THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE EIGHT MY KITCHEN NOTEBOOK by Thavj. TZleJtL Domtitic Science Coumelor y Giving Vegetables New Frills If your family inclines to a diet of meat and bread and potatoes, you'll have to lure them into the vegetable habit by subtle, feminine wiles. Let your vegetables appear in new guises, their downright, honest virtues adorned with all the trimmings of new sauces and new flavors that your imagination can devise. Remember it isn't the girl with the commonsense shoes and the mannish tie that wins hearts. 1 iigh among the vegetables to' which - we owe allegiance is spinach. Rich in i iron, rich in vitamins, it should be eaten : much more often than it is. Yet some how noses turn up at the word "spinach." I blame the cook. I wonder if she has served it au gratin, with a hoi-landaise sauce, as a salad with mayonnaise, or combined with onions or leeks and cream sauce in a most tempting puree. The Sauce Is the Secret A fine cream sauce is times innumerable the making of a vegetable dish. There's practically nothing it doesn't o well with, practically nothing that oesn't take on added deliciousness if your sauce is a really good one. I have a recipe that is really wonderful rich-' er, smootlier. creamier, more delicious in flavor by far than the ordinary ' recipe. It's made with Carnation Milk. Of course you know that Carnation Milk is more dependable certain to be j pure and sweet which ordinary milk i isn't always. But for Cream Sauces ' there are certain other qualities partic-; ularly advantageous. One is the double cream content of Carnation Milk, f which when you use it undiluted, gives a sa ice twice as rich in cream as or-i dinary milk. Then there is its"homogenization." "Homogenized" milk has all the cream globules broken up into very minute particles; these tiny cream particles distribute themselves all through the milk instead of rising to the top. Every drop of milk is rich in cream, and imparts its richness to the cooking in which it is used. In addition, "homogenization" gives a notable improvement to texture sauces are creamier, cakes finer textured, ice creams smoother and richer. If you haven't tried Carnation Milk you are missin? a really important cooking aid. Remember, it's just the purest of whole milk, evaporated to double richness and sterilized for safe keeping. Write for "My Hundred Favorite Recipes." It's free. Address Carnation Milk Products Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver. RC. Carnation Baked Cauliflower Prepare by soaking in water with 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tsp. salt for 13 minutes. Cook whole, stem up. in boilinx salted water for 7 minutes. Put in oiled baking dish, cow with Carnation Cream Sauce, buttered crumbs and grated cheese. Brown in moderate oven. CarnationScalloped Cabbage Put layers of boiled cabbage in baking dish alternating with layers of Carnation Cream Sauce. chips of bacon, ham, green peppers and cheese. Sprinkle with grated cheese and buttered crumbs. Brown in moderate oven. Carnation Cream Sauce Melt 2 tbsp. butter in top of double boiler; add 1 tsp. salt, few grains pepper and 2 tbsp. flour: blend without browning. Add 1 cup Carnation Milk diluted with 1 cup water or meat stock; cook over hot water 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Makes Creamier Cream Sauces Producrd In Canada THE sauce is the secret of delicious creamed vegetables and Carnation Milk is the secret of the perfect cream sauce. Carnation is double-rich and creamy-smooth. You can't help (jetting better results with it. (See recipes above) Carnation Mitt "From Contented Cows" UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ball Inn t'rom I'rlnre Ituixrt fur VAM'Of VEK. VICTOUIA, XnanMjii llaj. HutrUale. Alrrt Hay, tie. Tur-day, S:) m. l'of VANi'Ol EH. VII'TOKIV llutnUle. Alrrt IWr. .. ITWay midnight tor AI.K'i: AltM, ANYOX, NTEWAKT. NA AH It I I. It. Sunday. 