uroc BUHNER'S (LjK102)K1 ERf ESTABLISHED 1770 A Thiti fliJveTlUenicnl is not published or displayed by the : Liquor Coutrol ntiftrd or by the Government 1 Krltish Columbia G OOD BYE IU TIRE TROUBLE ."V Equip your car w iHiLt to tire trouble, hh i new set of nion Kovai wuru w Mastert - tml bid a long farewell These two tires can't b beat Koyil Cords ate the fi"t moderately priced tires made. j Royal Masters cost more thin any other tire but they're certainly worth it. DOMINION RdYAL CORDS AND ROYAL MASTERS I S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Wionc 83 for tho P'rlnrn llimnrt SlmrprVl oltTHTki it no, -4 ;" Gfti meeting of 'till Retail, r:'MyP? "' ' ,: TOfeHcr'to City ;-liallat 8 o'clock Artjrw (Jpllison, agent of thejPrithry etening "Everyone inter-' Union Oil Co., returned to th jested please attend. 9G citv yefitcrdajr afternoon' - - train from a trip to the interior1:' J. A; P.rown, Ecstall River saw-' on comiany business. lfl ,ti?rator, arrived in the city " April 20. Prince Rupert Singers Concert, Capitol Theatre, April 29. Elks' bridge, whist and dance, Tuesday. April 30 in Elka Hone. The Annul Ragoar in aid of the Ridley Homo be hM on Thursday. Mav 2. J ' Fair ilay 9. Premier .0 Dance in II ltun of the nej II- -4L- rcBeat aud 50c, from.irBembers C;utcheon's Drufe Store. Moose Annual Picnic at Digbyj June SO. JAM Made from Fresh B. C. Fruit and B. C. Sugar. We are Ma turing K. R. brand because we know the splendid quality, aftd reputation of this Jam. FRIDAY. ANU SATURDAY Apricot Jam, 4s, tin . , 1 JUack CujrrajiLJamlJ.JJB 0c Red Plirai Jam, 4s, tin ....50c KING BEACH FIHIITS Had Plums, 22s, 2 fins ....'kc Peacbea, 2a, tin ,SiQc RaapWrriea, 2s, 2 tina 65c Rtrawberrea, 2s, 2 tins . ...G6c Ioganberris. 2s. tin 25c ; KING REACH VEGETABLES virceii IW-ans, 2s, tin 20c Ashcrolt Tomatoes, 2s, 2 tins 26c Watts' Grocery 1 Quality Right Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 50 i of) yentPi-day afternoon's frrtnr Port Kssfngton. AANNOIINqRMRNTS " gw Etta Robertson. s'i'.J. - . 'local flayer, as' "The tol Theatre, train I Clerk," juggle hearts and flow- 'in in "Th mm.:., t... i r, lmne IIIIIBl urivv iinu D.uiru. popularj Florist's Florist Shop," Capi-April 29. . C.p.R. steamer Princess Royal Capt. Thomas Cliff, is due in port at 5 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her. ret urn to Vancouver and wa,ypoints. There was a large crowd at-the wharf la; t night as the .steamer Prince ; George pulled out to bid Board Hayseed Dawe. te"11 a,ld Godspeed- to Mr. and nnd Mrs. Mm William William PrilioIrahfinV Cruicksbank ,on their departure for Delroit ra Novelty where Mr. Cruickshank has been Hall, May 10. transferred on the service of the in. 1 ickets, rc Canudiisn National Railways ' af- or Mcjtor haying spent seven years in 14 i he local city ticket office. - , - . W V AHTOMU 1 'ft I . V- V . ! "TIKtitinJIng J M. nay ylne . There'i (or the came .- i8..Iohn sZi '. therrivi- if : lege of asking (omroncv. to the Cabaret Dinner to- night. V. Steady. John . gtt feel of your cue I Away fhe goet ... a goodtixt Johnwim..; lucky John! T? Plenty of recreation when you Sail Cunardtl TWt Ikrouth The Canard Sttam Skip Co., Limitrd, fail lltutinit St. IF., Vancouver Tel. Seymour JO-o), of ony iteaimkipatent. fvf WMfclySngitoEiifop VK1 . I torn MonitMl (ami CUNARD Nr CANADIAN SERVICE v-' a-aoi Cabin. Tourist Third Cabin and Third Clua SPECIAL PRICES for Saturday Only 2-IUECE.W00L SPORTS SUITS Regular value ID.GO. Special price on Saturday 14.75 APIECE WOOL SUITS Sleovoless,. Ktilar value up to $2T). Special price on Saturday 1 V . . . . MP 'i HATS 4 with jacket. $19:50 A lovely assortment. Regular prices $7 and 9. All going for 4.75 DEMERS MakeYourOwn SOAP and Save Moniey! A) you need is Waste fals and GILLETT'S PURE I p FLAKE full Directions With fverj Can YOUR GROCER SELLS IT ! Monday, April 29. sop on patrol duty. dena on, gimjifon. Auction mahogany the m chesterfield suite, mahogany bed- room suite, .Monaren range ami child's carriage, extra fine. Day couch. This is all high class fur-nltf-e in perfect condition. Sale on Monday, April 29 at 2:30 p.m. in Wallace Block. 16 j Inspector James M. Tupp'er R. :C. M. P ,reiurpe4 to the city on ; yesterday hfternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official duties. J. Shenton, inspector of lliuirri, ivnuiicu w wre 'IJ vit ?