iv19 grocer, make cake or bis wholesome when made with CREAM Contains No Alum— om ~ ar o PR Ma a3 PPI LS er The Best Test for Baking Powder If you are using some other baking powder be- cause it costs less than Dr. Price’s, get a can of Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder from your cuits with it, and compare them with those made from the cheaper powder. The food will be lighter, of finer flavor and more Dr. PRICE’S BAKING POWDER Made fromm Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Leaves No Bitter Taste THE DAILY FEws. THURSDAY SPECIAL PEACHES for PRESERVING Order Now, Do Not Delay! Per 20-lb. box, $1.75 SUGAR HAS ADVANCED 50c. per hundred pounds, but we will sell:- 18-lb. sack, $2.10; 20-Ib. sack, $2.40 until after Thursday, when the price will go up Phone us at once ULLERS, LTD. Phones 44, 45 and 534 wo Stores. 0. W. MORRISSEY Phone 573 . O. Box 1664. Prince Rupert (jrocery Company stock on hand than money in bank, takes this ‘iving the public high grade value for their cold prices set forth below will be maintaned until lisement is changed, when a further list of good WILFRID KELLY he more | | “TONGUES OF FLAME” AT EMPRESS THEATRE leresa, the queen of the dance- hall, was not a bad girl, but she jiived in those days when women jloves ! openly both in and out of wedlock, One day her lover en- raged her and knifed him. The law enmeshed her and the heriff and his deputy tied her on and started toward the she a horse prison. In passing through the arquinez woods Teresa caught lithe officers off guard. She es- iped, after killing the deputy and wounding the sheriff. Then she low tree. That night when L’Tau mant, an educated half breed, turned to his sylvan found it occupied by Teresa. He turned the hollow tree to her, and pitched his own cam, a few yards away. he exciting part follows at the Empress, tonight. the overt APPEAL TO POWERS BY LOCAL CITIZeE; Continued From Page One.) took refuge in a hol- Dor- re- home he fair therefore, are we going to permit Germany to get control of this trade and enable her io build up a country which in a few years will emerge to challenge the whole world for supremacy? pensated for the financial assist- ance rendered by the Allies to Russia during the early part of the recent war if assistance is not given to restore proper Gov- otherwise? Such obligations will not be recognized by Bolshevism Disgusted With War. I know that the Allies are dis- gusted with war and taxation re- sulting therefrom. In view of this I would suggest that all expenses and the public advised accord- ingly when calling for volunteers Born in Russia and having lived there for a number of years 1 feel that I am in a position t& speak on behalf of the people as a whole; they are always paying their legitimate in- debtedness, and would certainly be pleased to pay the expense o! the expeditionary force crush Bolshevism. Fought With Courage. good follow These prices are absolutely for cash unter, No C.O.D. or charging to account will these prices. Delivery will be made by auto on y succeeding purchase. Malcolm's Best, 1s .60c. 25 ..$1.15 5s ..$2.85 S \AMBOR) PUP Bs abcs elie bE tod A Ws i'ne wae conens 55c. ne (SPC eee ee eeeeneeeeeseseseseoneerses 2 for 35c. 7 > Pork and Beans, tomato sauce ........ 2 for 26c. st WR BORE. ers co bch une i 5 ibs. for 50c. : . P. DOP QURNI sisi ca bb ch kn o's acd ve . 60c ' 4ncy Biscuits, all varieties. RD Te cathe «00 09 04.08 0% 30c. “trawberry, 48 $1.26, Black Currant, 4s, $1.00. Red rrant, $1.00, Raspberry, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and ; . $1 00. ureen rage, 4s, $1.00. ’ - ra per case $4.50, per dozen $2.40, per can, “', «5, per case $3, 75, per doz. , $2, per can 2 for 35c. a cmt oe 6 “eee 40c. 5s . 60c. Dadian rt ee AOE Te Be. ; ne OR, ov iGeeks Be, . 200. Post Tosstiog .. .)) teen? Sieanenseees 4 haman Meal ic-c.f1, saa guMenmntt neste Be ~ Caron, short cut. VaR ae 2 for 25¢ Prince Rupert Grocery Co. Offered by the Robin Hood Flour Mills l td., for the best bread baked with ROBIN HOOD FLOUR to be shown at $17.50 ciNeT ize Prince Rupert Exhibition. PRIZE 2 = $10.00, SECOND PRIZE $5.00, THIRD ‘ _ ach exhibitor must present with entry ’ hase a »P for one 49-lb, sack Robin Hood Flow t “nD thirty days of the opening of the Exhibi- F or Further Information, Apply Secretary, Exhibition Association. In conclusion, you the noble part that the bette: element early part of the recent wat They fought under ex conditions proper military equip dving willingly on the | battlefield so that their |countrymen might | Germany go down to de feat | trust that I bave in humble appeal made the positi clear and that you will use you courageously tremely crude jwithout ments, etc good offices. in consideration of rendering immediate relief to Russia,” people, fellow live to see ! sent to may I recall to of Russia played in the and my n How can we expect to be com-| | ernment which seems impossible | incurred should be paid by Russia,‘ ;nothing to be “CHANCE OF LIFETIME” | Ai THE WESTHOLME |Famous English Racing Play to | Be Shown Here in Picture Tonight. The Chance of a Lifetime,” at the Westholme tonight, is a spec- ial English-made six-reel phote- play, adapted for the screen from Nat. Gould's most successful novel of the same name. This picture will introduee to j the public of the Dominion beau- tiful Queenie Thomas, one of England's foremost screen