' ' ft'.- . . iTtiL. ixiiin mil V kT P1BU mm The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - URITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Trinco Rupert f- Dailv News.-Limited. Third Avenue Jll H. F. PULLEN naid in advancat'ThrVvearlv neriod i' Managing-Editor ' SUIJSCIUl'TION' HATES Transient displaij-aoTtertisinsr, per Iridn, per Insertion Transient adveaikjlt&gn front;pag&ker inch . . . .'.A . . ,r. .... 2.80 Local readers, IM&iramon, pei-'llnML ............ A'ft-i . .V '85 Classified adve(TI$gJ$c-r Inserti6n7iTmvord Legal notices, each Insertion, per agate lirie NEW MAP OF NORTH A new map prepared by the department of lands cov'er- time when gener&Tattention is being called to this part, of the country. . ' :' j BACK IN HIS FOB IER LAW OFFICE ' ! Mere plcnstil by fiiidini? himself lie.- from the arduous duties of the White House than Ix-iiitf back in his old office at Northampton, Mass., c r-l'risMeiit Coolidtfe smiles contentedly, seated at hla o!d desk. He finds the Ulackstoiiiun atmosphere aKr.eiable but roads his mini!" Vhatr"he ill ' ) ip V not practice -falf The Letter Box APPEAL TO FISHERMEN I City delivery, by ngj$J or carifier, yestrij?;feriod, paid in advance $5.00 ; tni this1 citv- city, to to ta ( For lesser peri'odlAfd in advance,, permonth ..' .'. 1. .50lti'on to the fiy mail to all patiB fif Northern abCehtrdl British Columbia, " ' wise, of permi permitting 3.00 1.40 .02 .15 tion an announcement that a commission will shortly sit in take evidence in re- wisdom, or other- traps to op erate in Canadian waters on, or adjacent to the Alaskan boundary. 1. would as a deeply interested fisherman issue an appeal to all fishermen to attend the 'meeting to be held in the City Or four months fbr 1.00 j Hall Wednesday evening apropos By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- I of this matter.; I would remind pire and United States, paid in advance, per year 6.00 ! the public plus the Board of By mail to all.; other countries, per year 7.501 Trade of a public meeting held I DAILY EDITION "- i i - Jn .Tnno 102f. TMa mpptinir was Monday, April 8, 1929 called by the Board of Trade, Mr. Gonsales pleading the justification of traps on behalf 'of L-anaaian risning to., wniie POISON GAS mi .' i .1 . ,. . ry iseverm iioiicinieii Rave u.oii The announcement was recently made that. Germany. LrMnBi . ,.,,., . had approved! an agreement under which all nations ot' ainst the adouiibn of such ifish the world pledge themselves not to use poison gas m time : ing methods in? Northern n. c. of war. Pacifists are taking credit for this as a move to- As a renuit !of 'this meeting ward ceneralace. Itran8 were not rpennitied ' . . , Those who Ippk back to the time of the great war will t t t vnmnmTiiH tlinf nmA,,fn ot- nJ mUHlCipai i viiiviiiutt itiufr iiivuuum., j;cu;io aim ix utiwus ,wpx u vpij me, 'that naa a treaty, witnuermany out she immediately abrogated the cheaper way of it. There weieemsnt& in.regard'.to various countries ' quantities Granted It The appointment of John Barge of Queen Charlotte ing all central and a considerable part of northern British rtytu a8 , reK'Rtr ' Wrths. Columbia, including the Peace River block and Telegraph '1 Creek, west to and including Queen Charlotte Islands and been rescinded by the Provincial east to the Alberta boundary, is the most complete map Government. . ' . . . i.- 4. I 1 i Ta. ' i showing the citie$,:t'owns, Villages an'tf'ih'any d tim piuL'. cal features, bfiFali'b alvea infoiTnatiofi in.reirard trtl4hW?; T The map will dbultlesibe very usefulv e'speciallv at a1 Your Cunard Stewardess . . lady's maid, chamber-maid, guide, philosopher, and friend knos what you like fbr breakfast, which dress you want put ' out for each occasion. A . wise, respectful, friendly person Is your CumirJ j stewardess, she helps you to enjoy ship life to the full. Sail Cunard I... ijf ' ' ' J048-9), or any tttamMp agent. Quebec ) CUNARD V- CANADIAN SERVICE ' (.309 Ctbln. Tourdl Third Cibln and Third CIM UtHU 1 5H w 1 WeeUy tunings to Europe Prom May 3rd from Montreal (and Ih Iokihg overtfflfT era ihe other day, George Bushhy or this ity,fpuud,a missive he received ,from London. England, in 1886. ' The lady waiter, a cbuslri of his,' said her, uncle' was at the break- ' fast glvpn' at Soiithamtoi to 'old' M. Lesscps befor'e he' Started for : Uolon to sutterTntend the construe-ilon of luTl'a Vama' Canal . It was expected to1 cost' sixty1 thousand pounds. A tunnel had to be bored' through some mountain for the ships to pass through. "He is a wonderfully energetic man and over 80," she said. "Uncle also met the American, Stanley, and discoursed with him on the Congo railway scheme." The letter continues: ! "We all belong to the Primrose League to uphold the church and state. i "You will see my this week's Graphic about the riots in London last Monday. The unemployed workmen wefe to. bold a quiet meeting in Trafalapr jJquaYe, b'uj ' besides them Una against them - l there was a m.bh'st'ef meeting of j roughs, vajcaboods,, men whS had' 5 taken for themselves a , '.holiday . from their unemployment'' In the docks and thieves, and. this present government, Gladstone, Chll-''rs &. Co., Rave orders to the police not to interfere, consequently the mob began in St. James' St. at the Conservative Clubs and on through Piccadilly, South Audley Street, Oxford Street, smashing every window and looting the jewellers' shops and throwing the poultry and wine bottles that they had seixed from the shops. Wc drove through' the beseiged greets on Thursday njyl... it was most distressing to see the damage done, both to small shop people, and to private houses. There, will be an inquiry and probably the government will go out." , NEWSPAPERMAN DIES' ?ST. JOHN8Nflil.i' lAi.rll 8:-u Iron. Johni 'Alexander ' Itobln'son',' proprietor and former editor of St. Johns Dally News, died yesterday, ajred "7. SHOT HIMSELF VICTORIA, April 8-Harvcy Scasmith, aged 41 died nt his home this afternoon from a gunshot wound In the head, believed by the police to have'lieen elf hiflicted. r Get This Fat Strai ih Monday, April 8, 1923 FOUR 1 ?f.'I-r - ' . ' gJAUE i i Viewing this; rhatter from aspect it appear, to easily set asid3 at tnat time Dy a gooa many .nations. Italy Bdopt this method of ftshing as- and matterswt nmt'wmclfvereisvvebt aVhV as beiritr of wh ap the benefit? 18 DUt NeHhei' minor importance compared with the winning of the war. the co,n8tunier. n,or "J business- t:m.. e nr i. man of Prince Rupert. The can- Pend considerable would be ths realization of the horrors which must at- n,oney even jn irinCe Bupert. tend it. To attempt to mitigate those horrors beforehand but it is only a drop in the is possibly not the best means of preventing an outbreak, bucket compared to the individ- ;ual fishermen together with COST OF LOADING LESS ! wives and children. It was a good move for the grain committee of the ' TraP fienl"K ,s bulk fining Board of Trade to puncture the fallacy that it was cheap- ad- ""i1-JJi t0 be 0UBte1n-er to loact grain in Vancouver than in. Prince RuperV SStJJ fi'uS'Sr . . While an (xact companson lias not yet been made which we have thousands of .pilars might be aluable fdi"purpos,e of settling arguments, the invested in this business as fish-figure SUb nitted to the Board of Trade bv J. H. PillsblirV ermen; 1 We are: numennw and at the dinfcen last Friday evening were sufficiently 'con worthy of w:derntion. -We vincing. The secretary of the board was ' instructed to '!wvc 1 c.!nDis 10 .fc5 our pro , Fashion Fancies Jaunty Plaid Ensemble Makes Smart Costume i ' . v , J I'Wl n. JR'MZ SQ UKe piaia aesigns you wurjvaji 10 jook "very xaremuy at the gostume. illustrated here. F(jr jtl4 one of th6 smartest in- npvatibiB of la season' of iiuiia. .- i The dress is of printed crepe In a plaid pattern of 'blue, red, lavender and white, with the blue predominant. It affects the knife plontcd flounce applied just forward te figniresto the Vancouwr Province ahd.it is T IIT.. .; understood IV tffeV'irh . o gcirie forward. Mr. PiUsbury - de- " IUIJI "tJ!" tending annointed bui-vus tne vnuims oi tne community ior nis prompt action, this serve as clarion call t . 1 oft 'luVtn filn' I ntdroaifirl ftali THE POET OF INDIA ' HlV S II WI .OH and general public, to attend at AJIril AJIril riXA XhI-tv, H-iZu :.. -m8lon on 11 ednesday night, indisputable, the ' c6ov iauuiu..WLHHw8Hli, .umvu tu Kive an auurewj. 0ur future' WW stake ahd It unnappiiy.ca?neiom tne unent aid not arrive in i up 6 us t-be on hand and time. .-,' ' ' ' i raise a practical, demonstrative There iStofteC'deal thdt Canada can learn from the protest, agaiHst the bane of in- Onent'and -no-opportunity should be losftio Study thed'T,dual' 'Wn i.e.,-'Trar nhilosonhies. life and nroblems of nur nPiVhhnra nn tViP Don,t be trapped- .ti! V-w "PISCATOR." other side of the Pacific. above the knee. The coat, three- quarter length, is of bright blue flat crepe with a cape collar and lining of the print. LOOKING BACK MAHYYEARSTO LONDON RIOTS HAT' you cat nt breakfast determines the kind of day you will have. Lack of balance in essential food elemenU results in heavy, listless Mornings that unfit you for work or play. Eat Quick Quaker because it has the perfect balance, TIeoatiDonU!ril ' t bM A.ii! ii ii i i n to build tissue and stamina. Carbohydrates, 05, for energy anil hetot.' Minerals for blooded bode. Vitamin It to help assimilation. Enough roughage to make artificial laxatives unnecessary. Only carefully selected oats go into Quick Quaker. The cream of the; oat crop nnd the most expert milling give Quick Quaker a delitiousuoM that everybody relishes. It's a breakfast you never tire of. Bo sure to ask your grocer for Quick Quaker. Package contain coupons with which you can secure silverware and oilier useful articled. Big, family package, wrapped and sealed. Make a Collection of Dainty Chinaware Each package of Quick Quaker Oats marked "Chinaware" contains a piece of pretty China. Delicate blue and cold pattern. China you will be proud of. These pieces include cups, Kiuccrs, tea plates, slightly larger plates, (wrridge bowls, sugar bowls, children's mugs anil other dishes. Quick 0 haeer Oats i Cooks in zV2 to 5 minutes jThe Quaker 'Oa'ta, Corn party, PcterborouBh and Saskatoon 3w i . j: .'.ii- - .i"d rtn'i if'id'l .uii'.i ; ;.'( - ; I. fj . -V, It Df1 WwtT9tpt $ dominion tntid Unohttm A'n 7h02mDtl. mhl$ in f' thrr eohwring. So: 7603nS6Q4. Give your home the kind of floors you have always wanted . . . artistic, colourful, different . . . the kind that put character in each room . . . the kind your friends will want to copy. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum offers endless scope. Inspired designs; soft or brilliant colours .to yqur.'.tas'te; and' the mellowing touch of the Domolac finish , . . these arc but a few of the features behind the Dominion Inlaid vogue. (w) M4 In Canada by thtmaktrtof thtfamou$ Dominion BatlUthlp LlnaUum ..v A I I Domolac Finish TliU wonderful Uctiuer finish It tipalled to all Dominion Inlaid , Linoleum adding , 1( a, Jovely soft lustre to an already beautiful floor. Stainproof, wearproof, polishes with scarce an effort. Also available in tins for application to your fireient loors. Dominion EL maHXUM 'VW modem Oooring.savsi Jioifrs rf workMt is pleasant to thfj tread, odourless; quick i nP "y'to lay. For every1 room . . ; at surprisingly moderate prices, i, O'tber Heautirnl Doiiihilon A , i loors wider choice than offered in Dominion Llno-Uum Rugs and Dominion Printod Linoleum, long-wearing, beautiful, easy to clean . . . priced even lower than you expect .... either makes an ideal floor for any room. At House Furnlshirie and Departmental Stores