Saturday, January 5, jj PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS 'i News and Views In The World of Sport 1 1: H M -ti li ti ft I. aBBsaHsawc4u alssssMt? DEJMPSEY'S GERMAN DOUBLE Mux Sthmeling, the sensational heavyweight, who last night beat Joe Sekyra as one of the steps jn his march toward the chumpionidiip. lie is a new arrival in the United States, is about Demp.-xy's weight, packs a punch in either band and is reputed to Ue able to take punishment. lie is looked upon as a possible contender for the championship. BELANGER WON TITLE AGAIN; RRATRnPPn!i,0ckey league whose season is ULitH lVUvvUlnow well under way. n a , ! Christroa.j Day match, tbe Canad- TORONTO, Jan. 6. Albert ian National Railway beat the (Frenchy) 'Eelanger Regained the Elks 7 to 3 in a hard and fast Canadian flyweight championship match which was evener than tonight when he defeated Steve the score would indicate. On Roco in a fast tien-round bout. 'the Friday following, the Rank- Bofn are residents of Toronto. With Sport Fans (By The Traipp) ,' y Toronto Globe: "MoosV John- r, son, who twenty years ago was Sy Moyer of the 'Vancouver1 playing on the Montreal Wander-, Star is sure Jack Dempsey will ers, will be found on the defense come back to the ring. Rather of the Portland Buckaroos in the sarcastically, he writes: At last Pacific Coast League this sen son. the ballyhoo hounds have been Johnson jumped in to help the unleashed and Tex Rlckard is Portland team after a losing away to another million dollar streak, and they say there is gate with the old standby, Jack plenty of hockey left In the vet-; Dempsey, as the bait. Tex and eran yet. "Moose" was planning Jack are on their way to Miami, a Christmas vacation trip to his j Fla., where Jack Sharkey the home in Montreal, where he has ; loquacious Boston gob, and Young not visited since 1016, when the , Stribllng the Georgia setup king. Portland club owners came to 1 will go 10 rounds of guess-what-him and asked him to turn out' on Feb. 27. RickarU expres-with the team. He gtajUy ac-; ses the opinion that Dempsey will cepted the offer, postponed . ..... his 1 trip east, and performed so well In hi first start with th Buck-aroos that the fans cheered him wildly. He is confident of playing out the season, and the Portland club is well satisfied with the old-timer. Milllonuuet and near-million aires from time to time continue to dabble in sport. William J. Wrigley Jr., aside from h& activities in thy promotion of "professional swimming races, is known fi-r hi venture in connecton with thi Chicago Cubs. WitU the b;;M'b:i!) market in a depressed stite, Mr. Wrigley invested a total of $fi,000,000 In the hit-and-run game, declaring that he was quite satisfied if he djd not ure a cent in return. Recently Mr. A. J. Drexel Riddle purchased the contract of Rene Dsvos, a leading contender for the worlo middleweight championship, is- ing the statement that he was tt rested only in making Devos, iieljnan war veteran, middle weight champion of the world, anil would not bother taking the usual 33 1-3 per cent, of the !box er's ring earnings. .Localizing the situation, F. G. ("Teddy") Oke of Toronto has become actively interested in professional hockey, and in several branches of amateur sport, including track and field, swimming, basketball, imiBil altntintr nnri nofih.ill. The SPORT CHAT A fino warA ftf rklav ia Victim ers beat the champion Legion by 2 to 1 in a hot overtime contest. The third game of the season vk4 pkyed Jfi 'hjght between the $tone-s .and the C.N.R. and tomorrow there will be a postponed New Year's Daly game bc-i tiveen the Legion and Elks. .. . . -7 . . meet the winner in September for the title. Dempsey lifts his beetling brows in abject amazement and Bays: "Well, for lands .sake, I never said I'd do any such thing" or words to that effect. We are going to lay a dime on Rickard. it to Tex to know what he is talking about. Lempiwy'a surprise will bring nothing but stentorian guffaws from the gullible public, but they will contribute cheerfully to the million odd to see an old has-been and a never-was fight for the crown once worn by Tun-ney, Fitssimmons, Corbett, and so on. Ob, yes, Jack will fight in September, all right And it is our guess that it will be Sjtrib-jlng who will oppose him. DEMPSEY NAMED AS ONE OF THE GREATEST ATHLETES IN HISTORY NEW YORK, Jan. 5 William Uuldoon, veteran New York boxing commissioner, today named Jack Dempsey as one of the great 'est athletes In the history of the ring. He deplored the improper training and handling that had been his lot and expressed the opinion that he is tho logical possessor of the heavyweight title with Tunney retired. activities of moneyed men inj Joe Go Get, Chinese, charged sport can accomplish much good ( with having opium In his pos-for the game, and, Inversely, can session, has been rananded undo aoma harm. : v' .r. til Tuetday In tyj police court. GUS SONNENBERG DECLARED CHAMPION OF WORLD AFTER WINNING DECISION FROM STRANGLER LEWIS AT BOSTON LJSTSGIff BOSTON, Jan. 5. Gus all star,. after, winning the tirst fall was awarded the leavyAveight championship of the world tonight when Ed. "Strangler" Lewis was disqualified when refusing to re-urn to the ring after being butted out seven times. Son-nenberg won the first fajl with hjs famous "flying tackle" in 29 minutes 46 seconds. Five minutes after the return, Sonneberg started butting Lewis .in the abdomen. The champion fell or crawled out of the ring seven times and naiiy, when he failed to step back inside of the count of on, he was disqualified. GERMAN LAD WINS BOUT Jack Dempsey's Double Drubs Joe Sekyra at Madison Square Gardens NEW YORK, Jan. 5 Max Schmeling, German youngster, who bears a marked physical and faint fighting resemblance to Jack Dempsey, gave Joe Sekyra, the blonde Dayton heavyweight, a thorough ten-round trouncing last night in Madison Square Garden Schmeling is rapidly becoming the current sensation of heavyweights. VIC FOLEY FOUGHT FERNANDEZ TO DRAW VANCOUVER, Jan. 5. Vici Foley and Ignacio Fernandez,! Filipind, fought a ten-round draw here last night. SEATTLE HELD PORTLAND TEAM Scoreless Draw Gave Puget Sound Hockey Team First Point in Weeks SEATTLE, Jan"? 5. After a fruitlelt month of endeavoring in which they lost eight straight games, Seattle won a point last eight by tying Portland In a scoreless draw. Red Haedaker had replaced York in the locl goal. Rill Borland, playing the first game with the locals, was a tower of strength on dtfe,nce and valuable as a guide to Overland, who gave great prpm ise for the future. Seattle needs a mef forward to transforpuihe - ' team. N.i C.MDI0 NETWORKFOR ' CURRENT WEEK ! v.- . f- ! : Saturday January 5 I 6:00 NaMgal Orchestra, KHQ,lOMO,. KGW. KGO, KPO, kfi. '; TO-ilckJ'-Strike Hour, KHQ, KOMO; KGW,V KXJO, KPO, KFI. 8:00 The Carnival, KPO. KGO 8:15 to O'.OO. 9:00 Correct Time, KHQ, KOMO. KGW, KGO, KPO. 90)0 Golden ' Legends, KHQ, KGW, KGO. 10:00 The Rig Show, KHQ, KGW, KGO. KPO 10:30 to 12:00. C.N.R. PROGRAM Sunday CNRV, Vancouver, 9:00: Capitol Theatre. nALAGNO FINALIST Charlie Ralsgno beat Bj) Nelson 59 to 48 in the semi-final of the Grand Terminal Club New Year snooker tournament last night and will meet E. Yager in thfinal over the week-end, - Sonnenbersr, Dartmouth foot- j mng