stars. who is seen to great advantage in the role of Mrs. Edgar. The Chance of a Lifetime” is without doubt the best of all rac ing plays which have appeared « | ithe | screen Written by Nat. Gould, the greatest living writer of racing novels, the story was dramatized and presented in every English stage play where it always drew tremendous crowds, The prepared under sonal city as a has beeu Gould's per screen version Nat. direction, and it leaves All points plot and every ex citing incident vividly por trayed. The great race scene is, in realism, without equal on the screen today. desired. of the dramatic are > STEWART Dr. R. E. Page who is here in connection with the operating of the hospital is expected to remain and conduct the institution. . . . W. A. Noble of Prince Rupert has been established in charge of the customs office on the borde1 at Thirteen Mile, up the Salmon river. . . . Stewart is asking for a bank The matter is being taken up with the Prince Rupert managers by the Citizens’ Association. * . > Efforts are being made to raise money with which to erect a town hall. The Stewart Land Company has promised the site. . 7 . Diamond drilling is going on at the Big Missouri mine. As soon as-the depth of the ore is proved it is expected that Sir Donald Mann will close the deal for the property which he now has under option. ; ALICE ARM Recent arrivals registered at the Alice Arm Hotel: Hon. J. H. King, Victoria; Hon. F. H. Mobley, Prince Rupert; J. E. Myers, Vie- toria; R. L. Brown, Victoria; T. E. Crawford, Stewart; J. D. Mee- nach, Seattle; J. P. Hawkinson Prince Rupert; G. A. Young, An- yox. A new stage crossing has been placed in operation over the Kit- sault river at Alice Arm, replacing the old ferry boat. The work has been completed on the new government float at Silver City. The Dolly Varden mine will send down its first car of ore this week. A new side track has been jconstructed at Alice Arm by the railroad. LAND REGISTRY AC 'l Sections 36 and 134 Re Application No, 11,044-1 File 6,198 & that applicati has been made t register Jim Postulu of Prince Rupert, B. C., a8 owner in fee woder a Tax saie Deed from the Collector of the City f Prince Rupert, bearing date the day f December, 1918, of ALI AND Si,sGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Prince Rupert, more par ticularly known and described as Lot Seven (7),Block twenty-five (25 Section seven Map 923); You are required contest the claim of the tax purchaser within 35 days from the date of the ser vice of this notice (which may be effected by Publication in @ daily neyspaper), and your attention is called to section 36 of the “Land Registry Act” with amendments, and to the following extract therefrom ‘and in default of @ caveat or cer- tifcate of lis pendens being fied be fore the registration as owner of the person entitied under such tax sale, all persons 80 served with notice, and those claiming through wv under them, and all perases claim - ing amy interest in the land by virtue of eny unregistered instrument, and all persons claiming any interest in the land Dy descent whose title is not registered under the provisions of this Act, shall be for ever es- topped and debarred from setting up any claim to or in respect of the land so :old for taxes, and the Regis trar shall register the person en- titied under such tax sale as owner oi the land so sold for taxes.” AND WHEREAS application has been made for a Certificate of Indefeasibie Title to the above-mentioned lands, in the name of Jim Postolu, AND WHEREAS on investigating the Utle it appears that prior to the 10th day f October, 1017 (the date on which the said lanas were sold for overdue taxes), you were the assessed owner thereof FURTHE (| TARE NOTICE that at the ume time | shall effect registration in reuance of such application and issue & Certificate of Indefeasible Tithe to the said ands im the name of Jim Postelu unless you take and prosecute the proper pre ceedings to establish your claim, if any, to the ~ald lands, or to * vent such pro posed setion on my per DATED at the nd Registry Office, prince Rupert, B.C,, this 10th day of august, A. D., 10149, H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles ro Robert J. Abbott, Esq Prince Rupert, B. ¢ and special and personal for you is in its air - tight seaied package. A goody that is : worthy of your _ lasting regard because of its Three flavours i Be SURE to get BZ WRIGLEYS Sealed Tight Z Kept Right SS The Flavour Lasts MADE IN CANADA lasting quality. © to suit all tastes. 4 Woodwind instruments repadded and adjusted. Academy of Music in Connection With the Store. ek HOSTRE 8 FONee Tee SES) KNOW THRAOe Prince Rupert MARK In THE WORLF The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs North of Vancouver The Heintzman & Co. Piano The Weber Piano Thomas Organs All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. E. L. VAUGHAN *** "ise Phone 524 National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Motor Delivery Prince Rupert Music Store Cor. Fulton and Sixth Prompt Attention fs Ormes Limited aK ub z li ” While our stock lasts we will GIVE AWAY FREE—-A BATHING GAP with every purchase of Rexall Preparations value One Dollar or over. Come early and take your choice Phones 82 and sag oe ii tact P.O. Box 1680 : So Prince Rupert Music Store WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor Advertise in “The Daily News”