PAGE TWO country to The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMHIA ijFublished Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert '! Daily News, Limited, Tfih-d Avenue U Sf , ' U hv g. H. F. PULLEN - - - Jlaniging-Editor DAILY EDITION siin.. Friday, June 7, 1929 1 . ... . 1 1 -" '- -" - iie Letter Box WATT DISMISSAL Editor, Daily News: 1 . May I avail myself of the use of your columns to call the t-- att s dismissal which has not Local Items Union freighter Chilkoot, Capt. W. W. Mounce, is due in port on Sunday, being en route to Stewart with general cargo. T1l V. E narliv nf Blla Pnnln. of the provincial police at Prince George, arrived In the city from the interior on yesterday after noon s train .and sailed Jast night on the I'rince George for Van couver. Beaides a vagrant from his own district who will do time at Okalla, Sergeant Walker took tskner Bryan Canary, who was south .T&lrin f!iUkn i'i.mi,. pieVed up by tho city police last Indian, who has been sentenced week for begging and who will to two and a Jialf years' imprison-be deiwted to the United States ment at New Westminster peni-whence he came. tentiary and ten lashes for rape. DOMINION Defeated St. Louis Cardinals Fine .Yesterday; Pirates Still in First Place; Yanks Lose to Indians though outhit, (Giants shaded the Sit. Louis Cr dinals yesterday, winning five I out of tlx jrames in the' west. Benffe held the Cincinnati Reds to five hits and the Phillies whitewashed them. I Pittsburgh Pirates disposed of jthe Boston Braves and remain in first place in the National tention of th neonle of the north i ' league, noming the nub team to wnn ramp nnn n in ronnwi mn t . . . u nhn nf K,rm. ... ." 7 7 " " six nun wnne iney coiiectea last nigni Dy me rrince ueorge , nom- run. hv RnirrB Hnrnahv n 'eiUrn ao in C""1- namely that Mrs. Watt also aer- M.lone. relief nitcher, ved nverspaa rlnHmr ih un helped Chicago Cubs to beat the Hon. Mr. Shelly remained at C P R- teamr Princess Ma- Brolrlyn Robins. hme makinir his millions fr'nm quinna, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due In the American League, the the sale of bread to the widows 6 o'olock this afternoon from Chioapo White Sox knocked Ed and orphans of slain soldiers. Vancouver and waypoTnts and Mqrm out of the box in the though apparently eligible for wl11 at 10 P-m- her re- fourth" limine; and bat the Bos-seivice. As you know Mr. Wstt turp south. : toi) Rad Sox. wfis dismissed on account of . I clubWng by the PWIa- politlcal activity. Would not the Dr. T. Invaldsen, yjitil recently delph Athletics sent the St. bt answr to give Mr. Shelly be a member of the' staff of the lo- If?- ,,8Swn to Mt- tdappolnt Mr. Watt Liberal Or- cal Fisheries nes Experimental ivxpenraentai aia- Sta: DejT i . Jltfera i V turned the Ubli v-.CT gamier ror both the Federal and tion, is re; l rOVinClal llartlM In thla nm. Ml t Vni natte Sanitarium. Cntn.t..m -r- Man vince, a position which those who It is unlikely that he will return , ure'amj leveland Indiana. Indiana, uTT mm mow ne couia till with to Prince Rupert, just as much credit as he has! - that of RnvArnmuO A. .ant I EX-YUKONER. Thia afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Ivor Fongner, Indian Agent at Bella Coola, sailed last night by the Prince George' on his return down the coast after a brief visit here in connection with a case at the Supreme Court Assitea. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, until recently identified with the Granby io. as a lieid emrineer. arrival brfef trip to 2ctoria and will now take up his nev duties here as resident mining engineer for the provincial government. laloolm .Raid, inspector of the immigration department, Vancouver, sailed by the Prince George lai night on his return south after having spent a couple of days here. He had in his charge eported to be seriously n A J"08, n0 ai" the ew' Ywk Yankees bowed to the cial agent for the Erie Railroad at Seattle, after having made the ! Itrip north to Anyox and Stewart,; disembarked here from the! Prince George last evening and; proceeded by-train, this morning i to Prince Gofge and Jasper en! route south. ' I W. 0. Hill, chief despatcher Yesterday's big league scores American League ' New York 5. St. Louis 4. Boston 2, Pittsburgh I. Brooklyn G, Chicago 8. Philadelphia 2. Cincinnati 0. National League Cleveland 9. New Yark 7. Chicago 9, Boaton 5, , St . Louis : Philadelphia 15 Detroit 7. Washington 5. for the Canadian National Rail-1 ways at Sioux Lookout, Ont., and st- Lmi , Mrs. Hill and daughter, arrived PUteArtrrgh, NATIONAL LBAGUE STANDINGS W. 27 2t in the city on Wednesday from Chicago 25 the east and, after making the New York 22 round trip to Anyox and Stewart. nlladelphia 21 L. 18 16 16 18 20- f1WT.:f1 Other llranliful Dominion Floor$ Dominion laUld linoleum (with th faraout Donolac Pinitb). and Oonv tnioa Printed linoleum afford wtda dkniea Indeaign and colour for evf room. Wonderful wearing qualitiea-'Coavenlent wtdtht, Moderatt price. Had I- Canada imVi MJ-thi mtr$ of th fumotu Dominion tslll$hlp Unoltum &H , if. -3 nirttTTi ... . 'I liny Exposure emmot unar iss homuty Put new comfor- and beauty on your porch this summer. Make an attractive setting for furniture. Enjoy the same floor cleanliness there that you do indoors. Dominion Linoleum Rugs defy the weather. Rain cannot hurt Ihcm. The sun will not fade their lovely colours. They smile at the heaviest traffic. Indoors or out, these durable rugs lend a pleasing note of bright fresh beauty. Easily cleaned. No fastening needed. .Attractive; . designs, for every room. In standard sixes at popular prices. 1 1 -.--fes. Ask to see the display of beautiful Dominion Floors at House PurnUhini and Departmental Stores Pet .600 .681 .610 .530 .5)2 iailedUaUnightrhePrineewWW' 1 1 6m26 i d81 fieftrge for Vancouver. - iBrDdltlyir . ,47.V 15 26 .3e Sergeant Walker, district chief uncinnati 15 28 .849 Decree absolute was granted this morning by Mr. Justice Fisher in Supreme Court to R. B. Skinner, who sought a divorce from Vera D. Skinner whom h married in Vancouver. AairustH 17, 1921. L. W. Patmore acted aa counsel for the petitioner. The Supreme Court is engaged this r.fternoon In chamber work which will bring the present ses-1 sion of the Assizes here to a close today. LBNWlRTlili '11. THE DAILY NEWS Friday, June 7, 1929 GIANTS COMING PLAYED A TIE UPIN CONTEST, AT BASEBALL Game last Night Gyros Met Elks When The fans who turned out at last NEW YORK. June 7 :-Al-,"" ' " had the situation well in hand at all stages of the game. It might be said, in fact, that these two were the whole game, because Ijohlick struck out 1C Gyros, while Haveland was right behind 'ha record, whiffing 10 Elks. The Elks, hitting first, lost no time In garnering in their runs. naring three right at the kick-off. while the Gyros collected their fota in the second and third In nings. The Elks lead-of man. Harold, worked nicely for a walk. land toolc second when Skinner lost G. Mitchell's fly in left. Alex Mitchell then slashed a two- bagger to left, scoring Harold. and George Mitchell. Dido Gur-, vich, next up, took three healthy swipes at the ozone, but Loblick came through with his first hit. and Alex crossed the rubber with the third run. Spiro Gurvich and Tit Ford tttw Teun Itian is tit In! word in Uxuihui iffoimment. Thru Urft utndtwi froriJe s liftl, airy interior. The drit er't Hit is i)iiMt. An arm rtit Itli Jttri iu tit itntrt of lie rtat'titi 3 J the floor ii JowrrrJ to fit t aJJrJ Uf room, , FORD Stephens ended the Inning by whiffing. That Inning ended the Elks' scoring, and when any man did get on after that first bad Ittning, Haveland tightened up, und. with good support; back of him, came through nlcoly. Gyro Runs Haveland, first man up In the second, struck out, but Gurvlch , could .not hold 4he ball und Have-; land wns safe at first. He thenj stols second, nd took third om the New Yorki. . . , another pawed bull, scoring on a battled "ffl"B hit