s Y a % > q \/ y s ; th, INGS we) vOL. X. NO. 178. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.., Calgary -Labor Convention Was Packed with “Reds” and | Simultaneous Riots Proposed ° Evidence Given in Trial of Men Charged with Seditious ,.. Conspiracy at Winnipeg; Charter of the Wianipeg Trades and Labor Council Revoked by Federation of Labor and Trades Con Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs Winnipeg, August 1._-There was some damaging evidence given here yesterday at the preliminary trial of the labor teaders | who were arrested at the time of the big strike and charged with | “seditious conspiracy.” A number of letters were read in court which had been seized by the Royal North West Mounted Police in Vancouver, Edmon- | ton, Calgary and Winnipeg. From these it was shown that the! Calgary Labor Convention, which was held last March, packed with “Reds.” One suggestion made was to organize riots | which were to start simultaneously in every town and city in Canada with the definite object of taking over the reins of gov-| ernment. In connection with the seditious movement it was shown that a flood of propaganda literature was arranged, including the dis- tribution of banned literature déaiing with socialism and bol- | shevism to be distributed by the socialist party of Canada. Winnipeg, August 1.—-(noon) The charters of the Trades and Labor Counci! here from the American Federation of Labor and the Dominion Trades Congress was revoked at a meeting this morning by A. Farmiloe, organizer, representing the two execu- tive bodies. This followed the actions of the Winnipeg Trades and Labor Council on Tuesday voting to join the One Big Union and to turn over their correspondence to that body. TRY CAILLAUX == VICTORY OVER FOR TREASON BOLSHEVIKS fttorney-General of France Rec- General Denikine Captures Town ommends that Case Come ot Kamishin—Planes Bomb Be'cre High Court. Kronstadt. via P. Telegraphs <[ ri via eurannhs 8, Aug ! Joseph Ca Londor August 1 Crenera ‘ rmer premier of France, Denikine has gained an in i ied treason That victory the Bols! i led by the Attorneys aptured the tow! Karmish s probable that b n the Volga and 5,000 Bolshe efore the High and ne guns and quantities of Lure i nition have been captured. | : ' ted ‘ H nefors August 1 Eight | 1g m a charge airplanes from the cruis same tin that Be . thie Baltic sea bomber Pasi nvieted and shot Kronstadt. (iow soale and stk oldies LONDON DAILY NEWS ae 178 HAS TO APOLOGIZE Ladysmith Coal. The best. Princ Rupert Coal Company, Phone 1£ Says Itmputations Against British a : re e . Statesmen Which it Published Were Baseless. --. LLL LOLS TOME LS Te STE gress CHAUTAUQUA FESTIVAL I$ NEXT MONTH.’ . ry pe WS | Committee Formed Last Night to Make Complete Arrangements For Important Musical Event. FIVE PROGRAMS ARE TO BE GIVEN HEF: At the City Hall last night the was a gathering of citizens inte the organization of Chatauqua festival her ested in ¢ this vear Miss Mason, the advance agent o the organization explained the plan and as a result it was de cided to hold a festival here year early in September, giv five full programs of music a lectures The local committe th Stanley Parker as president; S« mor Wright, secretary i Harry McLeod, treasurer. \dvertising committee . a Steen, W. EF. Williams and ul Ross ricket committee— Messrs. Me- Leod, Matheson, Darton and King Arrangement committee pre- sided over by Mr. Pitman. The Chautauqoa party fi year is made up of wholly artists. There are two lectures one given by a novelty lectu and the other by an orator Iw rchestras are coming and there will also be all sorts of vocalists ind dpamatic interpreters and a tists of various kinds The fi programs will all be of the very highest class and they are. made possible by the men who have taken the arrangements in hand SHIPS COVER British to Send Naval Archangel to Protect With- drawing Troops. jal via G. T.1 Telegrapls August 1 rhe Britis sending a Spe London Government is . Prince Rupert Lond August 1 Phe Daily News has taken back tts state Boa rdot Tra ide ment regarding Chamberlain £OnK and Greddes il whit h it ™ nthly meet said they had purchased mining Board will be h es share ; Russian concerns sine: | tor the armistice was signed and \ we | the with a hostile country The London paper prints an : ipolog in whieh says that onjip COMMISSIONER tigation th imputations Weevcvosvooroooneseseneotocoooonce ive been proven baseless. _-_.... the iabion district and and Americar been { force to cover evar Archangel and oteet the British | fore that have in that neighborhood. 5 operali PRIDAY, EVACUATION :: Force to naval ot HOoEooosoesOOOOOOyrONt THE EMPRESS THEATRE Saturday Matinee Tonight and Saturday. The World’s Biggest Picture “THE WHIP” 8 Part Super Feature A Truly Wonderful Production Two Shows, 7.15 and 9 Prices, Evening 55¢ all seats; Matinee, 25¢, 50c ee AUGUST 1, 1919 LIVING COSTS 10 BE REDUCED itll resnes to be Held at Wash-| ington With That End in View—Shoes Dearer. i . pn Washington, Aug. 4. seine! neral Palmer has summoned the heads of the important Gov eri d partments te onfe immediately on the high cost iving and to consider measures to reduce prices to the averag citizen Wa demands covering 85 per een the increase in the cost ! ne have been presented t« d nistration by er sentatives of the railway me Ss, Drakemen and shop Ont., A Phat itwear within the next few months ould advan four dol a pai vas a sState- ment bode by W. 8. Duffield of hn McPherson Shoe Co. The i t lies with the Chicago pack- ers who have a monopoly on the leather Sixty-five dollars is ask- ed for a cowhide HALIBUT BOATS BRING IN FISH Canadians Sell for 41. 20, Ameri- cans at 10.20—Cohoes Reach 70 Cents Each. OVER TWENTY BOATS SOLD CATCHES TODA\ We Never Sleep PRINCE RUPERT AUTS 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE TVR, ORAS PAIGE GENERAL UNREST IN GREAT BRITAIN REACHES POINT AT WHICH COMMERCE MENACED UPHEAVAL MAY MEAN DOWNFALL OF LLOYD GEORG: GOVERNMENT--LONDON POLICE DECIDE AGAIN TO GO ON STRIKE AS PROTEST AGAINST LEGISLATION Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) London, August 1.-The general industrial unrest in Great Britain, which has been seething ever since the armistice, seems to have reached a point which menaces the commerce of the country with at least temporary disaster. It is considered likely teat it may mean the downfall of the Lloyd George Government. The strikes of the past month have been serious enough, but merely symptomio of the general dissatisfaction that prevails throughout the ranks of organized labor. .Half a million Lanca- ‘ire cotton operatives have been idle more than three weeks; e-ed thousand Yorkshire miners have been on strike since July 30; the Liverpool dockers have paralyzed shipping for hree weeks; the’bakers have decided to strike on Saturday, and ‘ow the London police are about to go on a second strike. The “vorst movement, however, is the threat of “direct action” by ihe tripe alliance of railwaymen, miners and transport workers. London Police Strike. London, August 1. —An immediate strike of the London police vas decided upon at a mass meeting here. The grievance is a bill before parliament providing for the organization of a police- mes union but prohibiting affiliation with labor unions. It also prohibits policemen going on strike under any circumstances, with heavy penalties for any infraction. MONTREAL TO © VANCOUVERITES — HONOR CURRIE ARE DELIGHTED | City Planning to Have Parade) and Reception for Canadian Prince Rupert Men Who Accom- panied Them to Prince George i lay is alWays_a good market General day fis n and ? Returned Last Night. yuent t larwe number of boats } oo i | ; cathe ee Fee Geo. MeNieholl, assistant gen- scharge their catches. Thi Montreal, August §. Sear tee al freight and passenger agent a sls are: Pahoma, 10.( Currie is to be given a great re , , G.7.P.: T. M Jobne ing. 13,000: North Star |°ePten on his arrival here, Plans ‘or fe 2 -P., 2. @. John — Spencer, 14,000: Resti.|#"° being made for a parade and manager of the cold storage; G. ovr Viking. 14,000, |'e¢eption to be followed by a|/W. Nickerson, and W. W. Wright Dolpl 11,000: Progress. 7,000 public dinner at which the 8eN-/ returned last night from accom- and 8., 8,000; Livingstone, 29,.|°'@! Will be the guest of honor,|), ning the Vancouver Board o 400; Pionee 8,000; Emblem,|'" @ppreciation of Ris services lO\ppade party as far as Prine 8,000; Grayling. 617.000: Amnes the Empire. This will be the first George. “They report that the 8., 8,000; Maud, 9.500; Wanderer|°! ® Series of similar events to| icitops had a splendid time and 7.000: Minnie V.. " 000.8 ft brate his triumphal return. were amazed at the exfent of good F. No. 1, 10,000 pounds | “= rT jland through which they passed The American boats sold f ADD LADIES TO fand the development that had al- rbout 10.20 per pound amd thie re = aves place. Canadians in the neighborhood {| drove in automobiles 0 per pound. SPIT BOARD rai A a part of the Bulkley There were also a considerabl HO AL | Valley and also had a stop off and imber of salmon sold at the fist jdrive in the Nechako. At Vander- «change early this ing. Tl loot a delegation waited on th, dip h 4 cohort ind 500 Ibs Mrs. J. HW. McLeod and Mrs. James Visitors to ask that they use their f springs, and the Bravo alse M. Carmichael Took Seats Last | nfluence with ihe provincial gov- th 400 cohoes and 500 Ibs. o Night for First Time. ernment with a view to changing springs, sold to the Canadian Fis! art Fan ithe route of the P. G. E. from wi Cold Storage Company at 14 Mrs Jarvis H. McLeod and Mrs ‘| Prince George to Vgnderhoof, per pound for the red s james M. Carmichael took their) “on the whole the visifors were d 67 ts each for cohoes scats on the hospital board for l extremely pleased with their trip ihe Markwell with the first time last night reo and most enthusiastic over the of red salmon and 230 s was | °OSen' atives of the Ladies’ Auxil- S caeealiaad After being banqueted bought by the Royal Fish Gom-|l#fy. They were appointed to) it prince George they left for the pany at 14.50 a pound for red and committees, Mrs. ree mae! Ae | south on the steamer B. X, for rain Committee. indden. of e Prinee PREPARATIONS FOR The matter of increasing the], V- M- Wadden of the Prine LIBERAL CONVENTION for private faye wi a dis iCo., arrived from the east last ; ia and lef a o* Jevening to confer with the local he Inanece Committee Tor report.) bt ; Hon. John Oliver ‘Is Member of|' ' oo wit he asked sae ogo | management in regard to the _ Committtee on Trade and Come |;... of coal and the question of work here. meni merce and Organization. painting the building was dis im Special via G.T.P, Telegraphs gees od. sibs eee Nia Special General Meeting Ottawa, August 1.-—Apart from | ‘SALT LAKES the announeement of the person. | the laurach Narbethong will | of a number of committees lee ave Cow Bay on Sundays and ( W V A thing was given mut to the Wednesdays at 11 a.m. and every ss following the morning ana] es thereafter, leaving the e © © ° ifternoon sittings of the advisor lakes at 9 p.m. for last trip of unmittee of the Liberal conven- | qo, Fare 25¢, pay as you enter. aT 8 O'CLOCK TONIGHT ne ae eae commerce pine mAawp. bay" “ lo hear Walter Drinnan, imitlee and also the min Dinner sets, crockery and glass- Provincial Secretary, tee on organization, Sale FRANCE IS HAVING HER STRIKES Now Havre, ae: at There is trike of doek workers here rhe men who signed a contract las March have broken it to the num ber of 3,000 As a result ship ping to this port is practically tied up Carhartt's overalls and gloves. , Agent, J. F. Maguire, Smith Biook. at Tite's Midsummer [ weno _THEATRE Il Big 2 reel L-Ko Comedy Baby Marie Osborne “HELLO. TROUBLE” Great Chester Outing Picture ’ ‘ Ballyhooing on the Anirakas’ ——SS.-§ SS Admission, 30c. and 15e. Winning ‘Grandma year old Star win the heart of » cranky old lady See this Two Shows, 7 and 9.15