PAGE TWO The Daily News vmxrr. miPEin I'nhlUhfd Everv rery Afternoon, &cepfcSuntay?'by prince Itupfrt Daily Newrf Limited, Third Avcnua H. F. PULLEN" - Managing-Editor SUBSCUIPTION RATES City delivery, by mali or canrie For iMMr period, pstld in adv: Or- faur .months for : . -i- j. .Li.i.. . iV'JL . . . I would probably have been wiped out, but the display, of force dn the part of the British is.having its effect. Very soon the little rebellion will be a matter of history. DELEGATION TO PEACE The visit of Sir Henry Thornton has mit new heart' into the peop'e of Prince Rupert. It has shown that there day. u ainuu wiiy wim promise oi meir aeveippment into very important businesses Tha had of the railways has publicly declared that he can'haul wheat to Prince Rupert cheaper than he can to any other Pacific port. The big lumber mill at Seal Cove is proving a success nnrl tno Pnmnlco TTnilVmv. mill 11 k .,..iT .v. V..V. uijiuidv iuiiuui nun wm uc uiici anuir suon. rru T) : : .. l a. i 1 , construction of the Skeena highway. THE NEW MACHINE To show Its faith ln Prince Runert and tn nnhio it in Vnr, no. . I j .1 7K 51'"" I IfiW GIRL'S PtfPWUWftO S VEArmCrTfefcJ District News ' REMO Miss Mary Wilson returned to' Vancouver on Friday after spending a two weeks' holiday with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. I I Wilson. HDVIli TERRACE Mr. Wm. Vanderlip sr., who SMITHERS THE DAILY NEWS Tuesdav News of the Mines f. il'l . " ' ' AROUND rRINCE RUPElW" OcUvle Confident of Future of Manson Creek; Lorraine Copper ' Starts Work; Mining Writer Visits Interior I w i rxrtiiHA fnr vrars a well known ouerator in the Dlacer mining III .1 . i!' 1 " ' - ier; yearly p:rod, bald In advance 5.00t ! district of Manson Creek. Is as confident as ever of the future prosper- vance, pr moiith ... . 5fi Mrs. J. E .Bateraan and grand-, ny of that region. The only reason the district is not coming to the I.lH) uauiwucr oi uiscqme, uu iiavjirpnw more rupiui. 'c c uuhwuij v uoiuviinuii By maii to all parts of Northern and Central IJiIOsK CelwriM i. been visiting with the former's proves discouraging to prospectors with the resulting high freighting paid in advance tor yearly period 3.0C daughter, Mrs. C. Lindstrbm, left charges. He maintains that the Peace River rail outlet by way of Peace Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.1C for Prince Kupert on Sunday, i River pass would be the greatest boon ever to come to Manson Creek. Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80. where they will visit with Mrs.! The development of air transportation is one of the immediate hopes Local readers', per insertion, per line 25 Bateman's grand - daughters,; lor a remedy, m me opiniuu oi v,Be. uuu u ep;wu me scope DAILY EDITION Tuesday. Sept. 3, 1929 . Misses Nina .ter. and Beatrice Hun-, of such operations will be increased as a result or the. present years j work on a commercial basis. Some work Is to be started Imme- Work on the government road, dlately on several of the showings, nt Remo ham been creatlv hin- Including the Copper Lake proper- VALUE OF BRITISH FLAG H,rl hv ih. recent rains, and ties, of the Lorraine Mining Co., In Jewishresidentsin Palestine are recognizing the value Sf"' a,m08t come t0 'jUS ttfSS'di , of the Union Jack in this time of their sore trial. Thev have heen revitalizinrr thp Hnlv T.nnI hv trio intrnrlnptinn pending on tne conclusions oi uie Mr. and Mrs. Head and dauch- directors at a meeting in smitners ----- . ; o ----- j - -y I . ... ., , . of modern methods and this seems to have been resented ter of Terrace, were the guests a aay or so ago. hv ho Moslem nnnnlntinn -r,n fOQ n of Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Wilson on.spectlon to the extensive, .holdings it not been for the protection of the Union Jack thev , urd!i. NEW AND OLD IN PALESTINE er was a visitor here on Tues-; bald a recent visit td Stewart camo Tiia mA,L. mm..niiu. t.,r. 1 - tv-NA-w rVSIf4(St4iSflSa Ut C t and Is now In the central Interior. are introducing the customs and iivii. in unnuu ami uwi ne nas visitea mciuae piuuuuiy . , n , Properties inventions of the wwit. Their in- wun rapiuity. Among me reasons lor nope are: "ir -rvi "l"!UU r"r the Duthle and