br MeKeown. n the, ball when the teams eight ath. n-.ti tu -ruk third Moran mngled clennly to weatherman did jiot have his best rih sto f ond rd. variety on hand for good ball, but l" Hawiand grounder, which ihe boys just forgot that little I""88 y Mitchell. He item and went out and played a then ftole second, and both men 9Coml Mewwn short ini,e on 8 Itreat game. After the runs were cored it developed into a pitchers' I to ntre w" ,wa,s out battle and Loblick and Haveland ;ryin,?.to teh hit. being run down between first and second. That ended the stania and all the scoring, the two 'hurlers breeding along nicely until the game was railed in the eighth inning, the fog which had been around all eve-".inv then getting so thick that the 'eiders would have needed n ompass each to find the ball. Harold, playing center field, did !oe one bail in the fee. which hit him in the face, and he had to leave the field. Box Score Scere by innings '.Iks 3000000 08 lyres 0120000 08 Umpires II. Menties, balls and Hrlkes; J. Ratchford, bases. J. M. Hockln returned to the city on last evening's train from a busineas trip to the interior. Grips with Silent Power The smooth, rven brik. inp. of the Ford tar yields more aJvinuflct llun nuximum Mfety at til times, since i mkn tires last longer snj dJs immcssuribly to fidinR ease and driving comfort. Be sure it is Salada Orange Pekoe always TEA (Fresh from the gardens Hlesi ProcuraMel air IKSnwal Balance gPEED to carry you along the wide, clear highway; road balance to give you unlimited confidence on the turns ; brakes to slow as though by magic the flying landscape on either side these arc your passports to happy motor ing with a Ford car. Ford engineering has developed a new principle of weight distribution that gives the Ford car a tendency to hug the road when travel ling rapidly. The engine, the heaviest part, acts in a sense like the barb to tlxc arrow in flight. Torque tube drive transmits thrust to the front of the car. Unique transverse, semi-elliptlc 6rrings and the finest shock absorbers in the world, Houdaillcs, deliver balanced, smooth riding. Therefore, when speedy travel is required, the Ford car develops a road tenacity hitherto unknown in the light car field. LOW UPKEEP -The maintenance of Ford performance is in keerinjf with Ford traditional given care and proper attention, no other car on tflc toad may be driven at lest cost re rail..) And the price of the Ford car spread over a number of yeart of motoring pleasure and satisfaction, reJuces to an absolute economy this mode of com. fortable, convenient transportation. D EMONSTU ATI ON Ask your Ford dealer to let you drive a Ford car. He will in glad to take you out. Select the steepest hills, the heaviest Uolngyou will be amazed at the power at your command. Head for the busiest streets. Drive alongside other cars. Try the quick getaway, the v awift pickup in second, the easy gear shift. Feel the smooth, sure action of the. six brake aystem. A demonstration will fconvlnce you of the outstanding merit of the Ford car. Drive it yourself, there it no better test. Also request your Ford dealer to show you the hidden, inbuilt quality featurea of the car which make it so enduring. TIME PAYMENT -If you prefcrvto buy out of income you will find the authorised time payment plan offered by alt Ford dealers most attractive. (THE ORiClNAL) Pure Scotch Whisky EJEa RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT DaW i rwraatrH at VXitm CnM ai Som l.a.'Ue Cinlioowa Elmi.CWalirel Dte1.raw. tMI-CU.(i. SutUad. !.;;v v A This advertisement is not pulilihed or displayed bj tbs Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Drive It Yourself there is no Better Test Ford Car Features CXeiti c! tolnin II to II wfics f few PtJtm t patwr aaiiias fU tailooa llrf full tneloitA ii-rslr ' 4 UoudtiUt HtdnJH alsorsatf 10 to 10 oiCf per " Shatterproof alau trlniAlM n$ft proof fattlon lotk JMiottM i lev VP"' MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED