Wednesday, January 2, 1920 SEAL COVE BUILDER OF BOATS SUCCUMBS 'tovld McAllister, Well Known In City, Paawe Away In Hospital lJaviil McAlllHtet, well known ftmil Cove bout builder, panned the great race among the aggressive nations TO-DAY of the world is for export trade. What is Canada's position in this far-flung competition? Though ranking 28th in population, this New Year Ends Canada: Fifth in total exports Third in absolute trade balance Second in per capita exports First in per capita trade balance For the year ended November last Canada's export trade amounted to 1,349 million dollars. ,: The favourable trade balance at the end of November was 162 million dollars. In six years Canada's export trade has grown from 754 million dollars to 1,349 million dollars a business achievement in which all Canadians can take pride. A recent survey shows 6,500 groups of articles, fully or partially manufactured in this country, while approximately 1,600 Canadian firms or cor porations are active exporters. Canada can look forward with confidence to a still further increase in export trade. Almost daily our Trade Commissioners located in the world's strategic business centres, tell of growing demands for Canadian products. During the past year the Department of Trade and Commerce has made intensive efforts to demonstrate to Canadian manufacturers and producers their opportunities abroad. Many of the Trade Commissioners have been brought home for a few weeks to inter-iew personally Canadian firms with respect to varied export problems. They have shown that to be successful every Canadian entering export trade should: 1. Maintain quality standards. 2. Make the articles required by the importer. away last night In the Prince Kup-1 are in the hands of Huyner Bros . , ert General Hospital, where he had , Undertaken. been a patient for about a wek ' before his death and on previous J AM US HAKIMS DEAD occasion, having been In falling! - health for some time. He was 8SJ TouoNT0 J(Uli 2:jameg years of age and, as far as isi known. Is survived by no relatives j Harris, managing director of In the district. He was born in th Harris Abbattoir CoM died Scotland. Funeral arrangements yesterday aged 61. .THE DAILY NEWS , , CANADA'S ; 1928 ExpdrtmS ales Review Canada Enters 1929 with Hopes Well Qrounded 3. Pack in the manner the importer desires; 4. Deliver promptly. 5. Maintain contract dates. Additions have been made to Trade Commissioners' staffs; Trade enquiries and trade trends from abroad have been given wide publicity in Canada. Canadian products, displayed prominently at numerous exhibitions in Great Britain, have excited unusual interest. Buyers in other countries have been shown what Canada has to sell. Steamship services from Canada to foreign lands, particularly to South America and the Dritish West Indies, have been greatly augmented. THE RESULTS AlFLE BECOMING CONSPICUOUS. ' ? Again the Department of Trade and Commerce wishes to emphasize the importance of export trade to the prosperity of this country: 1. It stabilizes employment. Trade Commissioners Abroad Akobntinb E. L. McColl, Buenos Aires Australia D. H. Ross, Melbourne D. Millin, Commercial Agent, Sydney DitoiuM Jean J. Guay, Brussels Bkazil A. S. Bleakney, Rio de Janeiro Bamsa West Indies. .R. T. Young, Port of Spain, Trinidad Acting Trade Commissioner, Kingston, Jamaica Cuba hmes Cormack, Havana China. L.M.Cosgrave, Shanghai France Hercule Barre, Paris Gkrmany L. D. Wilgress, Hamburg Holland ... .J. C. Maegillivrayi Rotterdam. India and Cetlon .H. R. Poussette, Calcutta Irish Fan State F. W. Fraser, Dublin Italy A. B. Muddiman, Milan Jaan J. A. Langley, Kobe Mmteo t Ci Noel Wilde, Mexico City NrriuR lands, East iMMM.'iv. .R. S. O'Meara, Batavia New Zbaland CM. Croft, Auckland Soirru Ajtuca.. . . . .G.R, Stevens, CapeTown United Kingdom. Harrison Watson, London J. Forsyth Smith, Liverpool Harry A. Scott, Liverpool Douglas S. Cole, Bristol Gordon B. Johnson, Glasgow Uwted STATB.FredencHudd,NevYorkCity Dimltr CtmmmUl Inttlligmct Stnici, C. H. Payne, Ottawa IN NO HUSH 2.. It lowers production costs; 3 It keeps our