8:W) p.m. Unr I'OKT MI.MIMIX A.M M ALES ISLAM). Thurmlav. p.m. Ill 2nd Airnue II. M. SMITH Atent I'rlnrr Uiiprrt. II. C. Tl rough tlrkrts tuld to Victoria and Seattle .and baxiage chrrkrd through to rindliiatlon. PACiriCi auf J SAILINGS FKOM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangrll. Juneau and Skugway March to. 3D. April 10; to Vancouver. Vlctorlu and Hruttlr. Mar. 13, XI. I'KIM'i: KOYAL Ocean l alK etc , Vancouver and Victoria rtery Friday 10 p.m. Agent tor all Mroimlilp Lines. XV C. (HU H Villi. I1KNEI1AL AIIKNT Ranadian National Q7jc Largcfl Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sllllni frmn ritlNCF. Kt'rF.KT tor VANC'Ol V Ell. Vlr TOKIA. HKATTLE. ml IntrriiiNllutF Milnt, rnch Thumday iinj Kumlt), (i:uo p.m. tor ANVIIX and STKWAKT, ruch WranrkUa) and Saturday, 4:00 p.m. For SOUTH AM) fOlTII QLT.EN CIIAKLOTlt: ISUVNDh, Fortnl(litl. TASSENfiEK TRAIN'S LEAVK I'KINTK Kl'PI'.KT Each MONDAY, WEIlNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. tor I'lllNCE OEOIUJE, EDMONTON, UlN'MI-EO, all poInU Eaitrrn Canada. I'nltrd Statu. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Clly Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 260 Advertise in "The Daily News' MEMORIAL OF ("MAN OF THOUSAND FACES" M00SEL0DGE IN "WHILE THE CITY SLEEPS" ,Two Hundred nndiSixty Persons i 1.1 1 . , 1 ( o I - . Aiienucu inijirej-snt .jerque Yesterda'y Afternoon Two hundred and sixty persons were in attendance at the annual solemn joint memorial service of ducting the service were D. C. I- - JAM S ! q STRAWBERRY JAM 4s 70c RASPBERRY JAM 4s tc CHERRY JAW Is 70c BLACKBERRY JAM Is . . . . .00c GREENGAGE JAM 4s COc ASSORTED JAMS Is, glass 80c CLIMAX ASSORTED JAMS 4s. Each 50c BRAID'S BEST COFFEE 2 lbs ?1.2S . 1 Teapot Free. HEINZ CREAM TOMATO SOUP 9 tins $1.00 Qts 60c All These Goods of the Best Quality and Brands. Get Your Requirements Early. Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 017-423 5th Ave. fc. Phones 18&84 P. 0. Box 575. . rr r who arrived in Canada before June 6th 1928 may bring their WIVES and FAMILIES CANADA oo fx (children under 17 yar free) Apply to (21 Haitlngi St, Weit Vancouver, H.i. mr Any Stfmihlp Attnt Lun Chancy in Gorgeous Underworld Romance With Beautiful New Leading Lady ' " f, f ft ; A romance told amid the crash : -j t '.V - of machine guns and the uncanny York police headquarters, where of the underworld is a. P.- Younger, the author, the unioue drama in which Lon etudied for it at first hand for the ine Loyal wjai Orange urangeixwge Lodge and ana the ne . Uo, ch , t the c Jack Conway, who dircct- Womeaof the Mooseheart Legion , .. ;(nd pd mn d,rected yesterday afternoon m the Moose .. ..WhU h Cj g " M,tro. the Mw 1 , . . 111.11 tfhun THhiitn waa itrtnin nn in ;- M ir.uu Coldwyh-Mayer's vivid crews sec 1 wffli ImnroacirA 9AH fittfntr naif. J eriwrtrcs to' the 'memory of ae- l i e u ... t on of the underworld Thrills, sensations, adventures .. . ; . and mystery mark the swift move' nations. Features of the service , , . .... but ,.,.,, delicate ; were the calling of the roll of dead i members of the Moo.e Lodge and I the unique flower ceremony of j women of the Mooe:teart Legion, i Taking a prominent part in con ment of the story, a love story runs through it and infinitely touches add to its startling realism. Chaney plays a detective, a mixture of the hard-boiled police officer and the human soul starved for love and ;h..bert dictator of the aentiroent, giving a masterly port prelate, and Mrs. Einar Larsen, senior" regent of the Women of the MeaseJMart Legion.