CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone reads the Classified Ads. If you lose, advertise for It. If tiu find, locate the owner. WhatTer you need, advertise for Jt (JET TUB CI.ASSIHr -IT. iXN. Auf. a in the - over the principle Of safeguard-ii Industries which were lndl-. irrng the past few daya were i at a MitfMamtial meeting of 'i that henceforth individual :il refrain from eapreaslon ol ;- rs.,ni opinions on such n-ttrrs ;ftiiy. pending a decision aa to .1: be ;tve aenerat tariff policy n. ;ne party Is acknowl-dged to , ... i.mia i it fnr tlw mometit la T in i probability. PATTULLOHAS GOOD MAJORITY If til IN THlH niNMTITI'KM'Y HE- hin it iki mitii only a i "kvv aiim;nti:i;s yet iirm (o dais but not including iiitoe fntea give Hon. T D. total of 1.304 and J. mssint Mr Iatlullos ma- rrturns reported by the re-1 otticer glvt the following re- Pettutlo Thompson 'i Inlet (J 3 I'ok camp. 9 0 ; 8 MRS. FIELDING DIES OTTAWA 'nWV Aug. 3 -Mr. Jleeter Fleld-" l the former .mlnlater of 'i '"l Ht her lesldence here Inst '" i .- eightieth year. ' - in health for the past four Mi. HeWing" ' Had 'been closely '" 'i with the fffe or the city. She "rit hi 8t. Jbhrt, New Brunswick daughter' or Thomas A. Ran M.unea in 1876 ant is survived by 1 'mnd, and one son and three K1I.I.KD IN KM'LOHtOS 1 AWllENCEVIlXB, ILLINOIS, Aug. 3 explosion of an old steam oil 1 " Indian Bleonery yesterday caused " " t ii of five men while fifty-one " were Injured, five seriously. Three pcud to die. Olympic games, notwithstanding the fact that Canada steads out athletically a the result of our successes in the present games." Mulquesn's complaint of favoritism was shown to American players suppple-mented by M. M. Robinson, manager of the Canadian teams, who says petty an-noyanoea followed Canada's protest Monday. Mulqueen was asked by the President of the international federation to set ai Judge for tfee hammer tnraw and be j ,, unAmisod attained on a majority rote cast LONDON, Aug. I A bottle wasted aebeire near Flint. North Wales, contained a note with the words: "Oood-bya all." Beneath were signed the names of Elsie MacKay and Capt lilnchllffe who essayed a flight across the Allan tic Ocean this spring. Under the names were the words: "Down fog and atorm." nadlan provinces are now expecneu rcclprooate, by American and Gorman Judges. i circles 1m . ' . a Oer . Joynaon Hick-, home sec- , J .. ,1 .Aha mlnlatura who hat ! S"'- aw auw wvaan vaiaaav -".!y advocating protection aa -I'Hian for the Conservative : rebuked by Premier Baldwin ' 'iv' cabinet session, and .Mill, I HUM l.lT 1 1. Y FltS IS .OIND 1 ! I! ENGLISH BOY SCOUT TO CONVEY GREETING Jack Turlile Made Trip Am A(Untlr a t'aliln liy on Mmimrr Montiialrn QUEBEC. Aug. 3. Working as a cabin boy. Jack Turbie, British Boy Scout. QUEBEC NOW ADDED TO DBflVIMfFS FYFMPTni VICTTORIA. Aug 2 -Quebec haa been added to the list of provinces exempt tram aiMMulon duties In British Co lumbia. The Governments of all the Oa the property is reported to lie very promising. Good bodies of such ore in closer vicinitv of Anyox have been pretty well exhausted by the company by this time. The operation of the new property may develop to some extent provided preliminary work proves it to he suitable. OREGON FARMER IS SHOT AT BREAKFAST ( liMt IVp RHng Sought In Connection With Killing of H. K. I). Dewey aYwadatr. official ! PORTLAND. OrefonAttg Tv. n.i. . -1 Dewsjy, aged 6, a I IllEH V.UVOOUVm. Aug. 3 The death oo- s ; OFFICERS OF to out to Hays Mrs. Jack McAuley went port on the trim !'' :"r""" returning this afternoon. imxm 3. 