dollar at par. WHAT A LANGUAGE :7. Canada now has 25 Trade Commissioners' offices abroad. Men trained in the Commercial Intelligence Service have headquarters in these offices. They are acquainted with the requirements of the people in their territory. They will conduct preliminary surveys regarding the marketability of any Canadian product. They will put the Canadian exporter into touch with reliable representatives, or introduce his travellers to reputable trade houses. They constantly help in maintaining business contacts. These Trade Commissioners communicate the latest trade developments in their fields to the Commercial Intelligence Service of this Department. The information they gather is at the disposal of every Canadian exporter or every Canadian interested in export trade. Write to-day to the Commercial Intelligence Service, Ottawa, about your products and your capacity to participate in export trade. A big opportunity may be yours. , "Tfvy Cities Shall with Commerce Shine" inn ijnri i ivmiN i TRADE AND COMMERCE Hon, James Malcolm, Minister F. C. T. O'Hara, Deputy Minister "Henry." said Mrs. Clipping, in tearful tones. Dad I don't believe he wants to huv anv sheen reallv. I be- "Well dear?" Hen- replied my he j t c0me8 after dinner. ry, looking up from his paper. "What is it?" i Mum Why, he always comes "If I were to die tonight, would Jut before dinner, father! you marry again?" j Dad Well, ln't that what I "Not tonight."-Tit-BitB. 'said, mother? Sydney Bulletin. r NATURALLY f t Porler (to woman arriving on the run) No need to hurry, ma'am; the train ain't due for 20 minutes. "I know that, but I can't bear having to hurry at the last minute." Pearson's Weekly. PAGE FIVE LORD LONDONDERRY Who has been appointed First Commissioner of Works for Great Lritain to succeed Lord Peel, the new Secretary of State for India. Lord Londonderry wfll not bo in he British Cabinet. DOCTOR JAMES RESIGNSPOST Resident Mining Engineer to Join Service of Granby Go. Dr. II. T.' James, resident min- ing engineer for the provincial ! government, has resigned his posi-j Uob to become engineer for the (Granby Consolidated Mining, l Smelting & Tower Co. His res ignation is to take effect as soon . his release from the government service can be arranged. Dr. James has held the position if resident raining enginee , with padquutters in Prince Rupert, for about a couple of years. He 'inn been an efficient and popular fficial and it is generally gratifying that hi new duties will keep m the most of the time in this ('strict. DSFENDSROAB Q. G. ISLANDS j Magistrate Mallory Says Good , Work Was Done by Engin- eers and Workmen I That the road connecting Port j Clements and TJell is a very good lone considering the circumstan ces lthpugh no one cUime it is ompleted, is the opinion of A. R. Mallory J. P., of Port Clem-nta. who was here for a visit -nd who said he thought critic-$m apptkrirr in this paper in he form of an interview with a j ocal man was very misleading. Mr. Mallory says people cross -gulr.r'y between Tlell and Port "lera?nts and often the trucks curry a ton or very nearly that much. The settlers are particularly pleased with the work .'one. which, he suggests, reflects great credit on the engineers .-.nd others responsible for il. H s.-.ys H was never bnilt te carry heavy loads Such as the machinery from the barge that was wrecked recently. This machinery couid hot be hauled over this road or over most roads in the country. The road was built to serve the settlers nnd it is already filling that purpose. Pnubtlcss it would be completed nnd improved but th-t would take time. With the money at their disposal he thought very good work had been done. , WHAT IS IT that keeps you always look- j . ing well and smartly dresj-cdT I OUR SERVICE PHONE Gl9 . to have your clothes pressed. Wc call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit ! We have fine Fall .and j Winter Suitings' and' dvtr-i coatings on hand. Come in ; today and let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, stylo, all guaranteed. Best materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 6I9