rhuresday, July 3, 1919 TUE DAILY NEWS. Page 6 —— Ee ern — Eee aoc eae = ea pee INTESTINAL PARALYSIS “Fruit-a-tives” Quickly Relieved This Chronic Trouble 589 Casorain Sreeer, Monrrrar. “In my opinion, no other medicine is so curative for Constipation and Indigestion a iit-a-tives’ Iwas a ‘from these com- plaints for five years, and my sedenta vecupation, Music, brought " l ul of Jntestinal Paralysis ; with nasty FTeadaches, belching gas, drowsine after eating 1 pain in the back I was induced to try ‘Frult-a-tives’ and now for t rely well’’. A ix months I have been ROSENBURG. Oe. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 26e At all dealers o nt postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, aR a tate COAL Screened Sacked Delivered $13.00 per ton Terminal Coal Co. EERE EEEEEE EEE REE EERE EEE REE ee EEE AEE AEE EEE EEE ERE EERE REE RAEA EAE ERRR KR ER BORDEN HOLDS SHARES IN BIG COLD STORAGE Stock Paid Fifty Per Cent Dividend Yet New Stock Was Issued at 75. Ottawa, July 1 rhe name of! Sir Robert Borden figured here in the cost of living committee of the House of Commons. When the strike began in Winnipeg jthere was much noise over the fact, corroborated officially later, | jthat there were two and a half —_—— } vnil bic n pounds of products safe he finished his teacher's se ly locked up in cold storage in mer oe sepenee's canes ,;at the Vancouver Normal Schoo! Winnipeg, while the retailers of ) 4nd has since taught in the Koote- the oity were short of foodstuffs! I, the ' ulatior eu ‘ jmays and at Alice Arm. The busi if the oOpulation o “2 ec : i set etn jaess of the fall fair is rapidly be- |; 4, W. Shantz, the representa-|. ming mot tant ' eo lé iore ¢ c i e IY f the Manitoba Cold Storage ° Aiinsiag ngsdioes a wee. tries are Coming in very fast from the outside points. | Company, Stated to the commit jtee that it Was in order for export. | THE DAILY NEWS Classified : Advertising WANTED. #100 CASH or more, paid for 25-foot gas boat. Hull must be in good condition, Ap- ply box 277 Daily News Oflice. WANTED TO RENT, Small house of four or five rooms. Apply Daily News Office, box 273. tf IWANTED — Young woman 4s house-maid. Apply to matron P. K. Gen. Hospital. if BERRY PICKERS WANTED Ap- ply “The Ark,” corner McBride and Third Avente. tf WANTED—Caretaker for Rocher de Boule Mine. Apply Patmore & Fulton. if FOR SALE FOR SALE—Singer sewing ma- chine treadle live drawers, close in, in good condition, $30. Also Sunbeam Oak heater neat lSome of it robably nearly all 7 ly new. Cheap. Apply bov 276 | of it-—had at held since the CARSS HOUSE WAS Daily News Office. tf ‘_ ; : ’ - ae deo Monde > according SOLD FOR $5,000 FOR SALI Fut nished house and ito the evidence, is one of the ——— | lot 18, block 42, Section Five. jstockholders in the concern. He Number of Reai Estate Deais Put Price $1,200. $100 cash, bal- }owns $9,500 worth of the stock. Through Recently in Spite ance terms, \pply on premises The paid up stock is just over of the Strike. eee box 275, Daily oo |# 200,000, and the protits last year | - ! mice, “ jwere $113,000, or over 50 per| Although activities have been! yonpy AT 8 PER CENT on build. cent. jconsiderably hampered in real ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- rhe representative of the com.|@State for the past two weeks pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W. pay was careful to say that Sir/OWige to the strike situation, Nickerson, Secretary. tf Hobert Doesn't take an active|Mevertheless there have been| ————— penenntieinmasEh lation with the operties ¢ Oe ier : ;Veviin of Wright that the author) hy ; . ’ ra zs - ay per ply Mrs. F. Button, 814 Borden Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 zet ‘ vite Oo e @ ‘eo 2 | ‘ ; Fair Exchange {]i7s<, co's! ote concern wos/ore pasias for ihe inal Durpowe| Street i } $300,000, of which $218,700 had!®! ‘'vrthering constructional a ‘ . on ements D N in att i ee been issued. Of this sixty thou.|“Vities. POR SALE—j7-rocm house and tal Nurse in " Cred: tatentes 1 Lot, $} sand was issued at 875 per share,| Ome important deai bas been| jot, section 5, price $1,200 Phone 109 for appointment woth for building me a iso that the paid up capital is ac.| made in the turn over of the home cash. Apply on premises 245 : st tually $15,000 less than it appears | °! the late Magistrate Varss. The 7th Ave. West. tf Some wagons and Pony Fx Lo be, according to the figures, jselling price was $5,000 cash —i, | a LE on hold fad iture VNU AA wt tht for | = j included two lots and the kouse,//UN SALE ouseaoid Ure ’ LL , oe eee eee ee eee 2 eee SB Arrangements for the purchase! Carpets, linoleums and stoves. | _ ; o ow Ss °. Ww. MART * LOCAL NEWS NOTES 4#/were made by Geo. H. Arnold, of| Enquire at Richmond Rooms. Phone Black 451 Ce SeeSee see eeees Heigerson, Lid. and the new own-|roR gaLE—New Home Portable lmprovements are now being /er 1s Olof Hanson, of Dybhavn «& Electric Sewing Machine. Never eor e own r . = nade on the platform at the depot | Hanson. Ba been used. $35.00. Phone 262. coon, YY the Grand Trunk The Walk | NOTICE nee an nea eR anne anne PHONES 130 ang 423. — P. 0. BOX 1632 {is being made wider for the con- |FURNITURE FOR SALE — Apply £ ventence of the public. - oop 2929 Fifth Avenue West. 155 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central 8B. C. ,- a IN THE MATTER of an application for FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY * issue @f @ fresh Certificate of Title for FOR RENT Among those leaving for ther ee . 