8. Z. D. was ahot tk wA - tswstloa woman of TTT I, .T" seventeen-year. , . the 100 metres eewwa beeswe the ofSe- i P"1 lals themselves aouM not deeide whether th Amertcsn or Oanadlan finished first. The American woman Is said to have broken the tape wtth her band In old cnore ooy. IA years if .ge. a ntemttr of the Pro- too Kill vlneiaj fomtry service. He was burn In employee NATIVE SON . RROINA. Aug. 3- Dr. J H. Cctton of Toron'o was elected president of the National Council of the Native Sons of Canada yesterday. Other officers are: Treasurer- -Arthur Pike of Victoria. Secretary Robert D. McLaehlan of Victoria. Auditor -W. 11. Wilson. Vancouver. The next meeting of the eeuncll will arrived on the ateamer Montnalrn en,1 poe at Winnipeg m iav. route to New Westminster where he will deliver a messagt from the mayor and fU AIRMAN K fHOPM ii a. r nM Wnatmlfurtor. Knrlaiwl ! Vll.iaitlltril) 1U Vlivuiill KINCIIINJUNGA IS GOODWOOD WINNER NEW TRADING BODY VANCOUVER, Aug. 3- A. W. White-more was elected chairman of the Board of directors of the Vancouver Oraln E- JuaM-lin and Dark Jamn Seoiinl anil change Clearance Asnoclatlon Ltd. at Tlilnl lleM-etltely In Event Today jit Orst nietln. Trading In Vancou- 9 ver's first futures market la expected to .. . . . mnuMnM bv fintiihor 1 nooD. A ua. 3.--. nutton kwcuiu, , r junga won the Ooodwood Oup. Boyle's Jnativn was second and Dark Jepan. third Tle 'takes were ai.uuu ana r-tras Trie betting was 4 to 1. 7 to 1 and B to 1 reaper lively. BADLY BURNED ON - HOLLYBURN RIDGE VANCOUVER. Aug. 3- Ralph and Robert Lemon of North Van-couvor slept) if). . an old aback on Holly- oura rfds aaecuve stve ignited the building , and the boys' Were' badly btfrn- t wnen trying to extinguisn 'tne ' mare. PLANE FORCED DOWN COAST OF PORTUGAL 8UILVA, 6PAIN, Aug. 3 Major Franco, the round the world aviator In the plane Numanela arrived at 7 o'clock mid la last evening after being forced down off the coast of Portugal by motor trouble. NTMIJKIt OF NEW KIXOKOS MADE 11V ATHLETES AMI CANADIANS WIN AT KOMINO FAST GERMAN WOMAN f'lNDUIND OBTS so METRE R.U'I llfllUY LAKY.t .HEATING Utt.NCil CO.VTtSTANT ' AMSTERDAM, Aug J -Harry Larva ou Finland, won the 1600: metres raoe. IIU team mat Eln PtBta kd the paie m of the way and tbeti Jiwt as the Frenchman. LadBtur.erze apaeared to be the winner Larva dashed Irom behind u ; perfect time. Larva VUi in 93 1-5 sec onds beating Kurmrs 'record by C-9 of a seeond. Llna Radke of Oermany vaa the women's 800 metre final in 2 minutes, 16 3-4 seconds, beating the world record by seven seconds, a pace ao wtft that all six nnlshea were better than previous world records. Mtklo Oda of Japan won the hep. Step and Jump, making 49 feet 10 and 1316 Inches. E. H. Lindqutet of (weeden won the final Javelin throw 318 feet 1-8 Inches. A new record In sowing races In the .first heat elgtot oar crew was won by a Oanadlan entry against Denmark. 6a bin Carr. an American, won the pole vault making 13 feet. 6 7-fl tnhses. Bud Hsuer, an American, won the dls-;us throw, miking a new rccird of ISA feet 38 taefcee. Up. to KstgMthOaadWn 'wet third on points, sooting 38. STIIIKB' AVKKTEII MANCHESTER. Aug. 2 Tb Uneaten- curred a: Denver Oove of J. R. Ncot. cd strike involving half a millioa eot- steed of braining it. Tte award t Wales. Joined the union p PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Centra! British Columbia's Newspaper ' - .. . ROYALS WIN SOCCER CUP Outclassed