1 Wcdjjejdjy, JflWJt.3i.iaft PAGE SVE?f Mali iri the Moon Ever since I woke this morning I've been wondering what day it was yesterday Ithink it musi ' "have tieen ffogmny fudging by vth ,lar number, who wer$ rflaltlh hf of themselves'! ' , Our Mary had a Uttlo hog, She kept him in thy sty, And then when New Yeur came around She increased bin supply. He drank'nml drank and drank torn, more And thefl fie drank again And swore that he would get uh drank As thoM boose -swilling men. I sometimes take a nip myslfj but I know when I've had en ough. If I dou t know at night I know in the morning. Dan Where are you off to, lies? BertM'tn toiif to See the doctor. I don't Hka the look of my wife. Dan I'll come wi' y I don't like the look o' mine either. Ten Years Ago , In Prince Rupert January 2, 1919 Rdbert Grant, manager of P. Hums Co. Ltd., dropped dead in his room at the Prince Rupert Club yesterday, his remains be-intf discovered by H. F. McLeod with whom ba was to have gone to a dinner party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Stewart The late Mr. Grant was 57 years of afe, a native of Ontario and was in the Kootenay country before corainK here. HHI 60 Chapter. Imperial Order, iMoghtnrn of the Km pi re, held a highly anceessful tea dan-snnt in 8t Andrew's Hall yesterday. Them wus a large atten-aace at the function which continued into th averting. Fred Shaw reported to the executive of the Labor party yes-' terday on recent trip to Van-onnver nod Victoria. The organisation in planning to start a brass baas) here. . Daily News classified advertising brings results. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on out stoek-IIst board daily. We can give tattant er vice in buying and selling Mining Stoekg.on Vancouver Stock fixehaftfev. We also hav facilities for accept! nf Weimt order-" on Winnipeg Stotk Bxchange. Represenllng Miller. Court & Cv Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johns ton Co.LltL 6(7 2nd'A rinue Prince Rupert, BX. RED'S Transfer Fifteen years experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO ' MOVING We eel 8 kinds of Goal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and 'measures are right. So ia our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 20 1. Night Phone: Red 317. CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE FOR RENT POIt RENT r-urnished house- Keeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone lted C07. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' : nhnaographs and sewing machines. Walker Musk Store. FOR RENT Furnished house, close in. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Apply Mussallum Grocery. tf. FOR RKNT Four and Five room, heated suite. "Summit Apartments" now ready. Phone 96, H. (J. Hrlgerson, Ltd., or iiita45, for inforniajjnn, jflg , V $Jl. J. ZumVhr ' lli&l a Phone S Prince Rupert. B. MILK MILK Freah Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY throughout tde City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. ' Coal! Naaafmo-Wellington Screen-ad Lump. Mnnahne-Wellingtan Screened NbL NuMhwe-WelUngten Mine-Run. Beacon Hard-Bootless Lump. Baneon Hard Sootleas Egg. Telkwa .Lnap. Of the above there is ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment We shall be glad to advise you Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 BRINGING UP NOW CAR t 1CPH.EfiE.MT ADVERTISEMENTS PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT FOR SALE FOR SALE Delco automatic non-battery plant. 110 volt, 1V2 KW. direct current. One year old and Jn, first class aljape. Price" $300.00 cash. Ap- piy rort Simpson iiospuai. lit. 307 FOR SALE Seine boat "Hazel L," 44 feet by 12; 2a? h.p. Corliss, engine. Fully equipped arid all in good condition. Apply Wm. Leask, Metlakatla, B.C. 308 ' ' FOR SALlawnilll; WUt, en - Bine and planer in rurinihg order. Price $1,400.00. Would consider good car or power hay press. aa part paymentvoy nsbh Cear!valej( B,C. : Mf .EBrunsfWlak 'Balke EnKlfste WlfiafdSt lab ft.: Eor H,,,j,,i(.4iu:s:x.. Box 480. 