Page ¢ G. H. Arnold - - Notary Public than to pay rent. dwelling on Third Avenue. } FOR SALE A two-storey apartment Easy terms. Let us explain this to you. convince you that it is better business to buy this house We think we can H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. 216 6th St. Phone 96 Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co. Boats of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. a | Several boats Gan te docked toget iH! section, making fees light. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Mills and Caineries Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. Large stock o/ repair materiéls is being laid in. her on op small MIL Stephens iM NOTARY PUBLIC terms. 8-Roomed house 5th Double Corner Sixth Avy __ $200. and Tatlow St. $1, One nice lot near Dry ) | FOR SALE t 4 6-Roomed modern house and ‘ lot English Hill, $2,625, j | terms. 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th if Ave., East, built in buffet, wi! fireplace, etc., $3,500— Ave., W., modern, $3,250 terms. enue 750. dock M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSURANCE l | lon | | harlotte ¢ RED CROSS LIRRARY The library in the Red Gross hut on Third Avenue will be open Tuesday evenin' 4 regularly \ffom 7 to 8 and on Fridays from \3 to 5 in’the afternouns and from \? to 8 in the evenings tf .50c. doze er’s, Ltd. Ali material for any kind of a uilding can be furnished by Al- j vert & M PRINCE Rt TRICT OF for Fishermen. Swivels, n; hooks 3c each. Ful- Phone 45 tf THE DAILY Just Arrived. Perrin’ s Biscuits at *2DRe ASSORTED in 5 lb tins with hinged lid, Special $7.90 per tin, Rupert Tabie Supply Co, PHONES 211, 212 oe Great bargsins in children’s shoes. Family ‘Shoe Store. eee ee eee eee ee ee * JOO LATE 7O CLASSIFY ere ee ee ‘eee eres * FOR SALE—TJ trunks, #5 and &5. Rip saw 5? hand saw 50 cents; squat 25c.; 2 large planes, 75¢ $1; 3-in. chisel $1.25; peavi e.; maul, 0c stove, 82; f i chopper, 50c; 0 30.220. shells, 81.00: fishing gear cheap; wheel rop and pulleys, 75¢e; electric wir+ and fixtures, $1.25; 2 flat irons, Die fishing vt 40¢e: tool cheat ie 627 9tl Ave. West Tents. Pack sacks. Camp outfits. Agent J. F. Maguire, Smith Biook. oo. e oe ct vaffery, Ltd tf LAND AU’ PERT LAND STRICT... DIS QUEEN CHARI. TT! *LANDS TAKE notice that E. M, lauder of Queen to apply f following described lands Comme south shore ity, octupation teacher ntends v” permission © purchase the neing at a pos’ planted 1 the of Maude Irand, abe 700 féet east of the 8. E. corner pout P. A. No i284, thence 20 chains; e north 20 che.ns; thence east thence south {+ chains; thence west 20 chains to point of commenecment EDITH MAUD LAUDER Date June 14, 1919 A. 30 view, in Section Seven, house is plastered, has trie lights and furnace wide lot. For a cash we are permitted to this property for $2500.00 FOR SALE A fine seven-room house with bath, excellent harbor This elec- heat. It cost $3,100 to build it a few years ago, exclusive of sale offer For Your Building COME TO Albert & McCaffery, Offiee, Second Avenue, McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Insurance - Real Estate Prince Rupert, B. C. LUMBER PLASTER CEMENT Materials Ltd. Next Phone 116 and 664. Westholme Theatre. St. (J. The they a enjoy St. cook say it APOC L LOL OO DEPP O EOS 2 OROD OD 04 is It the Cook? Cr is it the who spent four days in town last week pasitively stat of. Rupert, so that they eun Regis Cafe C. eis PROP.) Baker? se America. visitors re coming beck Jy way another meal at the egis. Some say ou: is a wonder. Others is the baker. Which? What Eye Glasses tion of dition cover remedy | "HE gia you hay .¢ ; il 6 80 Are For. ( _ snes have ma uses, but only one purpose the restora — were intended io see well and easily. If you do not— then you should make baste to dis- md comfort Fred Joudry Third Ave. - + Prince Kupert the sight to a totural eon- the trouble and apply 4 want of a pair of suitable esses Inay be all that prevents ing visual perfection, health us examine your eyes wd bs you whether r not this Practical Optometrist Opposite Post Of ce Federated Labor Party A Public Meeting will bx id in the Westhe me Theatre Friday, July 4, 1919 Speaker E. T. Kingsley Subject—‘‘Civilization, Slavery ane e State” Free mw, 7to8 | Sunday, July 6 | Subjcet-—-*‘ Machinery and the Cataclyam”’ Sunday open at 7.30 p.m. Lex t 8 p.m Collectio: s at cach meeting me RRR RSE RRR 7 * | * Prince Rupert Exhibition. * * ” * Those tosifing booth * * spaces al the coming ex- * * hibition are requested to * * communica’: with the sec * retary at ti« eariiest pos- * sible date. As the Board * have in mind the erection * * of uniform stalls outside ¥ * the buildin t is import * * ant that sume idea of ac * commodalio required * should at ce be ascer. * * tained, lncividuals and * orgwanizath are asked to % * take not *. * G. A, Hucter, Secretary . * * Vere eer cee ee eee e NEWB. | BE. G. D. Phone 45. Shoe Store. tors. kid boots. Albert & expecting t weeks, | | fed guilty t ithe Family come before Judge Young this lafternoon for sentence. There were n miscreants at . the police ibut at the «| jan assault judgment. defendant. *iplaying wit iHe cut his medical at rhe Grat for the nor Arriving h returning t At last n Carpenters altitude to which has the action They have hands of tt Don't mi The Pri eft for Ke Sitka Oth and tonigh norrow im being held after five ¢ Stick up money. Fa Provincia nent Btre | nd wome nent of ar vith the at i returned come to } yesterday TONIGHT PLAYS and Players VAUDEV!: LE & PICTURES “A Midoisht Romance” A new ty of Jekyll & Hyde story | In impressions »? Geo. Rebey and othe rrance, Bailey Sisters Dar cer Bi apreme WESTHO! * Oh CHESTRA enema ee Two Sk’ and 9,15, WES‘ “OLME Fae! seats -"* The absol- * > ute pick Of | ranged between the . the best .