XJ, -Vi. 3, lD Come in for Local ,000 Prize Picture Contest ' It us tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prize in this big Eastman Content the greatest in the history of photography. Entry blanks and complete contest informa-I on are available at the Kodak counter now. Come to our store tc fill any photographic need. Wt have U complete atoek of cameras anil dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the moat of every roll of film. tines Im. Jfic Pioneer THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST DEMAND "Rupert Kippers "THE DAINTIEST HUEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by ' ; Canadian Fish & Cold Storage "-.'i: Co., Lid.. .... i SELVIG BROS. t MEAT MARKET rafd Avenue riionc 765 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES': Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. , CT TIT'Of PT TIT'Ofi oUllsj! bUl I Ul MADE TO ORDER ('utllng, Workmanship and SIK All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CI.FNED ANL PRESSED fe Dtllvcr to Any Part of thc City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 Smart Hand-Tai'ored Clothes Made as you want them from your rhoire of fabric and fashion-tailored to your bdy lines. Wear Art-Kraft Clothes Samuel Wood, Tailor SIXTH STREET Phone 38 P. O. Box 263 Details of the iJruecjists TELEPHONE ' t,200 Brand" frinrr jryprt p.t'... J , ; . I ( J C. Murray was a paasengfr aboard the Catel ywterday af- terno0n ternoon going going north from Van- to AHen He is to visit the Saddle jnfeing property . . . jon Hustings rtrm.'. Severe Colds Always Ended In Bronchitis Mrs. John Wilon, 143 Man.elon 81., London, Ont , writes: "1 have lwyf lwn troubled Willi sovre mMs whith stways ended in broucliitiii, but bin' Ukirig 4 Dr. Wood's 4 Norway Pins Syrup I hav no fer of this troul.le, s il Sftod like mKU', Mil tU ilewre lo .-uusli I was entirely gone. IMWhuig feeliiw , it imparts to the IiMBuIumI tubes is I limply wonderful. , I "One day my hiwhaod mme liowe with a heavy row, butVter few hm ; ba ws entirely free of it." Prira 35e. a xttlr; Urw fsmilv sie OOo. st sll druKginti sad deler. Put up only by TheT. MUburn Co.. Lti, Toronto, Oat. T MILK f BILK Fresh Pnsteurlzed Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VAIMINDAIRY Telephone 657. and i a Taxi Phone 4, Dig 1 Taxi, tf , Itupert East Ratepayers Association elect officers at fneeting tomorrow night. ersonal News I n ,r. , . . ' Mrst C- H.'Elktns and Mrs. J. P.' ajfcMillan, who have been on 1.1 trift-;' south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Catala " yesterday afternoon. ' f' At D. Yorke of Alice Arm, who has bin spending a two months' vacation in Vancouver and Se-local attle, was a passenger returning north' aboard the Catala yester-afternoon's (lav aftenuwm Tir- 1 H tl T. I. ituu ir. v nancs ir. nyan of Porcher Island spent the! week-end in the city. For Nanaimo Wellington or Alberta Bootless coal,, call Al- bert and McCaffery Ltd. Pho"ne 11C & 117. tf Miss S. Thornsteinsson of the public school teaching staff returned to the city on yesterday train from Quick where she spent the Easter holi- days with her sister. . Mise Sylvia Bntnell; who spent tt. IJ..,. 