4" FOR SALE Lot 50, Block 3, Westview, Atlin Avenue. Snap , $175.00. O. P. Smith, General j Delivery, Vancouver, B.C. 5 i AVANTED MANO tmmr PIANO TONER Work guaranteed. Phone Green 609. 315 WANTED Painting, Calcomin. ing and Paperhanging. Phono Green C99. 315 S)VANSON General Handy Man Side walks, fences .n,t,'J' o55fr i Grading, or any pther contract or otherwise. Phone 101 LOST LOST-nBunch of keysrom elevator. One numbered 1635. Possibly lost In vicinity of post office. Finder please leave dt 1 Daily News office. $1.00 reward. 306 LOST Small black spaniel Setter, white mark on chest! Answers to the name of Jeff, Finder please return1 to ' Prince. Rupert Hotel. ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS We have moved ou 'office and showroom to 319 Third Avenue, where we Have .everything in sheet metal pipe fittings and fur naces. Phone 340. Bot 467 319 Third Avenue FATHER " l THE HFC rf AIRDRESSING New Method PERMANENT WAVE Given by Mrs. Allen of MI LADY BEAUTY SHOPPE Price.SlO.OO. Also F(ngeil'Wiiving, ec Phone 655 ,SAI,VXdE AjSj) TOWING 'if it's on or under the water we do ft." PRINCE- RUPERT SALVAGE & W,NT' COMPANY LIMITED r,'ully Equipped for Diving and rnera! Salvage Work. 'loata and Sertw of all descrpi- tions lor inarter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. .Bargains In Gas. Engines. 1 Apifcrfpnn ,.wa, antyne Knuihes. Northern B. C. Distributors Cool id ge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, 564 P, O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC PIIIROPRACTIC VIBRATORY MASSAGE INFRA-RED-RAY GET WELL I 1 By the use of these approved 1 drugle&i and scientific methods! you .will, find ,that. this office is ! fitted up to give yon the best of lirree.',andt satisfaction in mW"M o?.:?RydLEss h - FOR SALE, FOR these HEAL ING. Consult "DR. Wt C'ASPINALL ; 6 and" 7 Exchange Block Green: 241 -Phones Black: 283 )'4: 'i , k. . Open Evening RESULTS COUlT I CONSTIPATION, in the majority of cases, the cause of that tired, feeling, headaches, nerves, in-' somnia, catarrh, rheumatism and a number of other troubles, U easily Overcome by our new form dietetic and spinal treatment Re-, suits guaranteed in every case, ; except those requiring surgical aid. Consult R. E. EYOLFSON, D.C., Ph. a aeit . Phones; Off ice Blae 85. . Res. Red 589. A Daily News wSnt-id will bring results. T-Essrsr-arr MOMENTS : ' fWCfj IS FULL OF HUMAN COAL ALBERTA HARD SMOKELESS I We keep it under cover, therefore you get value for yoiir money. ALSO LADYSBIITH, WELLINGTON AND TELKWA COAL Sand, Gravel and Cement C. C. KETCHUM & CO LTD, PHONE, 771 i.tm.u iso jrBtn A AU;n Ave. . . . -t Av. & Sth St uth am. at Pulton 3:. . . . 9.10 7.40 dth At. Si Thouipaon St Uth An. Se 8JtMok . lth ire. & HrgWlTetAtS;.. .ii itv. at tnsp vmeoumK Btn AvSwORlra St Sth Av. Qrtti St. (lUptl). Slbf AV. Ii McBHde 8t Prov. n-jvr. HMtlCmt iro. u . wrf O.T.P. Wharf O.T.P StAtlOD ....... -1 2nd Arc. tt 2: tw Ave. & PulPtft. I. ....X 10.18 8.4J1 Srd Avt.-ti 6tb St;1.... kOM 8 Se LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Spi .ialize in Piano ana J furniture Moving. Trappers & Buyers Gentlemen) For twenty years you have been getting good treatment from Goldbloom. AndGbld-i bloom is in. theimarl ketlfor every kindioi For a square deal bring your FURS to Goldbltiom The old reliable house RENT, LOST & FOUND BUSINESS INTEREST TO EMBARRASSING i j 5ff"" ! II i pan vi. m j cir, o. Santa Clans arrives home lat that he hasn't reserved any prese family I YOUNG AND OLD. 1 'T. '. 1 : 1 ii . : J ..a . ' . 1 fl IT . . . 1 . . 1 "JTP - i a - - . ia i a axit- j e Christmas Eve, and recbllects nts for Mrs. Claus and the Passing Show. By George McM anus TVv ' r- -AW V ' ' "' r r Ini lu Jwm. I4. Ctmi Br.l.M rt.tt ramL .SuS j' Si