Montreal Nationals G to 1 in Final Last Night WINNIPEG, Aug. 2 With a letisive six to one victory over i.'te Canadian Nationals of .Montreal, New Westminster iloyals ait night won the Connau3.1t Cup and Dominion football chanp!onhiu . The 'foyals were vastly superior In play Emphatic denial was given rumors which followed the nonappearance of three star New Westminster players in the lineup Monday night that they were held out so that the Nationals would, win, making the third game necessary. It was also denied that the Pacific Coast players demanded money for playing. In making the denials. S. V. W. Sortwell, secretary of the Royals, said the players were left out because the club trainer said they were unfit to P'ay. RECOVER JEWELS FROM SHIP ELIZABETHVILLE WORTH TWO MILLIONS LORIENT. FRANCE. Aug Twenty-Seven Biff Vessels Loaded Cargoes at Prince Itu-pert But Much Larger Shipments Expected Next Year. During the season just ended there have been 8,001,128 bushels 50 lbs. of wheat taken in at the Prince Rupert elevator and of that 7,929,187 bushels 50 lbs. have been shipped. During the same time 27 steamers have loaded full cargoes at the elevtaor, practically all of them taking full loads. The elevator management announces that they have been notified to hold themselves in readiness to take grain by September 15, which is just one month earlier than last year. It has been generally reported by railway officials including Sir Henry Thornton that the coming season would probably sec a much larger bulk of grain handled at Prince Rupert than ever before. Dead Were Crushed and Mangled Welland Canal Catastrophe When Crane Gave Way Under Gave ST PAT1IPIMM1,' nn A.,,. O 3I ...... ,,lri,.Ki into position by two cranes. RUTH IS A MONTH AHEAD OF SCHEDULE Rain Interfered tTllh National flamrs I rtrrilay anil American ntclutnzed NEW YORK. Aug. 3 Rain cancelled out all events In the National League vealenav and aha atatua of th Amer- changed because while the Yankee won their game the Athletics did the same, though they showed some slackening of the brlllfant pace which has made them serious contenders for the League leadership a for the past week or so. In the meantime Ruth la about a month ahead of his home run schedule making his 43nd yesterday. CHALLENGE LAW TO PREYENT YOUNG PEOPLE AHENDINGTHE MOVIES MONTREAL. AU3. 3 The Quebec Uw forbidding children under 10 attending rlnemas will be tested In the courts. Fifty prosecutions agalnat Montreal i theatres are to be delayed In the mean time. FORMER CHIROPRACTOR DIES IN VANCOUVER Word haa been received here of the death ynvterday morning at his family I home In Vancouver of Duncan McMillan, formerly a ohlropractor of this city, who left about a year ago. He suffered from (an abcess on the brain and was too I weak for an operation. Mr. McMillan was, a cousin of Mr. and ? Mrs. Anrfus -Oirrlce; i t..i.. ..-.i , . .i-ii .liA-i ...l.l... .u of IhU eltVA - L one is iiiiBBiiiK iiu two qicu at tne nospitui winie jjroonuijr mrrtr '.i more will die as a result of the crash p, tnjp'Uotttni ' bf'Iiock Number nil? n' It vTlU C TrMUTCn twiuT'. C ' ' JO I G In the Welland Ship Canal at Thorold. Ve4nedaF. ot a 400 itn CinAlV "AnOtnyVJlUq, ,v section of the 750 ton Rate, a portion of -which was being hoisted, - I AnVFROM NORWAY aai IV a ilium livillltii The known dead are W. Talaskebich, James McArthur Jr., Fred .T,T77a.tK.r.n . Last evening at the Lutheran parvm n.r o a t v o.