gurvich and Al'P HARDING WILL ilEET JANUARY 24 t . .. Did Gurvich and Alf Harding will meet on Jan- uary 84 in the Capitol Thea- tre in their ten-round win- nertake-all bout, it was an- nouneed last night by Char- 4 He Rrown, who is making i arrangements for the meet- ing. In connection with the headline bout, there will be a full program of vaudeville and moving pictures as well as a number of prellmlnar- ies. In fact, it will be the most ambitious offering of its kind Prince Rupert has seen for a long time. Full details will be announced at the flrat of next weekj Mr.. Brown states. , 4 OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English'-League, Division 1 . Birmingham 1, Huddersfield 2. Bolton L Arsenal 2. Burnley '8, Cardiff 0. Derby 0, Sunderland 0. Leeds 4, Leicester 3. Liverpool 4, Aston Villa 0. Manchester United 1, Manchas-teMjlty 2. , Newcastle 4, Sheffield United 2. Portsmouth. 3, Everton 0. The Wednetday L Blackburn 0. Weatham 2, Bury 3. Second Division Barnsley 2, Swansea 1. Bristol City 1, Bradford 0. Chelsea 2, Blackpool 3. Hull City 1, Wolverhampton 3. Mlllwall 2, Clapton 0. Notta Forest 0, Grimsby 1. Portvale 3, Notts County 0. Reading 6, Oldham 1. Tottenham 3, Southampton 2. West Bromwieh 2, Stoke City 2. Scottish League, Division 1 Aberdeen 0, Hibernians 1. , rfr Itjc, Air. Vtrlted ff,' )w$timmQ. lUngfcr 2. Hearts 4,t:iyde 0. Kilmarnock 0, Airdries 2. Motherwell 0, Queens Park 5. Partick-Falkirk, postponed. St. Johnstone 2, Hamilton 2. ; St. Mirren-Dundee, postponed-' Third Lanark 5, Ralth Rovers 1. FRANK FnEDEWCKSOf Who was recently purchased for PltUburgh'Wnute hotkey leani. KING AND: MCTATO Here is an unusual photo of His Majesty King Alfonso ol Spain (right), and General Prim.) de Rivaaa, Spanish Dictator taken during a royal hunt over the estate of the Count of Florida Blanca at Toledo. Notice th. quaint national hunting skirt which the king is wearing. ENGLAND WON TEST MATCH Beat Australia by ;, Three Wickets in Final Game of Seasoh : MELBOURNE, Australia, Jan. 5. England today won the third cricket test match from Australia by threewick? eta and retains the "Allies' until next year, when Aust Ha will challenge on Englls! soli. '' Commencing Ihe second In-nines England needed 332 runs for victory and tfiis was scored for the loss of seven wickots, largely due Jo the splendid showing of Sutcllffe, who scored a brilliant 135. SCHEDULE OF CRIBBAGE GAMES January 7. 8glT Jijaftadlaji Legion. New fimpreos AuHeiicClub vs. Grotto. Cold Storage Ti.'cJ N. Me- chanlcs. ! Moose vs. Rupert Ho teh tin if V. Nativa a. sons or Canada. Knighta of Col um but vs. Orange Lodge. January 14. Knighta of Columbus vs. Cana-dla'ji Region. Nilivo Sena of Canada vs. Gr&e. 0Bd Storage in. Prince Rupert Eagle vs. C. N. Operating. Moose ve. New Rmpreae A. C. Orange Lodge vs. C. N. Mechanic . January 21. C. N. Mechanics vs. Canadian Legion. Prince Rupert Hotel vs. Grotto. Cold Storage ve. C. N. Oper ating. Knights of Columbus vs. New Empress A.C. ... Moose vs. Native Sons of Canada. Eagles va, Orange Lodge. January 28. Eagles vs. Grotto. Cold Storage va. Canadian Legion. Knights of Columbus vs. C. N. Mechanics. Moose vs. C. N. Operating. Prince Rgpert Hotel vs. Native Sons of Canada. Orange Lodge vs. New Empress A. C. ' t A-ILUtiflNQ GO f- f - -f - r . 0. E. Guilck, local manager of .he, SwIftCanadian Co,, called by lh Cairlefui fast night on a Iwsl-nes trip to Vancouver. ' i ! . Owing '"I1!; -&U nd,an't yterday afternoon bj Jap Jap Inlet inlet pu puWtc school hS Tj,J7,M frnm thi Amur. the been closed, It. C. Frasr, iirtpe Uer-of MhooU, announces. Th tele her, Mrs. Eerryman, will probably go'ld Cedarvale.