| as it cant All run ball game the sathe morrow ni the Chaufl start of whieh con grand con Big Specia' Double Attraction Everybo bargains. Anita Stewart..." representative of Oldhams, Ltd., houses in and is m the Home print d6zer es em ASK for | me ee se ee emer ® } Local News Notes | Gores Reeves mare meneame mmr es | | | | New bargains each day. Family Just arrived, a car of Beaver Board. A, W. Edge Co., distribu- Special Friday. Ladies’ whit price $7.45. material within the next two| Charles Shaver who has plead Yesterday little Willie Whit: *ihad the misfortune to fall off the]; back of a transfer wagon wills Rupert leaves Vancouver will leave fi toria on Sunday night. measures were adopted in th Family Shoe dian Fish & Cold Storage Co. boat ire expecte vho will me hone 553. | The only fishing boat which has | yesterday is the Saturn which he as | halibut which was bought by th: |Atlin Fisheries for delivery in| | Vancouver. ip and all the fish that came in/ between the Drydocks and Colts together on Dominion Day To which is the next occasion for the} butter, 65c.—-Fuller's. tf . * . tf = - . Regular $12.00, Sale Family Shoe Store . > > McCaffery, Ltd., are wo scows of building | tf | . . + » stealing shoes from Shoe Store was to station this mornins, police court tomorrow case will come up for A local Hindu is the h some boy friends.| head so badly that] tention was required, id Trunk fyer Prine: today th on her regular run ere on Saturday she vr Anyox at midnight o Vaneouver and Vik . . 7 izht's meeting of the Union no further the strike situation now developed since ii rh day } ent A OE: LS LC CCC et ete aoe ’ eErreme—t 6 LAA LLL LL LE Anderson’s : Imported | SCOTCH |: RARER IAEA IE ; ~ >) ‘ ' ' REE LER RRR EREEA RARE ; — i i HIS fabric is so world famove | that we need not dwell onits | | fine qualitics. For many months i it has been unobtainable and we | | have just now received along de- | layed shipment of some dozen [| | beautiful patterns. Theprice is | 70c.a yard and,as the quantity | is limited, we would suggest that you make your selection quickly wantin Other seasonable wash goods in | stock are :--- ' White Gaberdine at $1.35 a yarii. White Pique. different widths o ' stripes—50c to 85c a yard. ' ‘ Middy Cloths at 60c to 75c ayard | x a | owe ee ee H. S. WALLACE CO. Li N.B.~-Shoe Sale Siil! € otinwing. All Canvas Shoes ai ¢ of the Grand Trunk.| \& Satna left the matter in the ow — - - - a w strike committees . ss our FIRE SALI Store . . ve Rupert ball tean tchikan on the Cana | privat launches d to leave later today t, getting up there to ring The boats are for local business met it be free to go wnhtil clock . . . in shoes now Save mily Shoe Store it > > a | Government Employ- au and Soldiers ott te-stablishment, temporary of flee 6241 Second Avenue, Prince} tupert Returned soldiers, men n requiring employ ry kind should register yove. No fees charged P. O. drawer 1674, from the banks since) ort with 8,000 Ibs a Ketchikan is now full | was also taken below 10t be handled locally . . . ning shoes at cost oe Store. it . . there will be a base at the Market Square two teams which came ght a mateh will be ar- Cadets and} eurs which will be the the summer schedule tinues until Labor Day test. dy satisfied with these Family Shoe Store. ce ee ee Bic FIRE SAL QUUODRAVOUNANUOONAGIONN | VODPAAUINGAAPNODSTTAAIS ENS STARTS EACH DAY at 9.30 Be There Early! Tremendous Bar» ains' Everything Sold for Cash On'y No Approvals No Exchanges FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E.R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 35) The Royal Bank of Can: ada beg to advise that it has for rental at m« SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES | They are recommended for the protection fro: yu lary of valuable business or private documents tory Bonds, jewelry, ete. The Manager will be g!od to furnish particulars Prince Rupert Branch - A. Ww. te ae Mer. Taylor, the busimess| one. of the largest publishing spending a few days in the eily ' | London, brciend is | } uch interested in the : local industries and in the system | of town building as exemplified| ‘ARCHIBALD’ here. Oldhams publishes Jolin | Bull, London Mail, The National! r|News, The |} famous stars, as portrayed by him inj World, T Concert Parties back of the lines in| woman's, Passing Show The : | he (Guardian, Every-| Pictures and Picture goer, Cinematograph and Lantern} Weekly, Monthly Film Record, and} Beautiful, and they | 18 of other publications. Albert & Me often. Ltd., have | Admission - 3Ac¢ and 15c/0 hand 7 00 tons Nanaimo Wel. | |lington coal, tf Atkins’ Sausages. tf | Possession is Nine Pots