1 It J .i. 1 4.aici uuiifutys a. ner nuuw in Burns I,ake, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train to renume her commercial studies at the convent. Dan Claeher of Smithers ar- rtved In the city from the in-, terror on yesterday afternoon's train and sailed last niht bv Brief the Prince Rupert on a trip to manage of the Bank of Mon- returned to the city on yester-i Halibut prices were improved at The first of a series of pi.ino re-Vaneotirer. ' treat there. afternoon's train from a trip be locaJ fish exchange this morn- eitals was held at St. Joseph's ! - East. iiag whn a tot.il ot 145,300 pounds Academy on Saturday afternoon. D. J. Hartley, principal of the' Miss Lillian Halliwelf of the wa sold. Six American vessels The following pupils contributed Come and 'received from 13.1c and 6c to to what proved to be pleas- Annw school, waa a na.ni.r local school teaehinir .taff ro- hear Mr. J. J. Mul- a very yeatereby afternoon returning tn th Mlt i..wn k.vi.. attended- the recent teacher's rnnvxarfinn in Vanmnvtp Hah Trap Protest Meeting. Iaae meeting, Wednesday, April 10 at 7 p.m. in City Hall, to pro- of -,.o. j trap. All inaataeted please at- n. J. aMatrtn, chairman, N. . C. '8. F. A. 81 inc caae againsi it. neauie broUi4it bv Ms. Seattle chriHna tnt)Mot will coaaa tM -before Stipetfdfatf ltBdtary Magistrate H. F. IMfilAii nn 011 April Anril 1& 19, Mnoriitf Magistrate rate !1lrr!linni j.tH Raturrfav tht he had no jurisdiction. Joseph N. McPhee. customs of- Tli4etiSiMdile. is paying a 1 JjbtWf Vllit fn town. He arrived yesterday afternoon on the Cat- la nni win rinra down th coast on the aama vessel tonsor- row afternoon. Passenaers saitiiur Saturday flMCht on the Prince John for Queen Charlotte Island points af taekukd: Jo Spatsl and A. Cam- eron, for Maaaett; S. Hanson, for Selwyn Inlet: W. G. Mitchell. for iui South swum Bay; omj t Capt. William itnumu Oliver, for Sandapit. and A. P. Alllaon, Charles Hcwell and N. B. Worsae, for Port Clements. . ANNOUNCEMENTS. . ltd I Ejrlaa tangles Whiat nnun Drive unve and anu Dane. Gyro Hoedowh, Auditorium, April 19. Moose Whist Drive and Dance, April 26. Moose Annual Picnic at Digby June SO. f Our Special $50 Engagement Ring Ue to ahow you how WkI valiii tfaia Is. Flrle whitt- diamond st in 18 K. gold in the newest put-terns. We buy the diamonds by weight and we set them ourselves. We save you money this way. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Dentist I)r. J. R. Gosse. Phone C8G. Fop Alberta Beacon Hard Root-lew oal, phone Albert & McCaf-fery Ltd., 11C and 117. tf ' ' : " Ed. Eby, well known Smithes ! hardware Hpnlar arrtvA i .v,around Terrace, sailed Saturday city from the interior on yes- . f .. . ' ieruay arternoon's train and sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vanioarer. . Mr. E. W. Marentette and family left on this 'morning train for Terrace where they will'. join Mr. Marentette who left nn I Saturday to take over his dutf. turned to the city on yesterday afternoon' tJn r.m. v.umv ti. i duties after hjving spent the Easter holidays at Terrace with har' parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hallhvel). Passengers who sailed kri th. P-in- VaH.ver included: ,Mr . find Mr A.'H. Barber. Miss F. A. Smfth, P. G. Williams, Mrs. W. . Dotnberg and son, E. Eby, D. iiacut teu ana v. j. Caveel. vi ' Passers sailin.r S.trH.r " ' amrnAOH afternoon 'nVt on thf tne rrinee Prfnrt icuprt for the north Included! Jonh UaWaon. JIfss Irene J. Gladstone. MilU P Riwlv anf Mr I. Von Winkle, for Stewart, and H. E. James, A. F. Cesar and J. A. Hinton, for Anyox. vt.. 0 a . ti i of Booth Memorial School, who went south to attend the conven- Hon last week of the British Cahmhia Teaeh la atavin? nvpr tn nttenH i.!m. th National CouhPll nf Prin. cation at Vancouver and Vic- toria. Miss .UIBS Annie Annie D. LI. Harrison JiamSOn 01 of VaacouveXt who has been appoin- tI aasistant to Miss A. A. Pierce in the commercial class t the lecal high school, arrived the city on the Catala yes- i duties. Miss, Margaret Peto of Wiftnioeir. who has been annoin. . . M luuUtant n nti Kr,ar in iomeitio science depart- u. ei,.,. iissy. Public Notice Public