-.t.. T..ia Boston Grill LA HOE CARARET Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday night from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. The latest and best for the least. I'hone 437 V XVIII. No 180. n ' PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1028 . Price Five Cents ANmANSCWAFE AT THE OLYMPIAD GRAIN OUTPUT FOR THE SEASON EIGHT MILLION BUSHELS Canada Feels Herself Badly Used at Olympiad Criticism Outspoken Officials Subject to Petty Annoyances Following Protest of Decision on Which Judges Themselves Could Not Agree. .AMSTERDAM, Aug. 2. Officials of the Canadian Olympic com-rr.T have become outspoken of their criticism of the management : mi. jrames and are charging that Canadians are unfairly treated! ! h, United States has been favored. ( J Mulqui-en, president of the Canadian committee said the Can-in! officials have no quarrel with American officials. One Amer-i official offensively played to the gallery but we do not hold Arii -rican officials responsible for his conduct. The rough ride di.ins have received must necessarily raise the question of Canada's further participation in the REBUKE GIVEN TO MINISTERS lllltTIsM mtMlhlt TKI.I.M MK.MIlEICS OI t tlllNKT NOT TCI TALK TOO llll.IXY POSSIBILITY OF SPLIT I.UII MT HAS WHAT IT not vet decided oi.icv vt i i.i. nil on T.IK Iff GRANBYHAS ! WINNERS AT BONDED MINE1 AT AMSTERDAM Property Near Iiutedale to Be Developed for Fluxing Purposes Word has been received in the city of the bonding by the (ranby Mining, Smelting and Power Co. from W. II. Monet of Anyox of a property on Gunboat Passage, a few miles south of Iiutedale, with a view to operating it to obtain flux ore for the Anyox smelter. A small pnrty of men left Anvov yesterday to institute development work on the property. Ah a quartz fluxing supply Fishing Begins Well at Queen Charlotte islands and Trollers Are Getting Plenty of Cohoes : Seining Near Naden Harbor Gives Canncrs a Good Start Pinks Being Fairly Numerous at That Point. While the run in the Massett Inlet itself has not yet commenced, trolling for cohoes and seining for pinks immediately outside is now In full swing and, during the past two or three weeks, the five can neries in the inlet have made their first production of the present season. Indications are promising and the prospect is that there may be some realization of the expectation of a large run and pack this season- This is the cycle year for a big pack on the Islands. Seining so far has been confined to the vicinity of Naden Harbor, where a good run of pinks has developed during the past fortnight. Full advantage I being taken ot Uk-' 11 opportunity to take ihe first harvest of fish Litre and tills week rsme twenty two boats have been engaged In seining there. The hlgnest catch by a seine boat Sot a single day v drte is reported to ' nave been some 9.000 fish. I There has not been enough iifh yet, however. 10 keep the canneries In lull operation. The Lkngara Fishing Be Packing Co. at New Massett Is reported to hatfe packed dose to 6.000 cases to j date. This cannery is taking couiider-1 have recovered a strong box containing Wbalen at Fergusaa Bay. both further lews worth tw mUUon dollars fiom up Ux lnleV hart baj-glT epaEaenoed to tfc? Betgraii' arp-4EflMbe&rfEe -'tarpe :fBk attt -were' -eertdtttr aetnebbats out dord during the war. .or the mlet for ash this week. GRAIN SEASON- OVER VANCOUVER. Aug reached 8084.000 buaheU. ,cenU a fleh is being paid for cohoes. glphnr.aajGrain Shipments During Season Just Closed Eight Million Bus. Next Season Opens September 15 Around