19), = yee — we Se eee : SPRUCE FIR CEDAR PLUMBING AND HEATING : ee yeoman. eens ae $ hereby given thet it is my|LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE TO ENGIKEERS ‘ = i the Canadian Fish &/iention to issue after the expiration of Rent for two months. Apply Consult Us. _oid St ge Co., Who is returning|°@e month from the iirst pubiication| all ; Bi Ks ates furnished hereof, a fresh Certificate of Tithe to the box 275, Daily News Office. 54 Scotland on a visit lo his par-|above’ mentioned iand in the name of} -- ~ ==) 0 rT ts lie expects to return before eed ech boomin thee ee ames LOosT Address, 3rd Aver head winter. bered 2658-1 a a sien LOST Between Third Ave. and of Second Street. 7 es District Registrar of Ties. | Government wharf, lady's mole- P.O. Box 1704 Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 rhe annual meeting of the any -a-e F lskin cape. Finder please return becceerccsorceccoseceeessccsscent| Tine? Rupert Ladies’ Hospital tom dune, 1918” _435./to Mrs. Leroux, care C. P. R. of- For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Auxiliary was held on Monday WATER NOTICI | flee. 154 te POOP OOO OOOR CCC} piMhen the lolliowing ollicers were DIVERSION "AND USE ' ee } go elected for e co ; seaso - a But a | MISCELLANEOUS ~ ' i tor th nung asen _ Pe _ —— a ae i’re sjole a 5 4) 7 uo ise ose +. : ose - . ; FOR SALE evcctdont, Mra. I. MoCiymont;| Tass ROTC GoM, P. Olen, wher. GOWAN GECLE & MRPAIR CO, ; president, Mre. W. H. Ker-Jior @ licence & take and use 10 second Indian” Motor Gycles and By- F. T. BOWNESS, Manager evel ined house with gin secretary Mrs. 8. Darton; | feet of water out Tumbie~ Creek, als : : , . i B.C. 4) ’ =. . . known as Goat Creek, which flows west cycles. Get your keys cut by Fifth and Fraser St. Prince Rupert, ° vat and finished basement treasure! Mrs. F. H. Mobley; eriy ‘and drains into the biisault Kiver, | ae new key machine. No mis- Newly painted. 8th Ave so») representatives to Hospital Board, Gee hates i co vgrtaghesc: fits Gramaphones and Sewing H Cc oo R ing Hot and Cold Water 8 5 cLeo s rhe water will be diverted from th ova ™ en oe ome Cooking unn $2875.00 ‘ ” a noep and Ein, J, streat wa boint about #0 chains easterly machines repaired. 135 Second : arti 2h. rom 5 corner LO o, Uass > . e 2 ¢ Very Easy Terms 2 tric t. and will be used for mining purpose | Avenu . Phone 459. eS ae : : son the mine described as the North star! — Alex. Hunter has returned from Mineral lait, ‘Lot 3634, Cassiai District.) PHE NORTON—The place for a DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND Alice Ari where he has been mh, a Se or eae shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp 523 Third Ave leaching school, in order to as- a copy = = notion ons eu ”~ ° treatment. 210 Fourth Street. purse erelo alk 4 « “ ‘ Derecrcoscceesooessreeseeeceoeese sine his duties as secretary of iid will be fled im the office of the Upen 10 a. m. or by appoint- vee the Northern British Columbia WON ae a ‘ 4 om be ment Phone 493. tf 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 487 ore jeclons , ie plication My L . ae ) _nnewneoececoor cvocoooooorrrs, | Agricultural and Industrial Asso- the Comptrolier of Water ents, Parlis- \~ snr READING AND PALMISTRY A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. : . ciation, Alex, is very well known] ject Buildines Victoria, & weinig JCARD R A ~ me AM Parti 4 at Home Cooking Open Day and Night. ; ¥ . rire oy thirty days S 2 rs pearance ‘ é 2 g > m. artie at. . ; W : é locally, having taken a great deal thirty day: aiter the a Daily ti 16 \ n ie EADINNER 11.30 to 8.30; PRICE 45c. to 50c. Dessert at every meal. of his high school and public M. P. OLSEN, Applicant tended. 1057 7th Avenue, Eas | Short orders at any ol course in this city. Later|, ™ oe oe a of this | oppesite Conrad Street. tf! THIRD AVENUE et 998 y. ait S355 & UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT P ESET = = | | “It’ Life If Don’t Weaken.” } For Healthy Exercise Gene Byrnes Says:—“It’s a Great Life If You Don’t Weaken. to Keep You Fit ' . of | am - f : — OUT ; Cigars and Tobaccos H MY ONE PLEASURE Stn aour ° ; im LAFE 1S “THE OLO gor - 1M UE EEEENE . MORNING BATH- WWASHIN, MN few NECK AND DENTISTRY rer ean HAVE THAT OFFICE HOURS © a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 p.m. DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIGT Office: Smith Block, Third Avenue. Phone 454. eee. ' Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 peg day and up. —_—_-— FIRST-CLASS CAaFF A La (arte. werner St. James Hotel (LATE “QUEENS") FIRST CLASS ROOMS— Hot and Cold Water. a < Ps even rae eel