notice is hereby given that I have been appointed a commissioner by the Minister pf Marine and Fisheries of Canada to in vestigHte and report upon whether or not it is in the public interest that trap nets for the capture of salmon should be authorized in the area in British Columbia that is adjacent to the northern boundary line between Can ada and the United States. A meeting of the commission will be held at Prince Rupert oh Thursday, the 18th day OL April next, nt the MboneHnll, commencing at 10 o'clock in the morning. All persons interested and who wish to give evidence relating to the matter so referred to me are hereby notified of the above sitting. Dated this 4th day of April, 1929. (Signed) J. N. ELLIS, (88 Commissioner Pioneei ' Association wiir meet in the City Hall on Wednesday evening, April 10 at 8 o'clock. The Orchestral event of'tha season by the Rupert Capit&Jiuw, ; Sunday, at & p.m., April 141; !l - .. . .tl'lilTi.. J. A. Hinton sailed Saturday afternoon on the Prince Rupert1 for a trip to Anyox and Alice Arm. Be sure and do not miss the ! treat of healing Mfss Marie Bal-agno, child pianist, at the Capitol Theatre, Sunday April 14. 81 1 Joe Spitzl, who has been en- gaireU for in "wwmilling night on the Print John for; MflMptt , ' United States coastguard cutter Cygan is in port moored I" the floats of the Pacific Sal- ram Co- having arrived at 8:30 tnfe morning from Ketchikan. " MIga Gertrude MacKeniie of he Imperial Oil Co. Ltd. staff? doon at Capitol Theatre, Sunday evening at 9 am. Admission hv ..... program obtainable at local slort8 an1 the Capitol Theatre. gj , J. L. Sansum, teachfr of, the Wiblht school at Preimllr vniy .b Passenger aboard the Chtala. vea- terday afternoon returning north after havl the recent convention in Vancou- A Moment of ptetnres for use " paper snippea irom lor I"h 19 was -destroyed in a. ... .. 0nt- "rd has ftiet been re- celred from th shippers to this "feet. "fl,iam 0,,Vw of tne United Church mission boat i nomas Urosby sailed by the Prince John Saturdav nitrht on m return to the (Juecn Char- Iotte I,and" af having spent 0 few day fn. thc citv- laa James uawea who was convicted, in the police court at.IWd FIiRMKK Kl PF.kT the week-nd on a charge of drunkenness was not George James Dawes the auctioneer. who " as V everyone knows, ' ia a mogt exemplary character. Mrs- B- nornberg ar and son, ... n 1 t l M" wno nave oeen apenmng a C0UP'e or wWn Mr- Uorn- berir at the Silver Cua mine, ar- r,ved in th cit' frem 1IaM yesterday afternoon's train nd sailed, last night by the princ on thr rn their home in Vanwwver. Arthur Skelherne.. fareiertv of litical activities, unseemly in a Hsielton and now located In Se- civil servant. Sueh actiitives. the attle. was a passenger aboard minister said, will not be tolerated, the Catala yesterday afternoon Mr. Burden denied that Mr. Turn-going through to Stewart. Mr. '' position is now being filled Skelhorne. It is understood, will by two men. Actually the staff take prospectors this season Into has been reduced by one man, he the region at the headwaters of sajd- the Naaa and Stlkine Rivers on ln to th dismissal of R. behalf of Toronto interest. A- Fi8r' untor 'ouster. at-' tacked in some newspapers, Mr. nln Saturdav aftamoon Burden said this action had been here did not last long for it cleared up that evening and has since been elear and eol. The barometer has been rising grad- ually and the wind today was a light northeast, indieatintr that the -nresent fine SDell may con- tinue for another day or so. Warm sunshine ha, been rapidly melting the snow which fell heavily last vek and little is now -lef Power tugs Salvage Trlncess y--r'' and Paehena of the