Rose Spit there are a number of Prince Rupert trollers operating, some ot whom are delivering their fish to the mainland. BRITISH FLYER DOWN IN OCEAN imlTISH snips I'KOCtEDING TO A8-SISTANCK Of CUT. COt'RTENAV NEAIL AZORES able cote from native trollers. The LONDON. Aug. 3. Frank Courtenay. Massett Cannera at Old Massett are re-! Britten flyer, en route from Spain to ported to have 3.000 eases and the B.C. j Canada, was forced down hear the Azores Packers at Watun Rivet probably have a with engine trouble. The plane wlreless-ebnllsr If not a little larger quantity, t ed several ships of which the President 60 far the B. C. Packers at Shannon i Hayes, the nearest, was proceeding to 3 Divers Bay and the Outing cannery Laurel , Oowrtenay a assistance this morning. It Is believed several other ships are going out 'of their course In the search Jar Courtenay. (tater) Natives from Skldgate as well as Mas-1 LONDON. Aug. 3 Wireless reports sett are engaged in trolling all the way this afternoon state that the steamer Irom North island to Rose Spit and 'Mlnnetaska has found Capt. Courtenay 3 Vancouver's are doing very weU. The blgh boats safe. hands was averted wea an 1M7-2S ,rltn aoaaon ndd 1 nianir In diw 4a v to iat HaH fmm tmt him. ! "i mcnt wnen tne total of wneat exported a red to tnree hundred nsn. Fortv-nve TREATMENTS NOT PLEASING CANAKIANS SERIOl'hLY T1IINKIMS Of IVITIIIIIUHINO FROM FI TIRE OLYMPIADS NEW WESTMINSTER, Aug. 3. The treatment of the local lacrosse team at Amsterdam may. It Is believed here result In the withdrawal of Canadlana from all future Olympiads. The la-croste team. It la claimed was forced to ipraetlse wlUvout knowing the rule, un- lean League a)o was pretty much un. der which American officials, it la further alleged. repeatedly cut meetings abort, thus preventing any decisions on rules. PESCAWHA CASE IS ABANDONED OWNER Of III M Ill'NNKR FORMALLY OIVE I P APPKAL AND LlQlOR TIII.L HE DESTROYED PORTLAND. Aug. 3 The owners of the Oanadlan steamer Pcsoawha have formally abandoned thetr appeal against the seizure of the ship and liquor cargo In March. 1925. when Captain Dob Pamphlet was sentenced to two years for rum running. The liquor will be destroyed after the American Government baa spent $8,000 in maintaining a guard on the vessel. FOLEY LOST A DECISION ItESl I.T WAS I NPOPl LtR WITH FANS AT IjlEHEC LAST NIOHT DAY WON DOIT outaiKo, v. . wvcrnoii, nil oi ot. wunennes; jusepn wms, JUU' ., Miss Edla Catherine Johnsen of thU of Quebec. i a t aa aa as m . 1 1 xiouccioicuc, sam iticxiiuuan, an oi ioronr.0. Eighteen who were injured were taken to the hospital and nine discharged. Witnesses claim that the crane toppled over under the weight assigned to it bringing death aud injury to (he I etty became the bride of Elnar Hansen. QPEBEC, Aug. 3 V 117 of Vancouver lost a etose ten round decision to Ralph MeNaughton Of Quebec last night. The decision was not popular. Kid Halllday was awarded a decision In eight rounds over Eltar Vllleheauve metiers and Ironworkers working be- of Fourth Avenue West, Rev. John Han-J Mrs. Sam Haugen and family and Mrs. twecn the lock wall and the gate. The son officiating.. The witnesses were rred Orlmble and family returned to east section of the gate waa torn from lt fastenings sending It to the bottom. The dead were twrlbly mangled Olaf Anderson and Mrs. Anna Wick. Miss Johnsen recently came here from Norwiiy the city on the Prtnoe Charles this morning after making the round trip to hwvnrt. Anyox and Maiwett Inlet. . i V If