- and Mrs. A. G. Bartlett. chaplain. The oration was delivered by Ex-Aid. C iB. Casejr. j Amongithoe taking part in the program were Mrs. Jar vis Mc-Leod. Mrs. S. A. Swanson, Mrs. .'J. J. Muldoon and M. H. Illott. w!tJi vocal solos; John E. Davey, : M. ll. DIott. J. A. Ten" and a i-. .jCfapperton. quartet; Thomas Wil-son, cornet solo; R. Reed and E. Hudma, Cornet duet; violin and piano duet, Misses Molly and j Nellie Lawrence. Hymns were "Lead, Kindly rayal The new story is essentiality a romance of the "inside" at New MANY DRAWN ORGAN RECITAL Work of Ewart l.yne Makes An other Musical Treat at St. Andrew's Anglican .Cathedral St. Andrew's Anglican Cathe- Tflll full ArvR Cfianey! riew.'lfod-ng lady, is charrrling as the blonde heroine, and figures in the "tri-vngle" with Chaney and Carroll Nye, a new juvenfle of huge promise . Mae Buach does a forceful characterization as "Bessie," ihe "moll" of the gangster and unique bits of comedy are inject-j od by Polly Moran as the policeman's landlady, Richard Curie. as he inebriated reporter and William Orlamond as the comical undertaker. URGE CROWD ARRIVES ON SIMMER CATAW Teachers Return From Attending Convention nt Vancouver; Others Came North Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at t o'clock yesterday afternoon from J the south and sailed at 8 p.m. for .Light; "Nearer. My Godto Thee," dra' w ""ft ,a"t ni with a" Anyox, Stewart, und other north "Vhen Our. Heads Are Bowed " a1u1dience ;hleh "tended even out- ern points of call, whence she wil will and "Abide With Me." In(the evening members of the two lodges paraded from the Moose Hall to First Baptist Church to attend annual divine service, the pdrade being marshalled by V. B.' McGallum, sergeant-at-arms of the Moose Lodge. An appropriate 8e,rmpn, was preached by Rev. W. F. Pryce to a crowded congrega- side of the spacious auditorium for the pipe organ recital by Swart Lyneich was a real musical treat. In addition to Mr. Lyme's solo, there was an anthem by the choir and the processional and recessional hymns . in. ifirntfram wu tni.i tL... ri rs . t return here tomorrow moroinir ana sail soutn at a:8U p.m. ras-sengers included many local school teachers returning to the city after, attending the recent convention oil the British Columbia Teachers' j W.A-H I- T.- .... 1 ie " ihicbu were r,. tree, w. a. vuson,i lows: ,.. ., Mi,,,, Phyllis Imb. Miss Kilnnl Boellmann Suite Gothique Vickers, Mies A. Garnet, Miss B. Introduction chorul, Menuet Rogers, Mrs. M. Walker. Miss iromique. ' Ruth Steward Miss Hartin, Missi I'nere a Ktre Dame. Toccata. Jessie Rothwell, Miss Mary East- Hollin8 Spring Song hope, Miss Caroline Mitchell and Roese, Suite, From "Thf Merchant' Miss B. A. Leitoh. Other pas- of Venice." serigeri aboard the vessel in- Trelude Nc. 1, "Portia," Orien-' eluded Miss McMillan, Miss K.' tal March; Prelude No. 2, McKay, J. H. Idling, J. H. Mc- iJogesiiarcn. Phee, O. Hansen, H. Anderson. Klich IHM t1rl in II Tl O f . f ' ' t . oven, j. taiKlBS, 11 SB Jism I Sullivan ....... "The Loat Chord" son. Mrs. Soticie, Mr nl.l VI., Anthem arid Collection, "Jesus Is A. McKay, Mrs. C. H. Ellrfns und' PJsen," solo, by Mr. Blott. ;Mra. p. J. McMillan, for Prince! Wagner, overture to "Tannhaut- Rnpert; C. Westrand, P. Hllder,' er." G. F. Griffin, J. Cherry. G. W.i MRS. A. H. CARSON ! HOLDS RECEPTION ; Many Indies Called Afternoon on Wife of New Bank Manager Appointments gasetted thisl week include those of Kenneth I Campbell McCannel to be junior i forester for the Prince Rupert district und O. A. C. Roberts, M.j I), to be district registrar of vital statistics for the registration district of Queen Charlotte.' Dr Alexander rilON'E 875 UF.3NT.R nl.OCK DENTIST Kerr, W. MeBroom. W. E. Walk-1 er, R. H . Miller, W. Whfteley. G. Lande, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. G. Lande and Mr. and Mrs. R. A.j Buick. for Arrandale; G. W. Has- Saturday fett ll?-I.Mu"n,! D' f ' llv'' lun W 1ll.f.n It T M.I m.,f ll . llliue, 11. l. IMIIVS, MIU Richards, Miss Ormrod, C. M. Buscombe, C. F. Clark. A. K. ' Mrs. A. JI. Carson held her first Bow aTndG- S- Cuttreaa, for An- rKfontiAn in Prinoa tinruirt n of. yo: J- C. Murray and A. D. CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP-, ray afttrn6on gt h;r home , Yorke for Alice Arm; and G. I i.uu Ron nf MnnlH.! .nlt rA m n swwiiiwrire nu o. u. oanaum. lor , SWEET MIXED PICKLES Qts 4 SOUR MIXED PICKLES 'charming hostess for a Ianre num-,8 i C5c ber of ladies who called upon her ! , A .. . - . . - ' ueiween me rvoura ox 4 8iut (i, 4 fie j,; spaclmts rdinn were ejuiUbly randale aecoratea for tne occasion with wt atons. iris and raauve and flink tulips. .Tl liid with pint crepe centred with silver candlabras. 1 Mrs. T. McClymont and Mrs. J. C. McLennan poured and Mrs. J. B. Gibtton cut the ices. Assisting in serving were Mrs. J. P. Cade, Mrs. J. A. ilinton, Miss Amelia Pillnbury, Miss Jean Robertson, Mrs. J. G. Johns and Mrs. M. A. Burbank. Mrs. Carson was assisted in receiving by Mre. i!. W. MarenU ette and little Miss Betty Murent-ette opened the door for the guests. Walker, manager of Ar-Cannery, and members of the cannery e'raw werenaaten- vera nlxianl tna PnUln !'l!e'le",W afternoon goinrf nerth from Van- couver to put the plant at the mouth of the Nnos River in readiness for the approaching season's oerations. We Have Just Received a Irge Shipment of MEN'S AND BOYS' M M aster echanic Shirts and Overalls ' i ' ' Union Made These will be sold at my reuson-;ibl. prices. Also, remember, there is ii 30' drop in all lines of rubber goods. We sell Ames-Holden nnd McCready and Northern rubbers, and will give you the benefit of this SO per cent drop. Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUB rr I iir "imran 0 rtflT-WHjsvjrJ "!JH ,ii Monday. At,ii LOVE OR 1)1 Ty, Which Should Men Follow? See The Answer In ' WHILE THE CITY S JEEPS" STARRING LON CHANEY Canadian National 3teiimh'ps Prince Rupert DRYDOCK Wpi-IHIMt I AND COMEDY NEWS NOTICE The final episode of "The Masked Menace" will he shown Tuesday night only. TW O I)E LUXE SHOWS, 7 D I M. SHIPYARD .T.I' 'fO.Odll Ion MonlhiK l)r 0. Ir.achinUln, Uollerraukeris Blackxinillrv l o:r naker. Pounders. Woodworkers. I'c KI.KtnitIC AND ACETYI.KNE WEI.DIN'i. rut nni la etyjlpfied to r.andle ll kind o' MARIN K AM) COMMKIU IAI. VSOItK ' HHONRy .4.1. and SHS, 1 -mc 1 OGGIN ly. AT HALF TP t COST OF II0KSKS Hipper Produc t or, Kconomical nnr.'t. n CATERPILLAR TRACTORS 3Ialic Bigger Profits .Sole Dlstributbrs for It. C. MORKISON TKACTOU & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Brsnches: Kelowna, K.C.; Nelson, B.C.; Prince George, Ii t w rn. rr) enweo Cyupcri i I ,&.(9. HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 N UW SHIPMENT JUST AKRI VEI) Mine Head Alberta Lump $i:i.," ) Mine Head Alberta Sootlcss Large Egg S12.V Mine Head Sootlcss Egg , S12.0t Pembina Peerless Egg 1 . ': $12.0U Y Also all other classes of coal. W "IHGiyACKPI single loan Double load Larcrc sack anu'uiiUiu $3.50 $6.50 . ROc Box wood cuttings, large load . . . Piano and Furniture Movlnjr. Express and CagitaKe Day and Night Service yj gecond Avenue Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results.