- r Ul St Andrfw'saocfety membe AatV 4tAl Shk afternoon 3 aasis in the moving of quarters, from the old provincial government building to the Hays Block. Motorahlp Rellingham, Cant. J. E. Anderson, arrived in port at 8 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan with four carloads of froc-en fish for transshipment east over the Canadian National Railways. Royal Young, son of R. Rord Young, Port Simpson, sailed by the, Cnroeia last night for Van couver where he will resume his studiea after having spent the Christmas and ifaw Year holidays at hia home. - salKU IWinnpt of) Uie Cardena true 1m . IV I Vn r.ui VAr Ta j land, where they will join Capt. uyrne wat is perainaenuy taking up the work of pilchard lacking on the Wast Coast. Chief Pfttty Officer Instructor Young of the local unit of the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reaorve la eicted to return to , th city on the Catala tomorrow aflsrnoon after having spent vocation in Vancouver. For assault in oonneetion. with a fracas whlsh oecured on Third Avenue on Christmas night, William was fined 60, with option of thirty days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClyroont in city police court this morning. Thqmas Eraser established that, he was merely a spectator of the melee. SUCCESSFUL WHIST PARTY A successful whist drive was held last night by the Lief Eriek-son Society in tho Metropole Hall. There was a good sited crowd in attendants and Jack Selvlg wns master of ceremonies. Winners at cords were: Men's first, Karl Dybhavn; men's second, J. Moent ladles' firt, Mm. C. Lindieth; Indies' second, llpt . J', jtrnpd, . 1 PRINCE RUPERT HIGH SCHOOL WON AGAINST SMITI1KRS SMITH ERS, Jan. 5 Prince Rupert High School boys' basketball team cua- f tinucd their triumuhant i tour of the interior by last 4I night defeating the Smith- t ers High School by a score 41 of 27 to 21 . The gnme was close as the scares indicate ti k .turn match willtaks ! place here lonight. 4 BA3KETBALLERS IIADBREAKDOI Kngine of 'iakia Gives Way art Eigblui I'layerii Drifted in Artond Inlet SAFE AT ARKANDAI-E Kgghleen Piinc Jiuperr met basketball players, bound hnru i from Anyox, where they have beer playing a series of gumes. added another emw.ieace to th.e of ht 'riii ytrday. when the haliU' ooat Takia, Capt. John Olsen. cr whish they ure travelling, hud at engine breakdown off the mouth of the N'a River and driftti around in Portland lnl.-t for soro tjnw, while all on board offered the boat of their persuasion 'and sascilr to get the motor started again, but without success. C" mflrtr Steamship & isarge 10 1 flilyhter Amur, bound from Stew art to Anyox, passed by. and st- ! ing the plight of the Takla, ffivt o4 a m and towed the disable vtlUl t9(Kincolith, where further fffrrU are being made to repair the engine. NWs of the incident was it- Henry Nelson of Ketchiksn, wKo has'boeii' spending a coupl ,i4 days in ;h city visiting with hk siiter, Mfts Thorn Nelson of It GIIelgejrson Ltd. staff, sailed last night on the PrinceM Ttoyal for Vancouver. Short 0! Breath Smothering Feelings Choking SensitiiQ Mrs. It. Day, Dartmouth, write f Ferof r a r I h troyl-W with itmUx-rinK rpolU sod thortom of breath, and it was impoaaiUa let. me to wklk, eren a short dmtanc, b-eaww of, the choking acnaatioa wlicl (oUored, After trying many treatments, is vain, 1 st Iaaf dc ided to try and in a aurpruicgly short titns tbsy did me much good.' Prirw ATM ner lioz at all druttittl Of dealers, or mailed direct n receipt of MUburn vo., lm., 'oronto, Oct. For New Year's GIFTS You Arc Sure to Find SQmc thing Suitable at the Montreal Importers TIIIKJ) AVENUrJ ,