neighboring prop- troduction, however, has created The district is develoninir raDidlv and there is nossibil-iRuprt tnUX a holiday in erties on' Hudson Bay Mountain, vivid contrast whieh urins th. vis- ity of a smelter in the neighborhood. T?! KUMl at tne lerracc wen, uke fnd R,cfIleld; r to the Holy Land, who finds The Power Company is about to start on constniction,HoteL: ;:, -.' :rw?5Sr out himself ciia an outsider ut Of the mc Hew ncv plant. iiiuiik. ' I i Mr. jir. Holmes, noimes, oi of Seattle. seauie, wUo wwo . ? ' ' The big companies are beeorning interested here, espe- naB h" here over the week-end. nr)f pTTf TITDr daily the B. C. Packers and the Consolidated Mining 4 Sr'oien fS? AbKllULlUKL iiitMcu iieius in wnicn modern threshing machines were wnrlcintr.!.' . Iin .want An 'TUn SmAlHncr Cn ' u, juason nmDer co., jeu xor 7 ,7 ameitingO. in the were modern Jewish icmufcaM t.... in r t ir cen- Tl. TJ...M - 1 x - l.i . A1 i i , oimucu wh , xiic nai.n vuinpcwiy is piuiiiniig lo Keep me tiryoocK 'busy. I The B p. Bridge Club met on I The Railway Company is preparing a small steamer Tuesday evening at the home of lor use out of this port to make headquarters here. i ;ilr- ana AIrs- l,eo- 1,over- mi.. t: i 1- .i!i i i, . i ne uig ocean uock is 10 De uinizen in tne near iuture i t T. T . ' i 1 e l ti ii .,. . -irs. -inas. t,. rinier anui IN I AiMAMi tres. Then a few short miles along 111 ' jtlltWt. the road I would hear the tramp of oxenl walking - around and Hon. W. It Motherwell Speaks aro"nd ,,'V": , threshing floor. Over Radio on Farm Production i xui ui.,uii .taacmmy mm ueejj tea sailings. daughter, Alice, also her guests, ' Pnnce Rupert IS to be the omtet for the Temwa Col- Miss Ball and Miss Finter. left on WINNIPEG, Sept. 3: "Can-lienes shipments and for the Conner River Railwav devel- Monday to take in the Prince !n(i. pxnnrta over $70.0(7 worth of o ui)- uju injrij- ctniures ago. I "The Arab -farmers, numerically the largest group ln Palestine, still use the wooden plow. I watched them slowly plodding 1 11 ( Ml I ' opmentS. Rupert ralr. agricultural products for every a"OBe ine,r ne "ana on Plans are being made for thtf buirdinc of a new cold . . !man, woman and child in the th di plow that Is sharpened Storage plant in the cltv I Mr' and ' lrs- w b' Anaer80" coqntry of more than $700 worth one ena' ana ine Mnr "ana on Substdiarj' fisheries industries are being developed in n mumII ...... 111. . J At 1 l . few days in Prince Rupert. a of agricultural products for l"e goau. a nine lurtner along every farm household In the Do- aern reapers, plows and har-minlon." declared Hon W. r, rows would be seen, i Motherwell, federal minister of, ' particularly impressed a., in ah nddrM on by the new modern university in The Smithers Fall Fair, which "The Nation's Business," broad- U was held last week, was in many cast last night over the Canadian 'n""c1'j h,i,robl?m8 of ways one of the most successful national Railways eastern chain d "f, and f.uJ'utr!; U that was ever held hero. There of stations. The problems con- " "T '" " "l Pna" i the new Palestine; the .a. lo.f o,i .k frontim? aericu ture are con- uo vii sn igvct wivnu tiiiu " . - - ihe 1 rOVincial Government IS laying plans for rapid best entertainment since the In- tntly changing, Mr. Motherwell stltution of the fair. The only, told his listeners and the tastes disappointment was the paucity anl demands of customers also, of exhibits in some sections. are changing. Haphazard mar. the farmers 40c a pound for lo. cal dairy butter and 50c per dozen for hens' eggs. Mrs. H. L. Batten and chil- hae returned to their 8drSfi home ..Vancouver after spend, kjing a "month visiting in the dis- ' r triet. keting methods will no longer' with the growing demands of the modern newspaper, The Dally 'News I There was a meeting of the Quality in products Is nas inswuea a moaern . 