- I t . ' '.71 : tup k rf.a m mmm np t j nan : a trip u lfiftts M'W official, business. Tho fire department had a call terior and sailed last night by the Prince George on his return' H. C. Fraser, inspector of, to Vancouver. schools, sailed last night on the I Prince George for Ocean SUCCESSFUL lEA AND A. DeHerries Smith, fiction writer, is spending a few days SALE HELD YESTERDAY A tea and sale of home cooking in the city holidaying and get- in ajj 0f the Ridley Home bazaar ting local color for stories he is vvag j,ei, yesterday afternoon at writing. ithe home of Mrs. W. H. Goodsall, 1 640 Eighth Ave. East, which Mr. and Mrs. John A. Ander-, proveij a great success, the sum son of Hazelton arrived in the 0f 542 being raised. Mrs. Good- city from the interior on yes-1 8all received the guesU and other terday afternoon's train and sail- helpers were: ed last night on the Princej IIome cooking Mrs. C. Hills George for Vancouver. tana Mrs. Carton. ".m.v: . J Tea Mrsv J'. Baker, Mrs. J. ur. 11; wuann -wno arriveu In town' thfs,l'week with hil plea- U.'l Uu(il.'KilinUMm lit .,(. Vi Wi I C - t nimi uuiiuummi f f aa , , f - - -t . is to undergo, .engine sailed this morning on Vierick, Mrs. Mrs. Frieburg repairs. n F. Cameron and p 1 vuJ 1 vuu 1 iiji i 1 a vanjiCa frs return to. Port1 There was a musical program J. E. Miller, inspector of cus-j toms, and his assistant, Thomas i Mason, arrived in the city on yes-, terday afternoon's train T fronji Prince George where they have: been pnofficjal. duties and sail ed last niirht on the Prince tneFr?eTer Vfctoriar " sate. BenutifuUlrfita&fl, dining room auite, which included vocal solos BUSH'S MX it 5:80 bst wening to the J. A. SOAP FLAKES rkt . . .20c Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER NO TRACE OF BODY I ' . . si AS r Friday, April 20, 1029 1 HIE lAILX .N'EWS .AH that shower and sun can give an fragrance 'Fresh from the gardens1 Come in for Details of the $0,000 Prize Picture Contest Let us tell you how easily you can qualify for a major prize in thin Wg Kastman Content the greatest in the history of ptotoKraphy. Entry blanks and complete con-teat information, are available at the Kodak counter now. Come to, our store U? fill any photographic need. We have a complete stock of cameras and dependable Kodak film. And ' our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the most of every roll of film. wines LUL T7fir Pioneer Urnteists THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST TELEPHONES 8t,20C Local Items 4 n Taxi l'honc 4, Ilig -1 Taxi, tf Have yon reserved your tickets'! Dentist Dr. J. R.. Goase. Phone . Tkfcets for the-Prince Rupert Singers', concert are -selling fast. Better get yours today. ocertenaH Hinten..bujldhjr ort Second vAvvOIp DUTCHjin lQeg I I'll t'WUf)U(ll VM f'yt ( - 141 nue where there was a chimney. CLASSIC CLAN&ER 3 tins ns jlue which did no. damage. 1 B ARTLETwbrWRS 2s . Tin tr r--l 21 ! 11UW UUTltjJC to the Topley Richfield and other interior mining properties for, A. J. Watkinson, Dominion con- which he is consulting engineer, stable, sailed this morning on the arrived in the city on yesterday Cardena for a trip to Part Simp-! af ternoonls train from the in- pfABOB TOMATOES 2'as. 3' tins 25c I ' 20c r. . I - Mb brickf) ?1 4Q Utigaged"'in connection with the DATES 2-1 b. pkts 30c construction of the new cannery uAiiub. fcmall pkts 15c at .Humpback Bay, Poriher Is- SWEET JUICY ORANGES I land, for the Chatham Straits 4 dozen 75c llVking Co., sailed last night by B. C. FRESH PULLET EXTRA ! the Prince Rupert on his return EGGS 3 doz 85c to Vancouver where 'sides. he now re- B. C. FRESH FIRST EGGS 3 doz t. .$1,00 "I WATERGLASS Tin .25c Wm. Beaumont, popular 'cellist, H. L. Batten ,M. E who, has ,,nnB TOMATORS 2 wRlj the Prince Rupert Singers, iheen paying a visit of inspection 3 tjns 40c Fi .50c A search was made yesterday 5j by the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.'s fish packer W. R. Lord around Green Island where Capt. Harold Dahl was lost on Wednesday afternoon but trace was found neither of the body or the dinghy from which the ac cident occurred. Provincial Con-1 stable Harold Raybone assisted ! the , crew of the W. R. Lord in making the search. Mrs. W. W. Trotter was a pas- Mf by sepger aboard the Cardena this j M las .Bie Der ry and Mrs, Macy morning geing through to Wales fie flno violin niuets by Cameron and Miss Nellie rence. Bert, Island where her husband is m Law- manager of the Canadian Fishing M 1 Co.'s cannery. fJ The William Booth Centenary SELF DENIAL CAMPAIGN MAY 1 TO MAY 15 In ..iu ! Our Missionary and Home Work WHEN CALLED UPON. PLEASE GIVE LIBERALLY -a : tws 1 i ii K'i i "rftt aTV !' I? -truV fresk dxxanut ? asW Ij-tKi? fresK Pineapple ? J the King Yea, truly, Your Majty," answers the Lord Chief Cook. "The very freshest of pineapple ai:d, cocoanut, dipped in butterscotch and coated with milk' chocolate. A very choice confection!" And the new Moirs "King's Choice" Chocolate Bar will please you as greatly os it delights King Snick- snack. Refreshing, satisfying, deli- fc.I I r'Vl .-' Al !!.. 1 I ClOUSl II lUUCilCS U1C Jit14 1- aiAJki Tilings Choice. Crvocoiate 'war IOIT5 3 MOIRS LIMITED HALIFAX