Pacific Sal-There waa aTatch of liquor wg9 (e fjeet wJn ff0 out cases for attention of Magistrate to Stephens Island tonight to McCIymont In city iMlice court mafe. preparations far the salvage this morning. Chria Berg was ami bringing to pert of the B. C. fined $50 for having liquor In Packer's cold storage scow which the Cosmopolitan Cafe, an ad- j ashore there. An- attempt will ditlonal $25 being assessed for be made to float the -rrw en the drunkenness. Chris Gllbertson high tide Wednesday afternoon, was fined $25 for drunkenness The scow drifted to Stephens Is-and Ethel Letghton, John Auck- land after having broken adrift land, William Alexcee and Peter from the tug Salvage Princess In Wells, all Indians, were each fined $18.50 for drunkenness. Just Right for Hifli in calorics and wanning carbohydrates-No fuss or bother-just warm in oven and serve with hot milk Made The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd HALIBUT PWraS SLIGHTLY BETTER' t Tctal of 1 15300 Pounds Sold This Morning With U.lc and 8c I High Bids 14 lc fr 120.000 pound.-, w'e five Canadian boats were ij m i t - 1 1iiai P' ana oc ana sugnuy up- wara I0r Puna3- rtrrivum uiiu saras wen; as lot- lows: ' t ( ! I American ResoHiW, 82,000 poinds, Cqna- 9 an Fln Co,d ateragei Cpi, 18- "J.6- . . tic nftn Royal "fJJ ,.und9- FiffC" ' iAf. . D ... pi.h.. i 7- 7- Reliance I., 18.000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, IS. 8c and 8c. r : 1 A AAA J Tal- ' J pounas. Uooln i;neres. n.ic ana c. Skiua, 6000 pounds. Booth Fish eries, 14. 1c and 7c. Canadian Sea Mr.id. 9000 pounds, and Ter-nen. 300 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, !2.)c and 6c. V'olunteer, 5600 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 12.1c and 6c. Eric Roy. 5000 pounds, and Ira preuge, sooo pounds, Canadian Fisll Cotd stora Co.. 12c and 6c. D nicMlCCCn Flltil Ant iiljlYlloJLl1 Minister Explain Why William Turnbuli and 11. A. Fiihfv I IiOse Jul at Vi Una ... m Hon. r. P. Burden, minister or '"n8. n8 n rtatement fn Victoria in ro ilv lo renorts in tat newspapers aaout the dis- tmsaaj of oViciala from his de- partment. He declares that Wil- Turnbuli. former assistant deputy minister of lands, was dis- missed because he engaged in po- recommended for years, but for 1 r"fn ld been taken. ' " "Ul "N1- Jf" ATTEMPT Tfl PC nlluin "W 0i MF T SM.VAGE COLD STORAGE SCOW a gnle In Hecate Straits two weeks ago. This Weather PIANO RRflTAI. AT tl ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY Very Pleasing Program Rendered at Concert Saturday Afternoon ing program: Frances Moore, Gladys Mellish, Evelyn Dybhavn, T71 r:ii. i 1 1 a r -w . ! nfir. .loreuce uiuu, ciien ;00re. jia- ijy. ne iagno, -N-.ney orown, Anare ,.wj ukuuruuu, veiue uenjaruiucn, Jessie Ugnet, Phyllis Brindle, jRose Wesch. Kathetme Watson, May MacUonald, Helen McNaugh- iith Kergm. Violet Mc- Cutcheon. "I kx!c I :d. F.. Pinkham's Vegetable (.'umtHumi.! hir miserable and tired feelings and it gave me streiKtli u dc tnv work. My nerves are herter and I feel well and smn and have a c "-of a- :vdte. I sleep well and sn gmnl spirits and ahl ' every day now. 1 : nd the Vegc- tabk . unJ and von nwy use tl.us letter as a testimonial." -Mis VUviui Wallace, Union Srrivr. ,m:: nm, Pure . esil Creamy jvAwmrrrJ. Xaw if "Pacific Milk reiommindsl itself to me for any form of I cooking where smooth rich- j ness and creaminess is de-j aired such as in coffee, eream souus. salad dres sings, cake and candy."fK Parke-LvX it fre-M writes Mrs. Anna hurst of this city. quently takes the place ofl fresh cream at much lessl e tw' se and it is absolute ly pure." PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, IU. m