14 Linotype machine. This will enable more i Lorraine Mining Co. here this aemanaea uom ror me nome; efficient werk to be done in the shop with better results ln the paper.; week to arrange for further de- market and for overseas, and the It Is simply one of the steps In tho building of a dally newspaper. It is! velopment work on the promising development of better quality; to be hoped that another will be needed soon, but, ln the meantime, Babine distict property. Directors ! products has Ijr'ought both in-the best possible service will be given with the plant available. i present at the meeting included. creased deman'ds and better To make a newspaper worthy of the community, co-operation la I Major Smith, Col. W. S. Buell ! prices, necessary. We have it ln our power to help Prince Rupert. By receiving and Col. W. W. Foster of Van-I r. Motherwell pointed out the support of the community and especially of the advertisers we are j couver and L. S. McNeill of what his department had done in better able to serve the city. If the advertisers are niggardly In their ' Smithers. j the matter' of fruit Inspection support, the paper will reflect It. If, as ln the oast, the advertise ! and irradine durinir the last few tecogntee the value of The Dally News' large circulation and influence,! Smithers merchants are paying ivear. This system had bettered it will enable us to make a wider appeal. a cny is Known oy its newspaper. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS I C ! ih toivn riMMU I". Cm iM mm it ' ' 7- ft the quality of friuts and vegetables. Increased consumption of eggs in Canada, Mr. Motherwell said, could be traced directly to the system of egg grading put into effect some years ago. There was a larger home market as a result of the belter standards now pet. Bacon and cheese had been brought to a high standard Mrs. G. II. Wall. Miss Atl and these products had gained an Wall, Miss Martha Farmer and i imPortant place in 'the British Mrs, N. P. Moran motored thla ! market as a result, Canada was (week to Burns Lake to spend a,exnort,nl? 'ens lucon, becausg ew days visiting with friends. ;mre was being consumed at , , .. ii . - , home and as a result of better J.jN. Cnrr left at-the first nf Shading, 99 'per tent of Vhe egg . t . ' . - T ine wck 1 nr . a holiday trliitb!1)rouucuon Ava consumed In vuncouver. ne wuj also-take up "a u was imponani, now some mining the south. business while in Miss Margaret Downey ever to keep in mind the necessity, not only of .high quality products, but also of continuity 0f of their supply if -foreign mar Smithers has wtered St. Paul's!""" Were developed, and Hospital In Vancouver to take UDitne Moral aglrcultural depart- trAlnlnc fnr n nnraa ; ment waa worklnir tnwnrd flio I end of encouraging both quality I J.'K. Gordon, proprietor of the Production and a sufficient vol-Terrace Hotel, was a fair visitor ume for the development of the' mnrkptn ' "t. n. rvu (us urst, f,lV j visit to the town and he was , ' favorably impressed witbr its tiptL A Daily News want-ad will pearance Jbring result". Ik Constipation Relieved by Dr. Watson's Tonic Beverage II you ara troubbd U tfcb uamfei tOktinn m I Stout Trail wliot tyj, W. J. Ukcr ol TotuMU, a - rpr thti i a marrrr to lrantripliMfTir vaar 1 hoea.HulfullT (ra . from ittTj MI iratiMc I red iyj WWniiJiljMr mv iflaiW of Dr. Winii' Ion c Ilenn rfcutKtr." Dr. H'auuaVitaic Stout and A ! luu IxH-n nnulc in England si'n e 1S37. A 76c package intikes 3 gallons of taw dcll-loua, heaUhfjl beverage. SoWbr 4 OHMKS' LIMITED I'.-htca. Rupert. B.C. L Allan Co Limited 13W IMcflaids St. Vancouver, 1J.C. desire of t!fe Jews to bring theli Anni.Ql D t country into the work with otherj ttllilUai AlClUC 01 nations. Jews migrating fromj other countries have-brought all! the languages of the world, so in order to have a common speech they are reviving tha old afaualaai Hebrew." has spent the pat few. weeks in' . .., Cm,,h ..nfH fht. here, and former minister of edu- aboard the Pacific Salvaire fo.'s Salvation Army Is Th annua; p, : m Army was -.. . . TORONTO. Sent. 3: A verv I McCIymont Parf . ; of the company. Major Smith of curii mingling of the moden. Mr. Riddle, wealthy New York) i very succesuui ui Vancouver returned to Sinlthers and tlie very old in Palestine was banker, arrived in the city fmml "ons bi-in . , , thU week and expressed himself as fh mst slriking experience of a the east on Sunday afternoon' departments took v,r. the conservative man- deJu"ea" "8t .con"d-.Irain was a 1 surprised at ,nour and. arrangement, havinyl ,thf,r nr In whirh the extensive ore by Rev. Canon II. J. Cody," .'. ... ! .-" ;: . i ; bodies on the property had been Pastor of St. Paul's Cathedral bW made by re. lest at ouc jQd pmcs. Snrrpccfiil Att,:. Terrace, left on Monday for her; .' . ,h comDany were cation for Ontario. Dark-skinned Pwer vessel Red Hoy. Capt. Herb, harge oi ih tarRBV,ne' out in i awing robe, tear v.-mon tor neicniaan. ine ve- warren ,0 ,: It Was a Sad debacje that OCCUrred in Connection with"?, , ",,wucri gradually being sUalghtened the rieleffation tn thPpnnr Rivfr Dno nftar onnthoi. and, on what ne naa seen oi me -"b iri. m mourn njo- "- 1 " Of rE! fS! -15 , ano.ther showings, he predicted a wonderful tor cars, and attend moving pic- hours. M,v Doi'y Sn:. i the delegates found it lmuossible to make a the trm until Miss Mav Wil lams accomnan-' ;.... .y,,. tnr thtr tn rw, .Hn.i..M. only four are left. However, they will doubtless do their ied her aunt, Mrs. Smith, back to place else m the worid would re. of flappers or wild west heroes of best for the city and will carry the name of Prince Rup- rrince Rupert on Monday, and sut ln a stampe(ie." said Major another hemisphere. Yet, in the ert everywhere they go and Speak a KOod Word for her nnd hrt bHday there. Smitn wno wa, accompanied on quiet corners of the market places throughout I , lhls inspection trip by P. J. Hlg- and the shadows of the age-old OUTLOOK FOR PRINCE RUPERT j. k. i.oraon jeu on Jionaay 10 gms walls, the Palestine A 3000 yea s take in the Prince Rupert Fair. ago still eists. Rcece H. Hague, special mining Palestine is undergoinir a mar- A. I .Mcrsaughton or aneou-; writr of the Vancouver Province. v Iaiii ptiantrA Ptmn CjtlA t antI !..!:'' a j.'.oat. ' (''p: I tv;i'.: i -..(! in MRS. I. MAUN i HIM. UtANk i R.R. No. J, Bnoa St t, I LniHmo, Ow. ' R. No. 1, Uo J.S, I jni "I have to work in the store "I had r.u and do my own housework too lost at seven n and I got nervous and run- i my third bahv i-down and was in bed nearly all , husband ad ih-J r summer. The least noise would 'vnur medicine aiid make me nervous. I was told to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I have taken seven bottles. It has gin i Wt i ii i Min imi lirn'y Put a "handful of health" in "the muffins tonight IT TAKES only a few minutes to make bran muffin if you use the famous ALL-BRAN recipe. Just try it. You'll get the lightest, fluffiest, fi muffins you ever took from the oven. All the family will surely praisejyour skill, that nightl And remember, you'll be Helping them to better health at the same time. For o many foods are lacking in bulk or roughage. And it U tKi. t;i,.li... f. ' it causes constipatioh-t which in turn steals icts? at- 5e,rgyanahealtti.na4Tay eyen cause serious disease, Kellogg's ALL-BRAN provides bulk in generous quantity because it is 100 bran. By serving it in some form every day you can protect your family. So many ways to serve it too. In waffles, breads. Sprinkled Into soups. Mixed with other cereals. And, of course, with milk or cream, fruits or honey ALL-BRAN Alt r 1 lal auaar. ALL-BRAN MuKm mn katfMi I OH - AL1 UK flour, taatpoon oaon Mh, I I' wt. Cmm hortmlnu Ihar. add vi. M" 1170" ! ' J 1 -U . -l.L a tm.m I aalL and hakun: eraamad mlxturr a i'i IfMlt milk. altarnafK dry Intraalanli I""' raawn as. B" a"Kr Inataad ol tour, omii "" i t:.v nve three bottles .n n. hen I liad taken the fir nuc I kern to feel better so I m pf ; d..:- ingthe whole pen made me stronger and put : healthy baby b more color into my .face. I get along nicely now with my work and with mv four chil so proud of him Lydia E. Pinkhnm Compound for tli dren. I uvhiM lit" tn im r 1 m 1 (..- i, , !' letters. " Mrs. J. Malm. 'Mn Ft.jmI- f I: !. c have .!! are i : t '.i:-e nllt I I cop t loll flout. Irr To ninute J UaapoMia baUn i"- added, it makes a tfcligl ful breakfast dUh. Be sure you get genuine Kellogg's th origin! ALL.BRAN. Parian best?b'rTns part results, uy- J AiifDAM ' lu.l eat two tabIe spoonfuls daily chronic cases, with every meal. ' Sold by all grocers. Served in hotels. r-taurants and dining-cars. Made by KelWW in London, Ontario. ALL (5 RAM CuarantttJ I K,ttl', ALL -BR AN ll hM vilh thli cconfar fjlnctlmnt. tr a n canalpalla. aatly, P hilArttunJ t par' ')' cM